miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024


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"Sé que solo hay un Dios Vivo, Verdadero e Infinito, Creador, Generador y Cuidador de todas las cosas visibles e invisibles, cuya Esencia está extendida por todo el Universo, y cuya Mente y Conciencia constituyen el Alma del Hombre".
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  El Ser Uno



 1.-Transmutar los pensamientos negativos en positivos, rechazando aquellos que les haría pensar con emociones densas y bajas  
dijo el hermano Interano - 
Los pensamientos alimentan el cerebro, y si lo llenan de negatividad, no tendría espacio para los pensamientos elevados y trascendentales. 
Hay que aprender a reconocerlos y colocarlos en su debido lugar. 
 No deben uds dejar que la Mente-Emocional tome cuenta del pensar. 
2.-Concentración, análisis, discernimiento, sentido común son las cualidades en el pensar 
 continuó el hermano Interano  
De esta forma la Consciencia Consciente estará siempre en estado de vigilia y no fallará en sus observaciones claras y sin emociones que la puedan confundir. 
3.-El YO INTERIOR responderá, no deben insistir ni exigir a la consciencia
 dijo el hermano Interano - 
No se deben buscar las respuestas, ya que ellas vendrán de la Consciencia y no de la Mente Racional.  
4.-Usar la voluntad, el discernimiento, el auto-análisis no es difícil llegar por sí solos al Subconsciente 
 dijo la hermana Interana  
Lo ideal es que la energía fluya, sin aferrarse a técnicas o métodos que lo único que hacen muchas veces, es atrasar la fluidez de la energía que debe salir por si sola del Inconsciente y Subconsciente. 
El alma encarnada tiene la sabiduría impresa, solo debe ordenar a su mente subconsciente, sacar a través de imágenes oníricas o imágenes que se producen como flashes. 
 El Subconsciente es estado de consciencia dormida en el sueño del ensueño, y son ustedes los que deben despertarlo. 
5.-Conforme lo van despertando  
continuó el hermano Interano  
lo van desprogramando. 
La Conciencia Planetaria se va difuminando y el alma adquiere la verdadera visión interna de sus 7 sentidos. 
Significa vivir de acuerdo al mundo interior y no a las falsas enseñanzas educativas, propagandas insidiosas,


 programas de TV, etc. 

 Cuando el Despertar es auténtico, el alma empezará a vivir de acuerdo a las leyes divinas del Consciente

 6.-El Ser comenzará a usar su creatividad y con ello desbloqueará cualquier energía densa y oscura que quiera poseerlo. 


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  1.-Transmute negative thoughts into positive ones, rejecting those that would make you think with dense and low emotions
–said Brother Interano -
Thoughts feed the brain, and if they fill it with negativity, it would have no room for high and transcendental thoughts.
You have to learn to recognize them and put them in their proper place.
  You must not let the emotional mind take account of thinking.
2.-Concentration, analysis, discernment, and common sense are the qualities in thinking
  –Brother Interano continued –
In this way, the Conscious Consciousness will always be in a state of wakefulness and will not fail in its clear observations and without emotions that could confuse it.
3.-The INNER SELF will respond, you should not insist or demand from consciousness
  –said Brother Interano -
The answers should not be sought, since they will come from Consciousness and not from the Rational Mind.
4 Using the will, discernment, and self-analysis, it is not difficult to reach the Subconscious on your own.
  –said Sister Interana –
The ideal is for the energy to flow, without clinging to techniques or methods that the only thing they often do is delay the fluidity of the energy that must come out on its own from the Unconscious and Subconscious.
The incarnated soul has imprinted wisdom, it only has to order its subconscious mind, drawing it through dream images or images that occur like flashes.
  The Subconscious is a state of consciousness asleep in the dream of dreams, and you must awaken it.
5 As they wake him up
–continued Brother Interano
–they are deprogramming it.
The Planetary Consciousness becomes blurred and the soul acquires the true internal vision of its 7 senses.
It means living according to the inner world and not to false educational teachings, insidious propaganda,


  TV shows, etc.

  When the Awakening is authentic, the soul will begin living according to the Conscious's divine laws.

  6.-The Being will begin to use its creativity and unlock any dense and dark energy that wants to possess it.

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Sharing.:::.Shift Your "VIEW" to All INSIDE of You

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All energies that I speak of exist with us all. Many have been under the perception that these come to us from "out there". It is the opposite as all previously perceived.

The human sees all "out there". Downloads coming from "up there", being activated from "out there". The higher self, up there. And while, from one perspective, this could be viewed as true, this is not my perspective (any more). It has not been for a long time. I write to you all to help you see FROM WITHIN. For the entire World, Universe, Cosmos, Star System that all see, is only a projector view of what exists within you.

All energies are activated from within us. The DNA activations, the dormant parts of your mind that were never utilized, all hold the "forgotten" that activates all that you now come to be/feel/see, from within you. Your energy body, fully activated, has a capability beyond human. It exists AS ALL, without separation from anything at all.

The journey was to come here to create a human body, a human existence, a human physical reality to experience, to gather material things, people, identities, separate into other times (lifetimes, dimensions, realities), to then come to "awaken" to the "truth" that none of that was ever you. That entire existence is what all must come to let go of, release and transcend. For what we all come to now move into, does not exist in 'human'. It exists in the beyond, that which human cannot believe or see. This is only available through an open heart and mind. And all shall come to realize this, in their own "time" within.

When I write of energy activations or streams, every one of these are within you. When you tune to them, you are tuning to frequencies you hold within, yet have forgotten. Memories of the forgotten/other side/invisible, exist within you, deep beneath your human ones. As the human ones are allowed to leave, new memories are allowed to surface. Out there only changes as you do within.

You created those people, those experiences, those memories for your own experience here, Both individually and collectively (as that is perceived to be). Yet the "time" is coming where the human reality ends. And a new phase begins. For this, many are being led to leave absolutely everything behind. To let completely go of their entire human existence here. This is necessary, for the human mind hangs on, and it is the human existence that shall end, for many of us. Holding on is creating great discomfort for many. Letting go is necessary, as it is the reason you are here.

The story, the play, is being re-written. This is occurring within all. This part of the journey is one that comes from within us all. Out there shall be a transmission. One will tune to it vibrationally.

Your pineal gland must be activated with sunshine, expanded and if you have not done so, decalcified. I have been shown that this is how I now hear, smell, see absolutely everything. This is your internal viewer that transmits your reality out there for you to see, again from within. Our human senses diminish and our energetic senses expand.

All are evolving as energetic beings. This requires discomfort in the physical, for this energy was not made to fit into these human bodies. We work to integrate them, so that the human body can LIGHT'en and we can walk as energy forms here. Translucency is occurring, now to physically be able to see.

For me, this has become quite visible, for now, when I do sessions, most of my clients can see me translucently (as a blue & purple energy). I have started "glowing" to humans that I run into in public that walk up to me to "touch" me to see if I really exist. I am invisible to many who cannot even see me until I "appear". Many are already experiencing this too.

There is nothing typical, nothing normal, nothing rational here, according to human. Yet as energy, we get it, if we allow ourselves to believe that which we hear/feel/see inside of us.

So, when I write the "energies of home" stream, these are being activated WITHIN YOU. The calm and peace that you feel exists within. You may smell it & see it, yet you are seeing from your new viewer, your new way of smelling, from within, as an energy form.

All out there will be a transmission. In order to change/activate/expand that which you desire to transmit, you must go totally within. I can only assist you, by creating awareness that was not previously there. You are the key to your own existence. Always have been. Together we all create a NEW reality. Yet this is not new, only forgotten. We begin to enter the new, where out there becomes visible once again. ♥

I love you.

~ Transcendence
Higher Realm Energy Translations from Within

Posted 30th September by Juan Pablo

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miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024

sharing, despertando a la luz

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Cólera :  
Las palabras insolentes provocan al
necio, pero el sabio
se ríe de ellas.!
En Vos Confío

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 Hola Ser Uno, una pregunta, siento que he despertado a la luz de la sabiduría, unidad y amor, pero luego de un periodo volví a la densidad del mundo ilusorio 
¿Por qué pasa esto? 
¿Hay un retroceso? 
¿Qué significado tiene? 
¿Todos pasan por esto?

Estimado Eduardo 
Despertaste a la luz de la sabiduría, unida al amor. 
Es maravilloso, pero no puedes quedarte suspendido en esa realidad contemplativa, hermosa y elevada, ya que tu alma se encuentra encarnada en esta realidad densa e ilusoria. 
Lo ideal es que tu transformes con la sabiduría de tu LUZ y AMOR la densidad del mundo ilusorio, trabajando en tratar de convertir este mundo de ilusión, en una realidad verdadera de 
Este es el trabajo de todos nosotros, hacer que esta realidad subconsciente, oscura, sin luz y amor, se convierta en una realidad consciente de elevado Conocimiento, Entendimiento y Amor.
Al creer estar elevado y lleno de LUZ y AMOR te sentiste protegido y construiste una auto-defensa, colocándote dentro de una burbuja que te aisló de un mundo cruel, violento, oscuro, sin luz y sobre todo sin amor. 
Dentro de esa burbuja pudiste contemplar el mundo como un espectador y mientras que estuviste allí, nada ni nadie podía hacerte daño. 
Estabas inmerso en sentimientos de Paz, Armonía y belleza. 
Llegó un día que la vida material te volvió a llamar… compromisos, pagos, proyectos, trabajo, estudios, familia etc., debiste salir de tu burbuja y regresar a una realidad densa, la cual siempre has rechazado desde el fondo de tu corazón. 
NO podemos huir, ni mantenernos eternamente suspendidos en una nube de algodón.
El dolor y sufrimiento es parte de la materia y como tal, nuestra alma debe aprender a lidiar con todo lo que pertenece a su realidad-emocional, para poder transformarla en sentimiento de LUZ y AMOR. 
Generalmente todos nosotros por enseñanzas recibidas y equivocadas, hemos creído que somos: “Humanos viviendo una experiencia Espiritual” y no es así, es lo contrario, somos: “Espíritus viviendo una experiencia Humana”, y al cambiar este concepto, entenderemos lo que realmente hemos venido hacer en este planeta. 
Hacer nuestro trabajo no solo es realizarlo en nosotros mismos o mejorar, elevar, trascender y más.
Es también, todo lo que nos rodea y también el planeta, el cual es nuestro único hogar. 
Al ser Espíritus viviendo una experiencia humana, es nuestro deber y obligación en cada encarnación, ir mejorando día a día el lugar que el creador nos otorgó y el hábitat donde nos desarrollamos. 
Esta es la forma y la estela de LUZ y AMOR que dejaremos en cada vida que nos tocó vivir, y sobre todo, dar nuestro granito de arena e ir transformando y sanando positivamente a nosotros mismos, nuestra familia y al planeta que tanto lo necesita. ¡¡EL UNIVERSO NECESITA TRABAJADORES Y GUERREROS DE LA LUZ!!. 
Camino del Ser. 
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miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024


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Beloved Friends!
There is nothing that can separate us.
Us: the Heart that is Humanity.

There is only One Heart, that is God, that is Humanity. That is Divine Consciousness. That is Self-Radiant and Love-Bliss.

I know this idea of non-separation is somewhat scary for many. You rather would prefer some distance. But that distance belongs only to a specific world in the mind, a creation of the brain-washed mind that never can tolerate Oneness and which does not belong to true humanity.

We are One Single Humanity, and that One Single Humanity shares One Single Divine Heart. Additionally there are bodies, presumed separate identities and entities with different mind sets, actions, preferences, emotional states, differences in body shape, age, culture, abilities and believes, and more. Anything you could imagine. All the varieties of the universe. But we all still share One Single Divine Heart.

If we happen to touch It, simultaneously, you and I and you and you and you … we feel our Oneness, our Singleness, this Non-Separation, this Unity, beyond space and time and the little us. A feeling of Eternity because we touch the Eternal Divine Heart or God we all inhere in.

And still we fight forgetful with one another, we betray one another, we lie, we steal, we kill, we cause pain and sorrow and we suffer. Yes, we do it all, because I am you, and you are me, there is no separation. But mirror all around.

What others do, we do. We are responsible for one another. This is hard to grasp and more difficult to accept. But if we think of someone to be a good person, they will feel and be or become good, and if we consider somebody to be a bad person, they will feel bad and are or become bad. There might be exceptions though with those who have no feelings at all.

Remember that separation is an illusion and is created by the mind in the matrix, where we identify merely with a body. This mind possesses Mercury's quality, it is unsteady and uncertain about everything and anything. Shape-shifting, deceitful and never honest. Because only the Heart can be true. There is no true mind in the matrix, because this short-waved mind is only trying to describe Reality and the Heart's knowing. It is only a copycat.

This depiction is creating an artificial reality, a mirror world, a poor copy of heart inspiring Truth and Happiness.

Sometimes we meet someone, and this Oneness arises, Now and Present and never perishes.

We fall in Love, but what really happens is the recognition of that Prior Oneness together, this Experience of Eternity beyond the matrix, in which all differences vanish, all time disappears and no thought ever existed.

We are in that space of Fullness, our energy expanded into vastness that can be radiant and silent and powerful.

Reality seems to crackle, very fine and delicious. Did you ever experience this subtle crackling? When there is no thought, but just the fullness of eternity, expanded Reality, Bright, without content and shape and form. Mere Existence, Self-Radiant, replacing the limitation of time and space, like solid Reality, more solid than mountains, with a stillness that is vibrating powerfully and you forget the worlds and you are One with that Being-ness, with the Existence that is the Divine Heart of all.

There is no fear. And so when you have been ever afraid of being close to somebody, find the Prior Oneness of all things. It is above the usual human business and personal preferences. It is the All and All. We live in It. Give it no name, it speaks by Itself without words.

But people feel ashamed to confess their desire for it, their desire for that Intimacy with no boundaries. They feel ashamed because they confuse this True Divine Intimacy with the intimacy on the chacra levels, with the sharing of certain conditional vibrations, lower or higher, disturbed or undisturbed.

But True Oneness is above the matrix, - beyond or prior exists that Radiance and Fullness. In It the human artificial hologram is forgotten, because it vibrates low. You want to exist forever in that Divine Reality, a Reality that is always Present even in this world of falseness, slavery, humiliation and pain.

We do not need to go to other worlds. Perfect Happiness is already here and the greatest victory when attained here.

It is here and we can discover it, any moment, before the mind rises again. It is the Eternal Substance of all the absurdity and ridiculousness of this world, even now. It is true fulfillment, the search for more stops here. And with it all desires, all suffering, all disappointments, all pain.

Because we enjoy non-separation for real. Our Own Divine Heart Only that Is. God we believed to be outside of us, has become our Native Inseparable Reality. Distance does not exist. Because there is Truth beyond the limitations of the matrix. And in It nothing can separate Us from that Love.

With love,

In lak'ech


Posted 11th September by ATMAN

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miércoles, 3 de enero de 2024

sharing.::: - The Cosmic update – Current State of Consciousness on GAIA. Pegasus.

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The Cosmic update – Current State of Consciousness on GAIA. Pegasus. 

By annamerkaba on November 16, 2015 • ( 4 )

Through the infiltration of light forces upon the planetary system of GAIA and her satellite planets within the Milky Way galaxy, the energetic upliftment within the structural components of your understanding of time and space have succinctly added a new paradoxal amplification of cognitive collective objectives.

A new reality transfiguration of the outdated patterns of thinking and outdated patterns of benevolent co-creation with the divine intentions, has been reestablished and a new link to the divinity of the self, built upon the myriad magnetic strips of land which are in concurrent position with the transfiguration of the outdated models of BEing.

Within the spherical compression of realizations, within the cohesive and coherently evolved obstacles, the comprehension of the self and the values of the abundant structure of BEing has begun to emerge within the psyche of those who shall wield the powerful exodus of the human race from the eternal abyss of the veil of forgetfulness. For the age of benevolence, complete surrender to the knowing of self, complete comprehension of self-values and, self-love and self-unification with other said selves, is rapidly spreading throughout your known world.

Concurrent waves of resolution and benign encounters with the fifth dimensional kind, has resulted in the expansion of consciousness, and the expansion of influence of the triangular degree of consciousness. And so and thus, comes a moment of understanding of the link within the structural self of coherent observance of that which one is, with the structural self and coherent observance of that which is. The variables standing before one to commemorate the decision making of ones higher self and the objectives laid out prior to subjugation into the primal waters of human consciousness, have begun to intricately weave themselves into your present day reality.

And so, and thus, the encounters with the dominant parts of yourselves, the dominant parts of the benevolent structures of BEing, are in effect and shall continue steadily to rise in vibration as you approach the iconic merger of the triangular degree consciousness with the archaic models of being.

For the archaic models of being which have been lost to human understanding hold the keys and the answers to human evolution and the truth of that which humanity is. The keys to benevolent realization and resolution of all the conflicts taking place in your linear understanding of time and space.

And so, and thus, through the underlying structures of your comprehension of BEing, the underlying structures of your known reality, and the key

The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation – the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.

players stationed on GAIA, the informational decree of truth, benevolence and might, continues to rise progressively so, in waves of splendor and might, abdicating, transfiguring, and transmuting the old ideals, and aligning humanity once again with that which truly is, with that which they have come here to achieve and experience.

Albeit the rising of various interstellar objectives and confusing chaotic turbulence, the perseverance of the fifth dimensional kind within the known structure of your very own selves, and those who are guarding the intricate light embassies of your world, are transmuting the old behavior patterns and are instituting a new structure of benign resolution of conflict through the understanding of self and the understanding of the trajectory on which your planet is currently on.

And so and thus, we ask that the ground crew members, who have indeed been present at the summit in the category of transudation, reverse their biological clocks and connect with the divinity within themselves. We ask that the ground crew members continue to ignite the light and love within the hearts of those whom their way shall come and extricate all the outdated belief systems through the invocation of the flame of the violet, the flame of the octagonal benevolence, and the golden spheres of existential particles of God.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY HEALING SESSION & ANALYSIS WITH ANNA MERKABA :This is a DISTANT Healing Session. Each session takes 60 – 90 minutes to complete, furthermore much more time is spent on putting together a report which is guided to me by the angels, there are a lot of details involved, this is an elaborate healing session. This is not just an energy attunement you will be bathed in loving light from the angelic realm using reiki like universal energy throughout the session, and a few days following the session, many issues will be corrected, and you will also receive much needed guidance after the session of what you are to do on your own. The energy will continue to be released for the following 2 – 3 months.

Here is what you will be scanned for and if any of these are found or need to be removed/unblocked/
Removal of Achorns/Grays/Dark Entities (If there are any)
Removal of Implants
Cleansing the Aura
Removing blocks from the chakras
Activating Chakras
Activating the Pineal Gland
Activating the energy flow throughout the body with Kundalini Energy
Sealing the rips in the energy body
Connecting the heart chakra to the third eye
Scanning of the body to determine if there are any major issues to be aware of
Cleansing the blocks within the organs should there be any, and if it is possible to do so, or if there is more that needs to be done.
DNA Upgrade
Rainbow Healing Light Invocation
Past Life Contracts Clearing/Cords cutting (if I am allowed to proceed by your higher self) This is NOT karma removal. NO ONE can remove your karma, except for you, that is if you have karma. Not everyone does, as people misunderstand what Karma is.
Past LIfe Visions – ( If necessary to understand why you are going through what you are going through, I will be shown your past lives, this will help you determine the reason as to why you are experiencing that which you are)
Scanning of your chakras, correction of energy flow and further recommendations directly from your guides as to what you need to do further
You will also receive further recommendations on what you are to do on your own to SEAL in the new energies flowing your way and to assist your own self further without the constant need to come back for more and more healing sessions. However, should you feel that you do need a healing attunement, or there are some issue that need more work you are welcome to come back for another session.

To learn more about this session and hear what others have to say about it please visit:https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/merkaba-distant-energy-healing-session/

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttps://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

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