miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2023

ORiGeN ~ El Origen de las religiones.

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El Ser UNO ~
El Origen de las religiones.

La historia que les ha sido comunicada por el cristianismo es una mezcla de varias religiones, todas tienen versiones muy parecidas. El cristianismo adoptó parte de la creencia Romana, de Egipto, del Hinduismo, de Zoroastro, del Mitraismo etc. y crearon una nueva fe, así pudieron conservar y atraer muchos adeptos a su causa. Inventaron un mártir y de ahí partieron para fundar una de las religiones que hasta hoy en día prevalece.

Si ustedes indagan profundamente en la historia de las religiones, verán la similitud que algunas religiones tienen entre sí. 
Es necesario que uds despierten y comiencen a ver la realidad y verdad de todo lo que los rodea. 
Es necesario también que estudien la Historia, la Geografía, la Ciencia, la Tecnología, etc., y se van a sorprender, porque mucho de lo que está escrito en los grandes libros no son más que historias que pueden ser verdaderas, como también inventadas por aquellos que los han mantenido ciegos e ignorantes. 
Después de estudiar y descubrir las verdades ocultas, entonces ustedes tendrán el libre albedrío para escoger y sacar sus propias conclusiones.

El Cristianismo y otras religiones son derivadas del Mitraísmo, religión que profesaban los romanos. 
Los fariseos adaptaron el Cristianismo, lo unieron al Mitraísmo, y con ello juntaron dos creencias y dos historias.
 Duplicaron sus adeptos haciendo una continuación de sus propias creencias, las cuales están comprendidas en el Viejo Testamento. 
Lo que ustedes obtendrán por propio trabajo y merecimiento es atraer del Universo, y de otros planetas, a las energías -pensamientos elevadas, las cuales reinarán en sus mentes no como una religión, sino como una Creencia Universal de Conocimiento, Entendimiento y Amor. 
Las escrituras y libros sagrados en la mayoría de las religiones, están escritos conforme la época y costumbres de cada pueblo. 
Ustedes tienen que interpretarlos, adaptarlos al tiempo moderno, compararlos a la Geografía e Historia, y solo así los podrán asimilar con verdadero entendimiento.

Texto: EL SER UNO III – Los Seramitas – El Camino de Regreso.

ANTERIOR El Ser UNO - Luminiscencia Fotónica.

SIGUIENTE El Ser UNO - Viajes en el tiempo.

next: NUEVO AÑO 
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Being ONE ~ The Origin of Religions.

The history that has been communicated to you by Christianity is a mixture of several religions, they all have very similar versions. Christianity adopted part of the Roman belief, Egypt, Hinduism, Zoroaster, Mithraism, etc. and they created a new faith, thus they were able to preserve and attract many followers to their cause. They invented a martyr and from there they set out to found one of the religions that prevails to this day.

If you dig deep into the history of religions, you will see the similarities that some religions have with each other.
You must wake up and begin to see the reality and truth of everything that surrounds you.
It is also necessary that you study History, Geography, Science, Technology, etc., and you will be surprised because much of what is written in the great books are nothing more than stories that can be true, as well as invented. for those who have kept them blind and ignorant.
After studying and discovering the hidden truths, you will then have the free will to choose and draw your conclusions.

Christianity and other religions are derived from Mithraism, a religion that the Romans professed.
The Pharisees adapted Christianity, united it with Mithraism, and with this they brought together two beliefs and two stories.
  They doubled their followers by continuing their own beliefs, which are included in the Old Testament.
What you will obtain through your work and merit is to attract from the Universe, and from other planets, the energies - elevated thoughts, which will reign in your minds not as a religion, but as a Universal Belief of Knowledge, Understanding, and Love.
The scriptures and sacred books in most religions are written according to the time and customs of each people.
You have to interpret them, adapt them to modern times, and compare them to Geography and History, and only then will you be able to assimilate them with true understanding.

Text: BEING ONE III – The Seramites – The Way Back.

PREVIOUS Being ONE - Photonic Luminescence.

NEXT Being ONE - Time travel.

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miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2023

Sharing.:::.EARTH ANGELS

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Earth Angels
Posted: 14 Sep 2015 05:47 AM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s September 11, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com 1/ brenda-hoffman:

At the beginning of 2015, you started rolling down your hill to your joy. You’ve completed that stage. Now you’re creating your security blanket dream. And you’ll create a great deal more once your outer-security pieces are created.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com “Initiating Your Heaven on Earth”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

The energies bursting upon earth throughout your month of September are to assist you in creating the dream that provides security within your new being. Maybe a relationship, a new home or income stream. It does not matter. Nor is one security blanket dream better than another. It is merely that which your inner-being has focused on for some time that displays to you that you are a new creative being in a new world.

Perhaps you wonder if you are making this transition up so you can create chaos within your being – so you feel the excitement of something new and unproven – so you have something to dream about other than your mundane 3D earth life. Of course, such is not true.

Yet, even though you are a new being in a new world, your outer world indicators do not clearly portray such to you. So you often wonder about your sanity, your beliefs and yes, your physical, emotional and spiritual being. Is this transition similar to your 3D religions of waiting to receive your rewards in heaven IF you have been a good girl or boy?

It is time to create something in your outer world that confirms to you that you are a new being in a new world. And as you do so, that something new will be discussed among your friends and family as they wonder how you achieved the seemingly impossible with little effort.

Some of you will believe such wonderments are merely luck. But as more and more of you create your security blanket dream, others will take note and follow your – for now – seemingly odd concepts as they too start shifting to joy.

No longer can you postpone your creations, your outer joy for time is marching by.

You have long learned that time is irrelevant in New Earth, to new you. Such is true to a certain extent. But you are ready – more than ready – to be rewarded for your diligent efforts, your scout master skills that provided few rewards and much pain. At the same time, your lack of outer rewards does not spark the interest of those following or trying to follow you to New Earth.

Earth has evolved and so more and more are feeling uncomfortable in their 3D beings. But those following do not have the direction, the map you have held within your being for eons.
If you wish to label yourselves angels of earth, so be it.

Those fully enmeshed in the earth plane without the strong inner messages you carried throughout your eons on earth, cannot hear that siren song of joy within your being. You are their siren song of joy. So it is that it is time for you to prove to yourself and others that you indeed are earth angels and that all beings of earth are gods and goddesses.

Religious teachings have always captured the hearts and minds of some. But this is not the time for some to shift beyond 3D. This is the time for all to shift beyond 3D or to exit earth and provide support from the ethers. For this is what you label, “crunch time.”

Enough have awakened to display the physical possibilities so others will do the same.
But others will no more believe you than they believed a specific religious dogma if you cannot produce your security blanket creation. So it is that the energies falling upon earth now and for the next few weeks are to provide you with the support and security to dare create outside your box of 3D possibilities.

What is your dream this very moment? What is larger than all other dreams? Even though most of you have more than one dream, there is one that continues to force possibilities upon you, one that feels so right. This dream is not small – like a new pencil or parking space. It is something that should not be possible. Something you can observe in amazement and then giggle and laugh as it becomes yours.

This is the time you have been waiting for throughout this transition. Most likely, this security blanket dream is something you envisioned even before you transitioned – it is within your 3D concepts and vocabulary.

After you have created this piece, you will move to more abstract creations. Not because you can not do so now, but because you need your long dreamed of security blanket creation to prove to yourself and others that this transition is valid and real.

Do you suppose others would stream to their new beings if you relayed with great joy that you had traveled to other planets or times? Such concepts before those of 3D have seen more obvious creations would indeed be putting the transition “cart before the horse.”

You have always known this transition would happen for you have been part of all major earth transitions in various forms.

Your role now is to create your security blanket so others will know without a doubt that something is happening that they can be part of.

For the first time, you are displaying your earth angel capabilities en masse. Not one or two entities per eon as you have for eons.

So it is New Earth and new you have arrived to entice others to this fold of joy. And so you will create your security blanket piece by the end of 2015 or before. So be it. Amen.

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Posted 15th September by ATMAN

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miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2023


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  El Ser Uno



To be one


 – Sister Interana began –

 you order, accommodate, take out useless things, and throw them in the trash. 

When you are preparing food in the kitchen, you throw the unusable stuff in the trash can. 

When you are in the office, accumulating files or papers, you begin to get rid of the old and useless... 



Emotional garbage accumulates, and accumulates, and, if you don't know how to eliminate it in time, it will make you sick both physically and mentally. 

A day will come when the brain will have no space, it will be so full of useless things, that there will be no room for positive and useful thought-energies. 

Has it happened to you that you are unmotivated, where you experience the horrible feeling of not fighting, because of fatigue and the desire to move forward, you lack strength and determination?... 

If so

 – said brother Interano – 

it is, because the brain is stressed, and full of toxic emotions, that is, its limit has been exceeded. 

This happens when the soul cannot get rid of negative-sick emotions such as: anger, resentments, sadness, frustration, stress, anger, revenge, envy, heartbreak, etc. 

It accumulates so much that THE HARD DISK OF THE SOUL no longer has the capacity to keep storing things.

 FIRST… The goals must be adjusted, and put ORDER in them. 

The objectives must always be projected in stages, and in the short term, which when added together become a large project.

 SECOND… Maintain a high and positive astral, because if you always think and use thought-energies negatively, then the projects will be negative and poorly planned. 

Get in the habit of writing positivity journal Each day, write down at least three good things that have happened to you, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. 

Positivity will make the energy flow, turn, and go forward, it will also make happiness, and gratitude, project in the soul of the being. 

THIRD… You must know what EMOTIONAL GARBAGE is... 


NO, RIGHT?... 

The educational system does not teach you to project yourself positively towards certain thoughts, it only teaches you how to produce more money, and exercise workplaces that allow you to obtain maximum work performance. 

The soul cannot remain static, and inert, in the face of EMOTIONAL GARBAGE... 

You must begin to clean, and once and for all, remove the waste. 

Material Life traps the soul above all in external situations 

– Brother Elohim continued - 

for example: 


These situations tend to complicate the life of the soul. 

For you to become aware of the greatest enemy you have, it is not outside, but within you, and it is those negative-sick emotions that do not allow you to reach INNER FREEDOM.

 Only this freedom will make you free from slavery to other souls, and to other systems. 

It's very important MONITOR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS, detect them and identify the situations that generate negativity within the soul, because being in a waking state will make it possible for you to solve and resolve the impasses of life. 

You must free yourself from the burdens of emotional conflicts that you carry from the past. 

You have to let go of the negative-sick emotions, the faults of the past, only then, you will be able to live fully. 

It is positive when the soul leaves this reality, and leaves lightly, without burdens, nor is it carrying pending energies with anyone. 

This way of disincarnating is LIBERATING, because the problems stored and locked up are enormous burdens that make it difficult for the soul to achieve inner peace. 

If you feed the material and psychic body in a balanced  way, you will help raise the qualities that are in positive thoughts, and at the same time, you are supporting the WAKE STATE, to throw away, and eliminate, the emotional garbage that there is, and who wants to appear”.


– On-Line Talk that was broadcast by Mrs. Franca Canonico on May 25, 2019…


If you want to read the free books 


in 4 languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian, or you would like to read the READING TALKS, you can find them on our website. 

If you want to see our editions go to our CHANNEL-YOUTUBE 


or to our website: 


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anterior: consciencia 

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miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2023


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"Sé que solo hay un Dios Vivo, Verdadero e Infinito, Creador, Generador y Cuidador de todas las cosas visibles e invisibles, cuya Esencia está extendida por todo el Universo, y cuya Mente y Conciencia constituyen el Alma del Hombre".
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  El Ser Uno


1.-Evitar en esta relajación movimientos bruscos e innecesarios del cuerpo material. 
No hacer esfuerzos, al contrario, mantenerse en estado de consciencia consciente. 
2.-En este estado de Consciencia Consciente, empezarán a  analizar y observar sus pensamientos. 
Desglosarlos uno a uno y colocarlos en orden de consciencia dijo el hermano Interano ¿Qué significa?  
Conforme se presenten, ustedes sabrán la prioridad de cada uno de ellos. 
La Consciencia Consciente los hará aflorar en orden de trabajo y es así como los deben uds entender y trabajar. 
3.-Esta forma de analizar los pensamientos, es la manera ideal de hacerlo, ya que no tendrán interferencias de pensamientos externos. 
Esta observación se llama: PERCEPCIÓN INMEDIATA 
 dijo el hermano Interano  
porque los pensamientos no se atrapan en análisis y conjeturas, sino, están libres, y es ahí cuando la mente los puede analizar y entender. 
La naturaleza humana es simple, pero la distorsión-emocional es lo que la hace complicada y enredada. 
4.-Mantenerse en estado de Percepción Inmediata, es apartarse de la vida externa y hacer un viaje en el interior. 
Es así como se debería hacer una verdadera Reflexión.
 Sabemos que no es cuestión de sentarse en posiciones aprendidas, sino es la Reflexión constante e inmediata del alma. 
Al principio se hacen como ejercicios, pero llega un momento en que el alma no necesita de instrucciones  
continuó la hermana Interana  
ya que al hacerlo constantemente, con solo desearlo ya lo logra hacer.  
5.-Diariamente, el alma, sin necesidad de ejercicios debe hacer una recapitulación del día a día. 
De esta manera el pensamiento se acostumbra y se ejercita para hacer una Auto-Observación, y con el tiempo los mínimos detalles fluirán sin necesidad de pedirlo o pensarlo. 
6.-El pensamiento se enseña así mismo a ESCUCHAR... él se escucha y se oye en lo más profundo de su intimidad  
terminó diciendo la hermana Interana  
Es el YO INTERNO que se escucha con la Voz del Silencio

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1.-Avoid sudden and unnecessary movements of the material body during this relaxation.
Do not make efforts, on the contrary, stay in a state of conscious awareness.
2.-In this state of Conscious Consciousness, you will begin to analyze and observe your thoughts.
Break them down one by one and place them in order of consciousness –said Brother Interano. What does it mean? –
As they present themselves, you will know the priority of each of them.
Conscious Consciousness will bring them out in working order and this is how you must understand and work on them.
3 This way of analyzing thoughts is the ideal way to do it since they will not have interference from external thoughts.
This observation is called: IMMEDIATE PERCEPTION
  –said Brother Interano –
because thoughts are not trapped in analysis and conjectures but are free, and that is when the mind can analyze and understand them.
Human nature is simple, but emotional distortion makes it complicated and tangled.
4.-To stay in a state of Immediate Perception is to separate yourself from external life and take a journey within.
This is how a true Reflection should be done. We know that it is not a matter of sitting in learned positions, but rather it is the constant and immediate Reflection of the soul.
At first, they are done as exercises, but there comes a time when the soul does not need instructions.
–Sister Interana continued –
since by doing it constantly, just by wanting it, you can do it.
5.-Daily the soul, without the need for exercises, must recapitulate the day-to-day.
In this way, the thought becomes accustomed and exercised to make a Self-Observation and over time the smallest details will flow without the need to ask or think about it.
6.-Thought teaches itself to LISTEN... it listens to itself and hears itself in the depths of its intimacy
–Sister Interana finished saying –
It is the INNER SELF that is heard with the Voice of Silence.

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miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2023


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Dear Ones, 

It is I, Gaia, returning to assist you in opening your Third Eye. I am joyous to know that you are open to transmissions from my consciousness. I remind you again that I welcome communications with ALL of the people of my body, planet Earth.

As we move into the higher dimensions TOGETHER, everyone shall comprehend and embrace the planet that WE ARE! I am grateful for your service in assisting me in clearing and healing OUR planet.

I realize that in these times of extreme polarity, which naturally occurs before union into Oneness, the “Forces of Destruction” may appear to be stronger than the “Forces of Construction.”

I ask you to remember your other incarnations during times of great transition so that you can recollect that the dark appears stronger because fear is stronger. Humanity’s greatest fear has always been of the “UNKNOWN,” which we are entering more and more each day.

It is because of this amplification of the UNKNOWN that it is important to have your Third Eye opened. When your Third Eye is closed, you perceive your reality only through your human eyes.

On the other hand, when your Third Eye is open, you perceive your reality through the Eyes of Soul. Hence, you will have less fear of the UNKNOWN, as you will KNOW much more. Most of all, you will KNOW that you are ONE with all life.

Now, please allow me to now guide you in opening your Third Eye. The following Theta Wave Meditation. You may wish to read this message a few times, so that you will have time to master and integrate the meditation. Please repeat as many times as you feel the need.

Opening your Third Eye marks the beginning of a much larger process, which commences with the downloading of Higher Dimensional Light into your physical earth vessel. Once this Light is downloaded, your chakra system will need to be re-calibrated to accept and integrate this higher frequency Light into your earth vessel.

Eventually, the integrated Higher Light will raise the resonant frequency chakra by chakra, starting at your first chakra and working up towards your opening your Third Eye. In fact, some of you may have already completed this process all the way up to opening of the Third Eye.


Theta Brainwaves (4-7 cps) occur in sleep and are dominant in our highest state of meditation. Normally, you will only experience theta waves as you drift off to sleep, during some dreaming, and as you return from the depths of Delta sleep.

The pictures you perceive as you drift off and awaken arise from theta consciousness are messages from the higher frequencies. During Theta Wave meditations, you are in a waking dream where vivid imagery flashes before your inner vision. In this state, you are extremely receptive to this information that is being sent from the higher dimensions.

The Theta Wave "Shamanic State of Consciousness" allows you to journey into the higher planes. The steady-rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one-half times per second (Theta Brainwaves are 4-7 cps) is the key to transporting a Shaman into the deepest part of Shamanic trance.

The constant and rhythmic-drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants that transport the monks and other listeners into realms of blissful meditation also follow this rhythm. Through Theta Wave meditation, you can open your Third Eye and access the Delta Waves that unite us all with Universal Energy and Galactic Consciousness.

You can then also access your newly discovered extremely high and low brainwaves of Gamma, Hyper Gamma, Lambda, and Epsilon. Theta waves have also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory.

Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition as well as other extrasensory perception skills. Theta consciousness allows you to connect with your creative inspirations, spiritual guidance and peak experiences.

Theta consciousness opens the portal into the “no-time” of the fourth/fifth dimension and beyond. Hence, while in theta consciousness you can receive, and even understand, stimuli from the higher dimensions while also being aware of the physical world.

This reception of multidimensional stimuli is natural for Theta consciousness, but it is impossible for your everyday, Beta Brainwaves and difficult for your Alpha Brainwave thinking.

You can learn to pass the multidimensional information received while you are in Theta Meditation on to your Alpha Wave consciousness so that you can translate the information into the 3D, sequential time/space.

If you draw a picture, write it down, sing, dance, or move to that stimuli, you can then train your mind to “decipher” the messages.

Before you begin this meditation, allow an image that fills you with love and
place it on the inside of your Third Eye--which is in the center of your forehead.


Breathe in and out through your nose.
• With your in-breath, sniff-up like you would smell a flower, but extend the inhale.

• Exhale through your nose while you feel your breath move across the roof of your mouth.

• Concentrate on that sound as you exhale.

• Now, imagine that your exhale is going out through the image
in the center of your Third Eye.

• Next, imagine that you are inhaling through your Heart Chakra and exhaling through your Third Eye until you feel completely grounded.

• When you are ready, begin to imagine that you are inhaling through your Crown Chakra and exhaling through your Third Eye.

Focus ONLY on the sound of your inhale and exhale, as well as any inner visions.

• Passively observe your thoughts as they pass across your mind, Then RELEASE them with your next exhale.

• Calmly allow ALL emotions to come into your awareness, Then RELEASE them with your next exhale.

• Focus only on the sound of your breath and your inner visions.

• ALLOW your inner vision to gradually evolve and/or alter.

• If you are having extraneous thoughts, place them in the background, while you place your Inner Vision.

• Repeat this exercise for five or ten minutes.

Congratulations! Whatever your experience was, give yourself credit for taking the “time” for your SELF. It is the constant dedication to awakening your SELF that is important. Different people have different forms of meditation, according to their personality. Some may need to have a more active meditation, such as running, dancing or playing an instrument.

However, most of these activities can’t be done with your eyes closed; and you need to close your eyes and shut out the outer stimuli to reach theta wave. Therefore, you can try exercising, doing yoga, singing, playing an instrument, etc., before you sit down for a short mediation. This will allow your body a chance to “work out” its tension and more easily “hold still.”

The most important thing is that you chose to participate in the process of awakening to your true, multidimensional SELF. I, Gaia, appreciate your effort and KNOW that you shall find that for which you seek.

Remember, my ones, it is in the journey that you find fulfillment. Release your third dimensional programming of “trying for a goal.” You are all perfect in this moment. You needn’t TRY.

Instead, people of my body, REMEMBER who you already ARE!

Thank You,




Posted 21st August by ATMAN

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