miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023

sharing, Old Souls, And The Completion Of The Incarnation Cycle

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Those undergoing the fifth and final stage of reincarnation are known as old souls.
 In this stage of soul evolvement there is a search for balance and completion, and an urge to pass on the torch before the end of reincarnation.

The Journey’s End
Having completed the fourth stage of reincarnation, the soul has come a long way.

– In the first stage, as an infant soul, it learned about physical existence, life and death, and the need for nurturing.

– In the second stage, as a baby soul, it learned about society, culture and community, the need for structure, belonging, and playing a role.

– In the third stage, as a young soul, it learned about free will and self-determination, taking charge of its own destiny, rising to the challenge.

– In the fourth stage, as a mature soul, it learned about co-existence and interrelatedness, taking responsibility for its relationships, honoring difference and otherness.
At last, the soul is ready for the final leg of the journey: the return to unity and the end of reincarnation.

This return to unity does not involve any loss of individuality, as some imagine.
 The end of reincarnation — “ascension” or “enlightenment” or what have you — does not mean fading out of existence, dissolving into nothingness.
 Rather, the soul completes its adventure as a unique individual, like a distinctive star in the night sky, a completely realized Self.

So to begin this stage, the soul will tend to focus on true self-expression and self-actualization, seeking experiences which provide personal fulfilment within life on the physical plane.
 This could be found in, say, acting, painting, wine-growing, gardening, flying old aeroplanes, or simply being a grandparent.
 The soul is not interested in success or fame so much as doing something it loves well, and finding inner satisfaction.

Then, towards the end of the stage, there is more of an emphasis on teaching rather than simply learning: passing on the lessons learnt, showing others the way. 

For some, especially Old Priest souls, the teaching focus is explicitly spiritual.
 Many of the world’s great spiritual teachers are old souls.

That’s not to say that every self-proclaimed guru is an old soul.
 Far from it.
 There are spiritual teachers at all stages of reincarnation.
 But the advanced old soul has certain characteristics as a spiritual teacher that stand out from the rest: far-reaching wisdom, great compassion, and little or no attachment to material things.

The main lesson for old souls is to do with unity in diversity.
 The old soul already has a well-developed sense of personal identity (from the young soul phase) and interdependence (from the mature soul phase). Now the soul also feels drawn to reconnect with the greater order of things, the underlying cosmic unity.
This does not mean overthrowing the lessons of the previous stages in favor of some nice, fluffy notion of oneness. Rather, it means coming to terms with all of life’s dualities (self and other, love and hate, joy and pain, etc.) as integral to the whole.
Old Soul Perceptions
In this fifth and final cycle on the Earth plane, there is a more holistic perception of self, life and everything as part of a bigger picture. So while the mature soul comes to perceive others as its brothers and sisters, the old soul comes to perceive both self and others as integral parts of a greater whole, all unique yet all essential.
In other words, the old soul comes to perceive every thing, every being, every moment, as part of one great tapestry.
The issue now is how to relate to this united reality through one’s own being — how to be at peace with all of the conflicts, how to experience the harmony within all of the diversity.
This involves recognizing the validity of each being’s chosen path in life within the broader scheme of things. We are all part of the One, and yet we are many, each pursuing a different path. And no path is wrong. Hence the old soul motto: “You do your thing and I’ll do mine.”
Old Soul Lifestyles
Old souls become more relaxed, laid back and detached in life. Human existence is familiar and manageable, and there are not so many problems or issues to deal with. The main issues, in fact, are existential rather than material or psychological.

Doing their own thing, old souls end up pursuing nothing but their own path whilst allowing others to pursue theirs, just perfecting their own abilities, being themselves in life to the best that they can. Many do so through artistic, humanitarian or philosophical endeavors, though for many their greatest form of self-fulfillment can be something as “mundane” as gardening. Work, rest and play all become the same thing.
A potential difficulty for old souls is lapsing into apathy, no longer caring about life and the world. As the physical plane begins to lose its allure, the incarnate soul can show signs of being world-weary, even from birth.
In fact, depression is the one form of mental illness to which old souls are vulnerable. (Which is not to say that everyone with depression is an old soul, necessarily. It’s just that an old soul who is beginning to see the bigger picture might sometimes feel that ordinary life is a pointless ordeal.)
In the end, joy is found in simply being as opposed to doing.
How can you spot an old soul?
Old souls have a level of self-assurance that is unusual for souls in other stages (with the exception of King souls, who don’t really do self-doubt at any stage). They are generally relaxed and comfortable in their own skins. That’s not to say that they have no issues; many clearly do. But their issues do not dominate them in the way that is often the case with mature souls.
Old souls tend to emanate a calm, steady quality that has substance, depth or gravitas. In comparison, young souls can appear frantic and superficial while mature souls seem perpetually stressed and assailed by life. You can often hear it in the voice — young souls tend to talk loud and fast, mature souls have a sort of soft tone laced with uncertainty, while old souls tend to have a slow, deep voice – relaxed, assured and unhurried.
This inner calm and depth is also evident in the old soul’s eyes. Whereas young souls cannot make eye contact for long, and mature souls will do so occasionally, when they’re not too stressed or distracted, old souls tend to make direct eye contact with an unflinching gaze. (Note: This is not the same as the cold stare of a psychopath!) They are unafraid to look another in the eyes and see into their heart.
Compared to other souls, old souls are generally more relaxed and philosophical about life, at ease with themselves and others, and have fewer material attachments. They tend to be drawn to the quiet life away from the noise of the city. The old soul is more a citizen of the world than wedded to one place. Old Kings in particular will tend to spend their last lives as homeless, wandering teachers.
The Completion of the Reincarnation Cycle
There are seven levels to every stage of soul evolution, including this one. So after completing the 7th level of the mature soul stage, the soul begins its next life as a 1st-level old soul. The soul then undergoes the whole sequence of development as an old soul, one life at a time, until finally it reaches 7th level. This is the final step, step 35, in the 35 steps of reincarnation.
Now, I occasionally meet people who are convinced that they must now be in their final incarnation simply because they are so “spiritual” and have no liking for the material world. This is not how it works.
The goal of evolution is not to escape from the wretched physical plane, despite what many teach. The end of reincarnation is not some sort of reward for good behavior. Human existence is not a prison, or a wheel of torment, from which only the most worthy gain liberation.
We incarnate because we want to and we choose to. We keep doing it precisely because we want to come to terms with it. We know that in each life we will probably spend several decades not remembering who we are, not remembering our eternal Home, buying into the illusion of separation, experiencing fear. This is the very stuff which inspires us to become more conscious.
Completion occurs when it matters not whether you are incarnate or discarnate: you see through the illusion and you always feel at Home.
If you have issues with being physical, then you still have a way to go.
So the last lifetime is one in which you are very content to be in physical form, using it as an opportunity to teach and enlighten others.
Ramana Maharshi is an example of someone in their last life, reaching the end of reincarnation. Towards the end of his life, some of his students begged him not to die, not to leave them. His answer was:
“But where could I possibly go?”
He knew that both he and everybody else are already Home, and always will be, having never really left it.
Posted 1st June by Shanti Zohar

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miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023


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Being One  
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Being One e-books español Portuguese SHARING: 
 Being One  
resume: ↓ english, 


It is the Soul, which, with its 30% CONSCIOUS, is wanting to become a beautiful Butterfly (Spirit), and it is the Soul that, with its 70% SUB-CONSCIOUS, is working hard, will, perseverance and effort, doing his best in this dense and dark reality, to become a beautiful Butterfly. 

 It will always be the Soul, which, from its Unconscious, Subconscious, and Consciousness, wishes to become a beautiful Butterfly, to belong to the Consciousness of the Universal Mind. 

That is the goal of the soul, and, some, consciously know it, and others, intuit it from the Sub-Conscious. 

On planet Earth, there is not a single being, who is 100% awake 

–Said Brother Elohim - 

Everyone, absolutely everyone, SLEEP and daydream sleep.

 The CONSCIOUS state OF WATCH (vigil) is fully awake in the Inner City. 

 You have given it so many names who no longer know who he is ... It is called: SUPERIOR I, GUARDIAN ANGEL, ARCHANGEL, ASCENDED MASTER, BEINGS OF LIGHT, SPIRIT, PROTECTOR, etc. etc. etc. 


 that always helps you and supports you in the AWAKENING FROM CONSCIOUSNESS. 



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miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

Sharing.::: Fifth Chakra

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Fifth Chakra - Gaia Speaks--Free Download of Webinar 1

Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon!"

Today, we will present the information about our Fifth Chakra

and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Fifth Chakra

The Fifth Chakra


LOCATION: The location of the fifth chakra is in our throat.

 This chakra rules creativity and is the first chakra where we can become in touch with higher beings. The Throat Chakra has sixteen petals. In numerology, a number 16 reduces to a 7. Seven is the number of analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness and meditating.

The number 7 directs an inner focus that is vital for creativity to germinate and to communicate our deepest, honest self with others and with higher beings. The challenge of the number 7 lies in the difficulties brought on by discomfort with our inner feelings which cannot be expressed. The number 7 urges us to go inside and join our thoughts and emotions to find a creative expression.

NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for the fifth chakra is G# and the mantra is “ham” or “u” as in blue.

COLOR: The color for this chakra is pale blue or a greenish blue.

RULES: The Throat Chakra rules speech, hearing, communication, self-expression, grace and listening to the Higher Self. This chakra urges us to find our “self”, communicate it through our creativity, and use the creative force of our higher emotions to move our consciousness into the higher dimensions.

SENSE: The fifth chakra rules the sense of hearing. Just as we must learn to hear our inner self, we must also learn to “hear” others.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Gemini, and its ruler Mercury, focuses on communication. Many people with their Sun in Gemini enjoy performing and other means of creative communication. Geminis are also very analytical. Their dual nature makes them very gregarious and, at the same time, quite reclusive.

ELEMENT: The ether is the element of this chakra. The fifth chakra is the first chakra that is ruled by our higher senses, which calls for the force of this chakra to focus on the members of the Angelic Realm.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The fifth chakra directs our attention towards the higher third and fourth dimensions. It is still ruled largely by our conscious mind, but has access to the collective consciousness. When this chakra is balanced, our individual consciousness has progressed beyond personal and group consciousness to “national consciousness”.

PERSONAL TIMELINE: This chakra represents the stage of life of adulthood. At this stage, a sense of self is established enough so that we are fully responsible and can build long-term relationships. If we can use the power of this chakra, we can learn to go inside of ourselves to determine the source of our emotions. Then we can effectively communicate our personal experience to another. It is the ability to go inside to connect with our inner guidance before we communicate with another that creates true intimacy because it is based on our deepest inner truth.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: The time era best represented by the Throat Chakra is the New Age—our present time. In this era it is our challenge to shift from national focus to planetary focus. This collective consciousness urges the individuals in “national consciousness” to expand their consciousness.

In order to face the challenges that lay ahead of us, like pollution and the ability to end life as we know it with a nuclear war, it is time we realize that all of us are in this world together. We are presently faced with many challenges that we could never even conceive of in the past. We must all go inside and call upon our highest guidance so that we can honestly, effectively and creatively express our solutions.

Worship through this chakra has expanded beyond the one male God with human characteristics of anger and revenge, who safely lives far away in heaven to a concept of God that encompass both the masculine and feminine polarities as well as all of creation: God/Goddess/All That Is.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: The endocrine gland for this chakra is the thyroid gland. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland, which wraps around the front part of the windpipe just below the Adam’s apple. It produces hormones which influence essentially every organ, every tissue and every cell in the body.

Thyroid hormones regulate the body’s metabolism and organ function, affecting heart rate, cholesterol level, body weight, energy level, muscle strength, skin condition, menstrual regularity, memory and many other conditions. In other words, our thyroid communicates with our entire body and has much to do with regulating our overall health and well-being.

NERVE PLEXUS: The nerve plexus for this chakra is the laryngeal plexus. This plexus controls our throat, shoulders, arms and voice.

CLEAR: When this chakra is clear we have good communication, expression, creativity, inspiration, and positive interactions with others. Our metabolism is healthy, our cholesterol levels are good, we have vital energy and we feel strong physically and psychologically. We are inspired to express our higher self and have a life enriched by creative expression and entertainment. Our relationships are based on truthful communication and true intimacy.

UNCLEAR: When our fifth chakra is unclear we often have hearing problems, throat and/or voice problems, coughing, stuttering, poor metabolism, thyroid gland problems and the flu. We feel unfulfilled creatively and may be bored and boring. We may have problems speaking too loud or fear of speaking out. Our relationships may suffer from poor communication and a lack of intimacy. We feel uninspired and disconnected from our spiritual guidance.

EARTH CHAKRA: Mother Earth’s fifth chakra is in Mt. Shasta, California. Mt. Shasta has long been known as a spiritual vortex and many retreats and seminars have been held there. Metaphysically, the ancient Lemurians are said to have been living in the fourth dimension of the area underneath Mt. Shasta. Mt. Shasta is the highest mountain in the United States and is a pinnacle of inspiration.

DIMENSIONS: The Throat Chakra rules the higher third and fourth dimension. Our tortured emotions can pull us into the nightmare of the Lower Astral Plane. Therefore, before any of us can begin our inner travels through the inner planes of reality; we must clear a “tunnel” through our own dark side that lies in the Netherworld of the Lower Astral. Once we have accomplished that, we have opened our consciousness to a wondrous inner world that is as real, in fact more real, than the world of illusions that is our physical reality.

SUMMARY: The Throat Chakra is the first step towards acknowledging that we are all Gods and Goddesses in training. Like a small seed dropping from a flower, we come to the third dimension to learn to grow into our own flower. We find many hardships, as often the soil is dry and unfertile. However, it is through facing our inner and outer conflicts that we grow into our higher creative self.

Our personal creativity is not limited to what is socially identified as an art form. Every area of our life demands communication of our creative force. How difficult is it to find a way to lovingly guide a small child or deal with a dogmatic employer? Many people may say, “I am not creative.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Our Throat Chakra holds the force of creative expression that is our birthright. Everyone is creative. If we have lost our connection to our creative SELF, it is one of the greatest losses we can suffer.

But of course, how can we lose our inner self? We cannot! The door to our inner self is ALWAYS accessible. It is only our own unhealed pain and fear that shuts and locks the door. If we cannot open that door, then our first action must be to find someone who can help us to communicate with the SELF that waits within each and every one of us.

previous: sadnessa


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miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023


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  El Ser Uno




Sadness is part of the emotions, it is an emotion so ingrained that it has no explanation 

- Sister Interana replied -

 it simply arises, and invades. 

There are so many definitions to classify Sadness that it will not be just named. When this emotion becomes acute, it can turn into Chronic Sadness or the disease of the century, called: Depression. 

The Antonym of Sadness is: Happiness. What is Happiness? Is it a perennial, and eternal, state of Joy, enjoyment, rejoicing and Bliss? How, you Mortal-Human-Beings, could you maintain Eternal and Infinite Happiness? Is it possible to get it? 

Is it necessary to possess material goods, money, position, success and everything that materiality offers to you, to say the magic words: We are Happy? 

What do you need to know, or learn, so that Happiness does not flee from the heart and soul? 

To understand it, first, you must decipher the meaning of the word: Happiness. HAPPINESS: It is an emotion that occurs in the person, when he believes he has reached a desired goal.

 Happiness is usually coupled with an internal or subjective condition of satisfaction and joy. Some psychologists have tried to characterize the degree of happiness through various tests, and have come to define happiness as a measure of subjective well-being, which influences the attitudes and behavior of individuals. 

People who have a high degree of happiness generally show a positive, environmental approach, at the same time that they feel motivated to conquer new goals 

- continued Brother Luz - 

The BEING ONE tells you, in the books , that Happiness is a psychic state of the soul that feels: Harmony, Peace, Tranquility, Balance, Agreement, Realization, Serenity, Equanimity etc. 

But, for many beings on this planet, Happiness is: Possessing, Controlling, Hoarding, Accumulating, and, much more, to feel that they are happy, and, in addition, they think that all that accumulation of goods will make them feel that they are beings fulfilled, in life. 

What makes you feel sad? 

Is it a Dissatisfaction that is born in the Soul, or is it a way of life originated by a demanding and planetary system that leads the Being towards a certain direction in which it lives and develops? 


Are these beings unhappy with their partner, family life, work, environment, with themselves, with the life that they had to live and experience? 

Is it really the Sadness that overwhelms them, or, is it something similar, call it: Dissatisfaction, anger towards life, lack of love and misunderstanding of others towards them? 

Is it perhaps feeling lonely, without love and hope, without having a word of encouragement, a head to rest and cry on?

 Sadness lives in each one of you 

– said Brother Interano –

She expresses herself in different ways. 

different intensities. 

Human-beings capture life in thousands of ways, for that reason, they feel and fluctuate in the midst of emotions. 

For some, they are terrible experiences, and for others, not so much. Happiness is sporadic, they are moments of pleasure and joy. 

At least in external reality, Happiness is not perennial, lasting or eternal, it is subject to the emotional unevenness of experiences. All of you are trapped in the emotions, they are the ones that do not let you see clearly, and, it is they, that accompany you since you were, children, and also, they can bring you from other incarnations. 

Sadness is an Emotion, therefore it must be understood; know what its origin is; if it is genetic; if it is brought from other lives; if it was the mother who energetically bequeathed it to her children in the nine months of gestation; if the Being was born, and grew up, within a sad, afflicted and bitter family, where discouragement and suffering prevailed; if he has had a difficult life, without pleasant memories. 

If so, then, the Being spends a lifetime thinking that this way of living is the only one, and normal, if he saw that in his family since his childhood, then, he will believe in his fatalism that this is the life he had to live. 

He grows up thinking that this is life, and having been his soul engraved in that way, he continues the process repeating the same pattern with which he was taught. 

He turns in a vicious circle of wrong customs, habits, behaviors and recordings that are passed down from father to son. 

The genetic-negative-sick patterns must break them, understand them, break them down, study them and transmute them, to reach the origin of the emotions, this is the only way to eliminate the Karmas-Negative-Sick Emotions that carry on the back, it is a burden so big and heavy, that it does not let them choose the path of realization, and in this way achieve Happiness.

There is no use complaining, or wondering why they are not happy. Souls have come to this world to learn, discover themselves, and look at themselves in the mirror of life, only then can they free themselves from the oppressive yoke that keeps them slaves and immersed in the loneliness of impotence. 

The soul has to be Free, and, allow itself to be happy. 



- ZONE 1 



Reproductive and Sexual System of Men and Women. Bladder. 





Vessel, Pancreas, Liver. 



–ZONE 3 



Digestive System, Bone System, Muscular System. 



–ZONE 4 



Respiratory System, Circulatory System. 



–ZONE 5 



Immune System, Endocrine System, Glandular System. 



–ZONE 6 

– PHASE 6 


Skin, External Senses, Hair, Nails. 


–ZONE 7 

– PHASE 7 





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anterior: resistirse 

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next: fifth chacra 
