jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2022

sharing.::. OPENING THE PORTAL Part 4

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Part I
Part 2
Part 3

Part 4

The Realization

With that realization that this darkness could attack me only through my own inner darkness, the battle waned for a moment, just long enough for me to gather myself about me. Yes, ME. There was more to me than this darkness. There was Love and Wisdom and Power. Slowly, my mind began to recall all the beautiful memories of my life and my heart loved them from my very core.

With that love I found the power and wisdom to also love the darkness. It too was just a part of me. Yet, it was a part from which I had always been shielded, as well as and a part that had to be explored for me to be a complete being.

With my heart open, I began to send love to all the angry and terrifying entities that sought to do battle with me. Some of them turned from the light and sulked away like a wild beast that had lost its kill. Others embraced the light and rose to higher dimensions. As they rose, so did I.

At last I was in the Higher Astral Plane. All the fairies, gnomes and little people welcomed me and congratulated me on my victory. They led me through the beautiful green fields of the Upper Astral Plane. Everywhere there were beings of beauty that wore auras of spring. I recognized some of them and found some that I had not met.

I continued into the Mental Plane. I was careful to guard my every thought and feeling, knowing that they would instantly manifest before me. Finally, I found myself at the Portal to the Causal Plane. All my lives on the planet Earth rushed to meet me to remind me that energy out was energy back.

I then journeyed into the Spiritual Plane and saw the moment of my individuation from Creation. I embraced my monad, the portion of myself that is eternally a speck of Creation. Then I moved into the Great Void. All was totally black. I sought the Corridor to the fifth dimension, and at last found it.

As I entered the Corridor, I felt it swirling about me. I saw the face of the Guardian of the Fifth Threshold, and lay down on the tall, green grass. I found that I had to rest there within the "no-time" and "no-space" to gather myself together for the rest of my journey. Why was I tired? Was it because I was making this journey alone for the first time? Was that why I felt so overwhelmingly lonely?

The Guardian smiled at my questioning and led me to a small group of beings that were making the same journey as myself. I could see that some were in their night bodies, some were meditating, like me, and some were in-between lives and in the process of discovering their greater selves. Yet, even in the company of this lovely group, my loneliness did not fade.

I excused myself from the group and began to wander around. Wandering in the higher planes is quite different than on the physical plane because reality constantly shifts according to your thoughts and feelings. I “felt” a call for someone feminine, and then a lovely woman came to me. She brought me to a beautiful pond with a waterfall at the opposite end. Even then, my loneliness did not dim. In fact, it became more intense.

My guide smiled and beckoned me in a wordless motion to look into the pond. As I did so, I saw something, or was it someone, flicker just beyond my vision. I had to follow it. Without another thought, I dove into the pond and swam in search of it. The waterfall called me, and I followed the call.

The pool was not deep, and there were layers of rock upon which the waterfall landed. I discovered that I could stand on these rocks and walk straight into the waterfall. As the water cleansed my face, my vision cleared, and I saw, standing before me, my Twin Flame, my Divine Complement. All my loneliness vanished as we embraced each other and merged into one.

“How could I have forgotten you?” I cried.

“I have not forgotten you,” she replied, from deep within our heart.

I was no longer alone. I was complete. Now I was ready to find the Vortex to Arcturus. I attuned my consciousness to the Network of Light, which I had been shown long ago by my father. I felt the field of Light reverberating all around and within me.

When I focused my attention on my Third Eye, I saw the two vertical and two horizontal lines of Light intersect, forming a small square. In response to an inner instruction, I stared deeply into the space in-between. Slowly, I saw the Vortex off in the far distance. As it approached me and I approached it, the spin of the Vortex became stronger, and I found myself being pulled into it.

The Vortex swirled around me, over me, under me, and through me. I was within the vortex and it was within me. Then, off in the distance of no-space, I saw the face of my father. I was instantly filled with the euphoria of reunion. We embraced forever within the no-time of the Vortex.

“My son, I am very proud of you. You have come to me on your own. You have become a complete person. I bow to your accomplishment,” he said as he actually bowed to me.

I was filled with humility and honor, as my father was not one to easily give compliments. I wanted to ask him about my brother and sisters, but he waved his hand and said,

“First come with me to Arcturus. I think that all your questions will be answered there. Remember now, my son, to ignite your Merkaba. I see that you do remember the two superimposed tetrahedrons which form a multidimensional six-pointed star.”

I found my internal Merkaba, and as I stepped into it with my consciousness, it surrounded my entire form. In a flash we were on Arcturus.

My brother and sisters were there to greet me. We held each other so closely that we became one being. Finally, my father called for us to follow him into the Temple of Initiation. Travel on Arcturus is a multidimensional experience. One must focus all thoughts and feelings into a unified purpose.

Always before, my father would surround us with his energy to keep us on track. But now that we had reached our maturity, he left each of us to find our own way. I was curious to hear my brother and sisters' experiences, but I needed to concentrate on my first solo journey on Arcturus. The Temple of Initiation slowly rose before us. It was beautiful beyond all earthly words.

We had never been taken there before and were all awe-struck by its magnificence. Huge golden doors opened to welcome us, and a glittering pathway of an unknown substance showed us the way. The Arcturian fathers of my brother and sisters were waiting just inside the doorway. They waved us on without them.

“This is for your honor,” they stated together.

The four of us followed the glimmering pathway to the Alter of the ONE. A huge being of light sat on a throne and called us forward. As we knelt before him/her, it placed a Mantle of Light on each of our heads. Instantly our vibrations accelerated, the room dimmed, and we were gone.

Where we went and what we learned there is not to be spoken of, only experienced. But when we returned, we were ready to go back to the Earth to complete our mission. We had learned from our journey that we were to open a Portal of Ascendance for the Mayans who had completed their service and were ready to return to their various Homeworlds.

The time of Mayan power was coming to a close. It had seemed a lifetime ago since I had seen the invaders in my dreams. The invaders were coming and all would be lost, except for what was hidden or stored in code. It was time for us to return. Many preparations had to be made on Earth.

Return to Temple Life

When we returned to our temple life, everything was different. We had faced all our inner darkness and expanded our consciousness beyond the reach of any of the Dark Ones. We held no negativity toward them, as all has a purpose. Each cycle on the third dimension must come to a close, and so it was with the Maya.

We neither ignored nor confronted the Dark Ones because to confront the darkness merely causes an alignment that can pull one into it. If anyone dared to intercede in our endeavors, we simply raised our vibration beyond what they could perceive with their third dimensional perception.

At last we were ready, and the time was nigh. With our distant vision, we could see the conquerors sailing toward our Mayan home. I thought of Lenexa and my adopted mother and wondered if they would hear the silent call to return Home to their higher selves.

Hopenakaniah and I were to open the Portal, and Leatunika and Hegsteomen were to hold the Portal open and be the last to travel through it. It was their job to close the passage, just as it was our job to open it.

None of us had spoken of our time in the city with the third dimensionals. It was the only secret that we had ever kept. I never discovered how they had traveled to Arcturus or even if they had had such a difficult and wonderful time in the city as I had. I think that Hopenakaniah had also found love, as there was something in her that struck that familiar chord of lost love.

Finally, the day arrived for our ceremony. We had practiced it over and over and felt confident in our roles. We had sent out the silent call for seven days and seven nights. It was the highest of ceremonial days, so the Dark Ones were not suspicious of our intentions. We donned our ceremonial costumes and the four of us ascended the thirteen stairs to the highest apex of our most sacred pyramid.

Hopenakaniah and I were in front and Leatunika and Hegsteomen followed us. With every stair that we ascended our vibration rose higher and higher so that when we reached the Altar, we could barely stay anchored in our third dimensional forms. We felt the confusion of many of the Dark Ones as we disappeared from their vision. However, their pride did not allow them to admit that they could no longer see us.

Hopenakaniah and I had made love many times, but this was to be different. This was not for our selves, but for the awakened ones of Maya. We began our ritual while the Priests around us chanted the Sacred name of our Sun—KEIN. The chanting grew louder and louder as our spiritual/sexual energies rose up our spines merging our male and female energies into ONE.

At the exact moment that the first rays of the rising Sun struck our Altar, we pulled all theses energies into our ONE Heart and surrendered it to KEIN. Instantly the Portal into the fifth dimension opened. Again, the four became two teams of two, as Hopenakaniah opened the Portal. We assisted the many who passed through the Portal while our brother and sister held it open.

I saw many familiar faces from the temple and from my life in the city. And yes, there was Lenexa, pregnant with my child, and her family, which now included my adopted mother. As they passed through the Portal, they each shed their three dimensional forms and expanded into their true bodies of light.

The child of Lenexa and I became a small being of light who was held closely by his mother. I smiled and realized that, indeed, Lenexa had been the reincarnation of our dear, lost sister. At last, all that could answer the silent CALL had passed through the Portal. My brother and sister entered the Vortex and closed it behind them. We had completed our mission!

I give you this message NOW in the hopes that it will stimulate your remembering, for the mission that we have completed, is just beginning for YOU!

Dear Readers, I received this story many years ago, but it never felt right to share it. Fortunately, it is the time to share it NOW.

What have you known for many years, but could not share till now? Please share…
And thank you for your wonderful sharing so far,


Posted by Sue at 1:09 PM

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jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022

Sueños, mensajes de nuestro interior

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Sueños, mensajes, de 
nuestro interior

Todos soñamos cuando dormimos. 
Los sueños son parte de nosotros.

Es una realidad de la que podemos ser más o menos conscientes, pero la ciencia así lo ha demostrado. Los sueños son en realidad una necesidad. Tanto es así que los médicos y psicólogos creen que una persona que no sueña puede volverse loco, en el sentido patológico del término. De hecho, los utilizamos como una vía de escape y permiten a nuestro subconsciente deshacerse de la tensión psicológica que afectaría a nuestra salud física y mental si se quedaran en lo profundo de nuestro ser.

Pero los sueños no sólo se originan en nuestro subconsciente ni tienen exclusivamente una función de escape. Algunos son generados por nuestra propia alma, nuestro Ser Interior, y son de naturaleza espiritual. Desde un punto de vista místico, pueden ser muy inspiradores, ya que tienen un contenido simbólico, e incluso trascendental. Cuando uno sabe cómo reconocer e interpretar los sueños, éstos nos ayudan a conocernos mejor y nos dan información valiosa sobre nuestro estado interior. Naturalmente, esto supone un apoyo al trabajo regular de reflexión y meditación que realizan la mayoría de los Rosacruces.

Así, explorar nuestros sueños no sólo es posible, sino que es incluso útil. Sin embargo, debemos entender que su interpretación es un arte, no una ciencia, ya que contienen una importante parte de subjetividad. Esto significa que tenemos que verlos como revelaciones, impresiones o indicios que arrojan luz sobre nuestra personalidad interior o sobre nuestras vidas, pero con los que siempre debemos mantener una cierta distancia. Gestionar y dirigir nuestra vida de acuerdo exclusivamente a nuestros sueños, como hacen algunas personas, creo que no es razonable, y puede llegar a ser aún más irresponsable que no hacerlo.

Hay otro punto que me gustaría mencionar; algunas personas afirman ser capaces de interpretar los sueños de otros y hacer de ello una práctica común. Por lo general, se dedican en realidad a un análisis psicológico basado en el simbolismo que la tradición asocia a un elemento particularmente importante del sueño (por ejemplo, cierto personaje, animal, flor, palabra, figura, color, etc.). Sin embargo, creo que sólo nosotros mismos podemos interpretar nuestros sueños, porque su significado está estrechamente ligado a nuestra personalidad, a nuestro temperamento, a nuestras experiencias, a nuestra cultura, a nuestros miedos y a nuestras esperanzas. Como muchos elementos de nuestra personalidad única, nadie puede interpretarlos mejor que nosotros mismos, y menos si esta persona no nos conoce en absoluto.

La mayoría de la gente piensa que el sueño sirve sólo para descansar y regenerarse, y algunos incluso llegan a considerarlo como una pérdida de tiempo. Sin embargo, el sueño es una herramienta muy útil para el alma que nos anima. Le permite liberar provisionalmente sensaciones e impresiones relacionadas con el estado de vigilia y el mundo material, y comunicarse libremente con el mundo invisible. Así, es precisamente durante este período de comunión cuando se producen los sueños espirituales. Cuando uno es consciente de ellos, cada noche adquiere una dimensión que trasciende, con mucho, el sólo reposo del cuerpo.

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siguiente: nivel

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next : portal 

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jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2022


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Ser uno

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Ser uno  
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Cuando se dicen palabras sin pensarlas, es cuando se suele HERIR 
– dijo el hermano Interano – 
es lo que se llama IMPULSO EMOCIONAL, el cual lastima las relaciones y a las personas que los rodean. 
El vocabulario y la terminología uds lo deben dominar, de esta forma jamás dañarán las relaciones, y siempre hablarán uds con CARIÑO, RESPETO Y COMPRENSIÓN. 
Toda relación demanda RESPONSABILIDAD 
– continuó la hermana Interana – 
en el trabajo, en los deberes… antes de comprometerse en una relación de pareja, trabajo, amistad etc. … las almas deben saber que eso le pedirá un COMPROMISO DE VIDA, que deberán cumplir con RESPETO, CONSTANCIA, CONOCIMIENTO Y ENTENDIMIENTO… esta forma de pensar y actuar dará resultados positivos en toda relación.
La falta de interés y atención en las relaciones es muy negativo – dijo el hermano Interano – 
la indiferencia significa FALTA DE PASIÓN, DE ENAMORAMIENTO Y DE AMOR… 
la pérdida de interés en algún ámbito de la vida, que puede ser en una pareja, amistad, trabajo, proyecto y más, que antes causaba en el alma EUFORIA, APASIONAMIENTO, PASIÓN y ENAMORAMIENTO, denota tal vez la equivocación y errores de las decisiones. 
La apatía se instala en el alma, cuando se ha dejado de valorar la vida, cuando la costumbre hace bajar la drogadicción de las hormonas, y eso trae desánimos, tristeza, aburrimiento y más… ya no hay la excitación del APASIONAMIENTO y al no haber, el alma siente que no tiene estímulo para continuar.
– dijo el hermano Interano – 
y esta forma de actuar y pensar es la DESMOTIVACIÓN que evita impulsar a las relaciones durante una vida. Si entre las relaciones no existe LA MOTIVACIÓN POSITIVA entonces nada habrá entre las relaciones, porque no tendrán unión de pensamientos, ni tampoco podrán mantener iniciativa de trabajo. 
LA PEREZA MENTAL permite que las relaciones no aporten ideas nuevas, de esta forma la rutina y la monotonía se asientan en el alma, dejando pasar el tiempo sin ningún aporte en las experiencias y vivencias de una vida.
– dijo la hermana Interana – 
es que una de las partes se comporte como un papá o una mamá, y comience a dar órdenes como si los demás fueran sus hijos. Toda relación donde intervienen adultos debe funcionar por sí sola, sin tanta complicación, y que todos tengan la capacidad de ser autogestionarios, para que no haya una sobrecarga de trabajo en uno u en otros. La forma más práctica de resolver es hablando, no mandando, así se evitarán que haya temas no resueltos o conflictos innecesarios o desacuerdos de actitudes. 
– dijo el hermano Interano – 
no conducen a buenos términos en las relaciones humanas, esta forma de vivir se le llama VICTIMISMO, donde el alma piensa, que a través del LLANTO Y DE LAS REACCIONES EMOCIONALES, conseguirá lo que se propone. Esta manera de llevar la vida es totalmente inmadura, representa a un alma débil, la cual no logra tener conversaciones o diálogos con sus relaciones, o un análisis de la situación de forma racional, que permita entender el origen del problema, que también le permita trazar soluciones.
– dijo la hermana Interana – 
El humor es maravilloso, al igual que la alegría, pero en forma general, las almas deben asumir las experiencias con seriedad, para que puedan entender la importancia de las situaciones, o de temas que les incumbe para una mejor relación, eso evitaría las causas que los afecten internamente y que activen emociones que deban mejorarse a la mayor brevedad, solo así podrán evitar mayores conflictos. 
El buen humor es necesario, pero cuando las situaciones son serias, entonces se deben comprender con la misma seriedad de la situación, esto hace que las relaciones crezcan positivamente.
– dijo el hermano Interano – 
tenerla significa que los seres se comunican y entienden los problemas de los otros. 
Tener detalles hacia los demás, hará que las relaciones tengan COMPASIÓN… sin embargo, cuando no hay sensibilidad las relaciones se enfrían porque acaban con los deseos positivos, las motivaciones y el cariño. 
Los afectos deben ser recíprocos, continuos y consistentes, esta forma de actuar mantendrá las relaciones vivas, y sobre todo, comunicadas por largos períodos, lo que se requiere es tener una actitud madura y equilibrada que favorezca la motivación y la sana construcción del afecto.
– Charla On-Line 
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jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2022


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 ترجم / לתרגם   翻訳する
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By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Beloved Friends!

We can do all kinds of spiritual practices. We can work with our body-mind to develop qualities, such as gratefulness, forgiveness, equanimity, kindness, and so on. We can mindfully construct shields around our body-mind or open willfully our chacras, inside and below and above our body, we can use Sacred Geometry and construct the Merkabah. We can just be very busy, stressing the mind and our visions. Or we can worship Gods, Angels, Higher Dimensional Beings, we can work with Breath and the energies of Planetary Beings.

But when we are using the quality of Love it seems that it is a Teacher we need ultimately to surrender to. We cannot construct Love with our mind, although we can ignite a spark in our heart, that is waiting in every human heart to be awakened to become a flame.

This flame can burn when suddenly shared or united with another being, it does not need to be a human being, it can be an animal or a tree, a flower, anything that exists, even a stone, because EVERYTHING is alive, the whole creation is alive, everything that exists is alive, walls and buildings, elements, landscapes, mountains. It all is living and breathing consciousness.

When we share this special feeling of love with all creation, it is like two separate water drops, which, when they touch one another, become one.

This quality of love, contained in creation, can fill our heart so that it sometimes seems to burst, because it can almost not contain it - so big the feeling of love can be.

Love as response to the in creation inherent love always swells our heart if we truly allow to feel the Divinity in all existence, in All That Is. It is our intimate connection to it that indicates our Oneness with All.

But when we want to touch with our heart’s love Source Itself, That Consciousness in Which all creation arises, that Love-Bliss, then Love becomes truly Sacred.

How do we find the Ultimate Beauty of that Source with our heart's love?
First we must love ourselves. There is no way around it.
We must find that spot, that spark in our own heart first, where we know that we are Divine Beings. We must allow and cherish the Joy of It, the Integrity of It, the Beauty of It.

This is still a self-contained, but important state, but then we feel we need to embrace that which is beyond ourselves.

And we start to share this beautiful flame with creation, but as described above, it will always still be contained in creation itself.

If we want to share this Love with the Divine Radiant Source-Consciousness, we must ask. Because everything we want to share with Source draws us fully beyond ourselves, beyond our boundaries of what we perceive as “I”, even the “I” that transcends the body.

Asking is a gesture of surrender to the understanding that the body-mind is finite and always subject to change. And while we acknowledge this, our heart starts to surrender to That One Reality That Never Changes.

If we turn with our heart’s love to That One Reality, It is Grace that suddenly opens our heart to the Vast Heart that is Infinite. And then there is only Radiance, no body-mind, no heart that seems to burst, but Only Radiant Existence Itself, felt as Most Holy and Sacred Love-Treasure of Unspeakable Preciousness, really beyond words and description. …

In this Radiance there is no more Sacred Geometry, no more effort to develop qualities, such as equanimity, kindness and many more, or even any other effort at all! Effortless That Which Contains us, That Which is Greater Than us, Opens the thin skin that separates us from Infinity and our little drop of water becomes One With the Ocean.

It is a great paradox, because we can be aware of this Blissful Oneness with the Ocean, and at the same time be a distinct body-mind!

But this Oneness seems to create another Entity, One that Experiences this Bliss, this Light, this Most Sacred Love, while our body-mind is attached to It like an appendix only, because this Sacred Love can never be contained IN a body-mind. With It a New Reality is dawning That Is of Spherical Shape and that is appearing in front of our human heart.

This is the image of our own Truth dawning, from Which body-minds, which we call “I” and “think” we are, are emanating to have a separate experience in the dimensional realms.

Therefore these limited body-minds can never fully express our Divine Root-Existence Itself, and only a tiny reflection of It dwells in the human heart, that is to be Ignited to ultimately recognize Its Own Source through Love to be Absorbed into Infinity As Love.

Be In Bliss!
Much Love,



Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. 
If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. 
Thank you. 

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jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2022


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Ser uno

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Ser uno  
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– comenzó diciendo el hermano Interano – 
es muy complicado definirlo, porque los seres-Humanos ya no diferencian entre los términos: ESPIRITUALIDAD e INTELECTUALIDAD, uds confunden las dos palabras, pensando que cuanto más conocimiento se tenga en la mente, más espirituales son. 
Hay una diferencia muy grande entre los conceptos, por ejemplo: CURACIÓN y SANACIÓN. 
El primero es cuando los síntomas desaparecen definitivamente, y también es el restablecimiento o recuperación de la salud, y eliminación de una enfermedad, una herida o un daño físico.
 El segundo es cuando el paciente entra en un proceso de entendimiento, así va eliminando los síntomas poco a poco, o mejor dicho, el va comprendiendo el origen emocional, mental y espiritual de la enfermedad. 

La distorsión de la mente trajo como consecuencia muchos DISTRACTORES, entre los cuales se encuentran:
Cierto es que la mente-humana se ha enfocado en el desarrollo del BIENESTAR creando tecnologías que facilitan la vida y existencia en este plano y grado. 
El alma está tan confundida y tan embebida de esos placeres, que difícilmente DESPIERTA SU CONSCIENCIA. 
Al no comprender que es un SER DE LUZ, no pone atención al equilibrio que necesita para fortalecerse y desarrollar su espiritualidad. 
Vive inmerso y sumergido en un mundo lleno de distractores.
 Es frecuente encontrar FAMILIAS, GRUPOS DE PERSONAS, NIÑOS, OFICINAS y más, que ya no se comunican entre ellos, dedicándose a navegar por las redes sociales, y esto ha causado que la convivencias se ha convertido en una relación Impersonal. 

El comportamiento humano se ha tergiversado, inclinándose a un nivel INDIVIDUAL Y EGOÍSTA. 
Cada vez es critica la falta de crear vínculos afectivos, emocionales y sentimentales. 
El contacto humano se va perdiendo entre la TECNOLOGÍA Y LA FALTA DE AMOR. 
La tecnología les permite 
– dijo el hermano Elohim – 
estar cerca de otros seres, aunque ellos estén en el otro lado del planeta; técnicamente, es maravilloso, pero promueve el alejamiento, y sobre todo hay que entablar diálogos sinceros, puesto que las emociones se comparten poco, y muchas veces sin honestidad. 
Caer en las garras de los distractores implica descuidar la espiritualidad.

El Ser Humano ha desviado su atención a los factores externos – dijo la hermana Interana
Distractores que provienen de la mente, de acciones conscientes o inconscientes que distraen tanto, que a veces se pueden considerar como: ENFERMEDADES MENTALES, o mejor dicho, como: PATOLOGÍAS MENTALES.

La tecnología no se ha volcado para el bienestar, o el adelanto energético del ser humano, sino todo lo contrario, han generado una FORMA DE VIVIR que vuelca al Ser a las distracciones, enfocándolo al PLACER DE LOS SENTIDOS, y no al DESPERTAR DE SÍ MISMO. 
Antiguamente el alma de los seres se abocaban al bienestar del alma como: la pintura, la literatura, la escultura, la arquitectura, y más; cultivaban su interior, pero hoy en día se les hace creer que la TECNOLOGÍA ES IGUAL A MODERNIDAD.

Ustedes viven en una sociedad 
– continuó el hermano Seramita - 
de DISTRACCIONES, y eso les trae angustias, sufrimientos, desazones, incertezas, por que todo es rápido, veloz, con el mínimo trabajo, placentero, ideal, etc. 
Esa celeridad ha ocasionado que el Ser Humano no pueda alcanzar sus metas, porque todo tiene que ser adquirido en el menor tiempo posible, y al no poder realizarlo, el ser cae en depresión, infelicidad, tristeza profunda, que ustedes lo 
 La rapidez es un proceso donde la mente mantiene la velocidad del interés, causando un cambio radical en la forma de concebir el tiempo y el espacio en simultáneo, permitiendo LA EXPLOTACIÓN DE LA SOCIEDAD, SUBYUGÁNDOLA EN LA REALIDAD DE LOS DISTRACTORES. 

Las nuevas generaciones son ADICTAS AL TRABAJO 
– terminó diciendo el hermano Interano - 
porque la sociedad actual desecha a los seres que no son productivos, este es el problema actual de la sociedad, los seres se AUTO-CASTIGAN cuando no llegan a las metas establecidas. 
La AUTO-EXIGENCIA tiende a mezclar todo tipo de requerimientos que al final se convierten en actividades de explotación, y estas actividades son LOS DISTRACTORES, que no le permiten al alma encarnada, focalizarse en algún proyecto concreto. 

La vida, y la realidad, donde la mente es asediada por placeres externos e internos, tiende a dispersarse, por este motivo la vida se acelera, arrastrando al alma a una realidad de fantasía virtual, donde la dependencia, la inmediatez y la angustia están presentes en todos sus actos y pensamientos, y esto es LO QUE CARACTERIZA A UNA SOCIEDAD DISTRAÍDA”.
 Charla On-Line - “DISTRACTORES DE LA CONSCIENCIA ESPIRITUAL” - transmitida el 31 de Agosto de 2019.
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- brother Interano began by saying - 
it is very complicated to define it because Human-beings no longer differentiate between the terms: SPIRITUALITY and INTELLECTUALITY, they confuse the two words, thinking that the more knowledge one has in the mind, the more spiritual they are. There is a very big difference between the concepts, for example, HEALING and HEALING. The first is when the symptoms disappear definitively and it is also the restoration or recovery of health and elimination of an illness, injury, or physical damage... The second is when the patient enters a process of understanding, thus eliminating the symptoms Little by little, or rather, he begins to understand the emotional, mental, and spiritual origin of the disease. The distortion of the mind resulted in many DISTRACTORS, among which are THE DISTRACTORS OF SPIRITUALITY. The human mind has indeed focused on the development of WELL-BEING, creating technologies that facilitate life and existence on this plane and degree... the soul is so confused and so imbued with these pleasures, that it hardly WAKES UP ITS CONSCIOUSNESS. By not understanding that he is a BEING OF LIGHT, he does not pay attention to the balance he needs to strengthen himself and develop his spirituality. He lives immersed and submerged in a world full of distractions. It is common to find FAMILIES, GROUPS OF PEOPLE, CHILDREN, OFFICES, and more that no longer communicate with each other, dedicating themselves to browsing social networks, and this has caused coexistence to become an Impersonal relationship. Human behavior has become distorted, leaning to an INDIVIDUAL AND SELFISH level. The lack of creating affective, emotional, and sentimental bonds is increasingly critical. Human contact is being lost between TECHNOLOGY AND THE LACK OF LOVE… Technology allows them – Brother Elohim said – to be “close” to other beings even if they are on the other side of the planet; technically it is wonderful, but it promotes estrangement, and above all, sincere dialogues must be established, since emotions are shared little and often without honesty. Falling into the clutches of distractors implies neglecting spirituality. The Human-Being has diverted its attention to external factors - said the Interana sister - Distractors that come from the mind, from conscious or unconscious actions that distract so much that sometimes they can be considered as MENTAL DISEASES, or better said, as MENTAL PATHOLOGIES. Technology has not focused on the well-being or energy advancement of the human being, but on the contrary, they have generated a WAY OF LIVING that turns the Being into distractions, focusing it on the PLEASURE OF THE SENSES, and not on AWAKENING OF SELF SAME. Formerly, the soul of beings devoted themselves to the well-being of the soul such as painting, literature, sculpture, architecture, and more... they cultivated their interior, but today, they are made to believe that TECHNOLOGY IS EQUAL TO MODERNITY... You live in a society - brother Seramita continued - of DISTRACTIONS, and that brings you anguish, suffering, discomfort, uncertainty... because everything is fast, fast, with the minimum of work, pleasant, ideal, etc... that speed has caused the Being-Human cannot reach his goals because everything has to be acquired in the shortest possible time, and by not being able to do it, the being falls into depression, unhappiness, deep sadness that you call: PSYCHIC DISEASES. These are THE NEW VALUES OF MODERNISM… Speed ​​is a process where the mind maintains the speed of interest, causing a radical change in the way of conceiving time and space simultaneously, allowing THE EXPLOITATION OF SOCIETY, SUBJUGATING IT to the REALITY OF THE DISTRACTORS. The new generations are ADDICTED TO WORK - brother Interano finished by saying - because today's society discards beings who are not productive, this is the current problem of society, beings PUNISH themselves when they do not reach the established goals. SELF-DEMAND tends to mix all kinds of requirements that in the end become exploitation activities and these are THE DISTRACTORS that do not allow the embodied soul to focus on a specific project. Life and reality, where the mind is besieged by external and internal pleasures, tend to disperse, for this reason, life speeds up, dragging the soul to fantasy and virtual reality, where dependency, immediacy, and anguish are present in all their actions and thoughts and is WHAT CHARACTERIZES A DISTRACTED SOCIETY On-Line Talk - DISTRACTORS OF SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS - broadcast on August 31, 2019. If you want to read the free books EL SER UNO in 4 languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian, or you would like to read the READING TALKS, you can find them on our website. If you want to see our editions go to our CHANNEL-YOUTUBE EL SER UNO or to our website: www.elserunobooks.com
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