domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

A Blessing from the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

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Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Blessing from the Arcturians--through Suzanne Lie

A Blessing from the Arcturians
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
We the Arcturians, appreciate and bless the many humans, animals and plants in the lower United States and Mexico who have greatly suffered. We are sorry that dear Gaia needs to “shake her self out” a bit before she can begin her transmutation from the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension.
However, humanity has banded together, assisted each other, and greatly expanded their compassion and their consciousness due to their “Service to Others.” Service to Others is what will allow the landings to occur. In other words, the Galactics can not land to assist Gaia and humanity before the humans show that they can work as ONE to assist each other and to assist their planet. 
Gaia is a “Free Will Planet.” What that means is that the humans, who were meant to be the most evolved beings on the planet, must expand into the frequency of consciousness to the frequency in which they innately "bond together and offer service to others” during a crises, as well as during their everyday life.
When humanity has come to the point of evolution that they realize that “helping each other” expands beyond just humans and encompasses the entire planet, as well as ALL of Gaia’s creatures, elements and elementals, we, your Galactic Family, will gain the “go-ahead” from the higher dimensions that “IT IS THE NOW to directly interface with humanity in preparation for First Contact.
We, your Galactic Family is very pleased to see have humanity has expanded their consciousness and given help and great compassion for those who are suffering—which includes the earth, the waters, the air and the earth.
NO! the Galactics did NOT create any of these events, but the dark ones have been planning these situations for much of your time. We will not get into how the dark ones have learned how to “assist disaster,” as humanity must discover that for themselves.
In order to assist with planetary ascension, which is the reason why our “volunteers  to take  an earth vessel on Gaia,” to assist humanity to expand their consciousness into the next octave of reality, which is the fifth dimension.
Some humans have learned/remembered a sense of mastery over their third dimensional reality. This mastery has been revealed by the great “service to others” that have been revealed from the recent disasters.
Those who have gained this mastery of “Service to Others—including Service to Gaia” will become the “teacher of ascension,” for which they will be trained when they journey to their specific Starship and/or Home World in their third, fourth or even fifth dimensional bodies. 
We, your Galactic Family, regret the great challenges of “ascension from a third dimensional human and return to your innate fifth dimensional SELF!” However, because the “forces of darkness—the Illuminati” want to take over Gaia to be one of their planets, humanity must face all their own inner darkness.
They must face the fact of their own inner darkness, for if they cannot perceive the darkness within them self, they will not be able to perceive the darkness of the “Illuminati.” Because, Gaia is NOW ready to begin the acceleration of Her “Planetary frequency” from the third dimension—through the fourth dimension—and into the fifth dimension, we your Galactic Family, are standing by to assist all OUR brave ascending ones.
We say, “Our ascending ones,” because WE are YOU in a higher frequency of reality. You immensely brave members of our multidimensional reality, who have volunteered to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension. Therefore, you were called on to reduce your innate resonance from the fifth dimension so that you could resonate to the third dimension.
Going from the fifth dimension into the third dimension is much like a deep sea diver going to the bottom of the ocean. In fact, our volunteers to earth must take “time” in special chambers on our ship to re-adjust to the higher frequencies of our multidimensional Star Ships. 
As we have said, the United States was meant to be the Flashpoint of planetary ascension. However, Mexico is considered to a component of that area because they are attached. In fact, Mexico is the land bridge which connects North America with South America. 

Therefore, just as the United States was the victim of this “weather warfare,” so was Mexico, because they are attached. Also, because Mexico is a major part of the “land bridge” to the South American continent, it is very vital for the ascension of both North and South America.
We are aware that since most of humanity sees the Earth as a THING, they do not consider the many “human qualities” that each landmass has. Humans have always thought that the humans created the culture, which affected the land.
However, it was just the opposite. It was the land that influenced the humans. Once humanity is able to expand their consciousness enough to perceive Gaia as a living, breathing being, they will be unable to realize that it is NOT the people that influence the Earth. It is the Earth—MOTHER EARTH—who influences the people. 
Do you remember long ago when the United States had their “Civil War” between the North and South? Well, NOW, North and South is no longer limited to the United States, but has expanded to the North and South Continents of the “AMERICAS.” 
HOWEVER, THIS “WAR” is totally different, as not too many humans realize that the enemy is the unknown members of the Illuminati. These Illuminati members know that Gaia has an opportunity for ascension. And, what creates ascension?  MASS Unconditional LOVE. 
Therefore, the dark ones thought that if they created MASS fear, they would thwart the ascension process of Gaia. To their surprise, inside the many victims of these great disasters encouraging mass fear, they revealed MASS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!
Therefore, the great damage to Gaia revealed that MANY humans were, and still are, operating via UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  Those who were not victims to the disasters, and even those who were victims of “all” the recent disasters, have shown immense courage, total service to others, and deep, abiding Unconditional LOVE for Gaia, Gaia’s land, and Gaia’s human population. 
The Illuminati were quite happy because they thought these many disasters would create a broken, fearful population that could easily be manipulated and controlled. However, INSTEAD, the many disasters served to create a population of humans who demonstrated their deep love for all man (no matter what race, color or creed), immense courage and self sacrifice for humanity, as well as animals and other living beings.
Humanity also revealed an immense strength of endurance and inner power, which made us, the Galactics, realize that maybe these brave ones will be able to assist Gaia with HER ascension, in the same manner in which they have joined Her in order to assist Her.
We, your Galactic Family, are so VERY proud of those who have taken an earth vessel within this NOW! It may look to many that there has ONLY been great destruction and suffering.
However, from the perspective of the fifth dimension and beyond, we see more and more of our brave humans visiting our Starships at night and bringing their lessons home to share with their fellow humans.
From our Ships we can see Gaia beaming with a New, Higher Light and Unconditional Love. In closing, we wish to tell all of you who lost loved ones that they are HERE WITH US in the higher dimensions.
Blessings to you ALL!

The Arcturians and your Galactic Family

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martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

188, 190+, una técnica de sanación, ¡¡ Hermanos e Hijos !! EL SER UNO VI, Los Siren- Lemurianos, Ciudad de LUZ, y AMOR, CIUDAD INTERNA, ATLANTIS 2018,

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 ¡¡ Hermanos e Hijos !!

EL SER UNO VI, Los Siren- Lemurianos, Ciudad de LUZ, y AMOR, CIUDAD INTERNA, ATLANTIS
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140- Hay otra técnica que proviene de Hawai.

Es una técnica de sanación, que usa el propio perdón, la propia aceptación, y, el propio amor, para sanarse a sí mismo, a los demás, a las situaciones, al pasado, al presente, al futuro…

¿Esta sanación es correcta?

Este sistema de curación

– dijo el hermano Interano –

fue practicado por nosotros, hace mucho tiempo atrás, y, nos dio buenos resultados, pero, tuvimos que perfeccionarlo, a través del tiempo. 
Lo que busca esta técnica, es la solución de problemas, que se encuentran arraigados en el pensamiento. 
Enseña, que es posible sanarse, a través de los pensamientos, y, demuestra que los recuerdos, o memoria del pasado, o de otras vidas, forman emociones que si no son entendidas, crean las enfermedades.

Este procedimiento de sanación, se acerca mucho, a lo que nosotros tratamos de enseñarles. 
Tiene la capacidad de llevar al paciente, hacia dentro de sí, y, a través del perdón, pueda curarse, y, transmutar sus emociones-negativas-enfermas, convirtiéndolas en positivas-sanas, y al hacerlo, activa la relación que perdió, al separarse de su espíritu, de la creación y de su padre: La Mente Universal. 
Este método 
– continuó el hermano Elohim – 
es muy positivo, porque acerca el alma del ser, a su centro, a su divinidad, y, a través del amor, puede llegar a la mente emocional, o subconsciente, y, así, puede rescatar a las emociones-negativasenfermas que se encuentran enmarañadas, y liberarlas, llenando ese espacio, con energía de perdón y amor.

Es un buen trabajo 
– dijo la hermana Interana - 
 porque tanto el sanador, como el paciente, llegan al fondo del problema, que puede ser del alma encarnada, como de otras almas, que esa alma carga. 
La técnica es muy positiva, lo único que no funciona en este trabajo, es, dejar toda esta labor en manos de la divinidad, que reina dentro de cada uno de ustedes, y, no llevar este trabajo al consciente, para que el alma encarnada, pueda grabarla en sí, y, poder alimentar con ello, al Ser Energético que se está gestando dentro de ella.

Dejar todo, en manos de la divinidad interna, no es lo correcto 
– prosiguió el hermano Elohim – 
esto trae una falsa creencia, y, al tenerla, el trabajo queda a medio término, no concluye. 
El alma cree que la página-emocional de su vida, quedó en blanco. 
Es falso creer, que una o varias curaciones, limpiarán absolutamente todo, a través de la técnica. 
Es un gran error, puesto que la divinidad interior, sí llena de amor el alma del paciente, pero, el amor, no es suficiente para erradicar absolutamente todo, y, trasmutar las emociones enfermas.

Queremos decir 
– dijo el hermano Elohim – 
como lo explicamos anteriormente, las energías-pensamientos, o emociones negativas, son efectivamente transmutadas por esta técnica, pero, al efectuarlo, esas emociones suben al cerebro, y se colocan
en el lado izquierdo, para continuar con su existencia. 
El paciente, confiado, cree que ya está totalmente curado, pero, como el alma tiende a ser repetitiva, por costumbre, y, al no saber el paciente cómo debe mantenerse estable emocionalmente, para no enfermar nuevamente, esa energía, al repetir el proceso emocional, vuelve a enfermarla, porque la emoción, no fue entendida cabalmente.

Con esta explicación, deseamos que uds entiendan 
– continuó el hermano Elohim – 
que, toda sanación, debe siempre ser entendida por el paciente, y las energías pensamientos - emociones curadas, tienen que pasar nuevamente por su cerebro, porque deben ser: 
Entendidas, transmutadas y trabajadas por él mismo. 
El sanador debe explicar al paciente, cuál fue el origen de esa emoción, en qué momento se enfermó, en qué vida la produjo, cuál fue el motivo etc. 
Es necesario hacerlo para que el paciente no repita sus errores.

Volvemos nuevamente 
– dijo el hermano Interano – 
al principio de las explicaciones. 
El paciente, o sea, cada uno de ustedes, es el único que puede sanarse. 
Tal vez, es necesario, que uds tengan una ayuda externa, porque, muchos de ustedes, aún no saben cómo hacerlo, o, creen que no lo pueden realizar, y, esa inseguridad, hace que recurran a otros seres que tienen “facultades de sanación”. 
A pesar de que uds pueden ser ayudados, siempre la sanación, debe concluir, en que el paciente debe saber su verdad, y, solo él, es el que dará la palabra final.

Diciendo las palabras 
– dijo la hermana Interana - 
“Lo lamento,
Por favor perdóname, 
Te amo” ,
no es suficiente... 
Solo aquí, es, cuando comienza el proceso de una verdadera sanación. 
Porque la emoción–negativa-enferma, que no ha sido entendida por el paciente, simplemente fue extraída del Subconsciente, y, pasó al Inconsciente. 
Significa, que el paciente no es consciente de esa emoción, y, si no es consciente, siempre la llevará consigo. 
Aparentemente, estará curada, porque el paciente así lo sentirá. 
Cuando el alma desencarne, esa energía no podrá pasar a una realidad elevada, porque estaba escondida en el Inconsciente, y, como no fue entendida, y menos trabajada, la realidad elevada no le permitirá entrar en una frecuencia leve, diáfana y sutil. 
Como siempre lo decimos 
– continuó el hermano Interano – 
las técnicas que ustedes realizan, hacen pasar las energías - emociones negativas, y enfermas, de un lado a otro, sin acabar con ellas, sin transmutarlas, y erradicarlas definitivamente. 
Así hacen con las medicinas, las operaciones, la cura de enfermedades físicas, sus vidas, relaciones familiares, trabajo etc.

Es importante comprender, y, les decimos con mucho amor: 
Las técnicas y métodos que ustedes han aplicado hasta ahora, no están totalmente equivocadas 
– dijo el hermano Seramita – 
pero, si deben aceptar con madures, que fueron muchas veces tergiversadas, manipuladas, fantaseadas de magia y milagro, cubiertas de misterio, y egocentrismo, y, eso no ha sido nada bueno para el avance energético del alma. 
El control, y, manipulación de estas sanaciones, los ha atrasado en el caminar de la vida. 
Por un lado, el sanador, alimentando su ego, y bolsillo, y, por otro, el paciente, rezagado en la ignorancia de su propia sanación.


Les decimos, con verdad de Causa y Efecto 
– continuó el hermano Elohim – 
no hay mejor curación, que la que se realiza en conjunto: 
La realidad densa, con la realidad sutil; el sanador, unido al paciente, y hacerlo altruistamente por amor y ayuda desinteresada a la humanidad. 
No hay mejor curación que aquella donde el sanador ayuda realmente a su paciente, con amor, y, le enseña el camino para que él se sane, y no vuelva a enfermarse otra vez. 
No hay mejor curación que aquella, donde el paciente entiende, y, él mismo, por esfuerzo, voluntad y constancia, logra, por mérito propio, su sanación.

“La ALEGRÍA del corazón, mantiene la Luz del día en la mente y la llena de una serenidad estable y perpetua. La SERENIDAD está en el cambio de lo negativo en positivo. La LIBERTAD está en vivir en el ritmo de la naturaleza y creatividad. La FELICIDAD está en vivir el gozo pleno y elevado de cada instante. El ÉXITO está en mantenerse firme, claro, equilibrado e impersonal y la SABIDURÍA está, en diferenciar lo esencial de lo no esencial”…

141- Tenemos también otra técnica, la cual reconoce que existe una transmisión de conflictos, preocupaciones familiares y comportamientos a través de las generaciones, que determinan los problemas psicológicos actuales. Esta transmisión es ajena a la genética, es más bien cultural, ya que no se puede explicar completamente por la historia de aprendizaje de cada individuo sino que se remonta a su familia de origen como padres abuelos u otros parientes lejanos…

¿Es correcta, da resultado?

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140- There is another technique that comes from Hawaii.

It is a healing technique that uses his own forgiveness, his own acceptance and his own love to heal himself, others, situations, past, present, future ...

Is this healing correct?

This healing system

- said Brother Interano -

It was practiced by us a long time ago and gave us good results, but we had to perfect it over time. What this technique seeks is the solution of problems that are rooted in thought. It teaches that it is possible to heal through thoughts and demonstrates that memories or memories of the past or other lives form emotions that, if not understood, create diseases.

This healing procedure is very close to what we try to teach them. He has the ability to take the patient into himself and through forgiveness, he can heal and transmute his ill-negative emotions by turning them into healthy-positive ones and by doing so, he activates the relationship he lost by separating himself from his spirit, from creation and from his father: The Universal Mind. This method - continued Brother Elohim - is very positive, because it brings the soul of the being closer to its center to its divinity and through love it can reach the emotional or subconscious mind and thus can rescue the negative emotions-diseases that are entangled and free them, filling that space with energy of forgiveness and love.

It is a good job - said Sister Interana - because both the healer and the patient get to the bottom of the problem that may be of the incarnated soul as of other souls that soul carries. The technique is very positive, the only thing that does not work in this work, is to leave all this work in the hands of the divinity that reigns within each one of you and not take this work to the conscious so that the incarnate soul can record it in itself and to be able to feed with it the Energy Being that is brewing within it.

Leaving everything in the hands of the internal divinity is not the right thing - Brother Elohim continued - this brings a false belief and having it work is in the middle term, it does not conclude. The soul believes that the emotional page of his life went blank. It is false to believe, that one or more cures will absolutely clean everything through technique. It is a great mistake, since the inner divinity does fill the patient's soul with love, but love is not enough to eradicate absolutely everything and transmute sick emotions.

We mean - said Brother Elohim - as we explained earlier, negative thought-energies or emotions are effectively transmuted by this technique, but in doing so, those emotions rise to the brain and are placed


on the left side to continue its existence. The confident patient believes that he is fully healed, but since the soul tends to be repetitive by habit and when the patient does not know how to remain emotionally stable so as not to get that energy sick again, by repeating the emotional process, he becomes ill again, because the Emotion was not fully understood.

With this explanation we want you to understand - continued Brother Elohim - that all healing must always be understood by the patient and the energies thoughts - emotions cured, have to go through his brain again because they must be: Understood, transmuted and worked by himself. The healer must explain to the patient what the origin of that emotion was, at what time he became ill, in what life he produced it, what was the reason etc. It is necessary to do so so that the patient does not repeat his mistakes.

We return again - said Brother Interano - at the beginning of the explanations. The patient or each of you is the only one who can heal. Perhaps you need external help, because many of you still do not know how to do it or believe that you cannot do it and that insecurity makes you turn to other beings who have "healing powers." Although they can be helped, healing must always conclude that the patient must know his truth and only he is the one who will give the final word.

Saying the words - said Sister Interana - “I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you ”is not enough. Only here is when the process of true healing begins. Because the sick-negative emotion that has not been understood by the patient, was simply extracted from the Subconscious and passed to the Unconscious. It means that the patient is not aware of that emotion, and if he is not aware he will always carry it with him. Apparently it will be cured because the patient will feel that way. When the soul disincarnates, that energy cannot pass into an elevated reality, because it was hidden in the Unconscious and since it was not understood and less worked, the elevated reality will not allow it to enter a light, diaphanous and subtle frequency. As we always say - continued the brother Interano - the techniques that you perform, pass the energies - negative and sick emotions from one side to the other without ending them, without transmuting and eradicating them definitively. So they do with medicines, operations, the cure of physical illnesses, their lives, family relationships, work etc.

It is important to understand and we tell you with much love: The techniques and methods that you have applied so far, are not totally wrong - said Brother Seramita - but you must accept with maturity, which were often misrepresented, manipulated, fantasized of magic and miracle, covered in mystery and self-centeredness and that has not been good for the soul's energy advance. The control and manipulation of these healings has delayed them in the walk of life. On the one hand the healer feeding his ego and pocket and on the other, the patient lagging behind in ignorance of his own healing.


We tell you with truth about Cause and Effect - Brother Elohim continued - there is no better cure, than that which is carried out together: Dense reality, with subtle reality; the healer united to the patient and do it altruistically for love and selfless help to humanity. There is no better cure than the one where the healer really helps his patient with love and teaches him the way for him to heal and never get sick again. There is no better cure for it, where the patient understands and he himself by effort, will and perseverance achieves his healing on his own merit.

“The JOY of the heart keeps the Light of the day in the mind and fills it with a stable and perpetual serenity. SERENITY is in the change from negative to positive. FREEDOM is in living in the rhythm of nature and creativity. HAPPINESS is in living the full and high joy of every moment. SUCCESS is in staying firm, clear, balanced and impersonal and WISDOM is in differentiating the essential from the non-essential ”…

141- We also have another technique, which recognizes that there is a transmission of conflicts, family concerns and behaviors across generations, which determine current psychological problems. This transmission is foreign to genetics, it is rather cultural, since it cannot be fully explained by the learning history of each individual but goes back to their family of origin as grandparents or other distant relatives ...

Is it correct, does it work?
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139- There are also devices that use Biomagnetism. Is healing by magnets ... Does it work?
 It is a therapy that occupies magnets of medium intensity, to regulate the Ph of the body, and, in this way, it stabilizes, because it eliminates all viruses, bacteria, fungus or parasites, causing an extraordinary improvement, giving the energy that the body requires.
 This therapeutic technique also acts on emotions.
 According to discoveries, various specific combinations of microorganisms, produce most of the diseases of man, including some in which a microbial etiology is not always recognized, such as in diabetes, cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sclerosis, lupus, Alzheimer's, and glaucoma, stress, carpal tunnel, rosacea, lower back pain, osteoporosis, influences, sinusitis, organ dysfunctions, epilepsy, conjunctivitis, meningitis, liver cirrhosis, tennis elbow, hepatitis, among others.
With biomagnetism, a large percentage of patients experience rapid, and notable improvements, which do not commonly occur with other treatments.

Brother Seramita, paused, and said:
- These techniques are myths, do not lead to true healing, all they do is "Relieve", but they do not heal, and, I will explain why.

It is proven, by our science-Ayapliana, that magnets, do not purify the human body, because they fail to eliminate 'completely', viruses, or bacteria, and, less, that affect human emotions.

Magnets generate magnetostatic fields, and static fields do not carry energy
- Sister Interana said -
so, it is impossible for magnets to modify the means of PH, this is very uncertain.

As always, you heal illnesses, from the outside in, and it is not so.

The disease, or the anomaly, which occurs in the man-form, always begins in the nucleus of the cells, there the distortion is generated, therefore, it is impossible for two magnets, can drag out, or eliminate, a energy-sick, or distorted.

We want you to understand, that it is not the device itself, that is going to heal the patient, it is the magnetism of the healer, or of the same patient, that, when suggested, and firmly believe in its healing, transmutes the diseased energy from Your own electromagnetism.

True is
- said Brother Interano -
That this is a science that is still in its infancy. We tell you that it is a science of the future, but, today, it is in its beginnings, when you have the knowledge of energy and magnetism, then you will be able to handle it and heal through it.

At the moment, this science can only be used, to detect abnormalities in the body, yes, but, it is not to heal or remove diseases that may be in the beginning or in the terminal state.

The human being, still does not have the knowledge of magnetism, and, he does not know for sure how it works, for this reason, this type of therapy, or healing, does not give positive results, and, if, apparently he did, it is for a given time, since the diseased energy can be dragged to another place, this allows the contagion to be generated on another side of the body.

We do not recommend this therapy, at the moment
- said brother Elohim -
It is a placebo effect, it is better to use the laying on of hands, since the healer uses his own electromagnetism, reinforced by the electromagnetism of the patient and the
 magnetism of the brothers of the antimatter reality.

The healer must always be assisted by a team of spirits, who support him energetically, from the Antimatter reality.

140- There is another technique that comes from Hawaii. It is a healing technique that uses self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and love to heal oneself, others, situations, past, present, future ... Is this healing correct?
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3. El Ser Uno es un libro de autoconocimiento. Deberá ser leído en orden: sería inútil que lo leyeran desordenadamente, pues no daría el resultado esperado. Su lectura irá abriendo y conectando los circuitos cerebrales del conocimiento, entendimiento y amor.

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Repasenlo... estudienlo...  meditenlo...
dejen ir las viejas...ideas, y enseñanzas...
estudien las nuevas
El Ser Uno

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¿Qué es el amor incondicional y por qué es tan elusivo para muchos? Es un amor que no juzga, defiende o distingue entre ningún ser viviente que entre a su vecindad. Es un amor que abarca toda la creación pues emana del corazón del Dios Padre Madre, de la Fuente de la Creación, de aquello que ha creado la materia y la ha colocado en la materia oscura del Universo expandiente.

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El amor incondicional está más allá de la comprensión de la pequeña mente que empaqueta y divide, califica y categoriza. El amor incondicional es el amor que supera cualquier entendimiento y sencillamente es, en sí mismo, puro, íntegro y impecable. Es la esencia de su Yo Superior. Es la verdadera esencia de sí mismos, despojada de todo lo que no es el Yo.

Muchos están comenzando a despertar y a darse cuenta de que necesitan amarse a sí mismos. Esto es muy difícil para muchos pues han permanecido en las sombras de la duda y el odio de sí mismos durante mucho tiempo, a menudo sin entender los asuntos centrales o razones de dichos sentimientos.
El llegar al amor y el respeto por uno mismo es meramente un paso en la senda a la automaestría. Si ustedes sienten que no se pueden amar a sí mismos todavía, aprendan a aceptarse a sí mismos como son, y liberarán a su yo futuro para amar. El amor fluye desde el corazón de la Creación, pero uno no puede sentir esta conexión o este flujo con la Fuente hasta que se haya conectado con la fuente del amor interior, su propio centro del corazón.
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El Ser Uno
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2 DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 434.039 | LIVRO: 813 | FOLHA: 199 Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal: Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio.


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El Ser Uno
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La enfermedad no es otra cosa que la manifestación de un proceso psíquico que se encuentra aún en estado de energía-pensamiento. Cuando esta energía- pensamiento comienza a enfermarse, produce una sobre carga eléctrica, desestabilizando la fluidez, la frecuencia y el ritmo, de esta manera la vibración decae y al hacerlo permite la entrada de energías-cinabrias-enfermas que viven y se alimentan de este tipo de ondulación vibratoria. 282- ¿Cómo podemos evitar las enfermedades, si estas aparecen cuando menos lo pensamos? 1- Si ustedes quieren ver su futuro, entonces estudien sus energías-pensamientos y sabrán las enfermedades que tendrán.
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NATURALEZA DIVINA… “Ha llegado para ustedes el despertar a los recuerdos del ayer. Ha llegado el momento de la Acción. Es el tiempo para que los recuerdos lleguen a ustedes y sepan que todo lo que sueñan, ven, idean, piensan y creen, no viene de otros mundos, vive y reina en los recuerdos ancestrales del corazón y alma humana. Todos ustedes tienen un solo origen: Lemuria. Es el principio que tuvieron como Seres-Humanos. Las huellas del pasado los persiguen. El Reino Celestial no está lejos, ustedes lo alejan del reino interior, para dar entrada al exterior, a lo vano y profano de la naturaleza material. El Reino Celestial está aquí, en sus manos y es ahora que se está manifestando como un vendaval de recuerdos y despertares. El tiempo del despertar lo han esperado durante siglos y siglos, lo han esperado con ansiedad. Esta época es para regocijarse, están en proceso de rectificación, depuración y purificación de los cristales del alma. El alma activará en el Ser-Humano su Divinidad Universal, él recobrará el Conocimiento, Entendimiento y Amor, los cuales se encuentran grabados en lo más profundo de la Energía-Cósmica de EL SER UNO”… EL SER UNO VI – Los Siren Lemurianos – Ciudad de LUZ y AMOR
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El Ser Uno

Lo que destruye 
al ser 
es su incapacidad para
Amar y respetar
a toda vida,
que a su alrededor ,
palpita... E.L.
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El Ser Uno - los 3 días de Oscuridad y el 21-12-2012. - YouTube

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“Te amo, incondicionalmente, y enciendo el Fuego Violeta en la emanación que estás enviando a mí. Bendigo que tú también, encuentres la paz que estoy ganando dentro de la nueva y expandida versión de mi Ser”.
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El ser humano, aun mirando LA VERDAD, frontalmente, y sin ocultarla,
el, NO reconoce esa verdad, por que el aun esta DORMIDO mentalmente...! el solo reconoce la codicia, y la ambición material..!
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 EL SER UNO - ¿Eliges la píldora azul o la roja? - Carta Abierta N° 37 - YouTube

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