jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022

beautiful - The Being One, it seems Utopian to me,

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The Being One


Hello Being One…

 I have read the article you have posted and it seems Utopian to me, too high for this world. 

We are in a completely lost reality, with no chance of recovery. 

Deaths, disappearances, corruption, wars, family conflicts, a lot of ambition and distortion 

- this is my thought - 

I think that the Elder Brothers-Ayaplianos have too much confidence in us when they send us the books THE BEING ONE .

.. This planet has no hope ..

. Greetings ... 



Dear Jorge… 



 Hope is what Last to die, we must never give up. 

Throwing in the towel is not our species or our nature. 

We are species-Man, fighters and warriors, that is how we were created, so that nothing and no one can bend us and we will continue to be so until the end of time. 

At what point in your incarnations did you lose the desire to fight? 

When was it that you came to accept that beings and the world made of you what you proclaim today with your pessimism and your lack of will? 

At what point did you stop seeing the LIGHT and LOVE within you? 

How bad has happened in your soul so that you have stopped believing in yourself, and in everything else? 

Why blame this world for your own ignorance, your dreams and nightmares? ... 

How can you tell a caterpillar, and try to convince it, that it will turn into a beautiful butterfly? ... 

Belief is internal and individual. 

The experience is personal and non-transferable. 

My words may be blown away by the wind, but the words of the great beings that have come to us have taught us through Reason, Discernment, Experience, Cause and Effect, and more ... than man it is more than a body and a pleasure of the senses. 

Man is the Son of the Universe, and was created in his Image and Likeness. 

The great teachings will never disappear from our soul. 

Great spirits have incarnated in this reality, only for the purpose of guiding us towards the path of Light ... So, everything they transmitted and taught us is Utopian? ... 

When our belief is based only on superfluous ideologies, which were created by the product of the frustrations and claims of those who live complaining, and, they only see in everything the injustice, the lack of love for the world that surrounds them and not in the inner belief of the experience and the result of Cause and Effect, then, we can say that it is not a spiritually traced path, but rather a materially devised path. 

When we base our beliefs on materialistic ideologies, then, the claims will lead us to war, and the inhumanity of the power of one over the other, using the force of the NOT reasonable. 

The Human-Being will only save himself, believing, and activating the superior that exists within him, because that force will be the LIGHT and LOVE that will guide him out of his internal and planetary hell. 

As long as we live without positive and Elevated Internal Belief, without Light and without Love, because of our blindness, we will never be able to glimpse a conscious reality and even less, spread our wings to fly towards our infinite, eternal cosmic transformation ...

 The Path of the Being. 

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previous: blood 

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siguiente: beneficio 

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jueves, 24 de marzo de 2022

reread, El Ser Uno - What really is blood?

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Blood group energy. 

The Being One

What really is blood? 


Red liquid that circulates through the arteries and veins of people and animals. 

For the Ayapliano-man spread throughout the universe, blood would mean: white liquid energy that circulates through systems, cleaning them of impurities and recycling them for life. 

Through the blood (energetic fluid-white tinged with red) you can detect many anomalies and diseases. 

What they have not yet discovered is that they can also detect in the blood: Feelings and Emotions. 

Later they will discover that negative-sick and positive emotions are recorded in the blood. 

As this energy-fluid runs through all systems, it carries with it healthy or diseased energies. 

On that journey he leaves traces that can be wonderful or deplorable. 

If they are positive, it will carry with it: joy, love, fullness, peace, harmony, etc. 

If they are negative-sick, it will carry with it: oxidation and energetic mold, which blocks the ducts through which it passes causing diseases, old age, disintegration and finally material and psychic decomposition. 

The same happens when the blood carries with it the positive and high energies. 

In this journey and where it passes, it recycles, rejuvenates, encourages and revitalizes material and psychic energy.

 Feelings and emotions in the blood. 

When the blood is dark-red, many red blood cells and its consistency is denser, we can describe a person who is angry, frustrated, unhappy, irritable, indignant, disappointed, etc. 

If it is red-hot and the blood presents a stable and balanced picture between red, white and platelet cells and its consistency is liquid, we can describe a calm, patient, happy, constant, active, hard-working person, etc. 

If the blood is unbalanced and has more white than red blood cells and is too liquid, a slightly dark red, you are phlegmatic, indifferent, inactive, repressed, self-conscious, insecure, etc. 

If the person has very clear red blood, liquid, balanced between the amount of red and white blood cells, with too many platelets and a lot of oxygen, he is a creative, great, positive, outstanding, lively, cheerful, original and elevated person. As the man-planet-Tera feeds on elevated thought-energies and these begin to be part of his Energy-Matter and Psychic, the red blood will clear up, passing several levels until it reaches its sixth degree of evolution. and elevation. In this course the color of his blood will have transformed into a very light red almost orange. When he reaches this color in his Energy-Matter and Psychic, his Energetic Being will be ready to enter the inner city and lodge himself in the body of an Ayapliano-Interan, which has its energetic fluid of yellow-light color, the two colors They attract each other and when they merge they will form the color of the Astro Sun. It is here that the Energetic Being is ready to incarnate materially and psychically in an Ayaplian-Internal body. Since he will still have to pass the remaining 3 grades, which are 7th, 8th and 9th grade, he will continue to grade the color from yellow, light-yellow and to bright-white. This is the color that he needs to incarnate in the body of an Ayapliano-Volunteer, only then will he be able to return to his point of origin. Text: THE ONE BEING II - Planet 3.3.3 - The Guardians of Tera. www.elseruno.com http://conversandoconelseruno.blogspot.com * * *

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previous: anterior: fire, fuego 

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next: Utopian 

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jueves, 10 de marzo de 2022

OPEN LETTER TO THE BEING ONE… important universal events

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Hello Being One… Today we have a lot of confusion in Spiritual Awakening. 

The Internet pages are full of people who claim to have the "truth" on matters that concern the soul. 

Some, attacking others, those, speaking ill of others, with evil and without any ethical basis, pages that offer everything and sell everything, it is very clear that they are spiritual businessmen, All saying that they have the truth in their hands ... sad to see all that ... A hug, Eduardo. 


Dear Eduardo… 

We live in these moments, important universal events. 

We are in a special time. 

We have been incarnated in this material reality, because, through this incarnation, we will have the joy of perceiving, and experiencing, many symbolic and cosmic manifestations.

 Our souls prepare for the "Awakening of Consciousness", and with it, we can expand to higher realities of existence.

 Many beings are NOT understanding this great event, since they see it as a material manifestation, they are not understanding that the Universe-Antimatter of LIGHT and LOVE, is not expressed with the smallness of our mind, nor with the primary form of our limited thoughts. 

. People who negotiate spiritual knowledge for their own benefit, or, those who reject, criticize, write articles adverse to the "Awakening of Consciousness", are not understanding the functioning and the global and spiritual context of the Universal Mind. 

These beings who do not understand spiritual and cosmic events, it is because their minds are still revolving around Planetary and Scientific Knowledge, which are part of planet Earth. 

They are beings that need Phenomenology, Sightings, UFO Manifestations and Extrasensory Experiences in order to believe or have verifications that confirm their faith ... To understand what the Elder Brothers-Ayaplianos want to transmit to us, the soul of the Human-Being, must enter and be part of the degrees and Spiritual planes of Knowledge, Understanding and Universal Love. 

And above all, you cannot be in command of his personal and egocentric EGO. 

The being that "Awakens Consciousness" possesses within itself another type of appreciation of life, this is deeper, perceptible and acute, since the soul will not only capture its life with the five external senses, but also the perception of itself, himself, and his surroundings, he will do so with the seven more senses, which belong to the soul. 

There are many people who only read the first book of EL SER UNO, they do not know what it is about, and, despite this, they make negative and incomprehensible comments, which do not conform to the knowledge and understanding of these books. 

There are those who wonder: How will we know that all this is true? .

.. the Elder Brothers-Ayaplianos explain it to us in a thousand ways so that we can understand it. 

You, open your minds, and try to understand it from other angles, and from different perspectives. 

We can only understand a Spiritual Knowledge, when our Soul has Awakened the 7 Internal Senses, that our Consciousness works with the Brain and Spiritual Intelligence, and, that we have Conceived our Baby-Spirit inside our heart and soul. 

Let us remember, brothers, that we are WARRIORS, and that the force is with us, nothing will defeat us. 

We are ancient, fighting and invincible souls. 

We are in the final stretch, let's not give up, we are already there. 

In the journey of life, we have always had with us, three tools that have helped us: 






 … Way of Being / We invite you to visit our YouTube Channel - THE BEING ONE where you will find a lot of information for: THE AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS… If you want to read the FREE books - THE BEING ONE in 4 languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian, you can find them on our website: www.elserunobooks.com 

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previous: fuego 

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next: blood 

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jueves, 3 de marzo de 2022

A+ reLEER ~ CARTA ABIERTA A EL SER UNO - elemento Fuego

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November 22


Si pensamos en el problema ambiental ya somos parte de la solución en el momento que activamos el deseo creador, 
¿Esta sería la forma de hacer alquimia desde nuestro hogar?...

Sí, así sería. 
Todo cambio comienza primero en nosotros, para luego volcarlo hacia el exterior. 
La alquimia comienza 
en la mente de cada ser, de esta forma alimentamos correctamente el cerebro planeta llamado: Tierra. 

 ¿Cómo usar la alquimia para llevar mejor un trabajo donde tu jefa usa la mentira, fomenta el mal rollo entre sus empleados y hace difícil trabajar en armonía? 
¿Qué actitud es la mejor para con ella? Gracias…

En este caso, la Alquimia Mental es más para usted que para su jefa. 
La rabia e impotencia (Elemento: Fuego-Negativo) hacia esa persona, es un indicio de algo que usted debe trabajar y transmutar, debido a que esa persona despierta al elemento Fuego que vive dentro suyo, y al hacerlo, ella se convierte en un espejo donde le está indicando lo que usted debe aún trabajar en su alma. 
Cumpla con su trabajo lo mejor que pueda, y, envuelva con 7 aros de Elemento Agua, para que así ella se pueda calmar, tranquilizar, y, ser una persona más amable. ¿Usted se ha preguntado de dónde se origina el mal carácter de su jefa?... 
Tal vez el impulso que ella tiene sea la Sobrevivencia. 
Cuantos problemas íntimos se esconden detrás de la Mala Voluntad, de la rabia y el dolor... quién sabe, si usted lo descubre tal vez podría transformar su Elemento Fuego con el Elemento Aire llamado: Compasión.

¿Quisiera saber si al detectar a estos falsos guías espirituales, y, ver con tristeza como se llevan las almas fácilmente confundidas a un atraso en lugar del despertar, podemos tomar acción a distancia enviando luz de alguna manera especial aprobada por los hermanos, o, no podemos intervenir? 
Tengo dos casos importantes, dos seres del Elemento Tierra deformando terriblemente el conocimiento verdadero, perdiendo almas. ¿Puedo accionar algo en sus centros de energía para ayudarlos a despertar? 
El caos se incrementa gracias a ellos. ¿Podemos ayudar en algo? 
Gracias por la respuesta. Bendiciones…

Primeramente usted debe respetar toda acción, obra y pensamiento, y, ser un observador objetivo. 
Usted puede enviar mucha LUZ a esos dos seres, y, a todos aquellos que lo siguen, para que encuentren el camino correcto. 
Quienes pondrán orden son los mismos seguidores, porque, hay un refrán que dice: “No hay mal que dure cien años” 
significa, que llegará un momento, en que ellos comenzarán a despertar, y, a darse cuenta de las mentiras en que estuvieron envueltos. 
Es aquí que la farsa y engaño se descubrirán, y, cuando eso suceda, las almas que despertaron, se retirarán por propia voluntad, y entendimiento. 
Aprender, en la Vida, significa: Transmutar el Sufrimiento en Experiencia.

En los libros se comenta que el descubrimiento de la Atlántida para el 2014, y que, los gobiernos, lo tratarían de ocultar, pero, que saldría a la luz, 
¿Tenemos alguna noticia sobre ello?...

En los libros los Hermanos Mayores-Ayaplianos nos dicen lo siguiente: 
“A partir del 2014, Atlántida será descubierta, pero, los gobiernos les ocultarán esta verdad”… 
Es posible que usted no haya leído esta reciente noticia: 
Usted puede buscar esta reciente noticia, y, como siempre, estará oculto, y vedado, para todos nosotros.

¿Qué práctica o meditación sugiere para mantener los aspectos negativos del Elemento Fuego y el Elemento Tierra bajo control? 
¿Cómo comenzar a manifestar el éter y el helio en nosotros?…

EL SER UNO no le va a dar Técnicas, Métodos, Prácticas ni Meditaciones, para mantener bajo control los elementos que usted menciona. 
EL SER UNO es un Conocimiento, y al tenerlo, el ser lo aplicará en sí mismo como él lo crea conveniente. 
EL SER UNO es un Conocimiento Filosófico, Psicológico y Espiritual… 
Cómo usted controle sus elementos-negativos, y, la forma cómo haga el Camino de Regreso, dependerá se usted, y, solo, de usted.

El Camino de el Ser.

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