miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2024

12_ Por qué cada raza desarrolló diferentes idiomas,

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¿Por qué cada raza desarrolló diferentes idiomas, si todas ellas
provenían de ustedes: los Seramitas?


Antiguamente, cuando los Seramitas Ra, Vis, Tarik y Hak salieron de la Ciudad Interna, los hombres del exterior, no tenían ningún lenguaje, no se comunicaban, ni siquiera con gestos: solo emitían de sus gargantas, ciertos sonidos. 
Estos hombres, no tenían sus glándulas antimateria, pineal, y pituitaria, activadas, por esta razón, no podían correlacionar un pensamiento, porque, lo único que ellos tenían, era el instinto, y sensación. 
Cuando los voluntarios Seramitas se
mezclaron con la mujer del hombre, y tuvieron sus primeros hijos, fueron estos los que al nacer con las dos glándulas antimateria-activadas, comenzaron a comunicarse con sonidos. 
Estos primeros sonidos, se convirtieron en símbolos, los cuales fueron diseñados y plasmados en las piedras. 
Los símbolos señalaban las palabras, y el significado de ellas, y fueron estos símbolos los que entretejieron las secuencias, primero visuales, y luego imaginativos, formando la memoria repetitiva e imaginación.

En esos tiempos, la Tierra, era una sola masa compacta; la descendencia de los voluntarios Seramitas se proliferó, legando a sus hijos el don de la palabra; las tribus, comenzaron a comunicarse a través de dibujos, y sonidos guturales, formando así el primer lenguaje, y los primeros intercambios. 
El lenguaje de esa época era igual para todos, mas este cambió, cuando la masa compacta de la Tierra se separó, convirtiéndose en lo que hoy conocen como continentes.

Al estar la masa de la Tierra separada, también desmembró a las tribus, y estas tuvieron que formar su propio lenguaje, sus creencias, su comunicación, etc.
¿Qué hicieron ustedes, los Seramitas, cuándo eso sucedió?

Es imposible describir lo inhóspito, y cruel, que ha sido nuestro trabajo. Cuando comenzábamos a rectificar, y lo estábamos logrando, la energía reptiliana enferma se cruzaba en nuestro camino, haciendo lo posible para impedir el avance. 
La energía negativa enferma ha sido siempre una traba en el camino de la curación; es una energía muy difícil para aceptar, innovar, reparar, alterar o corregir los elementos distorsionados que la componen. 
Es una energía que mayormente está refutando, contradiciendo, impugnando, rebatiendo y
rechazando, cualquier mejoría o progreso. 
Es una energía difícil, que necesita
de mucha fuerza, sana y dinámica, para transmutarse en positiva.

Cuando se formaron los continentes, y las tribus se separaron, tuvimos que adaptarnos, y continuar nuestro trabajo, por separado. 
Escogíamos entre ellos al hombre, o mujer más evolucionados, cuyos cerebros habían desarrollado más
que los otros; nos presentábamos a través de hologramas, enseñándoles todo lo que podíamos para que ellos continuasen su evolución. 
Estos seres, que se comunicaban con nosotros, se convirtieron para su tribu, en los más sabios, porque eran seres que tenían poderes, y que podían hablar con los “dioses”.

Al principio, como siempre, cuando surge una buena idea, dio excelente resultado, pero, cuando una buena idea no es llevada por los seres adecuados, al transcurrir el tiempo, se va distorsionando. 
Los seres que fueron escogidos por nosotros, delegaron el conocimiento a su descendencia, y no a aquellos que
realmente por merecimiento debían adquirir la responsabilidad de la
La descendencia, no estaba preparada, ni era merecedora de tal
labor; muchos de ellos, atacados por la energía reptiliana enferma, comenzaron a distorsionar el conocimiento, y sobre todo, a ocultarlo, para beneficiarse del inmenso poder que les daba; manipularon, engañaron, robaron, falsificaron, traicionaron, inventaron y más, por la enfermedad de Satién que los atacó, llamada ambición.

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115 Why did each race develop different languages, if all of them
they came from you: the Seramites?

Formerly, when the Seramites Ra, Vis, Tarik and Hak left the City
Internal, the men from outside had no language, they did not communicate
not even with gestures: they only emitted certain sounds from their throats. These manres did not have their pineal and pituitary antimatter glands activated, by this reason could not correlate a thought, because the only thing they
had was instinct and feeling. When Seramitas volunteers get
mixed with the woman of the man
and had their first children, it was these, that at birth with the two antimatter glands-activated, they started Communicate with sounds. These first sounds became symbols,
which were designed and embodied in the stones. These icons they pointed out the words and the meaning of them and it was these symbols that
interwoven the sequences, first visual and then imaginative, forming the
repetitive memory and imagination.

At that time the Earth was a single compact mass; the offspring of
Seramitas volunteers proliferated, bequeathing to their children the gift of the word; the tribes began to communicate through guttural drawings and sounds, thus forming the first language and the first exchanges. The language of that
era was the same for everyone, but this changed, when the compact mass of the Earth separated, becoming what they now know as continents.

To be the mass of the Earth separated, also dismembered the tribes, and these they had to form their own language, beliefs, communication, etc.


What did you do, the Seramites, when that happened?

It is impossible to describe how inhospitable and cruel our work has been. When we began to rectify and we were achieving it, the reptilian energy Sick crossed our path, doing her best to prevent Advance. Sick negative energy has always been a roadblock of healing; It is a very difficult energy to accept, innovate, repair, alter or run the distorted elements that compose it. It is an energy that it's mostly refuting, contradicting, challenging, refuting and rejecting any improvement or progress. It is a difficult energy, which needs very healthy and dynamic strength to work
Change positive.

When the continents formed and the tribes separated, we had to
adapt and continue our work separately. We chose among them to
most evolved man or woman whose brains had developed more
that others; we introduced ourselves through holograms, showing them everything what we could for them to continue their evolution. These beings that they communicated with us they became for their tribe the wisest, because they were beings that had powers and that they could talk to the "gods."

At first, as always when a good idea arises, he gave excellent
result, but when a good idea is not carried by the right beings,
As time goes by it gets distorted. The beings that were selected for us they delegated knowledge to their offspring and not to those who
really, by deserving, they should acquire the responsibility of the
transmission. The offspring were not prepared nor deserving of such
work; many of them, at
finished by sick reptilian energy, they began to distort knowledge and above all to hide it to benefit from
immense power that gave them; they manipulated, cheated, stole, forged,
betrayed, invented and more for the disease and Satien who attacked them, called ambition.
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miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2024

ORiGeN - ¿Sabías que el Espíritu tiene su propio idioma?

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El Ser UNO 
 ¿Sabías que el Espíritu tiene su propio  idioma?

¿Cómo el espíritu puede tener su propio Idioma? habla inglés, francés, español, japonés?... 
No, el idioma del Espíritu se llama: Intención.

Cuando las personas hablan, expresan, piensan y más, es la Intención que va a juntar a las energías-palabras de lo pensado y estas van a salir de la boca emanando la frecuencia y vibración con la que fueron unidas y dependiendo de su intención, estas serán expresadas y oídas.
Es muy importante como se piensa y se habla, porque esta manera de expresarse, va a representar la vida del ser, formando su carácter y personalidad que lo determinará. 
Es muy cierto el dicho que dice: 
“Ustedes son lo que piensan”.

Durante muchos años, desde la niñez, juventud, adolescencia y adultez, el ser humano se ha acostumbrado a pensar y hablar de una manera, y esta forma de expresarse lo ha acompañado hasta la actualidad. 
Tanto es así, que ya está totalmente adaptado y no se da cuenta que muchas de las palabras están tan arraigadas, que las usa constantemente y repetidamente, tanto, que el cerebro las tiene catalogadas y seleccionadas, activándolas positivamente o negativamente, cuando lo cree necesario.

Todos los que han Despertado la Consciencia, perciben cambios en su vida, entorno y medio ambiente. 
Están adquiriendo consciencia de la objetividad y existencia, ya no hacen las cosas por hacerlas, las están pensando, analizando y desean con toda la buena intención, que el esfuerzo a su trabajo interior, de los resultados positivos y no quieren equivocarse. 
Por esta razón siempre se están preguntando si esto o aquello es lo correcto.

Tener consciencia es saber cuidar, respetar y amar, sus tres cuerpos: Material, Psíquico y Espiritual. 
Hoy en día uds tienen el conocimiento al alcance para saber cómo deben uds cuidar el cuerpo material: Excelente alimentación (Vegetariana, Holística etc.) ejercicios que los mantengan en forma, sueño reparador, higiene y limpieza y todo lo que saben al respecto del cuerpo físico. 
El cuerpo Psíquico, lo deben alimentar con energías-pensamientos positivos, meditación, descanso, diversión, transmutar y trabajar sus emociones-negativas-enfermas, entenderlas, canalizarlas adecuadamente y más…

¿Y el Espíritu, saben cómo lo tienen que cuidar? 
La respuesta correcta sería: Si cuidan el cuerpo material y psíquico, automáticamente estarán cuidando del espíritu 
-  ¿Cómo? - 
Nutriéndolo correctamente. 
El espíritu funciona en base de Electromagnetismo, Frecuencia, Vibración, Ritmo, Colores y más, si ustedes no lo nutren de estos elementos, entonces el espíritu no se desarrollará y una de las formas más importantes de su nutrición es: 
La Intención del Pensamiento y de la Palabra.

Todo origen y plasmación de una realidad, comienza en el pensamiento, porque ustedes son pensamientos. 
La palabra es una consecuencia del pensamiento, por lo tanto: Hay que pensar antes de hablar, porque la Intención que coloquen en el pensamiento y en las palabras que se pronuncien se convertirán en: La Causa y Efecto, de lo que se siembra y luego se cosecha.

¿Qué significa Intención? 
La intención es el objetivo que se persigue cuando se habla, escribe o se emite algún mensaje. 
Si se quiere informar, el mensaje tendrá ciertas características. 
Si se quiere enseñar cómo se realiza algún procedimiento, el lenguaje varía. 
Tanto la estructura como las palabras empleadas en cada caso, son diferentes. 
Sin embargo, un mismo mensaje puede tener más de una intención. 
Reparen uds con esta explicación, que el cómo, cuándo, por qué y dónde, son muy importantes en la vida del ser, porque ayudará a definir la verdadera intención de la: Obra, Acción y Pensamiento en el diario vivir.

Cuando el Espíritu se va formando él va eliminando poco a poco del lenguaje interno, infinidad de palabras o expresiones, él se re-programa automáticamente, las comienza a rechazar, porque no son afines a él. 
También va apagando de la memoria las frecuencias, vibraciones, ritmos y colores que le puedan causar sobresaltos inestables en el electromagnetismo de su cuerpo espiritual, de esta manera, mantendrá su estabilidad, armonía, cordura y equilibrio, manteniendo a estas frecuencias inalterables.

Durante mucho tiempo ustedes han vivido solo con dos cuerpos: 
Material y Psíquico 
y han expresado sus necesidades de acuerdo a ellos. 
Pero hoy en día están concibiendo su tercer cuerpo y este es: El Espíritu. 
Cuando ustedes conciben su espíritu en la Glándula Pineal, él se convierte en la máxima expresión de sabiduría dentro de ustedes. 
Y como es el cuerpo más elevado y sabio, lo primero que hará es: Reestructurar a las energías-pensamientos ordenándolas y re-ubicándolas en el lugar que les corresponde.

El espíritu es un ordenador, matemático y químico por naturaleza, y al serlo, no puede existir dentro del desorden, caos, emociones conflictivas, negatividad, desequilibrio, desarmonía, desamor, incultura, inestabilidad etc. 
Por este motivo, cuando el espíritu comienza a formarse, el ser automáticamente, también empezará a cambiar su naturaleza interior, sus dos cuerpos: Material y Psíquico, ya no soportarán alimentos, ambientes, programas, películas, mensajes, maneras de ser, personas, lugares y más que sean: Groseros, impropios, burdos, maleducados, incorrectos, inadecuados, hirientes, violentos etc. 
Por esta razón el pensamiento - vocabulario del Idioma Espiritual, comienza también a sofisticarse y a transformarse en pensamientos y palabras que expresan la verdadera naturaleza y espiritualidad del Ser.

El espíritu activo dentro del Ser, irá transformando los pensamientos - palabras que son duros, rígidos, soeces, severos, insensibles, groseros, inadecuados etc., por pensamientos-palabras que realmente se dicen de otra manera, más amorosa, comprensiva y humana. 
Significa que ya no gritarán, levantarán la voz, insultarán, perderán la paciencia, ofenderán, calumniarán, etc.

El destino de todo Ser Espiritual del Universo es convertirse en una frecuencia y vibración: Estable, Armónica, Equilibrada, Pacífica, Amorosa y Rítmica. 
Solo así ustedes se convertirán en seres espirituales y estarán listos para unirse al latido, frecuencia y vibración cósmica, que pulsa y palpita en iguales condiciones.

Texto: Los Ayaplianos - Seramitas – Ciudad Interna.



ANTERIOR El Ser UNO - El Sabio.

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To be one
  Did you know that the Spirit has its language?

How can the spirit have its Language? Do you speak English, French, Spanish, or Japanese?...
No, the language of the Spirit is called: Intention.

When people speak, express, think, and more, it is the Intention that will bring together the energies-words of what they thought and these will come out of the mouth emanating the frequency and vibration with which they were united and depending on their intention, These will be expressed and heard.
It is very important how you think and speak because this way of expressing yourself will represent the life of the being, forming its character and personality that will determine it.
The saying that says is very true:
“You are what you think.”

For many years, from childhood, youth, adolescence, and adulthood, human beings have become accustomed to thinking and speaking in one way, and this way of expressing themselves has accompanied them to the present day.
So much so, that it is already fully adapted and does not realize that many of the words are so ingrained, that it uses them constantly and repeatedly, so much so that the brain has cataloged and selected them, activating them positively or negatively, when it deems it necessary.

All those who have Awakened Consciousness perceive changes in their life, surroundings, and environment.
They are becoming aware of objectivity and existence, they are no longer doing things for the sake of doing them, they are thinking about them, analyzing them, and wishing, with all good intentions, that the effort towards their inner work yields positive results and they do not want to make mistakes.
For this reason, they are always wondering if this or that is the right thing to do.

Being conscious is knowing how to care for, respect, and love your three bodies: Material, Psychic, and Spiritual.
Nowadays you have the knowledge available to know how you should take care of your material body: Excellent nutrition (Vegetarian, Holistic, etc.), exercises that keep you in shape, restful sleep, hygiene, and cleanliness, and everything you know about the body. physical.
The Psychic body must be fed with energy-positive thoughts, meditation, rest, and fun, transmute and work on its negative-sick emotions, understand them, channel them properly, and more...

And the Spirit, do you know how to take care of it?
The correct answer would be: If you take care of the material and psychic body, you will automatically be taking care of the spirit.
-  As? -
Nourishing it correctly.
The spirit works based on Electromagnetism, Frequency, Vibration, Rhythm, Colors, and more, if you do not nourish it with these elements, then the spirit will not develop and one of the most important forms of its nutrition is:
The Intention of Thought and Word.

Every origin and embodiment of a reality begins in thought because you are thoughts.
The word is a consequence of thought, therefore: You have to think before speaking, because the Intention that you place in your thought and in the words that are spoken will become: The Cause and Effect, of what is sown and then It is harvested.

What does Intent mean?
The intention is the objective pursued when speaking, writing, or sending a message.
If you want to inform, the message will have certain characteristics.
If you want to teach how to perform a procedure, the language varies.
Both the structure and the words used in each case are different.
However, the same message can have more than one intention.
Notice with this explanation that how, when, why, and where are very important in the life of the being, because it will help define the true intention of the: Work, Action, and Thought in daily living.

When the Spirit is forming, it gradually eliminates countless words or expressions from the internal language. It automatically reprograms itself and begins to reject them, because they are not related to it.
It also turns off from memory the frequencies, vibrations, rhythms, and colors that may cause unstable shocks in the electromagnetism of your spiritual body, in this way, it will maintain its stability, harmony, sanity, and balance, keeping these frequencies unalterable.

For a long time you have lived with only two bodies:
Material and Psychic
and have expressed their needs accordingly.
But today they are conceiving their third body and this is The Spirit.
When you conceive your spirit in the Pineal Gland, it becomes the highest expression of wisdom within you.
And since it is the highest and wisest body, the first thing it will do is: Restructure the thought-energies by ordering them and relocating them in their rightful place. 
The spirit is a computer, mathematician, and chemist by nature, and being so, it cannot exist within disorder, chaos, conflicting emotions, negativity, imbalance, disharmony, lack of love, lack of culture, instability, etc.
For this reason, when the spirit begins to form, the being will automatically begin to change its inner nature, its two bodies: Material and Psychic, will no longer support foods, environments, programs, movies, messages, ways of being, people, places and more that are: Rude, improper, crude, impolite, incorrect, inappropriate, hurtful, violent, etc.
For this reason, the thought - vocabulary of the Spiritual Language also becomes more sophisticated and transformed into thoughts and words that express the true nature and spirituality of the Being.

The active spirit within the Being will transform thoughts that are hard, rigid, profane, severe, insensitive, rude, inappropriate, etc., into thought words that are said in another way, more loving, understanding, and human.
It means they will no longer shout, raise their voices, insult, lose patience, offend, or slander.

The destiny of every Spiritual Being in the Universe is to become a frequency and vibration: Stable, Harmonious, Balanced, Peaceful, Loving, and Rhythmic.
Only in this way will you become spiritual beings and be ready to join the cosmic heartbeat, frequency, and vibration, which pulses and pulsates in equal conditions.

Text: Los Ayaplianos - Seramitas – Inner City.



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miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024


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"Sé que solo hay un Dios Vivo, Verdadero e Infinito, Creador, Generador y Cuidador de todas las cosas visibles e invisibles, cuya Esencia está extendida por todo el Universo, y cuya Mente y Conciencia constituyen el Alma del Hombre".
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  El Ser Uno



 1.-Transmutar los pensamientos negativos en positivos, rechazando aquellos que les haría pensar con emociones densas y bajas  
dijo el hermano Interano - 
Los pensamientos alimentan el cerebro, y si lo llenan de negatividad, no tendría espacio para los pensamientos elevados y trascendentales. 
Hay que aprender a reconocerlos y colocarlos en su debido lugar. 
 No deben uds dejar que la Mente-Emocional tome cuenta del pensar. 
2.-Concentración, análisis, discernimiento, sentido común son las cualidades en el pensar 
 continuó el hermano Interano  
De esta forma la Consciencia Consciente estará siempre en estado de vigilia y no fallará en sus observaciones claras y sin emociones que la puedan confundir. 
3.-El YO INTERIOR responderá, no deben insistir ni exigir a la consciencia
 dijo el hermano Interano - 
No se deben buscar las respuestas, ya que ellas vendrán de la Consciencia y no de la Mente Racional.  
4.-Usar la voluntad, el discernimiento, el auto-análisis no es difícil llegar por sí solos al Subconsciente 
 dijo la hermana Interana  
Lo ideal es que la energía fluya, sin aferrarse a técnicas o métodos que lo único que hacen muchas veces, es atrasar la fluidez de la energía que debe salir por si sola del Inconsciente y Subconsciente. 
El alma encarnada tiene la sabiduría impresa, solo debe ordenar a su mente subconsciente, sacar a través de imágenes oníricas o imágenes que se producen como flashes. 
 El Subconsciente es estado de consciencia dormida en el sueño del ensueño, y son ustedes los que deben despertarlo. 
5.-Conforme lo van despertando  
continuó el hermano Interano  
lo van desprogramando. 
La Conciencia Planetaria se va difuminando y el alma adquiere la verdadera visión interna de sus 7 sentidos. 
Significa vivir de acuerdo al mundo interior y no a las falsas enseñanzas educativas, propagandas insidiosas,


 programas de TV, etc. 

 Cuando el Despertar es auténtico, el alma empezará a vivir de acuerdo a las leyes divinas del Consciente

 6.-El Ser comenzará a usar su creatividad y con ello desbloqueará cualquier energía densa y oscura que quiera poseerlo. 


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  1.-Transmute negative thoughts into positive ones, rejecting those that would make you think with dense and low emotions
–said Brother Interano -
Thoughts feed the brain, and if they fill it with negativity, it would have no room for high and transcendental thoughts.
You have to learn to recognize them and put them in their proper place.
  You must not let the emotional mind take account of thinking.
2.-Concentration, analysis, discernment, and common sense are the qualities in thinking
  –Brother Interano continued –
In this way, the Conscious Consciousness will always be in a state of wakefulness and will not fail in its clear observations and without emotions that could confuse it.
3.-The INNER SELF will respond, you should not insist or demand from consciousness
  –said Brother Interano -
The answers should not be sought, since they will come from Consciousness and not from the Rational Mind.
4 Using the will, discernment, and self-analysis, it is not difficult to reach the Subconscious on your own.
  –said Sister Interana –
The ideal is for the energy to flow, without clinging to techniques or methods that the only thing they often do is delay the fluidity of the energy that must come out on its own from the Unconscious and Subconscious.
The incarnated soul has imprinted wisdom, it only has to order its subconscious mind, drawing it through dream images or images that occur like flashes.
  The Subconscious is a state of consciousness asleep in the dream of dreams, and you must awaken it.
5 As they wake him up
–continued Brother Interano
–they are deprogramming it.
The Planetary Consciousness becomes blurred and the soul acquires the true internal vision of its 7 senses.
It means living according to the inner world and not to false educational teachings, insidious propaganda,


  TV shows, etc.

  When the Awakening is authentic, the soul will begin living according to the Conscious's divine laws.

  6.-The Being will begin to use its creativity and unlock any dense and dark energy that wants to possess it.

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Sharing.:::.Shift Your "VIEW" to All INSIDE of You

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Translate   /traducir/ Vertaal
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen /
переводити/Traduire/ переводить
 ترجم / לתרגם   翻訳する
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All energies that I speak of exist with us all. Many have been under the perception that these come to us from "out there". It is the opposite as all previously perceived.

The human sees all "out there". Downloads coming from "up there", being activated from "out there". The higher self, up there. And while, from one perspective, this could be viewed as true, this is not my perspective (any more). It has not been for a long time. I write to you all to help you see FROM WITHIN. For the entire World, Universe, Cosmos, Star System that all see, is only a projector view of what exists within you.

All energies are activated from within us. The DNA activations, the dormant parts of your mind that were never utilized, all hold the "forgotten" that activates all that you now come to be/feel/see, from within you. Your energy body, fully activated, has a capability beyond human. It exists AS ALL, without separation from anything at all.

The journey was to come here to create a human body, a human existence, a human physical reality to experience, to gather material things, people, identities, separate into other times (lifetimes, dimensions, realities), to then come to "awaken" to the "truth" that none of that was ever you. That entire existence is what all must come to let go of, release and transcend. For what we all come to now move into, does not exist in 'human'. It exists in the beyond, that which human cannot believe or see. This is only available through an open heart and mind. And all shall come to realize this, in their own "time" within.

When I write of energy activations or streams, every one of these are within you. When you tune to them, you are tuning to frequencies you hold within, yet have forgotten. Memories of the forgotten/other side/invisible, exist within you, deep beneath your human ones. As the human ones are allowed to leave, new memories are allowed to surface. Out there only changes as you do within.

You created those people, those experiences, those memories for your own experience here, Both individually and collectively (as that is perceived to be). Yet the "time" is coming where the human reality ends. And a new phase begins. For this, many are being led to leave absolutely everything behind. To let completely go of their entire human existence here. This is necessary, for the human mind hangs on, and it is the human existence that shall end, for many of us. Holding on is creating great discomfort for many. Letting go is necessary, as it is the reason you are here.

The story, the play, is being re-written. This is occurring within all. This part of the journey is one that comes from within us all. Out there shall be a transmission. One will tune to it vibrationally.

Your pineal gland must be activated with sunshine, expanded and if you have not done so, decalcified. I have been shown that this is how I now hear, smell, see absolutely everything. This is your internal viewer that transmits your reality out there for you to see, again from within. Our human senses diminish and our energetic senses expand.

All are evolving as energetic beings. This requires discomfort in the physical, for this energy was not made to fit into these human bodies. We work to integrate them, so that the human body can LIGHT'en and we can walk as energy forms here. Translucency is occurring, now to physically be able to see.

For me, this has become quite visible, for now, when I do sessions, most of my clients can see me translucently (as a blue & purple energy). I have started "glowing" to humans that I run into in public that walk up to me to "touch" me to see if I really exist. I am invisible to many who cannot even see me until I "appear". Many are already experiencing this too.

There is nothing typical, nothing normal, nothing rational here, according to human. Yet as energy, we get it, if we allow ourselves to believe that which we hear/feel/see inside of us.

So, when I write the "energies of home" stream, these are being activated WITHIN YOU. The calm and peace that you feel exists within. You may smell it & see it, yet you are seeing from your new viewer, your new way of smelling, from within, as an energy form.

All out there will be a transmission. In order to change/activate/expand that which you desire to transmit, you must go totally within. I can only assist you, by creating awareness that was not previously there. You are the key to your own existence. Always have been. Together we all create a NEW reality. Yet this is not new, only forgotten. We begin to enter the new, where out there becomes visible once again. ♥

I love you.

~ Transcendence
Higher Realm Energy Translations from Within

Posted 30th September by Juan Pablo

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