jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

r_ Sharing.:::. Transcendence: Permanent Shift in vibrations

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Sandra Walter ~ Transcendence: Permanent Shift in vibrations


As a prerequisite to this article, please review my definition of Ascension. You cannot be pressured into Ascension, because it must be a personal choice to raise one’s consciousness. Wayshowers set an example, provide intel, teach, and walk hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart with those dedicated to the Shift in Consciousness. Sometimes we run ahead so we can tell people what is down the road, or what is on the other side of an unopened door.
We are all entitled to live out our journeys for as long as the 4D reality is available. We had many tipping points in global consciousness which assisted the Ascension of Gaia and many Higher Selves in December 2012. When the consciousness on this planet reaches a 5D tipping point through frequency acceleration, cosmic alignments (photonic bombardment), and the light-infused consciousness of HUmanity, 4D will no longer be sustainable. That may be a few years or a hundred years.

My focus as an Ascension Guide is on the people desiring the most expansive experience possible. Let us remember that a good portion of the population will experience awakening for the first time this year; either by external or internal factors. They will not be robbed of their Ascension experience, but it is clear that it will be very different from those who awakened earlier.
Transcendence is a permanent shift in your state of consciousness.
In my Ascension Course I describe transcendence as beginning in 2015, and the higher realms say we are still on schedule. Some have called it the Soul Harvest, which can sound a bit frightening. Some call it the first waves of Ascension, however the wave terminology (first wave, second wave) have been strongly associated with Delores Cannon’s work and refer to how light servers incarnated over the past hundred years. I AM referring to the first waves of complete transcendence; a complete embodiment of your Higher Self. For clarity’s sake, I will refer to Transcendence as Transcendencerather than waves. Both terms simply refer to the availability of a perfect alignment for those ready, willing and able to make a permanent shift in frequency.
Transcendent dematerialization means Mastery of the physical vessel and journey: Embodiment of the Solar Cosmic Christed state, either by walking in and out of this realm for a while, or a complete transition to a higher state of consciousness in one instant.
Why transcend? Because you have completed this lower state of beingness, and the 5D/6D planetary consciousness will be ready for boarding.
We wayshow in our communities and tribes as best we can, however the consistent through-line of our journey is the internal work. That doesn’t mean burying oneself in a cave to meditate, or panicking that you have not done enough. It does mean a consistent pursuit of a higher state of beingness. Integration of lessons, behaviors, and dominion over the activities of the mind, ego and emotions.
We prepare the heart, body and mind for a major upgrade in vibration. We establish an active awareness of the 5D/6D realm of Gaia. Active awareness means your thoughts and feelings align with the 5D state consistently. Removing your own veils allows you to experience that realm, and it can be beautiful and overwhelming to your systems. Little by little, we progress to a state of alignment with that higher realm of consciousness.
Personal Choice, As Always
We exist in a free-will Universe. For me personally, Transcendence is the goal of my Ascension process – a conscious choice. It requires aligning everything in your lifestream to complement the higher state of consciousness. Working through the lessons, the contracts, the agreements, releasing, releasing, releasing, infusing the body vehicle with the highest vibration possible – really taking care of it because it is your vehicle for the experience. Learning unconditional love, learning light intelligence, being of pure service to all of creation, and then when the frequency and the cosmic timing is right, we get to move on.
Dissolving the Physical
Turning a carbon based structure into a carbon-silica structure takes dedication. I do feel that the people who will experience this already know that they are going to accomplish this, and are consciously aligning with it.
Many feel they are stepping out of the collective reality already. This is because your crystalline structures are activating, your DNA is activating to bring in and hold more of the new light which is coming onto the planet. The more aligned you are with 5D/6D dynamics, and the less attached to a 4D reality you become, and the more you will sense your own Ascension process speeding up. It is always your choice to align. Always. Moment by moment, intention by intention.
The Solar Heart spark is there as Source-in-carnate. The Source-Point amplifies with the support of cosmic timing, individual choices, and the dissolvement of illusion through conscious practice, moment to moment. Every situation, every encounter, every thought, action, deed is an opportunity for alignment. It always has been, that was the point of this reality. We are presented with opportunities to align with Source via your soul’s path. When the soul reaches a tipping point in its progress due to the conscious connection of Lower Self and Higher Self, it is released to the higher path, to the benefit of all.
The Merge Happens in the Sun
When I received the message last Autumn, The Merge happens in the Sun, I felt a deep calm and readiness. This merge of Higher and Lower Self won’t occur in the way we step in, using the Sun as prism to fractalize our self into Higher and Lower states. Rather we are activating the Solar Cosmic Christed Heart center and merging a trinity of spirit, soul and form; Higher Self, Lower Self, and Soul aspect within our lifestream.
The planetary Ascension now supports a union of these aspects via the Heart Center, rather than the spirit leaving the body and transitioning through the Sun. The merge happens via the Solar Heart Center, which makes becoming pure conduits of Source Light Intelligence an important part of our journey.
Ignore the mind’s linear limitations of how this works. Surrendering to the amplification is key; use what assists your journey and let everything else go. Especially in the first half of the year when all is shifting, purging, coming to align with the new light. Tap into your heart with this message.
Steps presenting to Transcendence:
- Achieve the Solar Cosmic Christed State through participating in your own expansion
- Experience the birth of the Sun within – the full activation and awareness of Source within the Heart Center
- Clear all contracts, agreements, emotional baggage, kharma, systems, programs and habitual behaviors associated with 4D
- Clear the body vehicle of lower level toxins to increase crystalline growth
- Align with 5D-6D Gaia dynamics; pure Mastery in service to Light
We transmute the illusion completely in order to Transcend it.
5D Gaia
5D/6D Gaia is very different from what we experience here. All activities are based in an unconditional respect for all life. A deep honoring of all that is, and behavior and creation which is in alignment with that. In order to exist in a reality of unwavering love, honor and compassion, you must create that in the here and now.
Everything you do, say, eat, drink, think and feel must be in alignment with 5D principles in order to transcend the 4D experience. You must be a vibrational match for a higher realm of beingness. No one is disrespecting the planet, kingdoms, elementals or each other in 5D. Of course there are differences of perspective – those lessons and creative explorations continue. The whole Galaxy is Ascending, and it seems no one is untouched by the Shift.
In order to leave the 3D/4D reality, you must build your 5D reality right here, right now. Energize it with your actions, words, thoughts, behavior. When aligned with the vibration of 5D operating systems, you Master this reality and graduate to a higher level. Pure creator dynamics via Self-Empowerment. That is a valuable lesson earned at any level of the process; you must find the Source within to generate pure Source without.
Show me the Light
Demonstrate that states of divine love, grace, integrity, peace, joy, abundance, and unity are possible. It will get more difficult as we encounter these new light waves – this is the Mastery challenge.
Every one of these waves acts as an amplifier. They are here to reveal everything under the masks – and we all get our masks removed. Sometimes we are lift them ourselves, sometimes the mask is snatched off and everyone else sees what we have going on under there. Stay ahead of the game by utilizing transparency. It is okay to be vulnerable, wrong, emotional – we all need to unite in this massive healing/awakening right now. Support the process by being authentic. And try not to lash out when it becomes hard for you.; respect everyone’s journey – and walk away when you have to.
Currently I AM on a two week fast to prepare myself for upcoming service work. The crystals for the teleportal have presented and are on their way to me. I intend to spend more time within, and working alone with Shasta, to deepen my skills and integrate the series of energetic shifts happening for me right now. Blessings to all of us during this powerful time!

Posted 22nd February 2014 by Juan Pablo

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miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

Sharing.:::. AKASHIC RECORDS .:::. ▶ Back Pain Exercises, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Myoskeletal Alignment - Morning Message from the Arcturians

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FEB. 2015

February 2015 Message

From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of February 2015

Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare thebenefits of membership to public access before joining!

What energy and experiences can we expect in February 2015?
Is there any particular activity that will help us best use this month?

What energy and experiences can we expect in February 2015?

This month brings the unexpected. There is a sense that every day will turn things in a new direction. As soon as you think you've oriented yourself to the new direction, everything will change again. As soon as you adjust, then everything will change yet again.

It will be useful to expect the unexpected and be willing to change over and over again. It will also be useful to approach each day as a separate event. Sometimes you will even need to approach each hour as a separate event. Do not worry if you cannot see how yesterday led to today, or how today is going to lead you where you want to be tomorrow. Focus on one moment at a time. If you will do your best to be honest and authentic, open-hearted and loving, then you will get exactly what you need out of this month. On the other hand, if you strive to retain a sense of control over what is happening or what people are feeling, then you will find that this month will cause you a great deal of suffering.

This month is likely to bring strong emotions to the surface for everyone. It will be useful for you to look at your emotions as they arise. Accept them, take accountability for them, and then let them go. If you hold onto emotions and wait for other people to help you feel better, again you will find yourself suffering this month. It is as if the month is filled with cosmic portals. It is as if every day brings a new, entirely different expansion between you and spirit. In order to be open to the next portal you must let go of the previous one. This is really a day-by-day kind of month.

Is there any particular activity that will help us best use this month?
One of the things that will be most beneficial for you this month is to get used to saying "I am sorry". If you will say, "I am sorry," whenever you need to, it will help you let things go and move on.

Whenever you think you need to apologize for something, please do. Whenever you think there is something you need to be accountable for, be openly accountable. Tell everyone that you recognize your mistake and you are moving on. Let everyone know exactly what you have learned so that others can know that you have taken accountability for your part of the situation.

If you will communicate you willingness to learn and take accountability this month, you will find that things can move on and that you will be able to keep moving ahead, even if the people around you try to drag you back. This month get used to saying "I am sorry," or get used to articulating the things that you are learning or the things that you are working on changing. If you will say those things out loud more often, it will allow other people to either accept you or let you go.

Posted 15th February by SHANTI ZOHAR

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Morning Message from the Arcturians


Morning Message 5-16-15

Dear Readers,

The Arcturians have been telling me to send out "Morning Messages," as often as I can. I will try to do so every day, as I know that my "morning" may not be your "morning."

I will place them in my dropbox, which is the easiest for me and for you so that we can ALL dedicate our self to aligning with our higher expressions of SELF every day. The link to the meditation will be under the picture.

This messages will be short, so they will not take too much of what you perceive as "time."

Blessings to you all. Let the Great Adventure begin!
The Arcturians

Did you notice how the message started out as my the human and morphed into me the Arcturian. I think that is what we are ALL doing NOW. We are morphing into and blending with our higher dimensional expressions of our SELF. We are remembering and becoming the Multidimensional Beings that we have ALWAYS BEEN.

Blessings to you all and thank you for your loyal following and wonderful comments.
See you on the Starship

Posted by Sue at 9:15 AM 1 comment:
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Friday, May 15, 2015
Leaving Time--The Arcturians Webinar about "leaving time"

Leaving Time

The Arcturians

Many of our volunteers have been asking to visit the Starship. We wish to remind that you that not only do you visit the Starship, you also live there. However, many of you have not yet fully connected with that expression of your SELF. You will soon. Then your conscious experiences of being on the ship will begin.

You will begin by remembering not the ship, but the YOU who lives on it. Once you remember that reality, you will have your first stepping-stone into your fifth dimensional reality. Everyone has a stepping-stone life, in which they "step into" a higher dimensional expression of their multidimensional self.

Soon everyone will begin to remember the details of this, your present life is a “stepping-stone” reality, as well as other similar incarnations. However, the secret is to know that everything you remember and everything you imagine is REAL because you created it.

In other words, in the fifth dimension and beyond what you think about, you bring about. This final stage of ascension into the fifth dimension can be problematic because you must BE the master of your thoughts and emotions.

Furthermore, everything you think and feel creates your reality. In the fifth dimension your every thought and emotion will instantly manifest. Because of this, it is vital that you gain mastery over your fears. The two vital tools with which to gain mastery over fear is INFORMATION and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Furthermore, if the information you receive does not "feel" like unconditional love, then discard it and look for a higher frequency source. Fortunately, unconditional love is not only the antidote to fear, it is also the firewall that keeps fear from penetrating your consciousness.

If you suspect fear, protect your solar plexus for it is the area where your 12 Cranial Nerves connects with your abdomen. Thus it is the area in your earth vessel where your thoughts and emotions merge to create thought forms. You do not want any lower frequency thoughts to enter the sacred temple of your earth vessel.

Therefore, we ask that if you recognize the emotion of fear in your lower chakras, you chose perceive the energy patterns of that information with your opened Third Eye. Fear cannot penetrate your Third Eye. Therefore, you will not be harmed by the perception of it.

In fact, you can use your Third Eye to transfer any fearful messages to your High Heart. Your High Heart will then send unconditional love into that message, emotion and/or thought-form. The mere thought of unconditional love will protect you from, and heal, your fear.

Yes, fear can be healed for it is a human creation. Begin to think of your every thought and emotion as your own human energy field, as your personal energy field will naturally seek and merge with other energy fields of the same resonance.

When you are the master of your thoughts and emotions, you are a conscious creator of the thought forms you send out into your environment. Those thought forms, which are much like “the children of your breath,” seek other higher frequency energy fields and thought forms.

As you expand your own inner frequency of consciousness, you will gain greater mastery over your thoughts and your emotions will be more loving. Hence, your thought forms will create energy patterns that flow towards and/or into the higher dimensional light streams.

If you enter a higher dimensional light stream and maintain a high enough frequency of consciousness to remain there, you will flow onto a beautiful inter-dimensional journey. While on this excursion you will be able to perceive reality from many different points of perspective within the same NOW.

These multidimensional perceptions pull your consciousness beyond time, and hence, out of the 3D Matrix. The 3D Matrix is the holographic projection, the “3D video game of physical earth,” which you entered when you took a physical “avatar” body within Earth’s 3D Matrix.

When you are in the NOW for only a moment you gather the sensation of perceiving all reality, thoughts, emotions and people within the total unity of the NOW of the ONE. Much as you learn a dance by repeating the same steps over and over, you will learn the feeling of stepping out of the Matrix by “stepping out of it” over and over.

Then, when your consciousness returns to Beta Waves and you re-enter the Matrix, you KNOW that you have been somewhere, doing something, but your physical brain cannot intercept or bond with that high frequency of light/information.

Therefore, you know that something happened, that you went somewhere or did something, but your 3D brain will not be able to “read” that frequency of your memory patterns. After you have repeated this experience again and again you begin to recognize the sequence of events that leads you to release ALL sequence and return to the simultaneous NOW. This realization allows you to slowly gain mastery over the process of leaving time.

Your 3D brain will not be able to guide you through this process, but your earth vessel will. The reason why your earth vessel will be able to surrender to that which your brain cannot, is because your earth vessel is your animal packages that is created of the exact elements and fifth dimensional elemental as the planet.

Therefore, your small earth vessel can tap into the planet to amplify the energy shift that Gaia’s planet and all Her inhabitants are experiencing. Those who have enough information to be able to understand and accept the higher energy waves of light will blend with this NOW in which every atom of the physical world is beginning to increase its spin.

When you simultaneously tune into an energy field as small as an atom AND as large as a planet your 3D brain becomes so disoriented that is disconnects from the Matrix. This disconnect is much like a pulling the plug then quickly plugged it back in again.

This instant, intense shift resets your consciousness into a “brief moment of the NOW.” Within that “brief moment” your earth vessel experiences it’s “shut down.” However, your consciousness can soar free of your time-bound body and soar into the higher frequencies like a rocket.

Once your consciousness can perceive an eye-blink of no-time of NOW, it opens a new portal of light that was formerly unknown in your daily life. This inter-dimensional portal travels through the HERE and NOW which is free of time and hold NO space. There is only HERE. There is only NOW.

Within the HERE and NOW is all the realities to which your higher consciousness can adhere to and connect with via the new portals that you have connected to your life stream. Your “life stream” is your “signature frequency.” In the higher dimensions, you are not recognized by your name or your looks. You are recognized by your signature frequency.

You are beginning to understand that YOU are a field of energy flowing through the NOW that has chosen to “visit” the lower frequencies of time and space. Via your innate, higher dimensional observation, you can choose to send out a new life stream into time and space.

However, your physical self is not aware of these decisions. The earth vessel that you are wearing is merely the “space suit” in which YOU confine your immense energy field so that you can experience the physical world first hand.

Your physical energy package is surrounded by and integrated with myriad multidimensional energy fields, thought forms and light streams. You can only perceive the components of your personal light package that resonate to the state of your consciousness.

Fortunately, as you increasingly tune into your own energy package, your consciousness can more consciously experience the continual flow light streams, portals, thought forms and/or the energy fields through which you are traveling.

These perceptions can be quite confusing if you are newly remembering your Multidimensional SELF because there are myriad possible, probable, alternate and parallel realities that simultaneously flow through the higher dimensions.

Furthermore, all experiences are occurring with the NOW. Many who are new to this experience chose to quickly “shut down” this “view screen” of reality. But the brief experience of uncontainable joy, unity, purpose and love whispers into their hearts to “try again.”

Just as you may get into and out of the water until you are accustomed to that temperature, your consciousness will flow into and out of these higher frequency perceptions until you acclimate to those frequencies of reality.

In fact, your early perceptions of these higher worlds may appear to you as if you are looking at them under water. These higher dimensional worlds flow like seaweed, many creature move like fish, and all extremes blur into the ONE of the Flow.

We, your Galactic and Celestial Family are so happy to see our volunteers to Earth beginning to remember what they always knew. However, the extreme darkness that has moved through Gaia’s world has created fear within your body. That fear has lowered your consciousness and placed your earth vessel in “fight/flight.”

It is then that you crash land onto the tarmac of your third dimensional matrix. However, if you can remember to look through the matrix, rather that at the illusions being reflecting off the matrix, you will remember to look at the identifying “signature frequencies of all that you perceive.
(* footnote for “reflecting off the matrix)

You will always find what you are looking for because you are actually creating the pathway to that which you wish to “find.” On the other hand, signature frequencies are not illusions. Signature frequencies are the “light skeleton” of your form, your area, your planet, etc.

Because there is NO separation between YOU and your world, you can only identify energy fields that resonate within the spectrum your personal energy field. In the same manner, because there is NO separation within the NOW, everything in your frequency range is responsive to your energy field.

If you want to perceive a higher frequency of reality, you must calibrate your consciousness to the frequency of reality that you wish to perceive. Once you are conscious of the NOW, you can choose to “log out” of a low frequency energy field by expanding your signature frequency into a higher dimension.

The lower resonance frequency will still remain, but you will NOT participate it in. In fact, when this situation arises, we ask that you send unconditional love and violet fire into that lower frequency resonance. Then, you are taking full responsibility for your life.

As your consciousness continues to expand, the responsibility of “your life” expands to encompass your family life, your community life, your national life, your planetary life, and the life of your solar system.

By this state of consciousness you will have returned to full recall of your galactic and celestial life, as well as the Mission that YOU chose to fulfill within this important incarnation. You will also remember “Life IS everywhere and always.”

Your LIFE is telling you:
· WHO you are being,
· WHAT you are creating,
· WHEN you are experiencing an initiation,
· WHERE this initiation is occurring and
· WHY you chose to enter your current earth vessel.

Remember to look at your life because it is YOU.

As I finished writing this channel, I became aware that I was sitting at my desk in my office writing on the computer. However, I could not remember how I got there. When I searched my memory, the last thing I could remember was sitting on the couch having a conversation with my husband and our friend.

But how did I end up sitting at my desk? I got up and went into the living room to ask my husband, “Did I fall asleep on the couch while we were talking?”

He said, “Yes, and our friend went home.”

OK, that part solved, but how did I get from falling asleep on the couch, waking up, walking into my office and writing the above message? The process of waking up, walking into my office, and writing this article was gone until I suddenly “woke up” and said, “Wait Sue, how did I get here in the office?”

Whatever happened in-between waking up and finishing this message did NOT adhere to my 3D brain, and was totally forgotten to my physical brain. I wonder how many times a day I “pop” out of time, then come back into time?

Perhaps, I am getting ready to answer that question because this “time” I could not ignore that I had “been gone,” “bi-located” and/or left 3D time. (I HOPE)

I just heard, “Your ascension is progressing exponentially.”

“Thanks Arcturians, that is good to know/remember!”

*FOOTNOTE FOR “reflecting OFF the Matrix”

What is the difference between life reflecting off the matrix and our “real life?”
Please give us your operational definition of “real life.”
Very good assignment dear Arcturians.
I will need some time to think about that answer.
Take all the time you need to remember what you already know.

Final Webinar: Living in the NOW Series!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
11 am Pacific / 12 PM Mountain / 1 pm Central / 2 pm Eastern / 6 pm GMT
MP3 recordings are available for each event
Learn More!
Event Link

Join us for this webinar.
Do you have time to leave time?

Prepare for the NOW by reading the books:

The Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Books

(Note about Book 4 of the Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension)
Book 4 was twice as long as the others, so we have split it into two books so you can better absorb the information. If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have the old version, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Changing Realities."
Thank you.

Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Posted by Sue at 5:34 PM

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martes, 5 de enero de 2016

251_ 241_ _ El Ser Uno V La Ciudad de Cristal Libro 5

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Lean, y relean, esta pagina...
 una nueva pagina para estudiar, en tres dias...

amor incondicional, 
y Paz profunda para ustedes...

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El Ser Uno

Lo que destruye 
al ser 
es su incapacidad para
Amar y respetar
a toda vida,
que a su alrededor ,
palpita... E.L.


...Cuanto mejor
comprenda el hombre a su semejante, tanto más fácil le será perdonarlo, e incluso, amarlo....

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El Ser Uno V 
 La Ciudad de Cristal
Libro 5

El Ser Uno
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Sin Conocimiento,  no vivo
Sin entendimiento,  no existo
sin amor incondicional,  no Soy

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Without knowledge, I do not live
Without understanding, I do not exist
without unconditional love, I am not.

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2. DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 314.912 | LIVRO: 575 | FOLHA: 72   Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm.  Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal:  Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm.  Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio. 2 
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Ser Uno... Leí el artículo de los vampiros, conozco un vampiro con
todas estas características.
Este que conozco va cambiando, un día es un
vampiro y al otro día es otro. La energía nunca le alcanza, siempre le es poca,
por tal motivo se enferma muy seguido y de enfermedades muy raras. Este
vampiro recién ahora le cierra toda su personalidad y quie
re saber si tiene una
solución, ya se canso de su personalidad, está perdiendo amigos y familia.
¿Qué tendría que hacer ese vampiro?
Estimado Jorge... Algunas personas tienen el hábito de guardar
cosas materiales que no usan y son inútiles. De
igual forma guardamos dentro
de nosotros sentimientos de odios, tristezas, miedos, rencores,
insatisfacciones, frustraciones y más. Estos son los verdaderos Vampiros del
Alma y para lo único que sirve es para estancar la prosperidad, felicidad,
armonía y p
az que debería existir dentro de cada uno. Cuando el Vampiro se
alimenta de otras energías, entonces nos indica que está pidiendo "Auxilio"
porque guarda en su corazón la falta de Amor y nos expresa su tremenda

Este vampiro deberá trabajar much
o sus emociones
enfermas y
curarlas a través del Entendimiento y sobre todo del Amor. Pero debe recordar
que para recibir Amor debe darlo primero y cuando lo llegue a entender,
entonces se curará de todos sus males y podrá revivir a la vida que siempre ha
Ser Uno... Me llamo Berenice, les escribo para que me den su opinión
respecto a unos sucesos y que me gustaría confirmar. He tenido algunas
experiencias, donde se me han presentado unos seres que dicen no pertenecer
a esta dimensión, que
son de Andrómeda. Abrí la página de internet y
curiosamente lo primero que vi fue la imagen de un Ayapliano
Elohim y es muy
parecida a la imagen de los seres que vi. Si lo consideran necesario puedo
darles más detalles sobre el tema. Me gustaría si me pued
en ayudar a
entender esta experiencia. Muchas gracias por la ayuda, porque realmente esto
ha cambiado mi vida, todo para bien. Saludos.
Gracias Berenice por confiarnos tus experiencias, espero que te
pueda ayudar. Ante todo te haré la pregunt
a que siempre hago a las personas
que me escriben: ¿Has leído los libros EL SER UNO? porque si no es así, te
los recomiendo de todo corazón, porque en sus líneas encontrarás muchas
respuestas de lo que te está sucediendo. Estamos en el DESPERTAR DE LA
CIENCIA, significa RECORDAR de dónde venimos, quiénes somos y a
dónde nos dirigimos.
Lo que te está pasando es que estas despertando y recordando quién eres y el
origen de tu existencia. Si los seres que se han contactado contigo dicen que
son de Andróme
da, no tengas la menor duda que tú vienes de allá. Hace
150,000 años vinieron muchas almas de: Alfa Centauri, Las Pléyades,
Andrómeda y Orión y se encarnaron en el hombre que en esa época habitaba
la tierra; lo hicieron para ayudarnos a evolucionar y a ele
var nuestra frecuencia,
vibración, ritmo y color del alma del hombre que se encontraba atrasado en su
desarrollo, por la terrible distorsión que le sucedió. Lee los libros, estoy segura
que encontrarás el Camino de Regreso. Los Hermanos que se comunicaron
contigo han venido a rescatarte como lo harán con todos sus hermanos que un
día vinieron a ayudar al hombre
planeta Tierra.

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Esto continuará mañana...
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El Ser Uno
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3. El Ser Uno es un libro de autoconocimiento. Deberá ser leído en orden: sería inútil que lo leyeran desordenadamente, pues no daría el resultado esperado. Su lectura irá abriendo y conectando los circuitos cerebrales del conocimiento, entendimiento y amor.

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Repasenlo... estudienlo...  meditenlo...
dejen ir las viejas...ideas, y enseñanzas...
estudien las nuevas

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¿Qué es el amor incondicional y por qué es tan elusivo para muchos?  Es un amor que no juzga, defiende o distingue entre ningún ser viviente que entre a su vecindad. Es un amor que abarca toda la creación pues emana del corazón del Dios Padre Madre, de la Fuente de la Creación, de aquello que ha creado la materia y la ha colocado en la materia oscura del Universo expandiente. 

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El amor incondicional está más allá de la comprensión de la pequeña mente que empaqueta y divide, califica y categoriza.  El amor incondicional es el amor que supera cualquier entendimiento y sencillamente es, en sí mismo, puro, íntegro y impecable.  Es la esencia de su Yo Superior.  Es la verdadera esencia de sí mismos, despojada de todo lo que no es el Yo.

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“Te amo, incondicionalmente, y enciendo el Fuego Violeta en la emanación que estás enviando a mí. Bendigo que tú también, encuentres la paz que estoy ganando dentro de la nueva y expandida versión de mi Ser”.

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Muchos están comenzando a despertar y a darse cuenta de que necesitan amarse a sí mismos. Esto es muy difícil para muchos pues han permanecido en las sombras de la duda y el odio de sí mismos durante mucho tiempo, a menudo sin entender los asuntos centrales o razones de dichos sentimientos.

El llegar al amor y el respeto por uno mismo es meramente un paso en la senda a la automaestría. Si ustedes sienten que no se pueden amar a sí mismos todavía, aprendan a aceptarse a sí mismos como son, y liberarán a su yo futuro para amar. El amor fluye desde el corazón de la Creación, pero uno no puede sentir esta conexión o este flujo con la Fuente hasta que se haya conectado con la fuente del amor interior, su propio centro del corazón.

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El Ser Uno
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  • 2 DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 434.039 | LIVRO: 813 | FOLHA: 199 Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal: Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio. 
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El Ser Uno
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La enfermedad no es otra cosa que la manifestación de un proceso psíquico que se encuentra aún en estado de energía-pensamiento. Cuando esta energía- pensamiento comienza a enfermarse, produce una sobre carga eléctrica, desestabilizando la fluidez, la frecuencia y el ritmo, de esta manera la vibración decae y al hacerlo permite la entrada de energías-cinabrias-enfermas que viven y se alimentan de este tipo de ondulación vibratoria. 282- ¿Cómo podemos evitar las enfermedades, si estas aparecen cuando menos lo pensamos? 1- Si ustedes quieren ver su futuro, entonces estudien sus energías-pensamientos y sabrán las enfermedades que tendrán. 

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El Ser Uno

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