miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

sharing.:::. The power of translation - AA Metatron – Final Blood Moon – Key Holders – Twin Flames

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AA Metatron – Final Blood Moon – Key Holders – Twin Flames 

By annamerkaba on July 17, 2015
Greetings Everyone! 

Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.
 As most of you are aware the event of the year – The Final Blood moon in the tetrad is quickly approaching.
 In the weeks leading up to this event you will begin to see more and more information pop up all around you.
 Most of the information that you will see will focus on destruction and the “end” of this world.
 Most will focus on chaos and will try to raise within you various emotions of lower vibrations, all in the hopes of keeping you locked in the reality structure in which humanity has been living for eons. 

What I want you to understand is that the prophesies which have been ingrained in human psyche for thousands of years of destruction and war, have been misconstrued.
 The idea however is accurate that indeed our world as we know it is coming to an end, and a new beginning is quickly approaching.
 It is true that one era is ending and another is commencing.
 The point of the prophesies which most are missing, is that it is COMPLETELY UP TO US, how everything will turn out. If we fall prey to the idea of destruction and “negativity” that is exactly what we will attract not only into our own lives, but the lives of ALL beings currently residing here on earth, and not just earth.

We must always remember that whatever happens here, affects the rest of this universe.
 Therefore, I ask you to please remain positive about what is to come.
 No matter the chaos and the seeming destruction, what we are all experiencing is the building of a new world, where old ideas of how things should be, are disappearing from this planet as we speak.
 And a new world is being built, step by step with all of your efforts.

Just like our benevolent counterparts, guides, angels, various light beings and our star alliances are communicating to us constantly: You are very powerful co-creators of this experience, so please stay grounded and look for the myriad of blessings that surround you daily.
 Focus on what you want to attract into your environment instead of what you don’t want.

Now is an incredibly powerful time, to create what you want, so stop giving your power away by reacting to all the negativity that you are led to believe is surrounding you, and use it instead to create the type of life that you want to have.
 Use this time to your advantage.
 And remember to GROUND, GO DEEP WITHIN, LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION, and then take ACTION towards your goals and aspirations. 

As always I send you my love of universal proportions. May you be blessed with all that you wish for. May you continue to shine your light into this world! 

Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received from AA Metatron. 

Dearly Beloved Children of Light, 

When the key holders awaken, and activate their hidden potential, when the key holders awaken to the truth of that which they are, and the pineal and pituitary and third eye activate, the heart codices are brought into alignment with that which they are here to uphold.

Through said activations, the heart begins to send a signal akin to a sonar in your ships, said signal travel through the distance at lightning speed, for in truth there is no distance between you, for indeed you are all operating on the same spectrum of light.

But once the key holders fully awaken to their identities, and raise their vibrations, their vehicles of choice shall begin to vibrate on a new frequency, and so the sonar that they indeed send out into the world, does not only stop within the matrix of your creation but continues out into the universe until it reaches the highest pinnacle of truth, that is, their higher selves.

To learn more about this Key Please visit http://natalyaankh.myshopify.com/products/ankh-disc

Once reached, and confirmed, once the resonance has indeed been established, a doorway is opened for the beholder to glean through the veil of forgetfulness, and to fully cognitively understand their respective decrees with which they have come into this matrix. The decrees with which they have come, are then translated by their higher selves into human understanding, and from therein, the key holders are able to cognitively take their righteous place upon this planet in preparation for major activation which is set to take place on a particular note and octave of BEing.

Whence such moment arrives, the activation of said key holders shall come into perfect alignment with the creative energies flowing to Gaia, and from therein, utilizing the respective energies and encodings, the key holders shall send another sonar signal which shall resonate with the hidden voices, held sacred in the mountain tops of your known world. Whereby not only those mountaintops which are visible to the naked eye shall begin their awakening, but those laying beneath the layers of time, laying beneath the oceans, and those located within the sphere of this planet.

To learn more about METATRON KEY please visit http://natalyaankh.myshopify.com

And so and thus, the preparation of said key holders of which there are 36,000 vibrating on feminine and masculine frequencies, has indeed began. The preparation of said key holders has begun and shall continue full force until the last of your blood moons of your earthly year. And whence such moment occurs and it will, the key holders shall merge, swirling within the sphere of unconditional love for each other and through the sphere, through the vortex that they shall generate, the “sonar” signal shall double in its power, travel through time and space, connecting with other said vortices generated by all key holders, culminating in a giant spinning vortex of positive and negative polarities, creating a void sphere of influence, whereby all past, future and present “karmic debts” shall be voided fully and completely and from therein a new clean slate of understanding shall begin to emerge.

That is not to say that you shall arrive to a new world overnight, that is to say that through the activation of said vortexes and annulment of all karmic debt that human earth and human souls dwelling therein have acquired, shall propel them to awaken to their understanding of  BEing, shall propel them to understand the karmic experience, understand the karmic experience and proceed benevolently into a new cognition of BEIng, forgiving that which they have experienced, being grateful for said cognition, knowing, feeling and understanding that said reality structure of the past no longer has any association , nor place in a new world in which they wish to dwell.

Nonetheless, the free will of human souls shall continue to be in effect for a short duration in which time the idea of karma and the understanding of said structure shall dissipate and seize to exist on your planet. And for those souls who shall still wish to continue said experience they shall be given an opportunity to experience said reality in the matrix that most shall void.

And so, and thus, the stabilizing effect of energies, the merging of various polarities, the expansion of consciousness, continues to be in effect through the clearing and cleansing and purifying energies embracing your earthly sphere of cognition daily.

And hence it is of utmost importance to stay alert to the conflicting energies, encounters and information entering your psyche.
 Be mindful of that which you see unfold rapidly before you, stay grounded, stay in the NOW.
 Remember your divinity.
 Understand that you are being supported, assisted and REMINDED of that which indeed you are. 
Know that it is so, for it is.

That is all that we have for you now, we love you we are with you goodbye for now
P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. 
To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttps://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

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martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

258_248_ _ El Ser Uno V La Ciudad de Cristal Libro 5

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Lean, y relean, esta pagina...
 una nueva pagina para estudiar, en tres dias...

amor incondicional, 
y Paz profunda para ustedes...

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El Ser Uno

Lo que destruye 
al ser 
es su incapacidad para
Amar y respetar
a toda vida,
que a su alrededor ,
palpita... E.L.


...Cuanto mejor
comprenda el hombre a su semejante, tanto más fácil le será perdonarlo, e incluso, amarlo....

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El Ser Uno V 
 La Ciudad de Cristal
Libro 5

El Ser Uno
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Sin Conocimiento,  no vivo
Sin entendimiento,  no existo
sin amor incondicional,  no Soy

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Without knowledge, I do not live
Without understanding, I do not exist
without unconditional love, I am not.

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2. DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 314.912 | LIVRO: 575 | FOLHA: 72   Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm.  Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal:  Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm.  Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio. 2 
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...   ...recuerda también que los Hermanos Mayores
plianos han insertado entre
las líneas códigos para activar los circuitos cerebrales y ayudarnos en el
Despertar de la Consciencia. Te vas a dar cuenta que si ese mismo párrafo lo
lees en diferentes días, entenderás otras cosas que no lo hiciste la primera
Estos libros son mágicos, te van abriendo canales sin darte cuenta y si los lees
o escuchas con otras personas, es fantástico, porque cada una de ellas
aportará su entendimiento y con ello la mente crece enormemente.
casi dos años comencé
a leer los libros EL SER UNO,
inmediatamente me puse a estudiarlos, coger apuntes, sentir, llorar. De repente
tenía ante mí parte de la información que yo de niña sentía dentro de mí.
También desde hace más o menos un año, cada día al despertar doy los
nos días y las gracias al Padre, a la Madre Gaia, al Hermano Sol y a los
Hermanos Ayaplianos y hace un mes sin esperarlo contactó conmigo un Yo
¡¡Que alegría, haber encontrado éste blog!! Soy de Arg
entina, quisiera
saber cuándo llegará el libro aquí y su costo, ya que si bien se puede bajar por
la Web, su costo es imposible, ya que la tinta está muy cara y no podría
hacerlo, soy jubilada, tengo 74 años y quisiera conocer otra posibilidad para
Ya que es muy difícil un libro de esas características, leerlo directamente
desde la pantalla, ya que hay párrafos para releer y a mí no me resulta fácil.
Les agradezco y los amo desde mi esencia por la respuesta. Por favor a qué
precio llegará a Argentin
a, a ver si puedo comprarlo con mi magra
jubilación...Los saludo en amor y gracias por trabajar para la humanidad. ¡¡Una
humanidad abrazando a otra humanidad!!... María Alicia.
Estimada María Alicia... Gracias por escribirnos. Los libros EL
O solo se encontrarán en formato digital. Comprendemos que leerlos
en la computadora no es cómodo e imprimirlos resulta a veces caro. Estos
libros no se comercializan, ni se venden, son GRATUITOS, la única forma que
tuvimos para distribuirlos a la humanida
d y que llegara a todos por igual, fue
hacerlo a través de la Internet. También existe otra manera en nuestra página
del Website:
los libros también se pueden escuchar a través
de: Audio
Libros. Para
usted tal vez sería más agradable escucharlos, eso no
la incomodaría mucho y sería más descansado. Lo sentimos mucho,
entendemos que así como usted, deben de haber muchos que pierden la
oportunidad de leerlos por los mismos motivos. Pediremos mucha LUZ al
universo para ver como lo podemos resolver...
... ¿Podrían explicarme quien es Jehová? Porque para mí fue
durante muchos años el Dios verdadero omnipotente a quien oraba,
agradecería de su conocimiento, gracias... Ana Bertha.
(YHWH) es un forma verbal del hebreo que significa “YO
SOY EL QUE SOY”. Podemos decir que por la definición del nombre y por su
significado “DIOS ES DE TODOS Y PARA TODOS” sin importar el nombre que
lo define.

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Esto continuará mañana...
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El Ser Uno
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3. El Ser Uno es un libro de autoconocimiento. Deberá ser leído en orden: sería inútil que lo leyeran desordenadamente, pues no daría el resultado esperado. Su lectura irá abriendo y conectando los circuitos cerebrales del conocimiento, entendimiento y amor.

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Repasenlo... estudienlo...  meditenlo...
dejen ir las viejas...ideas, y enseñanzas...
estudien las nuevas

^ ^ ^

¿Qué es el amor incondicional y por qué es tan elusivo para muchos?  Es un amor que no juzga, defiende o distingue entre ningún ser viviente que entre a su vecindad. Es un amor que abarca toda la creación pues emana del corazón del Dios Padre Madre, de la Fuente de la Creación, de aquello que ha creado la materia y la ha colocado en la materia oscura del Universo expandiente. 

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El amor incondicional está más allá de la comprensión de la pequeña mente que empaqueta y divide, califica y categoriza.  El amor incondicional es el amor que supera cualquier entendimiento y sencillamente es, en sí mismo, puro, íntegro y impecable.  Es la esencia de su Yo Superior.  Es la verdadera esencia de sí mismos, despojada de todo lo que no es el Yo.

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“Te amo, incondicionalmente, y enciendo el Fuego Violeta en la emanación que estás enviando a mí. Bendigo que tú también, encuentres la paz que estoy ganando dentro de la nueva y expandida versión de mi Ser”.

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Muchos están comenzando a despertar y a darse cuenta de que necesitan amarse a sí mismos. Esto es muy difícil para muchos pues han permanecido en las sombras de la duda y el odio de sí mismos durante mucho tiempo, a menudo sin entender los asuntos centrales o razones de dichos sentimientos.

El llegar al amor y el respeto por uno mismo es meramente un paso en la senda a la automaestría. Si ustedes sienten que no se pueden amar a sí mismos todavía, aprendan a aceptarse a sí mismos como son, y liberarán a su yo futuro para amar. El amor fluye desde el corazón de la Creación, pero uno no puede sentir esta conexión o este flujo con la Fuente hasta que se haya conectado con la fuente del amor interior, su propio centro del corazón.

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El Ser Uno
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  • 2 DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 434.039 | LIVRO: 813 | FOLHA: 199 Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal: Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio. 
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El Ser Uno
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La enfermedad no es otra cosa que la manifestación de un proceso psíquico que se encuentra aún en estado de energía-pensamiento. Cuando esta energía- pensamiento comienza a enfermarse, produce una sobre carga eléctrica, desestabilizando la fluidez, la frecuencia y el ritmo, de esta manera la vibración decae y al hacerlo permite la entrada de energías-cinabrias-enfermas que viven y se alimentan de este tipo de ondulación vibratoria. 282- ¿Cómo podemos evitar las enfermedades, si estas aparecen cuando menos lo pensamos? 1- Si ustedes quieren ver su futuro, entonces estudien sus energías-pensamientos y sabrán las enfermedades que tendrán. 

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El Ser Uno

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"Libro de las Mutaciones"

I - Ching

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sharing.:::.▶ Butt Transformation Workout!!! 30 Days - The Two-Way Circuit Home - Awakening with Suzanne Lie

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The Two-Way Circuit Home
July 15, 2015

The Two-Way Circuit Home

The Arcturians

Dear Ascending Ones,

We the Arcturians are always happy to answer some of the questions that we have perceived in the consciousness of our volunteers to Earth. We will not state the questions, but will directly address the answers. Our answers will be perceived differently when you are in different states of consciousness.

For example, in your 3D beta wave state of consciousness you may think that you know the Truth, but when you are in your 4D alpha or, especially, your 5D gamma wave consciousness, you will know that you must live the truth.

Knowing the truth, or what you currently perceive as the truth, is based on time because it is a third dimensional interpretation of inter-dimensional information/experience.

On the other hand, when you live the truth, you flow out of your 3D time and into your 5D NOW—and then back again. Then your challenge is, “With which frequency of my brain/consciousness do I share this information?”

The 3D brain is completely confused by the 5D information and needs massive explanation for even the simplest 5D concept. The frequency of information received from your fifth dimensional consciousness does not translate well into your third dimensional consciousness.

Therefore, much of this 5D information must be stored in the 4D aura. (It can also be stored in the Multidimensional Mind, which we have discussed before.) It is for this reason, among others, that we are taking humans through the fourth dimension.

When you expand your consciousness into the fourth dimension via meditation or higher dream states, your 3D brain can temporarily collect the 5D information. Of course this information must immediately be documented, as it will NOT adhere to the physical synapse of the 3D brain. We will now answer some of your questions and leave it to your personal discretion to determine if you will receive and/or live our answers.

There are many who are asking, “When is the time for ascension?” Our answer is that ascension is always NOW because when you ascend, you leave time. Many of our first ones to return have been able to “leave time” for quite a while.

However, they usually forget that experience once they re-enter the time/space of the third dimension. We say to all you, and you DO know who you are, keep on leaving/returning, leaving/returning and leaving time/returning to time.

When you leave time, you have ascended into your fifth dimensional energy package of Multidimensional Light. While in that timeless NOW of the ONE, you are reunited with your Multidimensional SELF.

Then when you return to your third dimensional physical self, you feel as though you are waiting for the “time” of ascension. In reality, you are waiting for your next adventure beyond time.

Your 3D and 5D self have made the agreement that once you remembered how to BE firmly grounded in your 3D body and also fully connected to your fifth dimensional light body, you would begin to remember your multidimensional life.

You know from other incarnations that if you were not fully grounded in the 3D and you totally connected to the 5D that, when you returned to your 3D self, your physical self would become very lonely, depressed and often physically ill.

Part of this issue was because you were younger in your earth years. Another part of this issue was that frequency of Gaia was MUCH lower then. Therefore, when you returned from a 5D reality based on unconditional love, you had to return to a reality filled with fear, hate, wars, lies and illusions.

Since your 5D perceptions were still “online” when you returned to Earth, you could see through the 3D illusions of, “It’s all fine,” to perceive just how frightening your 3D world was. Finally, you decided—while in your 5D body—that the switching back and forth was too intense on your third-dimensional emotions.

The emotional turmoil of your return was also very challenging for your health. It was because of this health issue that many of you decided to wait until you were more mature, or the physical world was safer, before you continued your inter-dimensional travels.

However, your more mature self also has many third dimensional problems, so many of you still were not ready to fully return to your inter-dimensional traveling. In fact, your adult self looked back on your younger self with longing for a simpler life.

Many of you have just recently discovered that if you fully explained to others your process of bi-location to your SELF, that you could more easily explain it to your own 3d brain. Thus, you began to tentatively share your inter-dimensional experiences with other “Warriors for the Light.”

Humans have often thought of warriors as killers, but we Galactics think of warriors as saviors of any form of reality that MUST be protected until it is the NOW of great change. As a warrior, you learn that you must listen to your commander, who is a member of your own Multidimensional SELF.

You also must have unity and trust with your fellow warriors, as well as your leaders. We say this to you NOW because you are all being prepared to be a warrior for Gaia who is also ready to fully connect with Her Galactic expression of SELF.

You see all of you, persons and planet, are preparing to enter the Unity with ALL Life in the fifth dimension. In fact, the term “warrior for your new life” is being transmuted into the term “creator of your new reality.”

However, it is important that you experience your warrior stage, as it takes great courage to be a creator of reality. In past versions of Earth, only males could be warriors, but that has now changed.

Therefore, the terms “male and female” has largely been transmuted from the old meaning of separation between genders to the NOW meaning of the two poles of Spirit. To understand what we are about to say, you must remember that there is nothing in the Universe besides Spirit.

Therefore, whenever you feel as though you are traveling through darkness, you are actually traveling through the ILLUSION of darkness. There are two poles to Spirit. There is the (+) Positive, active and directing pole, as well as the (-) Negative, passive, receiving and assimilating pole.

These poles have nothing to do with gender, but have a great deal to do with creation. All creation is in a state of “becoming,” and perfection is the goal. The positive pole, often known as the First Ray, of Spirit manifests as energy out and the negative pole, the Second Ray, is known as the receptacle of that energy.

These two poles unite in order to create form. The First Ray of non-manifest Spirit enters the Second Ray. The Second Ray takes in this non-manifest spirit and creates a form for this spirit. This dynamic has often been known as “Father/Mother God.”

These two poles of Spirit and Matter are NOW joining within the ONE to create a corridor for Earth to enter Her higher-dimensional planetary expression. This manifestation, as with all manifestation begins INSIDE.

Just as the manifestation of a new human begins within the core of the mother, the manifestation of a new planet begins within the Core of that planet. All new life stems from the Core, such as the core of the Mother, the Planet, The Solar System, the Galaxy and the core of the Universe.

Just as the male plants the potential of a human in the core of the female, Spirit plants the potential of creativity into the core of every physical being. In this manner, all human creations stem from their own “potential of creativity.”

However, this spiritual potential must be planted into the matter of your physical world. Because we Galactics resonate beyond time, we could perceive that humanity would need assistance from their galactic family to overcome the vast indoctrination of too many eras of darkness.

We tried to land on your planet to assist you with your process of ascension, but our information was hidden by the dark ones and forgotten by the masses. Thus, we realized that we would have to lower a component of our personal galactic frequency net into physical humans.

Therefore, some of us volunteered to take an incarnation on Earth during your “time” of great transmutation. Once our earth vessel was born through the traditional 3D manner, the essence of our higher dimensional galactic self was implanted into that physical expression of our SELF.

This implantation had to occur either at birth or during an event in which that person moved into the delta wave consciousness of beginning or ending life. Hence, we could only plant the higher dimensional essence into the earth shell when the portal to that shell/body was opened.

Some of those who were implanted still slumber, some have perished in a dangerous world, and some are actively serving us. When we say “us,” we mean the members of our Galactic Federation, which extends beyond just the Arcturians.

You, the brave volunteers from our Federation, have NOW fully merged with your grounded expression of self. We were careful to implant the earth-bound ones with the essence of their own Multidimensional SELF.

Therefore, your own higher dimensional expression, has bi-located some of his/her/its essence into your current third dimensional expression.

For many of our volunteers to join your third dimensional expression, this is the first time in many millennia that you have experienced “wearing an individual third dimensional form.”

At first it was an adventure, then it became a challenge, but now the experience has greatly changed. This change is that NOW the earthly human vessels are starting to transmute back into a fifth dimensional light-body.

Therefore, we Galactics are having very unique experiences of transmutation that some of us have never experienced. Some of us have never worn a physical shell, but we volunteered to wear an earth vessel because we loved Gaia.

Those of us from Arcturus, Sirius and the Pleiades have had an intimate relationship with the beloved being known as Gaia. Gaia, the early Greek word for Earth. Gaia is such an evolved being that only a planetary body was sufficient to contain Her energy field.

Gaia has now completed Her planetary tour of the third dimension and is ready to transmute into Her planetary tour into the fifth dimension. When this transmutation occurs, those of us Galactics who bi-located into a human form, while also keeping our galactic form, will have a unique experience of meeting our self.

We are aware that you perceive your selves as earth humans. In the same manner, we perceive ourselves as galactic beings. Some are in humanoid form, and some not in humanoid form. When our human self ascends, we will meet this component of our Multidimensional SELF as a seemingly “separate” being.

Of course, our Earth human will then be wearing a fifth-dimensional Lightbody. However, that projection of our self has taken his/her own “individual identity.” How we will integrate these “individual” versions of our self into our galactic society is unknown.

Many of our volunteers have become very attached to Gaia and may choose to live on fifth dimensional New Earth. Some of them/you may wish to return to and/or visit their/your Homeworld and/or Ship.

These challenges are by no means a problem. In fact, because we live within the NOW, we see the solutions. However, we share this information with all of our grounded volunteers so that you, too, can ponder the NOW of your return to SELF.

This “return” is closer in your “time” than you might suspect. Hence, we wish to remind our brave volunteers who have bi-located to 3D Earth that once you have decided to return to your Lightbody you will be within the unity consciousness of your own Galactic SELF.

Within the unity consciousness, you will remember all the versions of your SELF that you have ever taken since your initial decision to enter the adventure of taking a form on planet Earth.

We will not tax your 3D brain by trying to explain how you will be able to easily have all these perceptions while in the NOW. We have stated these questions because we wish you to ponder your return to SELF.

We ask you these questions because you are beginning to remember your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, your 3D brain is trying to connect with your 5D brain within your own higher states of consciousness.

Beloved returning ones, please continue to allow your 3D brain to ask questions that appear impossible or even ridiculous. These questions are the beginning of the neural net that is awaking in your 3D brain that is attached to your true 5D expression of SELF.

The more you ponder this connection, the more you will activate that neural network of these fifth dimensional synaptic junctions. Every time you activate that network in your physical brain, that small path becomes a dirt road, then becomes a wider street, and eventually becomes a freeway of two-way information.

Eventually, this two-way circuit will guide you HOME

to the Unity Consciousness with your SELF.

We joyously await that NOW.

The Arcturians and your Galactic Family

Posted by Suzanne Lie at 7:26 AM

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