miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024

ORiGiNs - THE UNDINES - Water Elementals --The Elementals speak

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Water Elementals --The Elementals speak


THE UNDINES, Water Elementals, SPEAK: 

  Good Nowness Dear Humans,

We Undines, the Water Elementals, are joyous to speak with our humans. 
We say “our” humans because our element of water fills so much of your earth vessel. We know that our work is very important, as water is the greatest resource on Gaia’s body. However, many humans do not realize that, for if they did, they would surely make sure that it remained clear and fresh.

Once, our great oceans and waterways were clear and pristine. There was enough life within our waters to feed humanity and other animals, and still have more than enough water creatures left to procreate.

Now many of our waters are polluted and void of life. We needn’t lecture you about our plight, as we know you are aware. It is just that we have a great sadness that tends to hinder our work of transmutation. Humans use water to clean their bodies, their houses, their cars, their clothing and FOR many other parts of their life.

Why don’t they keep their water clean? 
It seems as though we work as hard as we can, only to have another human cause another disaster, which spoils our waters again. Therefore, we wish to ask our humans to join us in clearing our waterways and protecting our marine life.
We are aware of those dear hearts that have chosen to assist us, and we know also that it is “the few” that are harming this great resource for “the many.”

Water Elementals also flow through your physical bodies. Furthermore, you regularly drink our sacred fluid. If you could send love to the water that you drink, you would greatly increase your health.

Water is a template for life, which is receptive to thought and emotion. Therefore, if you drink water when you are angry, afraid or sad, you taint the water that you drink. On the other hand, when you take a moment to send love into the water before you drink it, you are actually sending your body love via the water. Furthermore, if you send both multidimensional light and unconditional love into the water that you drink, you will greatly accelerate your ascension process.

Also, since there is even more water on the body of Gaia than in your own form, you would greatly assist planetary ascension if you blessed all forms of water with light and love. That blessing alone would do much to clear our waterways and raise the frequency of our water molecules.

Elementals do not perceive your world or your behavior in the same manner that you do. We Undines perceive water as the force of all life. We see how our rain keeps the Plant Kingdom healthy and fertile. We see how our water clears the smog from the sky and the dirt from the ground, cars and houses.

Our waters have been great liquid highways that you have traveled for millennia. We see that water is serving humanity in many ways, but we don’t see how humanity is creating a balance and serving water.

On the other hand, we understand that many humans are expanding their consciousness to perceive life forces that were once perceived as “things.” They are beginning to remember that Earth is a sentient, living being. As the consciousness of each human expands, humanity increasingly understands reality.

Just as our perception of reality changes when we resonate to the slow frequency of ice or the fast frequency of a running stream, your perceptions change when you are no longer “frozen” in the time-bound structure of third dimensional Earth.

As your mind expands, new ideas begin to flow into your consciousness. These new ideas can flow faster and faster until they reach “critical mass.” Then, these ideas burst into manifestation.

In the same manner, humans are expanding their consciousness from being “frozen in forgetfulness,” to following the flow of change, and to transmuting their form into a frequency that is no longer bound by shape or form.

Your consciousness, which is often symbolized as water in your dreams, is expanding beyond its physical encasement and is ready to burst forth to freely intermingle with all life. As you flow beyond your former limitations, you free yourselves from the many illusions that have haunted you for myriad incarnations.

Free again, your consciousness can remember your Essence, which is as formless as our stream. You will also remember that you have taken a vow to protect life in ALL its forms. As you return to your higher expression of your SELF, your immense creative power will return, and you will actively participate in creating New Earth.

Dear humans, your form is created by the same elements and Elementals as Earth. In fact, our Elementals flow through you, just as we flow through Gaia. Hence, you are the Deva that pulls all our myriad elements into ONE body.

With this awareness of your innate powers, your higher purpose is realized, and you remember that you are here to be the stewards of Gaia’s inhabitants. YOU are CREATION in action. GAIA is creation in action. The Elohim, Devas and Elementals are creation in action. When you honor, love and respect your creations, you will complete this cycle of creation and be ready to begin your next cycle.

You will see the LIFE in All That Is, and become aware of the imprint that you make upon that life. While in your higher consciousness, you will see higher frequency reality that flow into and through all life to unify you with the ONE life and our ONE planet.


Embedded in your earth vessel are all the components of me, the planet, as well as all the components of OUR Oversoul members who chose to be first, second and fourth dimensional Beings. Your first and second dimensional selves live in unity with the planet, as these elements of your body, and mine, are not “evolved” enough to understand the separation of the third dimension. It is from their unity that they commune in oneness with the fourth dimensional creatures, my Elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

Just as some of our Oversoul chose to be First and Second Dimensionals, some chose to be Fourth Dimensionals. Unlike the First and Second Dimensionals, the Fourth Dimensionals have some sense of individuality, but they also have a strong Unity Consciousness, which keeps them in constant communication with each other, as well as with all the lower dimensional beings.

The Fourth Dimensionals that most directly interface with your everyday life are the Elementals. The first and second dimensional “elements” of earth, air, fire, and water are given “life” by the spirit/prana of the fourth dimensional Elementals. The Elementals share their life-giving Spirit Essence with these elements, just as your Soul shares its Spirit Essence with your third dimensional earth vessel.

You, the human expression of our Oversoul, have Elementals within your physical body, just as my planetary body does. You are the microcosm of me, Gaia. In your carbon-based matter, “earth element,” you have the Earth Elementals, the Gnomes. In your bodily fluid, “water element,” you have the Water Elementals, the Undines. In the “space” and oxygen within your body, your “air element,” you have the Air Elementals, the Sylphs. Finally, in your neural activity and Kundalini force, “fire element,” you have the Fire Elementals, the Salamanders.

Since Elementals are fourth dimensional beings, they do not abide by the rules of third dimensional separation. Every experience that any Elemental has is instantly shared with all the Elementals. In fact, all four groups of Elementals, inside and outside your earth vessel, work in concert with each other. Within the INNER reality of your “personal” earth vessel, your thoughts and emotions stimulate all the Elementals, who in turn, stimulate all the Elementals in your OUTER reality. In this manner, the Elementals within your physical body and aura live in constant unity with the Elementals in my planetary body and atmosphere.


  Water has been associated with emotions just as air has been associated with thoughts. Your Water Elementals, the Undines, rule you’re your bodily fluid, blood, and the circulation of your blood, which is the domain of your heart. If your heart does not function, you die. Hence, if your heart is not functioning well you experience the emotion of fear, Fear of Death.

Conversely, the emotion of love is also associated with your heart. This is likely because your heart is also the Home of your Soul/SELF from whence Unconditional Love can be felt. Since all emotions are some octave of the 3D polarization of “good/loving” emotions and “bad/fearful” emotions, your Heart, and hence the Undines, Water Elements, serve as the distributors of your emotions.

Your emotions are the basis of your consciousness for they represent your ability to FEEL, be aware of, your Self. When you were first born, your “self” was your Soul/SELF. Then, as a process of “growing up,” you became more and more aware of your physical body and your ego who ruled it. Eventually, your “self” became your ego/self.

Fortunately, as you expanded your consciousness, you could FEEL, be aware of, your inner Guides, Holy Spirit, Angels, and other members of your inner world. Eventually, as you continued on your Path, you began to be “conscious” of your own Higher Self, whom you have downloaded and are now integrating into your physical earth vessel.

Your cerebral spinal fluid is also a water element, and hence, under the domain of your Water Elementals, the Undines. Cerebral Spinal Fluid flows between your brain and your skull, through the ventricles of your brain, and up and down your spine between the nerves and the spinal cord to cushion your nerves and facilitate your primary neural synapses.


  It is through your Elementals that you, my people, impact the planet, the weather, and all the people, plants and animals that you contact. For example, your thoughts are the end result of the neural activity that your inner Fire Elementals, the Salamanders, initiated and completed. Since your inner Fire Elementals work in concert with all the Fire Elementals of my planet, your “individual” thoughts become “planetary” thoughts via the unity in which all the Elementals live. Therefore, your thoughts influence all the Fire Elements of my planet and all my creatures.

Hence, when your thoughts are clear and kind, your inner Elementals attract other Elementals who are also clear and kind. When you choose positive thinking, you influence your Fire Elementals in a positive manner, which, in turn, positively influence the Fire Elementals of others and of my planet. The photons of the sun, which unify with my Fire Elementals, can more easily integrate into my planet by your passage, and the thoughts of others will be calmed as your inner Elementals share a serene blessing with their inner Elementals.

On the other hand, if your inner thoughts are sad, angry or fearful, you dispense your own angst and discomfort throughout your environment. You then magnetize others who are suffering, or create a “bad feeling” in others. Plants won’t grow for you, animals will run away or attack, and you will contribute to my weather in a destructive manner. My weather is a response to my occupants, as I am the sum/total of ALL my creatures.


  Your thoughts are actually a cooperative event between your Earth Elementals that work with the matter of the neurotransmitters, enzymes and other chemicals to create the change in polarity that initiates the electrical signal, and the Fire Elementals that “fire” the neuron. Hence, your thoughts also have a great influence on the Earth Elementals of your internal and external world. When your thoughts are chaotic, obsessive and/or confused, your Earth Elementals find it difficult to stabilize themselves. This “personal” instability then influences the Planetary Earth Elementals to perpetuate geological instability.

As you walk my planetary body, Earth, your every step influences the Earth Elementals of my planetary body. The planetary Earth Elementals hold the message that your step has sent and relay it on to the next person or animal that walks in your footsteps. Have you ever wondered why it is so glorious to walk in the wilderness, on a deserted beach or in virgin snow? It is because it is psychically “quiet,” and your Elementals are not resonating to others. Hence, it is easier for them to resonate to your SELF.

This experience is also the origin of the saying, “Walk in the footsteps of the Masters.” The “Masters” are beings, human and non-human, who have gained a mastery over their thoughts and feelings, and, hence, a mastery of their inner elements and Elementals. These Masters consciously work with their personal and planetary Elementals, as well as the inner elements of others to convey the deep, inner peace of living in Constant Communication with your Multidimensional SELF.


  The Air Elementals assist the flow of life-giving oxygen, which gives you consciousness. The first thing that happens when you suffer from oxygen deprivation is that your thinking becomes increasingly confused until you become “unconscious.” Hence, an adequate flow of oxygen throughout your system is vital for clear thinking. This is why the element of air is also associated with your thoughts. The Air Elementals, the Sylphs, assist you in breathing.

The Sylphs, Air Elementals, also blend your thoughts with the thoughts of others through the Unity Consciousness that all Elementals share. With every inhalation you are receiving the thoughts of others, and with every exhalation, you are distributing your thoughts throughout your world via your Air Elementals. Your thoughts then feed into the Collective Consciousness and the Planetary Consciousness to influence your daily experiences, as well as the experiences of others.

Allow me to take a moment to differentiate Collective and Planetary Consciousness for you. Collective Consciousness is the combined consciousness of all my humans, whereas Planetary Consciousness is the combined consciousness of ALL my inhabitants in ALL my dimensions. Hence, Planetary Consciousness is more expansive than humanity’ Collective Consciousness.

The Sylphs live in your aura and constantly contribute to my aura, the atmosphere, and the quality of my planet’s air and sky. When you have “cloudy thoughts,” you relay that message to the atmosphere. On the other hand, when you have “clear thinking,” you contribute to a clear day. You are all aware of how my weather is changing. This is because we, our planet, are now largely fourth dimensional. Therefore, reality is more mutable and more easily influenced by the thoughts and feelings of my inhabitants.

Please do not be frightened by this statement, for it also offers great hope. As each of you, my Keepers of the Land, gain mastery of your own inner elements, your inner Elementals will assist you in holding that resonance of mastery. The Elementals also serve to contribute that “resonance of mastery” to the inner Elementals of others and to the Elementals of my planet. In this manner, the Elementals serve to raise the vibration of “their person,” while they also raise the vibration of my planet and all my inhabitants.

The mastery you gain over the physical elements of your earth vessel allows you to move into an active partnership with your inner Elementals, as well as the Elementals of my planet. You have the innate power to can call upon your inner Elementals to assist you with your personal health and transformation, as well as the health and transformation of my planet. Do you realize now what a truly powerful Being you are?

Posted by Suzanne Lie 

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miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2024


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Habitualmente no recordamos los sueños, por lo que no somos conscientes de las emociones que vivimos a través de ellos. 

Las pocas veces que recordamos episodios oníricos nocturnos, que también los tenemos diurnos, suelen impactarnos emocionalmente, de forma que nos hacen reflexionar sobre si estas emociones vividas tienen alguna vigencia estando despierto. 

Estos sueños se hilvanan y toman forma debido a las energías-pensamientos que se expresan para determinar condiciones emocionales que transcurren en el día a día y de las experiencias vividas
–concluyó el hermano Seramita- 
Es evidente, que ustedes, reconocen el caos de los sueños, y al reconocerlo, uds deben darse cuenta que, así como es la expresión del sueño, así mismo es el alma del soñador. 

Los sueños, muchas veces, muestran imágenes que, representan los deseos, los cuales encuentran en los sueños su única forma de satisfacerse.  
Visto en forma general, estos, influyen, en las reacciones humanas 
–dijo el hermano Interano-

Muchas veces, los soñadores se sienten responsables emocionalmente de lo que soñaron, o, de lo que les produce la fantasía, en cuanto están descansando. 

Uds Mal interpretan, jugando con los símbolos, dándoles significados literales, cuando, no es así. 

Si todos tuvieran la capacidad de ver su propia alma, la percibirían como la unión de miles de pixeles 
(Nimeos-Energía) coloridos. 

Unos de colores oscuros; 
otros de colores claros; 
aquellos blancos-dorados, y, por último, hay almas blancas brillantes. 

Cuando estos pixeles se juntan, expresan la forma. 

Esta unión se puede comparar como la imagen de una televisión. 

Hay imágenes análogas, digitales y de alta definición. 

Esta es la diferencia entre almas, y almas. 

El pensamiento funciona exactamente como una televisión, piensan, e inmediatamente la imagen se proyecta en el cerebro, a través de la pantalla llamada: Imaginación. 

Las imágenes que se proyectan en esta imaginación, estarán de acuerdo a la graduación energética de la Energía-Pensamiento, la cual está adaptada a la graduación frecuencial y vibratoria del alma. 

El alma está formada de Nimeos-Energía, pero, estos, están compuestos de diminutos micro-sensores, los cuales nos permiten captar y percibir el exterior, avisándonos con sus sensores los estados negativos o positivos de esa captación.
Generalmente la mayoría de los seres humanos perciben el exterior a través del sentir de las emociones, que pueden ser agradables o desagradables
–dijo la hermana Interana-
con estas sensaciones, pueden captar las imágenes externas, y, a través de ellas, se adecuan en el diario vivir. 

Estas reacciones se acoplan a esas emociones que no son ni pensadas ni analizadas, simplemente son, y, dependiendo de ellas, reaccionan en la vida, negativamente, o, positivamente. 

Existe otro grupo de seres humanos, que, perciben el exterior, lo captan a través de las emociones, pero, a diferencia de los primeros: Analizan, sopesan, investigan, razonan, indagan, averiguan y más, o sea, en pocas palabras, no se dejan llevar por las emociones, sino que, usan los cinco sentidos externos, y las herramientas del pensamiento, para entender analíticamente el exterior, y, llevarlo al interior, correctamente. 

Hay un tercer grupo que realizan lo mismo que el segundo grupo, solo que ellos, tienen una marcada diferencia en la captación del exterior, los sensores de su alma, ya están trabajando con los doce sentidos, cinco externos, y siete internos. 

Los doce sentidos están en alerta constante, y su pantalla: Imaginación, está trabajando a mil por hora. 

Significa que sus sensores captan el exterior e interior de todo lo que los rodea. 

El idioma del alma, y, la proyección de imágenes en la pantalla: Imaginación, se realiza a través de símbolos, y son estos, los que determinan el entendimiento del

Por eso, cuando ven a personas, que, en la imaginación, toman formas de animales, o cosas, en una percepción inmediata, deben entender el símbolo, y, de acuerdo a ello, sabrán a ciencia cierta frente a qué o a quién están.

 Esta percepción, no es para usarla en el juzgamiento hacia el otro ser, es para mostrarles la realidad de la vida, y en base de ello, harán los movimientos necesarios. 

Los símbolos que se presentan en la mente, sea a través de flashes, sueños, visiones y más, les indican un lenguaje, es un idioma y es bueno que comiencen a estudiarlos a través de los diccionarios: Idioma Materno; Símbolos Oníricos; Esotérico; Filosófico; Significado de los Sinónimos, Antónimos etc. 

Solo así comenzarán a entender el mundo exterior, interior, y a conversar seriamente con su alma.


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We do not usually remember dreams, so we are not aware of the emotions that we live through them. The few times that we remember nocturnal dream episodes, which we also have during the day, they usually impact us emotionally, in a way that makes us reflect on whether these lived emotions have any validity while awake. These dreams are stitched together and take shape due to the thought-energies that are expressed to determine emotional conditions that take place in the day to day and from the experiences lived - Brother Seramita concluded - It is evident that you recognize the chaos of dreams, Recognize it, they must realize that just as the expression of the dream is, so is the soul of the dreamer. 86 MIXING EMOTIONS IN DREAMS Dreams often show images that represent desires, which find their only way of being satisfied in dreams. Seen in a general way, these influence human reactions –said Brother Interano- Many times dreamers feel emotionally responsible for what they dreamed or what the fantasy produces in them as soon as they are resting. They misinterpret by playing with symbols, giving them literal meanings, when they are not. If everyone had the ability to see their own soul, they would perceive it as the union of thousands of colorful pixels (Nimeos-Energy). Some of dark colors; others in light colors; those white-gold and finally there are bright white souls. When these pixels come together, they express the shape. This union can be compared to the image on a television. There are analog, digital and high definition images. This is the difference between souls and souls. The thought works exactly like a television, they think, and immediately the image is projected in the brain through the screen called: Imagination. The images that are projected in this imagination will be according to the energy graduation of the Thought-Energy, which is adapted to the frequency and vibrational graduation of the soul. The soul is made up of Nimeos-Energy, but these are composed of tiny micro-sensors, which allow us to capture and perceive the outside, warning us with their sensors of the negative or positive states of that capture. 87 Generally, most human beings perceive the exterior through the feeling of emotions, which can be pleasant or unpleasant - said Sister Interana - with these sensations they can capture external images and through them they adapt to daily life. These reactions are coupled with those emotions that are neither thought nor analyzed, they simply are, and depending on them, they react in life negatively or positively. There is another group of human beings who perceive the outside, they capture it through their emotions, but, unlike the first: they analyze, weigh, investigate, reason, inquire, find out and more, that is, in a few words, They do not get carried away by emotions, but use the five external senses, and the tools of thought, to analytically understand the outside, and bring it inside, correctly. There is a third group that perform the same as the second group, only that they have a marked difference in the capture of the exterior, the sensors of their soul, they are already working with the twelve senses, five external and seven internal. All twelve senses are on constant alert, and your screen: Imagination, is working at a thousand an hour. It means that its sensors pick up the outside and inside of everything around them. The language of the soul, and the projection of images on the screen: Imagination, is carried out through symbols, and it is these that determine the understanding of the thought. Therefore, when they see people who in the imagination take forms Of animals, or things, in an immediate perception, they must understand the symbol, and, accordingly, they will know for sure what or whom they are facing. This perception is not to be used in the judgment of the other being, it is to show them the reality of life, and based on this, they will make the necessary movements. The symbols that appear in the mind, whether through flashes, dreams, visions and more, indicate a language, it is a language and it is good that they begin to study them through dictionaries: Mother Language; Symbols; Dreamlike; Esoteric; Philosophical; Meaning of Synonyms, Antonyms etc. Only then will you begin to understand the outer and inner world, and to seriously converse with your soul. 

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miércoles, 31 de julio de 2024

sharing - The Ascension of Arcturus

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.

Ascension of Arcturus Part 1 from Pleiaidan Perspective on Ascension Book 2

2016, which is knocking at the door of our consciousness, feels VERY different than any year that I can remember. Therefore, I wanted to usher in 2016 with "The Ascension of Arcturus."

Blessings to you all in the myriad ways that you celebrate our entry into the important year of 2016!

The Ascension of Arcturus – Part 1

The Ascension of Arcturus – Part 1

From, “The Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension -
Book 2, Life on the Mothership.”
By Suzanne Lie

As the file of the Oversoul opened, it pulled me into a scene from before all counting of time. At first, I could hear only words I did not understand and feel a sense of panic. Eventually, I regained my vision enough to see a scene before me that struck my heart as it reminded me of my Homeworld in the Pleiades.

Beings who looked vaguely humanoid were rushing around in a state of near panic. Something was happening to their planet that they could not understand. My first thought was, “How could these frightened beings be Arcturians?” An instant response, seemingly from the Oversoul was, “They are no longer Arcturians. There are some among them who will remember to return to being Arcturian.”

The Oversoul then told me how formless beings had come from a distant universe to visit the young Milky Way Galaxy. These beings had never known form, nor had they ever lived on a planet. The name of these beings is impossible to translate into any sequential language, such as the one I am using to share my story. Therefore, I will call them “Pre-Arcturians”.

These Pre-Arcturians decided to have the experience of “being a planet,” since being an individual was far below their conception. For millions of cycles, they attached their great consciousness to the orb and the atmosphere of a planet. Eventually, they desired the experience of having forms that could move around on the planet.

They decided that in this manner they could have the different perspective of being on the planet, rather than being the planet. For countless cycles of the planet, some of them lived within their somewhat humanoid forms. Throughout the course of these cycles, the Oneness held the form of the planet and its atmosphere, so that it could be protected and maintained.

Eventually, the planet lowered in frequency enough to have a vague relationship with time. With the new development of time, which was a unique experience for the Arcturians, things began to happen that were not initiated by the Arcturians who were the planetary holders of form.

Having less than infinite creative control of all reality was also a new adventure, and they surrendered to this next experience, never thinking that they could become lost in their own quest. They had never known time, so they had no idea how it could create aging and decay.

At first, they thought that the aging and decay were merely changes. Hence, they embraced it. Too late, after many thousands of cycles of the turn of their planet, they realized that the humanoid encasements began to decay. Having never worn a form, this was quite a surprise to them.

To their even greater surprise, they realized that as they began to decay, they also began to forget. Some of them forgot that the planet was alive with their own Arcturian family. Some of them forgot about their true, formless state, and some of them forgot that they were all one being wearing somewhat separate forms.

Unique thoughts began to enter their consciousness such as separation, time and even age. At first, these previously unknown concepts were exciting. This manner of thought was so different from anything they had ever known. The truth is that they had become somewhat bored in their infinite, formless state of all knowing and all being.

In fact, some of them became so excited by this adventure that they scorned their innate beingness and judged those who remained in their pure, formless state. Judgment was an entirely unique concept, as well as a very dangerous idea. Before they knew it, they began to divide into those who judged and those who did not judge.

Those who did not judge remained in the higher frequencies of their new reality. On the other hand, those who judged began to shift their attention away from the unconditional love and unity with all Arcturians and embraced a growing perception of separation from those who chose not to judge.

Judgment became an important tool for them, as it pulled them into a denser reality than they had ever recognized. This group began to feel that they were better than the others. After all, they were the brave ones. They were the ones who could enter into a novel version of reality, which was unknown in their universe.

They never saw the consequences of their judgment coming. In fact, the notion of consequences was unknown to them. They had not identified that a thought could be separate from the whole. Hence, when some of them began to branch out from the concept of judgment into the concept of comparison, they were unprepared for the separation that occurred.

The separation first began with a differential between those who wore a form and those who remained in the planetary atmosphere as pure beings of light. Then the separation expanded to divide into those who were the holders of the planetary form and those who were the holders of humanoid form.

The problems escalated greatly when the holders of humanoid form began to separate from each other. At first, the energy patterns that connected all the humanoids were visible. However, over the cycles of the spinning planet, the perception of the connecting energy field began to lessen.

Consequently, the separation between those in humanoid form increased, as did the judgment. The humanoid Arcturians did not realize that their resonance was steadily dropping, as it occurred very gradually. Furthermore, they had “time” to unconsciously adapt to these versions of their new reality.

The Arcturians who remained in the atmosphere and the holders of planetary form never left their unity consciousness. Therefore, they remained at a high frequency of resonance and were free of time, separation, and the judgment that had created the lower frequency concepts and experiences.

These Arcturians tried to warn those who had chosen forms, but the humanoids were so enjoying their new adventure that they would not listen. In fact, the humanoids accused their formless family of being afraid to try a new kind of reality. “Afraid?” The formless Arcturians could not even understand that concept.

Once fear was invited into the picture, the formless Arcturians could no longer unite with their family in humanoid form. Something blocked them from full unity. Was this something the concept of being afraid? Unable to intervene, the formless Arcturians gradually discovered that, indeed, fear was the barrier to their reunification with their family in form.

From their higher resonance they could not feel fear, but when they tried to bond with the formed ones they could feel the fear within the humanoids. Why were the humanoids afraid, they pondered? They finally realized that the fear was an end result of what had begun as judgment.

The formless Arcturians were learning a great deal from their humanoid family, but were unable to assist them. Helplessly, they watched as the formed ones became more and more separate. Finally the humanoids became individuals who were totally separated from their formless family, separated from their planet and separated from each other.

The growing fear made the situation go from what was once positive into something that had become very negative. Fortunately, some of the individuals found a new kind of courage—the courage to remember. As these brave humanoids allowed themselves to remember their roots, they remembered their Arcturian family who had never taken humanoid form.

Finally, the formless Arcturians could communicate with their family members who had become lost in their own judgment…To be continued.


“The Illusion of False Perfection”

I must remember. I must remember. I must remember. Oh, I am here. Oh, I love it here so much. I wish all of life were as it feels here.

"Perhaps you can help make that happen, my dear." I am growing accustomed to Lady Astrea answering my thoughts. "Did it help you remember when you called for our help?"

"Oh, yes, dear Lady, it did very much. You are right. Now I can remember something of the other side. I woke up in my bed calling for help. I sat there very confused for a while, not knowing why I wanted help when, suddenly, I remembered. I remembered about the little 'self' and the High Self and all about dying to the world so I could have everlasting life. However, I thought it was a most unusual dream, and I vowed, for some unknown reason at the time, that I would fall asleep calling for your help to remember my dream."

"Well, my love, patience is a thread that weaves a new life. Come now, it is your turn."

Again I enter the circle. The Ladies smile a welcome as I enter, and I feel an overwhelming peace as they approach to remove another veil. As they do so, the voice of Lady Leto chimes inside my heart:

"The veil of illusion that is lifted this evening is the 'Veil of False Perfection.' Many humans seek 'perfection' in physical structures and relationships. However, the total 'perfection' can only be as strong as the 'perfection' of each component. It is rare indeed that a physical structure or a relationship can attain this goal. You, my love, have held the Illusion of the perfect male/female relationship and have suffered greatly when this Illusion has burst.

Know that this perfect relationship can only be possible when both of the partners have achieved their own individual 'perfection.' Strife and dissonance is something that is inherent in Earthly existence. The point of confusion lies in determining if one is living the balance between 'denying the imperfection' and 'attending only to perfect aspects.' This balance can only be attained if the one is able to free oneself of all 'Illusion of False Perfection."'

Master Hilarion now adds: "To seek 'perfection' is a divine task indeed. One's aura greatly reflects the energy patterns of every object or person that they have put their attention upon. As one observes a given thing, their aura resonates to what they are observing. What one perceives is influenced by what one wants to see. If one is looking for suffering, they will see it all about them and their aura will reflect this suffering. If they are looking for love, they will see love all about them and their aura will reflect this love.

However, if one is engulfed in the 'Illusion of False Perfection,' they will seek true love or true suffering. Their mental set for 'perfection' is then focused more on protecting their Illusion than seeing the truth. In this case, one's aura will appear like a cloud in a brewing storm. There is a constant, restless movement that reflects the searching/non-searching dilemma when someone truly desires to perceive the 'perfection' about them, but their primary goal is really the protection of a fantasy. Therefore, there is no true search and, consequently, no true connection.

"One usually builds an 'Illusion of False Perfection' when one believes there is no real 'perfection' about them personally. Therefore, their lack of faith directs them to a world made not from faith in the highest self to seek out ‘perfection’ that may be masked by dissonance, but instead to build a field of fear around them which is impenetrable by others.

This fear is based upon their inherent lack of faith in the existence of any true 'perfection' and isolates them from others who desire to connect with them on a heart level. To connect with another through the heart bursts all illusion instantly."

Mighty Apollo now speaks: "To release the fear of reality requires a great faith both in oneself and one's God. To understand that hardships of life are merely the sets on a stage assists in this process. However, emotions tie one into the drama and make it difficult to understand the true realities of schoolroom Earth. Emotions are a language system and not an entity unto themselves. To understand the language of emotion allows one the tool to assist in understanding the truth.

"The 'Illusion of False Perfection' is bound to emotion; the presence of 'perfection' can lead to a feeling of euphoria, whereas the absence can lead to a sense of hopelessness and loss. All humanity strives to some degree to experience 'perfection' or, if not, they may build the illusion that it already exists for them. The search for 'perfection' is inherent in man and has been a boon to human evolution.

Unfortunately, the 'Illusion of False Perfection' can hinder or stop this natural evolutionary process. Therefore, it is important to gather courage and faith so that you may burst the 'Illusion of False Perfection' and quest after the true 'perfection' that is the spiritual basis of all that has been created."

A million questions swim in my head as I leave the circle. Perhaps, I am looking for the "perfect" answer. "Yes, my one, do not attempt to understand all these words at once. You are communicating with very evolved beings and, just as you must reach to understand, they must stoop to speak with you. Allow their words to gradually become a part of you. Do not 'effort' in your process, but rather lovingly 'accept.'”

"Yes," I reply, "that is much easier. I will accept…"

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Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:47 AM

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