miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023

Gaia Speaks My Dear Portal Openers

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Gaia Speaks
My Dear Portal Openers

I am very pleased that you are joining us to connect your personal chakras (which are portals) with my planetary chakras/portals. As we join together Person and Planet, we will do so chakra-by-chakra and dimension-by-dimension.

I am honored to be here with you on your journey. I am joyous that you have answered my call to assist me with my transmutation into fifth dimension. After you have visited your personal chakras, I will happily take you on a voyage into my Planetary Chakras.

Just imagine, people and planets

Together, beloved my Keepers of the Land, Keepers of the Air, Keepers of the Water and Keepers of that Fire, are: 

Becoming ONE

Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!

Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras?

Check out my e-book series:

Becoming ONE: People and Planet / A Manual for Personal and Planetary Transformation (Volume I)

Becoming ONE: People and Planet / A Manual for Personal and Planetary Transformation (Volume II)

Prefer hardcover? Volume I and Volume II
Information also available on my website:
Your Multidimensional Journey Begins

Book 5, "Through The Portal" Is Available NOW at:

Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension. The journey of the five books flowed from the Pleiades to Earth and back again over several generations of Pleiadians that were human and humans that were Pleiadian.

In the fifth book, Through the Portal, the many inter-dimensional adventures were pulled into the NOW of a cohesive finale. Concluding with the story of the The Bird Flock of MU in book 4, it was the NOW to begin the adventure of changing reality. This change begins, once again, at the local multidimensional airport, then returns to the core of Earth to confer with the ancient Lemurian civilization.

Big changes are about to occur on planet Earth and leadership training is needed for Sandy and Jason. But when they return to Earth, that which they thought they would change, changed them instead. Follow this amazing "final act" that is actually a new beginning.

If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have the old version, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Changing Realities."
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Posted by Sue at 3:44 PM

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miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2023

sharing.:::.The High Council of Orion

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31th May 2015

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood

“Greetings Dear Ones. 

We are the High Council of Orion. 

The energies of transformation abound on your planet at this time. Many of you are feeling them in a variety of ways.

There are some of you who are experiencing openings and transformation in positive ways that you have been striving for for a long time you are finally connecting with that place of success, openness and flow that you have been desiring and working towards for a long time. For that we ask you to make sure that you are in place of celebration. For when one puts a great deal of effort into visioning, manifesting and doing the things of action in your dimension that then begin to materialize, instead of being somewhat complacent and saying “Well, of course it’s happening because I’ve put a lot of effort into it.” We would ask for you to celebrate. Celebrate the support, and the additional support to all of your efforts, of the energies that are abundant on the planet at this time.

Beyond that there are some of you who are experiencing a great deal angst and upset. It might feel that the things that have been troubling you are feeling even more troubling, more stressful or more worrisome looking as if they are getting worse. You would say “But I hear that the energies are in support. Why do I feel worse? Why does this feel like it’s getting to a place that I can’t deal with it anymore? I can take it any more.” We understand.

We would ask you to look at what it is that you have a preference about, what it is the situation that you find yourself in and how you can look at it from a new point of view and a new perspective. Perhaps being open to a different outcome then the one that you see in front of you, or the one they see is, at this moment in time, the only choice as far as you’re concerned.

For now is the time with these energies of transformation to a release the need to effort and to bring in the idea, as you’ve heard us speak about many other times, solution energy. The way solution energy can come in often is by drawing your perspective back to get a bigger view of what it is that you are seeking and striving for, and looking for other ways that you can connect with the end result.

Perhaps it is money you’re lacking, for example. You feel the only way you can bring more money into your life is by getting that promotion you want. You start remembering all the times when you’ve been passed over for the promotion or whether they’ve given you a raise that ends up being very insignificant. You feel thwarted in that pathway. What we would invite you to do is to look at what other ways can you make changes? What other information can you have in that same situation to shift the desired outcome and not decide that it has to be the one pathway that you’re thinking about. In the example we’re using perhaps it’s changing departments within your same company. Perhaps it’s even looking for a different job. Or perhaps it’s deciding that that side business that you’ve always wanted to do is ready to be started. While our example could be fraught with all kinds of problems from your point of view the idea here is that we want to give you the opportunity to look at the situation you’re in from multiple points of view. This is what’s being asked energetically at this time.

If you are doing the same things over and over and over again and having a particular point of view that you need an outcome that is reasonable in your life and you’re only looking at that outcome coming from one pathway we would ask you to expand your view and what other pathways are available to you.

Now, there is one other very important aspect of the energies at this time which is this: they are asking you, and you are being energetically activated, to not ignore the unhealed parts of yourself. If you’re looking to have an outcome in a particular way that is ignoring a part of yourself that needs to be healed, that is asking to be healed, or a situation that is asking to the looked at from a new perspective that can bring about a healing and a transformation, now is the time to do it. Now is the time to dig in and really begin to work with the patterns and the energies that have been like that record skipping for you for years.

So whether it’s about personal relationships with coworkers, with family members, whether it is about a personal relationship with yourself, whether it’s about your satisfaction with your profession, where you live, your physical body, where are the things that are really asking to be changed at this moment in time? What’s that new perspective you can bring in?

In the course of all of this we ask you to not forget that all of this is about your vibration. As you shift and work with your vibration, either by changing your point of view or by actually working to heal some of those unhealed parts that are asking to be healed right now, you will be shifting your vibrational resonance, which will allow for the movement to happen in your life that you desire.

Have those quiet moments where you can be very honest with yourself and also be able to see the new points of view. Often you need to be quiet with yourself and not continue on with life exactly how you do it day in and day out, but shift what it is you do and when you do it and how you do it so that you have that time to focus on you. Focus on what else is possible within the field that you’re already in. When you ask what else is possible you are opening up your energy field for you to find new points of view and allow new energies to come in. If it feels deeply personal and hard and you have a hard time forgetting your woundings to move forward the looking at it from a higher-level perspective, as an outside person even perhaps, can give you those options. Then try them out. See what it’s like to try something different. See what it’s like to take yourself to the edge of the unknown and push that boundary. See what new can come in.

We invite each and every one of you to ask us for our assistance through the attunements, if you desire, as you work your way into a new vibration that’s being asked at this time. The attunements don’t need to be asked for just when you’re in a desperate moment, you can ask for an attunement just because you remember it, even if every thing’s absolutely perfect. For no matter what you’re in a trajectory of vibrational change. We can always assist with that.

Smile as much as you can for the way it shifts your vibration is magical! It opens you up and you carry more light. Smile as much as you can. Add laughter in as much as you can. For those give you the buoyancy to float through these changes.

Be Blessed.

We are the High Council of Orion.”

© 2015 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to www.Soul-Genesis.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood www.Soul-Genesis.com

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miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2023

Sharing.:::The world appears to be filled with intense images of both good and evil at this time

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MAY 24, 2015 

We come in love to assist all in their evolutionary journey of remembering.

The world appears to be filled with intense images of both good and evil at this time--duality expressed at its best and highest. This is because ever increasing energies of Light are greatly effecting the stability of anything and everything formed of old beliefs and concepts. Rejoice dear ones, for it is you doing the heavy lifting that is changing world consciousness--the outer is always a reflection of the inner.

Slowly but surely, a consciousness of Oneness is emerging. More and more people are being intuitively guided to assist man, animals, plants, and the environment of Gaia herself in whatever ways seem to be needed. An understanding of many within One, is gradually being born which starts on the unconscious level and then moves into conscious awareness.

Higher dimensional energies are serving to open the hearts of all who are ready, shifting them more deeply into the realization that every person, no matter the color of their skin or language they speak, as well as all life forms, are in and of the One substance and seek the same things according to their level of understanding. These things are peace, harmony, abundance, joy-- all facets of unconditional love, the Divine essence of all that exists, ever present and always calling.

Often it is only an experience of some seeming disaster that brings this awareness to those still holding tightly to a sense of separation, choosing to live in white towers of self-righteousness and power, and who see themselves as separate and better than everyone around them. When change comes for these people, rejoice not in their seeming "fall from grace" but in the realization that they too are learning and evolving, but doing it the "hard way".

Today's message is about love, a topic spoken of and discussed on all levels throughout the world.
A deep and truer understanding of the Divine nature of Love is vital to spiritual evolution. Love is the activity of oneness and is the basis for everything that exists. It is the glue that holds together all things and is interpreted and experienced according to the state of consciousness of the individual.

Example: Love, the connecting energy between all things within the One Omnipresent Consciousness, when interpreted through un-evolved states of consciousness will manifest outwardly as war, rape, abuse, and all the experiences of duality and separation. The One has never changed nor could it ever be less that what it is. It is the state of the individual consciousness as well as consensus consciousness that interprets and manifests how you see and experience the world.

A higher sense of love is beginning to awaken within the hearts of mankind. Love, the connecting energy between all living things is beginning to be experienced and acknowledged profoundly more than in belief systems of the past.

Most of you have lifetimes in which love was generally only thought of as something between a mother and child, or perhaps between friends or lovers and often with strings attached. Love was more of a barter and almost never unconditional. Often there was little or no love in marriages which were simply contracts assuring convenience and safety for two countries, or families. For those of poorer means, it often represented another pair of hands to do the work.

Women were more often than not, considered bargaining chips or simply chattels, a means to an end. Love even in the human sense rarely entered into the picture. When romantic love did happen, it was frequently discouraged or even forbidden if the union did not fulfill the concepts and beliefs of those in power, be it simple families or royalty.

There has been very little understanding of the real nature of Love except for the occasional mystic. Concepts based in duality and separation have ruled the consciousness of mankind lifetime after lifetime, conditioning and interpreting love as well as everything else, in very limited ways.

Love is beginning to be recognized as much more than simple emotional attachment. Over time those of a higher state of consciousness tried to reveal unconditional love through their words and actions, but for the most part people were unable to embrace that level of consciousness. Your inner work is birthing a new world consciousness and mankind is rapidly attaining an ability to learn about and live Love as the universal and unconditional truth of being that it really is.

You have evolved and are now ready to accept and integrate the deeper truth of unconditional love as being all there is. This must become an attained state of consciousness if you are to move into the higher dimensional energies emerging and available at this time which means awareness and practice on your part. You do not have to have fully attained this state of consciousness in order to move forward, but must have the honest intention to do so. The higher dimensions are dimensions of Love, and cannot be entered still holding fast to a consciousness of separation with all its accompanying judgement and criticism.

The necessity for unconditional love occasionally acts as a block for the spiritually ready individual unable to embrace the idea of having to love everyone. When this happens it means there is a misunderstanding of what unconditional Love really is. It is possible to have unconditional love even for those living at very dense levels of awareness once it is understood that unconditional love is not an acceptance of their actions nor a lowering into their level of consciousness.

It is not attraction to or acceptance of everyone and everything regardless of how much havoc they may be causing and neither is it an emotional desire to be with the person or place or thing although that can be a part of it. Unconditional Love is recognition--the recognition of ever present Divinity within all things even when the object does not care a whit about it.

Unconditional love means every person or situation you become aware of must be seen with new eyes, which in turn trains the mind to interpret in new and higher ways. Begin to visualize a diamond in the heart of every person you become aware of as you go about your day. Make this diamond a symbol representing the person's innate Divinity even if you do not like or respect what they represent. The news, the world, the things you hear about or see on TV are all opportunities to practice blessing the world through recognition.

There must come at some point, a realization of oneness in world consciousness if it is to evolve beyond duality and separation and you are Light workers making it happen.

Try and let go of judgement and criticism of appearances for fear, worry, and concern serves to give them a power they do not have and cements whatever illusory energy they do have. This can be difficult for those of you used to actively fighting the negative issues of the world in your quest for change.

You are being asked now to take the next step which is a letting go of resistance, and a moving into unconditional love. Your mind will accept this after awhile although at first it will rebel, for it has been trained in other ways.

This never means you cannot sign a petition, or take some action you are being guided to take. It does mean that your first action now becomes one of unconditional love which may or may not lead you to a next action.

Attaining this state of consciousness and the next step of your journey and you are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group 5/24/15

©2015 onenessofall.com | Cedar, MI 49621

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miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023

sharing.:::.The Medicine Mane from "Reconstructing Reality" by Suzanne Lie

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
The Medicine Mane from "Reconstructing Reality" by Suzanne Lie


The Medicine Man

A Story from Reconstructing Reality

After communing with her beloved Venusian Nature, Shature was ready to review the next life. When she entered the domed room, she walked straight toward her chair, but her Guide stopped her.

“You no longer need to go up into the dome. Instead allow your own consciousness to project the hologram. Remember, dear, you are not limited to the portion of yourself standing before me. Close your eyes and allow the vision of sixth dimensional Arcturus to ignite the memory of and connection to your completeness.”

Shature closed her eyes and remembered Lamerius, her complete self. As united androgynous beings, they had traveled through the vortex to Arcturus. Shature remembered the lightness of their sixth dimensional star body and could feel the vortex in their heart. The pod was around them and unconditional love filled her awareness. She then heard a beautiful tone that was accompanied by a burst of light so strong that it penetrated her closed eyes.

She opened her eyes and she saw before her a Native American Medicine Man. He stood calmly in all his pure and regal splendor. He was magnificent. He wore a beautiful ceremonial costume made of buffalo hide and a huge necklace of bear claws. His hair was in long braids and his face was painted with three red stripes on each cheek and an image of what looked like the sun on his forehead. In one hand he held a rattle, and in the other he held a pipe.

“I am How-ta-shai. I returned to the Oversoul in the seventh dimension at the close of my physical experience. In response to your call, I have joined you via this hologram of your creation.”

“How did you know that I was calling,” puzzled Shature.

“My One, just as you are observing the vibrations of your self at a lower density, we of the Oversoul are observing you.”

“Yes, of course,” Shature was beginning to understand. “As much as the life I have now is beyond the conception of my third dimensional self, the life of my Oversoul has been beyond my conception. Before you begin your story, could you tell me more about the Oversoul?”

“Of course, close your eyes again and listen to my words with your heart. Just as you have shined a light on portions of your self, feel the light shining on you. The Oversoul is like a lake nestled in the highest mountain peak. This lake is filled with pristine waters straight from the heavens. Many rivers flow from this lake in all directions, which in turn form other lakes even farther down the mountain.

“From these lakes flow other tributaries, which also have lakes, and so on and so on, until the waters of life have reached the sands of the great oceans. As these waters meet the Mother Ocean, they touch the beings who swim the waters of life and call them to re-enter the streams of their birth and gradually swim up until they are at last home safely in the original pristine lake of their Source.”

Shature heard a tinkling of bells and another flash of light caused her to open her eyes and turn her head. It was Rahotep, or rather a hologram of him.

”I, too, resonate within the Oversoul. I have returned to assist you in understanding what How-ta-shai has to say.”

He walked over and joined the medicine man. Shature saw before her the projection of two very powerful higher vibrations of her total being. She looked around to find her Guide and discovered that he was, again, gone.

“You are doing fine, my child,” she heard inside. “Seek for guidance inside yourself now. Remember, we are together in the Oneness. If ever you want me, all you need do is call me and I will respond.”

Shature almost felt sorrow at his loss, but she could not hold the vibration of that emotion in her expanded self. In fact, she was no longer just Shature. She was again Lamerius, because the high vibratory rate of the room instantly called in Lamire.

“Lamire, you are with me again,” she smiled.

“I am always with you.”

Rahotep and How-ta-shai smiled and said, “We are all projections of the same Oversoul and we are complete within the Oneness. The portion of us labeled Shature is allowing her consciousness to expand to the conception of more than one reality. You are awakening your multidimensional consciousness.”

Shature started to feel proud, and again found that she could not resonate to that feeling either. She realized that she was having the memory of pride just as she was having the memory of being as Shature. She understood what Rahotep and the Medicine Man had said. She now held in her consciousness all the realities that she had reviewed.

She was on Atlantis, in Faerie, England just after the fall of Atlantis, 13th century Italy, 20th century Poland, and 19th century England, the United States and ancient Egypt. She was on the shores of the red cliffs of Venus, and she was a star-being on Arcturus. Within the ever-present NOW, she embraced all that she had relived. She felt her form expand until at last she was without form. She was a speck of light within an infinite ocean of radiance.

Slowly, she began to constrict herself and her radiance pulled into itself. She pulsated it out again, and it became stronger and brighter. She experimented with the inflow and outflow of her emanation until she gradually returned to the hologram of Shature. Yes, she too was a hologram. She was a projection of form from the Source, and no matter how many different projections there were, they were all from the same Source.

Gradually, her perception returned to the domed room and How-ta-shai standing before her. Rahotep had left his hologram of form and returned to the Oversoul, but she felt his presence within her along with the others. She smiled and How-ta-shai smiled in return. The glint in his eyes showed the radiance of all creation.

How-ta-shai was seated down with his legs crossed and gestured for Shature to do the same. As soon as she sat, a small fire manifested between them and a teepee surrounded them. Shature stared into the fire and waited for How-ta-shai to begin his story.

“I will speak to you first of the death of the part of us once known as How-ta-shai,” spoke the Medicine Man. “As I speak to you, close your eyes and see the story as I tell it. Listen to me with your heart and hear my truth. It is the tradition of our people to teach through storytelling, and I wish to share that tradition with you now.”

How-ta-shai began to shake his rattle and softly chant while the teepee filled with memories. He pointed to his right and there, on a rough mat, was a withered old man on the verge of starvation.

“This is how I looked at my death. My people were defeated and we were imprisoned inside a white man’s fort. We could not see our beloved plains, hunt buffalo, or have our sweats and sacred traditions. We were a conquered people.”

How-ta-shai turned his focus from the fire that he was staring into and looked Shature straight in the eyes.

“Do you see the theme of the realities that the Oversoul has chosen for you to view?”

“Yes,” responded Shature. “They are societies, or me, in transition and the fear that comes with change.”

“Yes, we of the Oneness have focused our collective consciousness into you so that you can be our representative on the third dimension. The Earth that you will re-enter is on the verge of a great transition, which will affect that entire multi-dimensional universe. We, the many lives you have viewed, had at one time perceived ourselves as failures.

That memory resonated in our collective consciousness. You assisted and healed the realities that had not achieved spiritual awakening. Those of us who had learned to connect with our higher selves while we were incarnated were able to heal ourselves and return to our higher vibration. I tell you now of my own frustration while incarnated so you can see that even failure is a success if we can integrate with Spirit.”

“But why have I been chosen to be the representative?” asked Shature

“Your reality of Shature in Atlantis represents the initiation of our Oversoul into the limitation and separation of the third dimension. It was also a life in which you connected with the grid of light that surrounds planet Earth. You will be called upon to again consciously connect with this energy grid when you re-enter the third dimension. But allow me now to return to my story. We who have been able to rise above the limitations of the physical world wish to instruct you by sharing our experiences.

“As I have said, we were a conquered people and all of my spiritual strength and insight could do nothing to stop our fate. There was one small victory that I was attempting to achieve. I wanted to make the Bluecoats allow us to pitch our teepees outside of the fort where we could at least see the plains and the rising and setting of the sun.

“There were only old men, like myself, and women and children left. The few warriors who were alive were injured or imprisoned in the Bluecoat’s iron house. If we could achieve just one small victory, then perhaps we could keep our Spirits alive until a better day.
“But let me begin my story at a happier time.”

How-ta-shai pointed now to his left and there was a small boy rubbing the sleep from his eye as he arose from his skins.

19th Century United States

This young boy was born to be a warrior. As soon as he could walk, he remembered wanting to ride a horse. If his mother didn't watch him, he would run off to where the horses were penned and try to walk among them. Remarkably enough, he was never hurt. Many times, he would escape the eyes of the adults who were watching him and run to the horses. Once they realized that he wouldn't get hurt, they let him do so. Perhaps he thought he was a horse instead of a ‘two-legged.’ Or perhaps he just cherished the horses’ power.

As everyone suspected, he became an excellent horseman, and everyone knew he would be a brave warrior until the most unexpected thing happened. He fell from his horse. In fact, he was sure an invisible force had pushed him. He was thirteen and on his first buffalo hunt. He was feeling like a man, but not acting like one because he thought he was better than the horse; he was the hunter.

This pride got him in trouble. He wasn’t respecting the horse or the buffalo, and when the horse moved quickly to the left, he moved to the right. He was so caught up in the act of being a ‘man’ that he behaved like a small boy and forgot his very first lesson. He and the horse were one. And so, in his arrogance, he fell from the horse, right into the path of a raging buffalo.

Worse yet, he fell onto his shoulder and his right arm lay limp at his side. He grabbed his spear with his left hand and, just as the Spirit had pushed him from the horse, the Spirit led his arm true and struck the buffalo with his spear. The giant animal did not die with one stroke, but he stumbled. This gave the boy time to jump up and run to his horse, which waited for him in spite of the great danger.

With his remaining good arm, the boy pulled himself on to the horse's back and rode to safety. The other hunters had witnessed this scene and released the buffalo from life. The young hunter had struck the first blow on a mighty buffalo, and he was a hero. However, he realized, as his spear arm lay limp at his side, that he would never be a warrior.

His shoulder healed much quicker than his heart. He recovered most of the movement of his arm, but he could not throw a spear or use a bow and arrow. Finally, he learned to use his arm well enough to hunt, but he did not have the strength to go into battle. And so he brooded. His life was over. He was not a warrior. He was barely a man! How could he live with this handicap?

He was useless. His life was over before it had a chance to begin. He wandered around supposedly on hunting trips, but he had no heart for hunting. He didn't even enjoy riding his horse. He would have to leave the tribe. He had nothing to give and it was selfish for him to stay. He did not know where to go. He only knew he had to leave.

One morning, before dawn, he gathered a few things and slipped out of the teepee before anyone else awoke. He headed due west, away from the rising sun, and away from his dreams. He did not know where he was going, or why. He didn't care. For days and days, he walked. He hadn't brought his horse, as a warrior needed it and he had no right to take it with him.

After many rising and setting suns, he came into a territory that was new to him. By the end of the second moon cycle, he was lost. Of course, he wasn't lost in the sense that he couldn't go home; but he was lost in that he had no idea where he was or what he would experience next. He was not afraid. Nothing worse could happen to him. Maybe if he could lose his past, he could find a future.

In the distance, he saw a high cliff and decided he would climb to the top to seek his vision. He buried his provisions at the bottom of the cliff, as he would need no food or comfort, and began his climb. The way to the top was very steep, with loose gravel and little to hold on to.

After nearly falling several times, and wishing he had a man’s strength in both of his arms, he finally reached the top of the cliff as the last rays of the sun were setting below the horizon. He found a small niche in which to sit and curled himself up to wait. The night grew colder and colder, yet he hardly noticed. He vowed that he would not move until he had received his vision. With every hour, he drew deeper and deeper into himself. By dawn, he was in a deep trance.

Gradually, a storm began to gather about him. It seemed to echo the storm that raged within his soul. The weather became colder and colder, and the wind grew icy. He knew that soon it would be the first snow. It had been many moons since his injury. The plains and the pain of his wasted life seemed far below him now. From his perch on the cliff, he felt like he was a part of the growing force of Nature, and less and less a part of his physical body.

As the wind whipped about him, he could feel his Spirit being tugged by it. He wished to fly like the wind and roar like the thunder and be free once and for all of the limitations of his wounded body. His anger and disappointment filled his heart and mind, and he wished to leave the clay prison of his body.

“’Grandfather,” he cried to the howling wind. “Take me with you!”

He surrendered to the pull of nature’s storm, and, with a flash of lightning, he was pulled out of his body. He looked down and saw a small empty form clinging to the side of a cliff and could vaguely remember it was he. He took to the wind like a bird. His Spirit knew no limits, and the turbulence in the air only added to his excitement. He didn't know where he was or where he was going. He didn't care if he ever returned to that small shell.

He was Home now. He was the wind and the sky that held it. He was lifted higher and higher away from where, and whom, he once was. He seemed to lose consciousness for a moment, and when he awoke, he found himself on the plains. He was alone except for one buffalo that was as white as snow.

“They are coming to kill us!” it said. “They will gain power over you by killing us and there is nothing we can do to stop them.”

With these words, the buffalo turned and walked away.

To be continued...
Purchase the book HERE


Prepare for the NOW by reading the books:

The Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Books

(Note about Book 4 of the Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension)

Book 4 was twice as long as the others, so we have split it into two books so you can better absorb the information. If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have the old version, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Changing Realities."

Thank you.

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Posted by Sue at 1:22 AM

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jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

The One Infinite Creator - Ser Uno, ¿SI EL PARÁSITO ESTÁ ENCAPSULADO?

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  El Ser Uno




El  Ser  Uno


 El Catalizador puede transponer energía al paciente, siempre y cuando los dos trabajen en unión  
respondió el hermano Seramita - 
Si el paciente no cumple con lo prometido, es inútil transponer energía, ya que esta se diluye conforme el paciente use la suya propia negativamente. 
No, no significa que el paciente estará curado  
dijo la hermana Interana -
 sino que, él, con su rectificación de vida, permitirá que la energía que entre a su cuerpo y alma puedan ayudarlo en su sanación. 
Si el paciente, realmente, pone todo de su parte, rectifica, y hace un cambio en su vida, entonces, el Catalizador podrá transponer energía para la sanación, de lo que el paciente necesita. 
El paciente, es el único que podrá 
 erradicar al parásito, no hay 
Catalizador en el planeta, 
que pueda hacerlo por él. 
 El Catalizador, es un instrumento que ayudará a alinear los chacras del paciente, con ello, lo ayudará enormemente, ya que al estar los chacras y las fases del Kundalini alineados, el paciente tendrá más fuerzas para luchar en contra del parásito. 
Este, es un trabajo individual, de cada una de las almas encarnadas, y desencarnadas de este planeta.  
Generalmente, hemos comprobado, que, ustedes, colocan las dos manos, encima del órgano enfermo, y, realizan la técnica que ustedes aprendieron, o, que nace del corazón  
comenzó explicando la hermana Interana - 
Imponer las dos manos, es una equivocación, ya que, la energía que ustedes mandan al paciente, no la están extrayendo de la Ciudad Interna, sino de ustedes mismos 
dijo el hermano Seramita - 
y, al hacerlo, la energía gira en un círculo vicioso, no es extraída, y no hace tierra. 
 Funciona así: Al levantar el brazo, y, la mano derecha, con los tres dedos referidos, la energía Electro-Magnética-Fotónica, entra por la antena, formada de tres dedos, ésta baja, y, llega al Plexo Solar del Catalizador.
Allí, se forma la alquimia, no puede pasar directamente al paciente, porque, es muy fuerte. 
El catalizador, es un transformador de 
Energía de Radiación-Electromagnética, 
 llamada comúnmente: 
 Es la energía que poseen las ondas electromagnéticas, como la luz visible, las ondas de radio, los rayos ultravioletas (UV), los rayos infrarrojos (IR) etc. 
 La característica principal de esta energía, es, que se propaga en el vacío, sin necesidad de soporte material alguno  
continuó el hermano Interano - 
Se transmite por unidades llamadas fotones. 
La energía que proporciona el Sol, y, que llega a la Tierra en forma de luz y calor, la cual está formada por Energía-Fotónica.  
Es así como el Catalizador extrae, y manda al paciente, la Energía-Radiante, la cual va acompañada de una Energía-Sonora, es la energía que transportan las ondas de sonido, por esto, requiere necesariamente de un medio para propagarse. 
La vibración producida por la onda, mueve las partículas enfermas, de esta forma se produce la Catalización-Energética, y, la renovación celular.  
En muchos casos, la cantidad de protones y electrones, no es la misma, por este motivo, el cuerpo-material no está equilibrado eléctricamente
En el caso de que un  
cuerpo tenga más electrones girando alrededor del Núcleo del Átomo, y que, lo haga desordenadamente, sin control, y de bajo voltaje continuó el hermano Luz - 
se dice que las células están cargadas negativamente, y, si tiene más protones en su núcleo que electrones, se dice, que está cargado positivamente. 
 La imposición de la mano izquierda, permite un flujo fácil de electrones, que pertenecen al Electromagnetismo
Este flujo, puede deberse a la acción de fuerzas electrostáticas. 
 Cuando esto es así, se dice que los electrones están bajo el efecto de un campo electro-estático, también llamado campo eléctrico.
 Significa, que el catalizador, hace descender una Energía-Magnética vibratoria alta, y, la convierte en una Energía-Electromagnética-Eléctrica, de un voltaje adecuado, que el Cuerpo-Material pueda soportar. 

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siguiente : catalizacion 

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