miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2023

Sharing2 - beginning to see many changes

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SEPTEMBER 20, 2015

Dear ones, you are beginning to see many changes in your world. Try not to hold concepts regarding what those changes must look like in order to be valid, but instead learn to be silent observers of everything around you. Observe peoples' reactions and listen to what they are saying. Note the increasing furor of politicians scrambling to keep you where they want you, in fear and old energy. Notice how advertising seems to have become ever increasingly loud and annoying.

All forms of old and dense energy are trying very hard to hold on in spite of the ever increasing Light of awareness flooding to earth this time. Those still holding tightly to the fear based projections of un-awakened consciousness are simply unaware and as of yet uninterested in knowing that there are more evolved and easier ways of living.

These dear souls continue to wage intense resistance to change in hopes of keeping themselves and the world in what is known or profitable, using tools that no longer resonate with many. Most of you are discovering that it has become very easy to see through the nonsense... you no longer live at that level.

In your course of spiritual seeking you learned that you were creators and that people create their own situations. This has caused many a serious student to look at the "problems" in his life as spiritual failures, as signs that he was not understanding truth correctly. It is highly likely that every "problem" in your life was intentionally and perfectly created by you for learning and growth. At this point in the journey there are no accidents.

It is time for silence and trust. Give yourselves permission to do absolutely nothing and just be. Old concepts bind mankind to the belief that time spent doing nothing reflects laziness. The result is a world full of people racing through each day who have lost contact with and awareness of their own quiet place of rest and renewal within. Spend time in nature even if only a small park in the city. Seek out the places where you can simply be, without distractions and noise. Learn to just listen to the silence.

In the midst of busy family and working life, finding quiet time is often very difficult. However, if you make the effort, you will soon discover yourself able to center more easily and quickly and that you carry a peace with you throughout your day. There are those who get up in the middle of the night for contemplation and meditation because that is their only quiet time.

Many of you are aware of specific dates being given for the first wave of ascension. Do not hold ascension to a specific date. What this means is that by this time those prepared to move into higher dimensional energies will be doing it. Believing that it can only happen on or by a certain date is third dimensional thinking. Actually many of you are already there or are moving in and out of it.

Do not be afraid, you are not leaving, but are shifting while in physical bodies to a new resonance which you will recognize by a new awareness. This is why the clearing of old energies from this and past lives has been so necessary.

Do not expect to suddenly see all war cease, for there are still many not yet ready to move beyond such third dimensional experiences. However, you yourself will not be in war unless you choose to be because it is no longer a part of your consciousness.

There have been some in the military who discovered after committing, that their state of consciousness had evolved beyond killing and violence and thus found themselves in the midst of intense inner struggles involving guilt, confusion, and a sense of failure. Some of them, seeing no other way, chose what seemed to be their only option--suicide.

These dear ones believed what they were told instead of trusting their intuition and from the experience learned a powerful lesson about personal power and choice. This awareness they will bring firmly intact into their next life when they will be the peacemakers.

Attaining a consciousness of Oneness manifests as a change in attitude and beliefs about so called "enemies". News is more often than not simply fear propaganda continuously focusing on some "enemy" in order to gain general acceptance from the public for military action and additional surveillance.

Always remember that the "enemy" is also an expression of the Divine but not as evolved as you. Many have incarnated only a few times and through ignorance have allowed themselves to be hypnotized by pictures of separation and duality. Also in ignorance of who and what they are, they surrender their personal power to those claiming to have all the right answers but who in turn use these followers for personal, limited, self serving and power hungry gain. All will eventually awaken as all must, but it may not be for many lifetimes.

Time seems to be moving faster and faster, leaving everyone feeling frantic with the need to accomplish many things each day. This is because energy has become more refined and higher in its vibration leaving less of the old and slower that you were accustomed to. You will find in this new and higher energy, that even though you may seem to have a never ending list of things to deal with, they are getting done more easily and in faster ways. Solutions seem to manifest when needed.

You may be discovering that people, places, and beliefs that formerly caused you to react with criticism and judgement simply no longer seem important. Previously loved films, books, music, magazines,TV shows, some sports, and other entertainments don't hold your interest as they once did. "Entertainments" that focus on people in judgmental or sarcastic ways has no appeal but is instead recognized to be un-evolved behavior based in a sense of separation.

Arcturian Group wishes you to know that the weather will move into a time of calm. There is coming a time of rest for the world from the struggles that grip so many.

The fires, floods and weather extremes are Gaia's way of continuing to remove remaining old festering energy required for her ascension. These events are serving as well to awaken many at one time. The old energy of "haves and have nots" is not well served when all find themselves on the same level and dealing with the same issues. All earth experiences in every lifetime have been for the sole purpose of leading each soul eventually into the realization of ONE which is in its purest form, Love.

The refugees you see daily fleeing from violence and war are serving to bring world attention more deeply into a realization of Oneness, that everyone is connected regardless of the language they speak or the color of their skin. This issue is forcing the attention and helping to awaken many who live out from a "not my problem" consciousness and who consider events taking place somewhere else, to have nothing to do with them. These images are also providing a perfect example of how war and violence solve nothing.

Always remember that every soul chooses or is helped to choose the experiences necessary for his awakening. Learning experiences are allowed only as an individual attains the evolutionary strength necessary to cope with and learn from the experience. There are spiritually evolved souls who seem to have one problematic issue after another and wonder why. It is because at this energetically powerful time most of you came with a full list of life lessons necessary for your completion in order to move into ascension energy. If you were not fully capable of this, you would not of been allowed to bring in so many lessons.

We wish to close the message with a few words about honor. Honesty and honor are extremely important when making choices and holding personal opinions. When an action flows from a person's highest sense of right, (even if he is fully in third dimensional thinking) he is allowing himself to be open to change and a higher understanding of his beliefs and actions.

It is imperative that anyone serious about the spiritual journey be extremely honest with himself; "Am I pursuing this particular belief or action because it makes me feel and look important? Does it give me a sense of superiority over others? Do I not question, but follow because it has always been this way? Am I afraid that if I disagree with family, church, friends, parents, I will be excluded?"

These are questions that anyone serious about spiritual growth must ask themselves with regard to any lingering or rigidly held beliefs about anything. "Do I believe this because it has been revealed to me as truth, or because it is what I have been told? Is fear of losing my credibility as a spiritual teacher, counselor, parent, friend causing me to continue in some belief system that I have outgrown?"

Honor, honesty, and pure intention must be a part of every action taken and belief held if one is to grow and learn and ascend.

Those who really know, hold the truth they know secretly, silently, and sacredly within and feel no need to shout it from the rooftops, or change anyone or anything.

We are the Arcturian Group 9/20/15
©2015 onenessofall.com | Marilyn@onenessofall.com

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miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2023

Sharing.:::Archive - A Journey in Raising Consciousness

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In this period of 2015 we are most certainly in a Wave of powerful transformational energy. Our lives and our Reality is being changed at a very fast pace and in ways that we are often still coming to terms with. I think that the most recent wave of changes has been the most definitive and also maybe the most surprising.

It has to do with our fellow citizens on the Earth.
 The Animals.
 Quite simply put, the Earth can ascend no further unless we make peace with the Animal Kingdom.
 We have to take into OUR consciousness the fact that in a Fifth Dimensional World we are all connected and related, and that means that we can no longer abuse and destroy without acknowledging that it is ourselves that we are abusing and destroying.

This awakening, and this recognition, and ultimately this raising of consciousness has been centered on Africa.
 Well, for several reasons. Probably the most evident is that Africa is the only continent that still has a large wild life population, but which is now under extreme threat. Secondly, Africa is the continent that is the focus of the Sirius Project, which is the clear guidance and love of the Sirian Master Teachers from the Sirius Star System.
 That influence extends from Egypt in the North to South Africa in the South.

Solstice June 21st and “Calling the Animals”
At this year’s Solstice celebrations, I was guided by Archangel Michael to call for a Global Meditation on the “Calling the Animals”.
 The purpose of this was to call the animals to us and to express to them our desire that they should come with us into the New Earth and be part of our New Earth Reality.

I did not realize at that point how crucial it was to the whole Ascension project that would make this expression of intent to our fellow brothers and sisters on the Earth!

Further, I also was shown how the Animals are not inferior forms of life, but are also “Star Seeds”, gifts from the Creative Beings who are our Galactic and Cosmic Family.
 If we could not honor our Animal Family, how could we honor the Galactic and Cosmic Family who had gifted these Life Forms to our Planet.

As it happened, I was also invited to attend a Ceremony in the far North of South Africa at an ancient Stone Circle.
 This site was located on the “Nile” meridian and also on the borders of South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique. Just to the North was the Kruger National Park, our biggest wildlife sanctuary, and beyond that, Zimbabwe.

And so it was that I was privileged to be with a large group of people as we “Called the Animals” from the Sacred Circle that we had created around the main standing stones. I remember quite clearly calling the Lion of the North.
 In our circle, North was towards Kruger and Zimbabwe, home of Cecil the Lion who was to be a major player in this unfolding wave of energy.

I did specifically call the White Lions as the Spirit Keepers of Africa, to be the guardians of the North.
 It was also interesting, that our Ceremony was visited by two large Crows, who as messengers of the Spirit world carried our intentions into the Spirit Realms.

Cecil the Lion and the Royal Lions of Sirius 

And so it was that the message was received by the Spirit Keepers of Africa, and the Royal Lions of Sirius.

Now, perhaps I should explain how very important Lions are in the Sirian teachings.

In the creation story, the Prime Creator known as Amun-Ra, gives birth to two beings who are called Shu and Tefnut.
 They are the original Masculine and Feminine energies, and Tefnut who is the Feminine, is always depicted as a Lioness Headed Woman. Lion/ess energy is Sacred to the Sirians, it is a manifestation of the Divine Creative Essence.

And so it is that in Africa, where the Sirius energy is strongest on the Planet, that the Lions came to be the Spirit Keeper of the Continent.
 And it was there, in the Spirit Council of the White Lions, that our call was heard. And so it was decided that a Noble Lion would be needed to bring to Humanity the message of the Lions and the call to “Family” in the New Earth.

And so it was that Cecil, the noble Lion of Hwange, was called to carry the role of the Sacred Path of the Lion King.

Now while this is a beautiful story, it also does not hide the fact that every day Lions are hunted, poached and killed in Africa, and that the death of Cecil was not a “demanded sacrifice” but an illustration of what is befalling all lions in Africa, and ultimately, all animals on Earth.

The purpose of the very public killing of Cecil the Lion was to bring the energy of the Lion into the Collective Consciousness just at the very moment when the Sun was in Leo and we were approaching a very crucial Ascension Moment in the Lions Gate of 2015, the 8/8/8.

It was to make Humanity aware of what was happening to the lions and to the animals on the Earth. To remind Humanity of their mission to love and hold the animals and their purpose of recreating the Garden on the New Earth so that All Life Forms could be present.

And it was to make us aware that our Star Nation brothers and sisters, especially the Sirians, were here present with us in this work.
 The powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate are assisting the Planet through the Gateways of Time and into the Higher Dimensions that are guarded by the Royal Sirian Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow.

8/8/8 : The Lion’s Gate and Beyond 

The Lion’s Gate of 2015 on the 8th of August is the culmination of an Ascension Wave that will lift the planet into the highest frequencies of Luminosity that have yet been achieved on Earth!

On the 8th of August, the Royal Sirian Lions will be on hand in the Spirit Realm to be the assistants at this wonderful moment of Ascension and Birthing for the Planet.

We can be sure too, that Cecil the Lion will be there in Soul/Spirit form, to watch over the final stages of the story that he had such a part in creating.

From this moment forward, the Animals will step into their sovereignty and will become our fellow citizens of the New Earth.

This will create a radical shift in consciousness that will challenge all that we believe about love and compassion and the way in which we embody these essential energies.

We will be required to shift from a society that believes that Humanity is central and that everything on the Planet is simply “resources” to be consumed, to a society that acknowledges the Unity of a Family of Living Beings sharing a common home and a common destiny.

This is the Great Shift we need to make if the Earth is to continue to ascend into her true Destiny as a Planet of Love and Compassion. 

Posted 9th August by ATMAN

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miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2023


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Hello friends. As you may have heard me and others mention, this year’s Lionsgate passageway is expected to have extra potency due to the fact that it is a triple 8 frequency (8/8/2015 = 8) this year. Traditionally, the Lionsgate portal is related to issues of sovereignty, personal power and self-love.

I’ve been hearing from many folks (and have been thinking this myself,) if the Universal “8” Year that we are in now is supposed to be all about abundance, balance and our “ship coming in,” what’s been holding it up? Good question and I believe there is an explanation. The “8” frequency is also about magnification and karmic ripening, along with manifestation. I have been seeing a pattern of deep clearing in many individuals. For me personally, the traditional “karmic ripening” time of Sun in Pisces was particularly odd and challenging this year, although some good things came from it including my latest book. The point being, that this is a year where the Universe has zigged where we expected it to zag more often than not. That is also not uncommon in a year of high magic to have some high weirdness thrown in for good measure. It’s as if the Universe in its wisdom has shown us the areas in which further examination and clearing were needed to fully manifest these higher, more abundant vibrations. Some have been intuitively obvious and some have not, but it certainly hasn’t been dull or uneventful.

Highly aspected Leo energy is the benevolent sovereign, the creative, the brave hearted, the radiant light and pure joy. It is the imagination of the beautiful dancing children as represented in “The Sun” tarot symbol.

Whatever material is emerging from your own personal depths with the energies now, allow it. It will be gently burned away as you pass through the Lionsgate of the 8:8 to reveal the emergence of your greater light and authenticity. – The Keepers, 7.18.15

Based on my research and intuitive validation about this portal: it will officially be opened at the Full Moon on 7/31, peak at 8:8 and be in effect until its closure around 8/12/15.

Astro-cosmically it is important to note that during this gateway we will have 5 Retrograde planets: Saturn, Pluto, Venus, Neptune and Uranus. Since I have been following the Cosmic Weather, this is an unprecedented occurrence. To have 5 out of 12 planets in Retrograde increases their potency on an inward level and gives an impetus to align with greater frequencies of self-actualization; especially when occurring in a strong vibrational portal such as this.

Dear ones, you are moving into a time when the Law of Vibration will be in more noticeable effect. Be mindful of the conscious vibration you carry, especially now and through the 8:8. The Gateway has been opened and you will experience hills and valleys within this energy. Shanti. – The Keepers, 7.23.15

Of course since we are still dealing with a world of contrast and duality this also increases the possibility towards acts of selfishness, greed, misuse of power and anger, which are all shadow aspects of the same energy. For those who identify as energy workers of all kinds, it is vital to hold a space of the highest love, abundance and peace for all beings. We will have several opportunities throughout this portal to return to a “zero point” creatively = which is extremely potent for envisioning the highest possible spiritual and material attainment for our world.

Thank you and remember to keep it Cosmic!

© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2015. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.

Posted 6th August by ATMAN
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The Sept 2015 “Wave X” Awakening

I once had a media and communications professor ask a packed auditorium of journalism students the interesting question: “What is the singular factor that affects all of humanity? A factor that can start or stop wars? That can raise up civilizations or destroy them?” Not one student could come up with the right, yet so obvious, answer: Space Weather. Almost 35+ years later, I still remember his words.

When I heard Dr. Simon Atkins recently talk about the ‘”WAVE X shift of 2015″ it made complete sense. Atkins is a well-known climate risk economist and planetary threat forecaster with a doctorate in Biometeo-electromagnetics. He uses the science of magnetism to bring clarity to what is presently occurring in our world.

Space weather not only influences, but guides humanity. Statistics show that when there are intense solar flares from space, 82% of the time there is a downshift in the stock market 1-3 days later. These same solar flare peaks are known to cause eruptions of violence between classes (sort of like the full moon effect). It’s a natural phenomenon, but its all due to magnetic waves that ultimately affect every living organism on our planet.

On a positive note, when there are coronal mass ejections from the sun (CMEs), humans are more likely to experience euphoria, calmness and ultimately peace. CMEs are explosions of electricity and energy in the form of electrons and protons, according to NASA. This magnetic energy that comes from our Sun (which is why the Ancients saw the Sun as the God Source) actually elevates consciousness levels. The Sun is the great benefactor. If you stay out of the Sun you quickly lose your connection to third eye consciousness. You also can experience depression and/or illness.

I experienced this first hand many years ago when I worked in a darkened lab doing altered states studies during daylight hours. I started not only getting oily skin and breaking out with facial eruptions (which I had never had), but I became quickly depressed. Something told me to take a few 15 minute breaks outside each day and just sit in the Sun. It was like a miracle cure. Like a plant, we need light to thrive. Without it, it will lead to dysfunction, be it emotional and/or physical. It’s a lesson I never forgot.

The BIG SECRET is the Sun is also connected to our evolutionary awakening. During the last half ofSeptember 2015, there is a powerful wave of gamma light coming from the Galactic Core. This intergalactic WAVE X energy will be coming through to Earth at maximum strength and peaking on September 28th. We are already well into it and feeling its effects. It happens every 3,600 years, and is being called “The Event Horizon.” It is the next step in the evolutionary cycle of man.

As reported by Time Magazine, scientists know about this event, but are questioning what these mysterious intergalactic bursts are or, more importantly, what they will bring. Change, for sure. It is no coincidence that in the last 18 months worldwide earthquakes have suddenly quadrupled as this energy is beginning to be felt more and more on the planet. The earth is doing strange things. People of all countries and even the media have reported eerie sounding, and rather loud, groaning sounds coming from the earth. Expect more in August as these are signs of dimensional portals opening in the earth itself, says Atkins. Intergalactic WAVE X is getting closer. This is no Armageddon scenario as many biblical adherents are predicting, but a time when our cellular DNA is able to shift and open up our true gifts.

In 1984-1985, Dr. Peter Gariaev and his team of Russian linguists were studying DNA and the ways light, sound and frequencies interact with DNA. Their research led to many groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting discoveries with one of them showing that DNA is able to absorb and emit light (photons), which spirals along the double helix in sacred geometrical form. Literally, DNA creates magnetized wormholes in the time-space fabric. DNA acts as “tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” The researchers found that with the presence of light (photons), DNA activation and thus evolution can occur.

This is the great awakening that has always been promised us. This is an incredible time to be alive to witness this shift. It does not pick favorites. It does not matter what race or religion you embrace. It is here for us all. We are the Oneness.

Some people believe that helpful extraterrestrials (ETs) are trying to slow down this planetary energy from being too much for us because this faster electromagnetic energy can cause some people to feel like they are going mad (it opens enhanced mind/thought patterns). Call it energy weirdness. It’s no coincidence that violence rates suddenly surged in the US during 2015, after years of showing a decline.

This new energy is nothing to fear. We want this WAVE X energy. It serves to cleanse and help raise the consciousness of humanity. There are those who might disagree and are doing their best to suppress it. The CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland is ramping up to go full steam on August 15, hoping to stop this galactic energy. They’ve spent trillions of dollars for this very purpose. The dark forces behind CERN know this energy shift will spell the beginning of the end of control of the masses as it begins shifting DNA. Just imagine a world where a greater percentage of people are fully awakened than ever before. The 1% who have worked hard to enslave humanity for their own greed and benefit—well, their days are numbered.

Everywhere in our world we are now seeing the awakening of humanity speed up. We are seeing massive rallies against corruption and rallies for peace spread. We are seeing tyranny, cover-ups and false flags exposed. And more importantly, we are seeing movements converging that offer solutions to these issues the world faces. People’s inner worlds of heart and mind are breaking free and we are seeing this have direct and positive impacts in our outer world.

If you talk to most people these days they all feel like something is getting ready to happen in the next month or two. Most don’t know what it is, but they can sense it. Whether it be a global currency reset, financial collapse, civil chaos, more earthquakes, or something else—as a collective mass we are the precipice of a new world emerging. Trust that this is not the end. You may be feeling more tired than usual lately—like you just can’t get enough restorative sleep. Maybe you’ve even taken to power napping—which is good. Take care of yourself. Your cells are already feeling the energy change. No sense fighting it. It will be interesting to see what emerges for us all.

Learn how WAVE X might affect you.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God. amazon.com/author/k

Posted 6th August by ATMAN
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I consider myself to be “in the loop.” Its the age of Aquarius now and what was once impossible is now becoming a reality. I have read on several blogs, posts, and new age websites that there will be a mass shift occurring in September 2015. I spent a long time mediating on this myself, and I sense full complete truth about this one as I myself am already feeling the effects.

This shift is going to be a strong one, and it will alter the lives of many people. Ever since December 21st 2012 our planet and solar system has been in a new area of space, we are now in a photon belt and it is full of energy completely new to us. This is gamma light coming from the central sun, it’s important to note that we are already well inside this cosmic gamma blast referred to as WAVE-X and many of you have been feeling this increase that will continue intensity everyday until September 28th, 2015. For people who have been resonating close to that of 5D for the last 2 years, improving your lifestyles, and seeking enlightenment, you will be feel the effects the strongest. I feel like around 1 third of the population will pierce through the veil in the next 2 months, whilst 2/3 will still feel different, but not gain enough DNA upgrades to experience everything this new energy is bringing in just yet. The entire world is going to be very different soon though. This is not a bad thing at all and I am by no means speaking to any doomsday people here.

It’s like this, you are not leaving 3D! Instead you will continue to exist in 3D, 4D and 5D in the same time-space (now here) and you will be fully aware of your experience in each dimension. Your new awareness will feel like you are merging with other realities and you will develop new abilities.

We are currently experiencing a steady bell curve in gamma light frequency increase as we move into the most intense part of the photon belt so see if you can be aware of its effects on the body, mind and emotions over the next two months!

All of this is happening during a strong Venus retrograde as well and a blue moon in Aquarius on July 31st marks the beginning of this transformation. It is proven that gamma light can instantaneously evolve the DNA of any species into its higher form. You are literally evolving quickly now into the highest version of you! Be sure to go with the flow during august and September, don’t fight the current. Follow your bliss and let go of what is no longer serving you. If you can do that everything will work out fine. All of this is going to come to full accumulation on September 25-28th. After hearing some channeling, reading, and mediating on my own I am convinced that many of you will definitely start developing and/or getting strong at your own supernatural abilities. Below is a list of some of the powers you may already have or start to get. This is fun to think about.

Animal Speaking – telepathic communication with animals.

Enhanced Empathy- influencing and receiving emotional energy.

Inter-dimensional Perception- seeing into other dimensions of reality.


Levitation – ability to raise one’s self into the air.

Dreamwalking – enter another persons dreams with your astral body.

Premonitions – having visions of future events.

Astral Projection

Telepathy – psychic communication.

IQ – More brain power.

Precognitive Dreaming – dreaming of future events.

Eternal Youth – bodies don’t appear to age anymore.

Remote-viewing – visualizing events that happen anywhere.

Cryokinesis – ability to control ice.

Pyrokinesis – ability to control fire.

Hydrokinesis – ability to control water.

Electrokinesis – ability to control electricity.

Chronokinesis – ability to change ones perception of time.

Intangibility- ability to pass through solid objects.

Force Field – ability to use the aura for defense and protection.

Biokinesis – ability to control genes in the body to alter your look.

Psychometry – to gain information by touching objects.

Telekinesis – ability to move things with your mind.

Bi-location – ability to be two places at once.

Teleportation – instantly transport anywhere.

Flying – achieved through mastery of levitation.

Quick Healing- your rate of healing will increase!

Mind Reading

Plant Speaking – ability to communicate with plants telepathically.

There are many other abilities I have not mentioned but these are just a few. Basically we are evolving as we receive new energy from space. We have been shifting in consciousness for a long time and now everything is finally coming to fruition! Embrace these changes in yourself and the people around you because we are capable of so much more. There may be beings out there who do not wish this to happen because they will loose the control grip they have on societies but their time is over and they will not be successful at stopping wave x.

Sending you all love and light!


Posted 6th August by ATMAN

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miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2023

archive: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ 8-8-8 MAGDALENE STARGATE

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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ 8-8-8 MAGDALENE STARGATE


The Magdalene Portal opened on 4-4-2015 and continues full speed ahead until 8-8-2015,
When it is finally cemented in time.

On August 8, 2015 pure light from the center of the Milky Way galaxy will move with great momentum into the atmosphere of the earth, birthing another full level of illumination so bright that even the blind will see. So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field, to allow it to pass through us as we look at it eye to I. Allow it to encircle you without while holding our field of camouflage. You cannot make this energy obey. It has traveled for eons of time to enter the field of earth at this time. Electromagnetic fields coming out of deep space and galactic center are changing the world biology. Our genes reinvent themselves in this constant changing electro-magnetic and photonic bombardment. All the stars and stellar vibrations that come from deep space are here to assist us in embracing a vibration that has never existed on Earth.

8:8 is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home to the Stars. The very ends of our DNA open to embrace a new connection with the star nations. August 8, (8-8) is composed of the marriage of matter and antimatter. It is a place were the polarities meet and heaven and earth sip from each other's glass. It is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home. The fearlessness needed in the next step of our journey is nonnegotiable and not refundable

Everything has lent itself to the Now - every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate. Time known and unknown conjuncts itself, as the time chains of the universe kinks. Come Journey back and forth between time. Everything on Earth comes from the Stars. We literally are made of Stardust. As we move past the limitations of this contained universe, we come closer to galactic center and remembering our star heritage. You are a living vortex, a living light, an emissary of what is good about humanity

August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded. A natural remembering as the timing chain of the universe pauses to recalibrate itself. The 8:8:8 is symbolic of the human DNA plus one. What comes to be, has not yet unwrapped its protective coatings. These time-veiled records are held within in a crystalline code, which exists within each strand of DNA of the entire Universe.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan presents ‘The Goddess School series’
Goddesses Only, sorry boys…

Saturday August 8, 2015 (8-8-8)
Conference 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Goddess Party 7-9 pm
Glitter, glam, fun, dance,
A little cheese, a little whine, a little disco ball…
Bring your Goddess garb I will have Glitter

$65 covers it all
8-8-8 Conference and Goddess Party and goodies

601 N. Weisgarber Rd
Knoxville, TN 37919
(off of Papermill rd and I-40 , up High behind Holiday Inn Express)

Come spend the day and night with Ladies of Like and Light Mind.
Get a room at this brand new Hampton Hotel, sits up high away from the confusion
Share with a friend, have a pajama party!
Go for a healing swim in the heated pool after DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY…
Just think, you don’t have to make your bed in the morning.. J
A full hot breakfast awaits you, no dishes….
You can really have a girl’s night out with no worries
No Long Drive home after a fun night


Click on the link below to book your room at the Hampton it is set up for this group.
If you are going to spend the night and not drive home like most of us
Then sign up here
888 Hampton Inn hotel book a room
On this sacred energy portal day, allow Gillian MacBeth-Louthan to escort you into higher octaves of Light, helping you to move effortlessly in a fluid manner through upcoming personal & planetary shifts. Anoint with this knowledge as a new level of luminosity bursts forth from your atoms. Gillian is a Visionary, a Seer, born with the gift of Knowing. She has been an empath and psychic, since age five. Gillian is a Teacher, Messenger, world known Channel and creator of the Gathering of She Events and the Quantum Awakening newsletter.

Please pre-register
Seating is limited to 38 Goddesses

Send payments to
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, TN 37725

Posted 20th July by Juan Pablo

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