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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Questions for the Arcturians--by Suzanne Lie and Free Arcturian MP3
Questions for the Arcturians

By Suzanne Lie
When my computer crashed, because of my mistake, I was talking to my friend, Shawnna, about the higher purpose of this “mistake.” We pondered that question because one the myriad “realizations” of our ascension process is that “there are NO mistakes or accidents.”
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Questions for the Arcturians--by Suzanne Lie and Free Arcturian MP3
Questions for the Arcturians

By Suzanne Lie
When my computer crashed, because of my mistake, I was talking to my friend, Shawnna, about the higher purpose of this “mistake.” We pondered that question because one the myriad “realizations” of our ascension process is that “there are NO mistakes or accidents.”
We are the creators of our reality, whether that creation arises from our conscious or unconscious mind.
Therefore, we decided to ask the Arcturians about why “I dropped my computer,” which set into motion a huge challenge for me. I was in the middle of a big project, which I had to do via my iPhone and pad. I could never see the “big picture,” so I had to just “carry on” the best I could. I wish I could say that I was always calm and collected, but that was NOT true. I guess I needed to perceive my self in full drama mode.
Below is what the Arcturians said, as Shawnna recorded and transcribed their message…
Message from Arcturians on May 5, 2015
Sue: “Dear Arcturians, help me to understand why all of my technology has died.”
Arcturians: “During the time of "The Event," most technology will go down. Because everything will reboot into a higher frequency so all that you have held as security, ease, communication, necessary, and important will need to be released temporarily because you need to recalibrate to a higher perception of reality.
Within that interim, you will need to draw upon all that you have learned in your myriad incarnations on Earth, as well as in your ascension ride that is culminating into the higher frequencies of reality. You will be building the foundation for a new way of life.
Chaos always precedes change.
Therefore, we decided to ask the Arcturians about why “I dropped my computer,” which set into motion a huge challenge for me. I was in the middle of a big project, which I had to do via my iPhone and pad. I could never see the “big picture,” so I had to just “carry on” the best I could. I wish I could say that I was always calm and collected, but that was NOT true. I guess I needed to perceive my self in full drama mode.
Below is what the Arcturians said, as Shawnna recorded and transcribed their message…
Message from Arcturians on May 5, 2015
Sue: “Dear Arcturians, help me to understand why all of my technology has died.”
Arcturians: “During the time of "The Event," most technology will go down. Because everything will reboot into a higher frequency so all that you have held as security, ease, communication, necessary, and important will need to be released temporarily because you need to recalibrate to a higher perception of reality.
Within that interim, you will need to draw upon all that you have learned in your myriad incarnations on Earth, as well as in your ascension ride that is culminating into the higher frequencies of reality. You will be building the foundation for a new way of life.
Chaos always precedes change.
To welcome the change you will need to also welcome the chaos. At the moment of “in between”, you will all step into that moment of being “in between.” In between is a 3D illusion, but it is a very powerful illusion and one that will be difficult for many of our grounded ones to release.
For all of your incarnations on physical Earth, you have lived in some degree of separation. There has always been an “in between.” You are one person, there is another person and “in between”, there is air, space, time, etc. As you transmute into your 5D Lightbody, there is no “in between”. All is one.
You will feel each “other” person, place, situation, or thing as ONE with you as you unite and intertwine in purpose, intention, and most important, in unconditional love. There will be no enemies that you can blame for your difficulties. There will be no bosses who can make you do what you do not want to do.
There will be “we” who are sharing, intermingling, intertwining, and communing with all life within that NOW. This extreme shift in perceptions is what we/you, your Galactic family and your Celestial family is/are endeavoring to share, communicate, and educate you.
The “event” will be a complete shift in your perception of yourself, your perception of others, and in your perception of reality. From your third dimensional perception, you are thinking that your environment will change. That is actually incorrect.
Your environment is already multidimensional.
What will change will be your perception of your environment.
If you lived in a reality where it was always dark as night, and then one day a sun came up, that is much how you will experience this shift. The darkness, fear, and illusion that have hampered your perceptions for eons, especially since the fall of Atlantis, will be transmuted into light.
Then you will perceive reality, YOUR reality, on Earth, in the same manner that we, your Galactic and Celestial family, perceive your reality within our NOW.
I also want to add a long conversation that I had with the Arcturians the other day. What they said to me, the meant for every ONE.
Dear Arcturians,
Will I live to see the Dawn of this New Age?
A—Oh, our dearest Suzille, you and all our emissaries of light are living it NOW!
For all of your incarnations on physical Earth, you have lived in some degree of separation. There has always been an “in between.” You are one person, there is another person and “in between”, there is air, space, time, etc. As you transmute into your 5D Lightbody, there is no “in between”. All is one.
You will feel each “other” person, place, situation, or thing as ONE with you as you unite and intertwine in purpose, intention, and most important, in unconditional love. There will be no enemies that you can blame for your difficulties. There will be no bosses who can make you do what you do not want to do.
There will be “we” who are sharing, intermingling, intertwining, and communing with all life within that NOW. This extreme shift in perceptions is what we/you, your Galactic family and your Celestial family is/are endeavoring to share, communicate, and educate you.
The “event” will be a complete shift in your perception of yourself, your perception of others, and in your perception of reality. From your third dimensional perception, you are thinking that your environment will change. That is actually incorrect.
Your environment is already multidimensional.
What will change will be your perception of your environment.
If you lived in a reality where it was always dark as night, and then one day a sun came up, that is much how you will experience this shift. The darkness, fear, and illusion that have hampered your perceptions for eons, especially since the fall of Atlantis, will be transmuted into light.
Then you will perceive reality, YOUR reality, on Earth, in the same manner that we, your Galactic and Celestial family, perceive your reality within our NOW.
I also want to add a long conversation that I had with the Arcturians the other day. What they said to me, the meant for every ONE.
Dear Arcturians,
Will I live to see the Dawn of this New Age?
A—Oh, our dearest Suzille, you and all our emissaries of light are living it NOW!
Many of you have been serving us for many decades. You have all fulfilled ALL of our wishes to the best of your ability without help, without out money and without fear.
NOW, many of you are ready to begin your process of remembering your lives on our Starships.
NOW, many of you are ready to begin your process of remembering your lives on our Starships.
This memory can complicate your 3D life even more. However, for those who wrote in their pre-birth contract to live in two, or more, realities at once, that opportunity is arising.
Do you remember when “multidimensional” was an unknown concept?
Do you remember when “multidimensional” was an unknown concept?
It will be the same for those who first remember their higher dimensional realities while still wearing an earth vessel. Are you ready for that shift in reality?
S—Yes, yes, yes. The only issue is that we all carry the burden of having to make 3D money.
A—Dear ones, when your multidimensional life begins, there will no longer be MONEY, much less bills.
S—Yes, yes, yes. The only issue is that we all carry the burden of having to make 3D money.
A—Dear ones, when your multidimensional life begins, there will no longer be MONEY, much less bills.
Hence, the vast wasteland between the rich and the poor will be forever closed. With NO issues of money, your reality will vastly change, as money has always been the “great divider.”
S—Dear Arcturians, what will happen with the Cabal? I know I have asked this before, but it seems that something has recently changed.
A—That depends greatly on the ascending ones. If you, the members of ascension, can release ALL your fear and FEEL the protection of your Multidimensional SELF, you will be able to fully BE unconditionally loving and totally forgiving of the Cabal.
S—Dear Arcturians, what will happen with the Cabal? I know I have asked this before, but it seems that something has recently changed.
A—That depends greatly on the ascending ones. If you, the members of ascension, can release ALL your fear and FEEL the protection of your Multidimensional SELF, you will be able to fully BE unconditionally loving and totally forgiving of the Cabal.
They chose, or had karmic restraints, to be born into their reality.
If you remember to send the Cabal Unconditional Love and Violet Fire on a regular basis, they will begin to awaken from within their own ranks. Are you willing to do that?
S—Yes. I am willing and dedicate my self to recognizing all fearful judgmental and angry thoughts and emotions that I have towards the cabal. Then I will erase those thoughts and feelings by sending them Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.
A—Are you sure?
S—Let me look inside to see…
Oh, dear Arcturians, I can’t stop crying. I cannot see anything. I cannot feel anything All I can I is cry OUT my myriad upon myriad lives of victim and victimizer. How could I judge them, when I have been “them” in many incarnations?
As I go inside again, the inner screen pans back to see a time-map of the many eras on which I incarnated on Gaia. I see that often I took two simultaneous lives in which I was both the victim and the victimizer. I see these lives as “two sides of the same penny,” the “head” AND the “tail” of the penny.
I cannot forgive the darkness without being the Light or BE the Light without with out simultaneously being the darkness.
A—Has your latest initiations prepared you for this vision?
S—Yes, I am having a peak experience in the same NOW that I am/was needing to let go of everything I ever did.
A—Congratulations. It is this realization that is the turning point between living in “time” and living in the NOW. In time there are many past memories and future goals. In the NOW there is NO past to remember and NO future to hope for. Therefore, you can only Flow within the NOW.
Within that flow there are myriad “light streams” of various frequencies and dimensions. The light streams are portals that you choose to enter. However, if there is even a second of doubt, decision-making and/or questioning, you will fall back into the “time” of that second and OUT of the Flow of the NOW.
While in time, your perceptions are limited to the third/fourth dimensions. Therefore, the light streams to the higher dimensions are no longer perceivable. The process of totally releasing the doubt, which pushes you back into “time,” requires total faith in your SELF!
This total faith in your own Multidimensional SELF can only occur when you live in the NOW of unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance of your self.
Blessings to all who may receive this message.
Please remember that within the NOW of SELF we are ALL ONE.
The Arcturians
Free Download of Below YouTube in Mp3 format
The Arcturians have been telling me to send out free recordings from them on a regular basis. They know that we are needed a "pep-talk." Now if have have completed my person drama/initiation, I will be putting these free recording onto the Blog and/or the YouTube.
PS, dramas and initiations are often the same :-)
If you remember to send the Cabal Unconditional Love and Violet Fire on a regular basis, they will begin to awaken from within their own ranks. Are you willing to do that?
S—Yes. I am willing and dedicate my self to recognizing all fearful judgmental and angry thoughts and emotions that I have towards the cabal. Then I will erase those thoughts and feelings by sending them Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.
A—Are you sure?
S—Let me look inside to see…
Oh, dear Arcturians, I can’t stop crying. I cannot see anything. I cannot feel anything All I can I is cry OUT my myriad upon myriad lives of victim and victimizer. How could I judge them, when I have been “them” in many incarnations?
As I go inside again, the inner screen pans back to see a time-map of the many eras on which I incarnated on Gaia. I see that often I took two simultaneous lives in which I was both the victim and the victimizer. I see these lives as “two sides of the same penny,” the “head” AND the “tail” of the penny.
I cannot forgive the darkness without being the Light or BE the Light without with out simultaneously being the darkness.
A—Has your latest initiations prepared you for this vision?
S—Yes, I am having a peak experience in the same NOW that I am/was needing to let go of everything I ever did.
A—Congratulations. It is this realization that is the turning point between living in “time” and living in the NOW. In time there are many past memories and future goals. In the NOW there is NO past to remember and NO future to hope for. Therefore, you can only Flow within the NOW.
Within that flow there are myriad “light streams” of various frequencies and dimensions. The light streams are portals that you choose to enter. However, if there is even a second of doubt, decision-making and/or questioning, you will fall back into the “time” of that second and OUT of the Flow of the NOW.
While in time, your perceptions are limited to the third/fourth dimensions. Therefore, the light streams to the higher dimensions are no longer perceivable. The process of totally releasing the doubt, which pushes you back into “time,” requires total faith in your SELF!
This total faith in your own Multidimensional SELF can only occur when you live in the NOW of unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance of your self.
Blessings to all who may receive this message.
Please remember that within the NOW of SELF we are ALL ONE.
The Arcturians
Free Download of Below YouTube in Mp3 format
The Arcturians have been telling me to send out free recordings from them on a regular basis. They know that we are needed a "pep-talk." Now if have have completed my person drama/initiation, I will be putting these free recording onto the Blog and/or the YouTube.
PS, dramas and initiations are often the same :-)
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By annamerkaba on May 14, 2015
Greetings Everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. I hope that all of you are doing phenomenally well! I know that the last few weeks have been quite hectic for many of you. With many changes taking place and the energy frolicking every which way, many emotions have been released and continue to be released and contemplated upon daily. Much chaos has unfolding around the earth and yet within all the turbulence of the chaos much love and light can be felt flowing through the most darkest places on earth.
Miracles abound for so many of you as you are sharing with me daily. And I’m SO grateful that you are feeling a shift taking place! Not only in your own consciousness but also in the consciousness of those around you! Many are awakening to the truth of who they are and looking for answers, and that is where YOU come in. I am so happy to know that so many of you are taking ACTION in the direction of your missions. You truly are making a GIANT difference, every single moment of every single day! And from the bottom of my heart I thank you all so very, VERY much for BEing, all of you for walking this earth no matter how bizarre it may seem to all of us at this time.
All in all we’re moving in the RIGHT direction, and many wonderful surprises and changes that many of us have been working toward are manifesting and are about to unfold in our realities! You’re doing an AMAZING job! And I love you all so very, VERY much and once again I’m sending you my heartfelt thanks for transmitting and broadcasting the light and uplifting energies that you are receiving to those around you.
Now having said this here is the message that I have received from AA Metatron & The 33rd dimension.
The purification phase of the determined ones has reached the pinnacle of truth benevolence and might. The purification phase of the chosen ones has been completed and a new set of universal decrees has indeed been bestowed upon the ones that have chosen to walk amongst the souls who wished to partake of said experiment. For indeed the veil of forgetfulness is thinning daily for you now, allowing more light, allowing more benevolence, allowing more understanding of self and all that is to shine through into your psyche and all those stationed on GAIA.
For indeed the experiment has been a phenomenal one, and the experiences gleaned by the beholders of said realities have been accumulated, processed and documented in the Akashic records for eternity.
For through the experience of pain and suffering, through the experience of effervescence and joy, through the experience of benevolence and peace, through the experience of all emotional octaves of the spectrum of human understanding of BEing, a new cognition has indeed been formed in the universal lore.
A new cognition of and understanding of said emotional structures of BEing. For indeed the planet on which you are presently finding yourselves is a unique haven, a unique haven whereby you are able to experience BEing as you are! BEing through the emotional rollercoaster prevalent on your planet.
Being able to experience all the spectrums of the emotional wheel, the freedom of choice, the freedom of co-creation. For indeed it is so, For indeed all of you who are presently residing on Gaia, all who have, are and never have been part of the experiment of the human wheel of karma, all of you have chosen to experience said realities through the vehicle of expression you call the human body.
For the world in which your reside, the experimental matrix if you will, has allowed all of you to experience that which you wished to, experience that which indeed was necessary and desired by your higher selves in order to glean, grow and expand the consciousness of that which you are. Nevertheless, the time has come to fully awaken to that which indeed you are, releasing the last bits of debris and misconception of your benevolence, might and power. For indeed you, all of you are mighty powerful beings! Mighty powerful co-creators of that which you wish to see unfold in your world.
And so, as always, we wish to remind you to keep steady in your benevolence, keep steady in your encounters with all that you see, with all that you are bathed in daily, all the “positive” and “negative” spectrums of your daily activities.
NEW TOOL! Arch Angel RAPHAEL! by Natalya Ankh. Please visit http://natalyaankh.myshopify.com/ to learn more.
Be mindful of that which you read, be mindful of all the activities rapidly unfolding in your world, all the way understanding that, that which appears to be chaos, is building order, order through chaos, as we have indeed conversed to you prior. And so, we command you, we love you and we bow before you, for truly you are the masters of the divine, you are the masters of that which is, and you are the ones writing human history as you breathe, as you walk, as you talk, as you think as you dance, as you sleep, as you invent, as you CREATE.
Everything that you are, is that which is. Everything that is, is that which you are! Keep steady in your stride as you walk toward freedom from the amnesia which has beset you upon your entrance into this world. Keep steady and allow, allow the beautiful encounters with your higher selves, and the benevolent truth of that which you are to flood your psyche. Understand that you are ready, ready to fully awaken, ready to take your righteous place in the universe as co-creators, as gods, for truly you are! Believe, know and remember. Remember, know and BE, BE in the moment, of eternity, BE all that indeed you have come here to uphold.
Stay in balance, stay thoughtful of peace and harmony through unconditional understanding of all colors of the spectrum of life. All colors of the spectrum of life and the emotional wheel of human experience.
Know that we are walking with you, foot in foot and hand and hand. Know that it is so. For it is!
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you goodbye for now.
P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker.
To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.
By annamerkaba on May 14, 2015

Miracles abound for so many of you as you are sharing with me daily. And I’m SO grateful that you are feeling a shift taking place! Not only in your own consciousness but also in the consciousness of those around you! Many are awakening to the truth of who they are and looking for answers, and that is where YOU come in. I am so happy to know that so many of you are taking ACTION in the direction of your missions. You truly are making a GIANT difference, every single moment of every single day! And from the bottom of my heart I thank you all so very, VERY much for BEing, all of you for walking this earth no matter how bizarre it may seem to all of us at this time.
All in all we’re moving in the RIGHT direction, and many wonderful surprises and changes that many of us have been working toward are manifesting and are about to unfold in our realities! You’re doing an AMAZING job! And I love you all so very, VERY much and once again I’m sending you my heartfelt thanks for transmitting and broadcasting the light and uplifting energies that you are receiving to those around you.
Now having said this here is the message that I have received from AA Metatron & The 33rd dimension.
The purification phase of the determined ones has reached the pinnacle of truth benevolence and might. The purification phase of the chosen ones has been completed and a new set of universal decrees has indeed been bestowed upon the ones that have chosen to walk amongst the souls who wished to partake of said experiment. For indeed the veil of forgetfulness is thinning daily for you now, allowing more light, allowing more benevolence, allowing more understanding of self and all that is to shine through into your psyche and all those stationed on GAIA.
For indeed the experiment has been a phenomenal one, and the experiences gleaned by the beholders of said realities have been accumulated, processed and documented in the Akashic records for eternity.
For through the experience of pain and suffering, through the experience of effervescence and joy, through the experience of benevolence and peace, through the experience of all emotional octaves of the spectrum of human understanding of BEing, a new cognition has indeed been formed in the universal lore.

A new cognition of and understanding of said emotional structures of BEing. For indeed the planet on which you are presently finding yourselves is a unique haven, a unique haven whereby you are able to experience BEing as you are! BEing through the emotional rollercoaster prevalent on your planet.
Being able to experience all the spectrums of the emotional wheel, the freedom of choice, the freedom of co-creation. For indeed it is so, For indeed all of you who are presently residing on Gaia, all who have, are and never have been part of the experiment of the human wheel of karma, all of you have chosen to experience said realities through the vehicle of expression you call the human body.
For the world in which your reside, the experimental matrix if you will, has allowed all of you to experience that which you wished to, experience that which indeed was necessary and desired by your higher selves in order to glean, grow and expand the consciousness of that which you are. Nevertheless, the time has come to fully awaken to that which indeed you are, releasing the last bits of debris and misconception of your benevolence, might and power. For indeed you, all of you are mighty powerful beings! Mighty powerful co-creators of that which you wish to see unfold in your world.
And so, as always, we wish to remind you to keep steady in your benevolence, keep steady in your encounters with all that you see, with all that you are bathed in daily, all the “positive” and “negative” spectrums of your daily activities.

NEW TOOL! Arch Angel RAPHAEL! by Natalya Ankh. Please visit http://natalyaankh.myshopify.com/ to learn more.
Be mindful of that which you read, be mindful of all the activities rapidly unfolding in your world, all the way understanding that, that which appears to be chaos, is building order, order through chaos, as we have indeed conversed to you prior. And so, we command you, we love you and we bow before you, for truly you are the masters of the divine, you are the masters of that which is, and you are the ones writing human history as you breathe, as you walk, as you talk, as you think as you dance, as you sleep, as you invent, as you CREATE.
Everything that you are, is that which is. Everything that is, is that which you are! Keep steady in your stride as you walk toward freedom from the amnesia which has beset you upon your entrance into this world. Keep steady and allow, allow the beautiful encounters with your higher selves, and the benevolent truth of that which you are to flood your psyche. Understand that you are ready, ready to fully awaken, ready to take your righteous place in the universe as co-creators, as gods, for truly you are! Believe, know and remember. Remember, know and BE, BE in the moment, of eternity, BE all that indeed you have come here to uphold.
Stay in balance, stay thoughtful of peace and harmony through unconditional understanding of all colors of the spectrum of life. All colors of the spectrum of life and the emotional wheel of human experience.
Know that we are walking with you, foot in foot and hand and hand. Know that it is so. For it is!
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you goodbye for now.

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker.

and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.
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Dear Journal,
You are the only one with whom I can be completely honest. David is gone to “who knows where” and the daughter that I stayed on this difficult assignment hates me. I know I was not a very good mother. I had never been around human children. And even though David and I have very little human DNA, our daughter is totally human, with a tiny bit of Pleiadian DNA.
Enough of my self-pity, I must admit that I was never a very good human. I entered this human earth vessel just after WWII with David, who is my beloved and far away Divine Complement. We came in as babies because the adults were far too wounded.
However, the damage of WWII was not enough. The humans keep on testing nuclear bombs on the body and IN the body of beloved Gaia. Nowhere was safe. They blew up small islands in the ocean, deep underground caverns, vast areas in the desert.
Why they did not consider that that energy would go into the earth and into the atmosphere...
Your comments are greatly appreciated
Sue and Gaia
Prepare for the NOW by reading the books:
The Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Books
(Note about Book 4 of the Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension)
Book 4 was twice as long as the others, so we have split it into two books so you can better absorb the information. If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have the old version, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Changing Realities."
Thank you.
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter Posted by Sue at 10:59 AM
Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Sunday, May 10, 2015
We Came For Gaia--from The Journal
May 8, 2015
In America we have a holiday called “Mothers Day.” Since today is Mother’s Day, I wish to honor the Mother that we ALL share, Mother Earth. Therefore, I am sharing an insert from my next book, THE JOURNAL to remind myself and others that:
By Beverly from “The Journal”
Beverly writes
Sunday, May 10, 2015
We Came For Gaia--from The Journal
May 8, 2015
In America we have a holiday called “Mothers Day.” Since today is Mother’s Day, I wish to honor the Mother that we ALL share, Mother Earth. Therefore, I am sharing an insert from my next book, THE JOURNAL to remind myself and others that:

By Beverly from “The Journal”
Beverly writes
in her journal:
Dear Journal,
You are the only one with whom I can be completely honest. David is gone to “who knows where” and the daughter that I stayed on this difficult assignment hates me. I know I was not a very good mother. I had never been around human children. And even though David and I have very little human DNA, our daughter is totally human, with a tiny bit of Pleiadian DNA.
Enough of my self-pity, I must admit that I was never a very good human. I entered this human earth vessel just after WWII with David, who is my beloved and far away Divine Complement. We came in as babies because the adults were far too wounded.
However, the damage of WWII was not enough. The humans keep on testing nuclear bombs on the body and IN the body of beloved Gaia. Nowhere was safe. They blew up small islands in the ocean, deep underground caverns, vast areas in the desert.
Why they did not consider that that energy would go into the earth and into the atmosphere...
However, things were worse than we thought. The “Power Over Others” Dracs in human clothing, had gone underground—literally—where they continued to rule via darkness.
We, the Galactics who have answered Gaia’s call for help by wearing a human form, call these “power over others” groups the “POO.”
We, the Galactics who have answered Gaia’s call for help by wearing a human form, call these “power over others” groups the “POO.”
We use this short cut, as we do not want to create a thought form with the essence of their very name.
If the humans knew how dangerous it was after the war AND well into 2012, they would more fully realize how much better it has become. By “better” I mean that the energy fields and floating thought forms are of an increasingly higher frequency.
These higher frequency energy fields are why I am actually documenting my personal experiences. It was one thing to be able to talk to Galactics, but another to actually document our experiences.
They, the POO, knew that we, the Galactics, were here and we knew that they were here. We had an unwritten agreement. “Power Over Others Realities” and “Power Within Realities” had flowed side-by-side for eons beyond eons. Furthermore, our silent battle was being played by all life on Earth.
The more powerful plants overtook the weaker and the more powerful animals fed on the less powerful. And then there was humanity.
If the humans knew how dangerous it was after the war AND well into 2012, they would more fully realize how much better it has become. By “better” I mean that the energy fields and floating thought forms are of an increasingly higher frequency.
These higher frequency energy fields are why I am actually documenting my personal experiences. It was one thing to be able to talk to Galactics, but another to actually document our experiences.
They, the POO, knew that we, the Galactics, were here and we knew that they were here. We had an unwritten agreement. “Power Over Others Realities” and “Power Within Realities” had flowed side-by-side for eons beyond eons. Furthermore, our silent battle was being played by all life on Earth.
The more powerful plants overtook the weaker and the more powerful animals fed on the less powerful. And then there was humanity.
The plants, the animals, even the elementals, had a Unity Consciousness. Although they all fed on each other, they realized that it was all for the greater good.
As the humans evolved enough to be the “head of the food chain,” the unity consciousness of the greater good, was increasingly replaced with the individual consciousness competition and domination. The “Garden of Eden” closed and the plants and many of the animals became the prey for the human predator.
Within the fifth-dimensional “garden,” humanity could commune with all live, and all life communed with humanity. But as, the Power Over Others polarity of Gaia’s world became dominant over the Power Within realities/civilizations, Earth reality slipped out of the fifth dimensional “garden” and into the third dimensional matrix.
In fact, this third dimensional matrix had to be created at the time of the fall of Atlantis, so that life could continue on the body of Gaia. However, Gaia’s resonance had fallen from the fifth dimension into the third.
Hence, Gaia’s multidimensional matrix, which is the hologram through which energy can live in the illusion of physical form, had to add a low frequency, third dimensional matrix. Gaia’s Multidimensional Planetary SELF survived, but most of her inhabitants became lost in the low frequency patterns of the third dimension.
Finally, after untold eras of darkness, with sprinkles of “peak societies,” there are energy fields that are strong enough to create a majority of Power Within, Golden Age, Realities. That is why we, the Galactic volunteers to Earth, are wearing earth vessels within this NOW.
However, I have worn this earth vessel for over 60 decades and have spent most of that “time” living within the myriad flows of dark and damaging energy fields. The humans all had a lower frequency of consciousness, and many of them were even trapped in fear.
Therefore, the POO had been able to keep Earth to them selves. They treated Gaia and Her life forms like slaves. But finally the tide has turned. Gaia’s planet and many of her humans are moving into the flow of the myriad higher dimensional energy fields and thoughtform.
For eons, the fear on Earth replicated itself over and over again. This occurred because many of the thought forms, which create energy fields, were created by the frightened humans. Fortunately, a small minority of other humans, were able to reach and maintain higher enough states of consciousness that they could perceive higher dimensional light-streams.
Because these human could perceive these higher dimensional “light-streams” while in higher states of consciousness, they could serve as portals to pull these energies into their physical forms and forward them down into the Core of Gaia.
It was primarily because of the humans who dedicated their lives to “feeding the Mother” that Gaia was able to remain on Her axis and survive the onslaught of fear, anger, sorrow and greed that continued millennia.
Because we Galactics wearing earth vessels are telepathic, clairvoyant and clairsentient, we KNOW Gaia as a living entity. We also can feel Her planetary sentience because we all had to pass through a very small portal from our fifth dimensional self and into our present earth vessel.
Of course, all of humanity makes that same journey into an earth vessel, but whereas we can remember that event, most humans have forgotten it. We, the ones who can remember, are NOW here to prepare for the next “event” of our personal and planetary return to our true multidimensional realities.
Unfortunately, many of the hybrids (Galactics wearing human garb) such as David and myself have lost many of our innate abilities since we entered our 3D earth vessels. I remember that when I, my Galactic Self, realized that I had entered a vessel in the “time” of 1946 I was very angry.
When my human self was young, I could still remember my real world in the higher dimensions, but my Galactic self knew that Earth would be going through many years great darkness.
My human child body could not understand why she was so frightened. Something was coming, but she did not know what. She often said to her invisible SELF, “I there is another world war, kill me first.” These were actual sentences that she knew not to tell another human, but lived forever in her growing fear and depression.
Fortunately, I did remember many other lives in which I tried to gain a higher state of consciousness and used it in a loving manner. However, as much as I searched, I did not see any realities in which I had actually fulfilled my mission.
Yes, because I was Pleiadian I primarily cared about art, beauty, plants, animals, unity and love. However, those were qualities that were NOT abundant in the reality I had chosen to “grow up” in. By the time I met David, I had entered my return path, but had no idea how difficult it would be.
The 70’s were fun and alive and hopeful. However, as the 80s came in, it was clear that we were NOT on the Pleiades. Fortunately, It was around that time that I finally met up with David, my Divine Complement.
We instantly recognized each other and were together from then on. That is, we were together until he was called back to the Ship. For many years I could not leave at night to visit him on the Ship, as I had a young daughter that I had to raise on my own.
Does that sound angry? Yes, well, I was VERY angry, sad, lonely, depressed and terrified. Here I had this human child who always loved her father more than me, and her father had to leave on some kind of secret mission.
I was so devastated by his leaving that I could hardly take care of my self, much less a pre-adolescent daughter. Did I mention that my daughter always blamed me for her father leaving us?
As the humans evolved enough to be the “head of the food chain,” the unity consciousness of the greater good, was increasingly replaced with the individual consciousness competition and domination. The “Garden of Eden” closed and the plants and many of the animals became the prey for the human predator.
Within the fifth-dimensional “garden,” humanity could commune with all live, and all life communed with humanity. But as, the Power Over Others polarity of Gaia’s world became dominant over the Power Within realities/civilizations, Earth reality slipped out of the fifth dimensional “garden” and into the third dimensional matrix.
In fact, this third dimensional matrix had to be created at the time of the fall of Atlantis, so that life could continue on the body of Gaia. However, Gaia’s resonance had fallen from the fifth dimension into the third.
Hence, Gaia’s multidimensional matrix, which is the hologram through which energy can live in the illusion of physical form, had to add a low frequency, third dimensional matrix. Gaia’s Multidimensional Planetary SELF survived, but most of her inhabitants became lost in the low frequency patterns of the third dimension.
Finally, after untold eras of darkness, with sprinkles of “peak societies,” there are energy fields that are strong enough to create a majority of Power Within, Golden Age, Realities. That is why we, the Galactic volunteers to Earth, are wearing earth vessels within this NOW.
However, I have worn this earth vessel for over 60 decades and have spent most of that “time” living within the myriad flows of dark and damaging energy fields. The humans all had a lower frequency of consciousness, and many of them were even trapped in fear.
Therefore, the POO had been able to keep Earth to them selves. They treated Gaia and Her life forms like slaves. But finally the tide has turned. Gaia’s planet and many of her humans are moving into the flow of the myriad higher dimensional energy fields and thoughtform.
For eons, the fear on Earth replicated itself over and over again. This occurred because many of the thought forms, which create energy fields, were created by the frightened humans. Fortunately, a small minority of other humans, were able to reach and maintain higher enough states of consciousness that they could perceive higher dimensional light-streams.
Because these human could perceive these higher dimensional “light-streams” while in higher states of consciousness, they could serve as portals to pull these energies into their physical forms and forward them down into the Core of Gaia.
It was primarily because of the humans who dedicated their lives to “feeding the Mother” that Gaia was able to remain on Her axis and survive the onslaught of fear, anger, sorrow and greed that continued millennia.
Because we Galactics wearing earth vessels are telepathic, clairvoyant and clairsentient, we KNOW Gaia as a living entity. We also can feel Her planetary sentience because we all had to pass through a very small portal from our fifth dimensional self and into our present earth vessel.
Of course, all of humanity makes that same journey into an earth vessel, but whereas we can remember that event, most humans have forgotten it. We, the ones who can remember, are NOW here to prepare for the next “event” of our personal and planetary return to our true multidimensional realities.
Unfortunately, many of the hybrids (Galactics wearing human garb) such as David and myself have lost many of our innate abilities since we entered our 3D earth vessels. I remember that when I, my Galactic Self, realized that I had entered a vessel in the “time” of 1946 I was very angry.
When my human self was young, I could still remember my real world in the higher dimensions, but my Galactic self knew that Earth would be going through many years great darkness.
My human child body could not understand why she was so frightened. Something was coming, but she did not know what. She often said to her invisible SELF, “I there is another world war, kill me first.” These were actual sentences that she knew not to tell another human, but lived forever in her growing fear and depression.
Fortunately, I did remember many other lives in which I tried to gain a higher state of consciousness and used it in a loving manner. However, as much as I searched, I did not see any realities in which I had actually fulfilled my mission.
Yes, because I was Pleiadian I primarily cared about art, beauty, plants, animals, unity and love. However, those were qualities that were NOT abundant in the reality I had chosen to “grow up” in. By the time I met David, I had entered my return path, but had no idea how difficult it would be.
The 70’s were fun and alive and hopeful. However, as the 80s came in, it was clear that we were NOT on the Pleiades. Fortunately, It was around that time that I finally met up with David, my Divine Complement.
We instantly recognized each other and were together from then on. That is, we were together until he was called back to the Ship. For many years I could not leave at night to visit him on the Ship, as I had a young daughter that I had to raise on my own.
Does that sound angry? Yes, well, I was VERY angry, sad, lonely, depressed and terrified. Here I had this human child who always loved her father more than me, and her father had to leave on some kind of secret mission.
I was so devastated by his leaving that I could hardly take care of my self, much less a pre-adolescent daughter. Did I mention that my daughter always blamed me for her father leaving us?
OK, I am being the victim again.
I know now that she did not just miss him. She missed US. When David left, a great deal of my higher essence left. My human shell was there, but my essence was not. Because of my own disassociation from my SELF, I had to repeatedly remind myself to take care of my daughter.
So, I did take care of her needs. But, I did not take care of HER. Yes, I understand why she hates me, and yes, she does hate me. I am not exaggerating. I feel how she feels even more than she does. Humans have the ability to hide their thought and emotions from their conscious mind, but Pleiadians do not have that choice.
We Pleiadians developed a reality built on unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance. Therefore, we do not judge others or ourselves. We ARE in the NOW flowing through our fifth dimensional reality in unity and peace.
However, we left our children, humans, untended too long.
I know now that she did not just miss him. She missed US. When David left, a great deal of my higher essence left. My human shell was there, but my essence was not. Because of my own disassociation from my SELF, I had to repeatedly remind myself to take care of my daughter.
So, I did take care of her needs. But, I did not take care of HER. Yes, I understand why she hates me, and yes, she does hate me. I am not exaggerating. I feel how she feels even more than she does. Humans have the ability to hide their thought and emotions from their conscious mind, but Pleiadians do not have that choice.
We Pleiadians developed a reality built on unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance. Therefore, we do not judge others or ourselves. We ARE in the NOW flowing through our fifth dimensional reality in unity and peace.
However, we left our children, humans, untended too long.
We initiated their reality then left before the humans were mature enough to rule themselves, much less rule others. In fact, we “left the door open” and the Draconians came in.
But NOW it is changing. I can feel, see and hear the streams of higher dimensional consciousness flowing through the dark sea of the remaining fear and power-over-others. We, the Galactic volunteers who took earth vessels to assist Gaia, are entering a possible reality of immense transition towards the light.
So, I STAY. I stay here on Earth, in this body, even though I have lost or pushed away my loved ones. I stay here, not to be with David because he is gone. I stay here, not to care for Lisa, as now she can take care of herself.
I stay here for Gaia.
But NOW it is changing. I can feel, see and hear the streams of higher dimensional consciousness flowing through the dark sea of the remaining fear and power-over-others. We, the Galactic volunteers who took earth vessels to assist Gaia, are entering a possible reality of immense transition towards the light.
So, I STAY. I stay here on Earth, in this body, even though I have lost or pushed away my loved ones. I stay here, not to be with David because he is gone. I stay here, not to care for Lisa, as now she can take care of herself.
I stay here for Gaia.
I do not know how much help I can be while wearing this form, but I do know that I volunteered to do my best. I say this now, after I have lost the two people that were my reason for staying, so that I can remember that
Therefore, I close this message saying, crying, shouting and whispering:
Let It BEGIN!!
“But, what is beginning,” I ask myself.
“Whatever YOU create,” I hear my Pleiadian self whisper into my human heart.

We, your human children, promise to work in
Unity Consciousness and Unconditional LOVE
To assist your return to your true, Multidimensional Planet!
What did YOU volunteer to DO when you remembered your SELF?
Therefore, I close this message saying, crying, shouting and whispering:
Let It BEGIN!!
“But, what is beginning,” I ask myself.
“Whatever YOU create,” I hear my Pleiadian self whisper into my human heart.

We, your human children, promise to work in
Unity Consciousness and Unconditional LOVE
To assist your return to your true, Multidimensional Planet!
What did YOU volunteer to DO when you remembered your SELF?
Your comments are greatly appreciated
Sue and Gaia
Prepare for the NOW by reading the books:
The Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Books
(Note about Book 4 of the Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension)
Book 4 was twice as long as the others, so we have split it into two books so you can better absorb the information. If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have the old version, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Changing Realities."
Thank you.
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