lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

sharing.:::. Blue Eyes Linked To Higher Risk Of Alcohol Dependence In New Study - Anna Merkaba ~ Supreme Atom – Creativity – Atomic DNA Upgrade – 2015 – Metatron

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Anna Merkaba ~ Supreme Atom – Creativity – Atomic DNA Upgrade – 2015 – Metatron



Greetings everyone! 

Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. First of all I would like to take a moment and wish all of you a very Happy New Year! As many of you have been feeling rather disconnected last few weeks especially the last week of December, you will understand my excitement and anticipation of the changes to come. Whereas December has been all about purging, January will be all about re-aligning ourselves with our higher self with the assistance of the new benevolent energies that are coming onto our planet right now, finally!
Many of you shall begin to experience your CREATIVE juices flowing, you will be prompted to look for new ways of getting things done, and just as in previous uplifting times you will have tremendous connectedness to your higher selves, however this time around what we are being told is we will literally be pulled as if by magnet to each other. Many of you will experience sudden meetings that you have been longing for, for so long. And I am not just referring to the romantic relationships, no this particular channeling is all about your mission here on earth. Everything will begin falling into place, however, when you seek to connect to the divine, you will right away be pointed to go deep within yourself first, listen to your heart and solar plexus and tune into the atom of your soul which resides within your bodies.

What I am being told is that there is a special atom which each person has which is their own, and within that atom is a spark which when ignited completely connects you to your higher self, allowing you to remember everything you need to in order to carry out your mission here on earth. What will be happening to us now is we will be taught by the ascended masters and angels the HOW of connecting to this particular atom and bringing forth its energies and powers.
All of this information should become very evident to us, as it truly has always been there, and once we realize the HOW and have our “AHA” moment, we will then be able to put everything into complete action, balancing out everything within us and truly shining our light onto the world.
Once again this year will be of Collective consciousness, collaboration with others and TEAM WORK.
Now having said this here is the channeling I have received from Metatron & The Alliance of the Cosmic Brotherhood of Light (Arch Angels, Angles and Ascended Masters)

This is a MUST HAVE tool for everyone at this time. Especially those of you who are healers.
Dearly beloved children of light,
The commencement of the year shall bring the aforementioned rewards to those who have diligently walked the path of creation, the path of self realization and the path of self discovery in dignified alliance with their higher selves of their chosen momentum. Of their higher selves of their chosen momentum of being. For the chosen momentum of being, is the momentum of that which you shall discover exists therein and is recognized as the atomic principle of the DNA structure of your vehicles.

The DNA structure of your vehicles has indeed taken a new route, weaved a new direction if you will in your daily activities. For the DNA structure of your vehicles has once again been reconstructed and restructured and realigned to the new frequencies of the coming of times. For indeed the alignment of the planetary ascension principles of BEing have ignited the atomic principles within the very core of your vechile, allowing you to expand your consciousness yet again, and allowing you to connect to a new grid system of which all of you are very much aware of.
Therefore the changes that lay ahead shall find you a bit confused, for as you look up to the ethers for answers, you shall be directed within your very own being. For as you look upon the ethers you shall be asked to go deep within, for the atomic principles of that which you are, has indeed been activated within the core structure of your hearts and your solar plexus. For through these two chakras, and through these two grid systems you shall discover your I AM presence once more.
For the nature of your connectedness to the ethers shall change, for through the cooperation of those that you hold dear, you shall be able to connect to the ethers collectively. For the individualistic approach to your everyday existence shall begin changing rapidly for you now, and you shall all seek out various alliances in order to continue expanding the consciousness of this planet. In order to continue on your journeys here on earth. In order to bring forth the prearranged meetings with those whom are to collaborate with you on various projects which you have come here to uphold.
And so, through the atomic principles of your very own selves, through the connectedness to another you shall be able to transpire, you shall be able to transverse time and space and connect to others and to the groups of those whom you have come to this planet with. You shall be able to connect to your respective star alliances, through the all collective energies of those whom you shall meet on the path.

For no longer the individual approach to the understanding of life on earth shall prevail. For you shall be pulled to groups of those who are here to assist you just as you are here to assist them. And together in unison you shall bring through various energies to collectively shift into a new consciousness for all of humanity. For through your collaborations and through your endeavors you shall collectively merge with the new energies entering GAIA as we speak.
Be mindful of the meetings that lay ahead for all of you in the coming of times. Be mindful of those who appear suddenly on your path, for through these alliances you shall be able to finally put into action that which you have carried in your hearts years into the past. You shall finally be able to realize your highest aspirations and ideals.
Know that you shall be visited yet again by your benevolent selves, by your benevolent faculties and your benevolent guides and masters of the etheric. Know that you shall experience waves upon waves of uplifting energies, but know that the energies you shall sail through, shall be like the ocean and shall come in waves. Understand that your earthly year ahead has many opportunities in store for you, and much turbulence along the way. Know that the turbulence shall be offset by the benevolent creations of that which you shall bring forth through your mind’s eye and through your desire and perseverance. Know that your alignments and alliances shall influence you to the core and shall truly push you into the right direction for you path here on earth.
Understand that you are being supported and guided , know that you have been prepared well for the coming of times. And remember that you are to connect to your very own selves, for within the depths of your atomic structure lays an atom that has indeed been activated for many of you, an atom that shall connect you to those who shall align you with the opportunities that indeed you are looking to uphold. Remember that You are all ONE and ONE you shall remain to be.

Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that you can call upon us whenever you need us. Know that it is so, for it is.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Metatron & The Alliance of the Cosmic Brotherhood of Light (Arch Angels, Angles and Ascended Masters)

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL
Posted 5th January by LUZ ZOHAR

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Добро пожаловать обратно в преддверии шестой мерной выражение нашей Арктурианский Коридор. Именно с этой частоты / выражение нашей коридора, что вы можете повторно войти в шестое измерение переписать голографическую проекцию для вашего текущего трехмерной реальности. Вы слышали «теорию», что ваша трехмерная мир на самом деле голографическая проекция.

Правда намного больше, чем это, но "голографическая проекция", действительно, хорошая метафора для третьего / вперед трехмерной жизни. С нашей точки зрения в восьмом через десятые размеров, которые протекают и смешиваются, как один, мы воспринимаем четвертое измерение как «ауру» вашей трехмерной реальности. Таким образом, когда мы говорим о третьем измерении, мы включаем четвертом, как эфирных эманации физического мира. Этот четвертый мерное эфирное реальность связывает вас с высшими мирами пятого измерения и за ее пределами.

ОТКРЫТИЕ шишковидной железы STARGATE

Процесс повышения Кундалини и открытия третьего глаза активизирует шишковидную железу, которая является гипер-мерного звездные врата, встроенный в телефон физиологии человека. Кундалини активации результат балансировки все ваши чакры и повышения женскую силу Леди Шакти с вашего корневую чакру в Божественного Единства с мужской силы Шивы в коронной чакры. Это смешение и балансировка ваших женских и мужских энергий, известных как мистический брак, открывает свой ​​третий глаз и полностью активирует ваши "шишковидной звездные врата». С открытием вашей шишковидной звездные врата, вы можете принять многомерные, торсионные волны непосредственно в вашей повседневной сознание и земной сосуд. Кроме того, отличается ДНК включается или выключается различными частотами света.

Третий мерный спектр света включается в 2% до 3% от вашего человеческого генома ДНК, которая проходит свой трехмерной операционной системы. Эта операционная система основана на иллюзиях разделения и ограничения, которые возникают из сильно поляризованным реальности. Эта система может только принять, интегрировать и использовать свет, который ограничивается небольшим спектром физической реальности.

После падения Атлантиды, и особенно в течение последних двух тысяч лет Эры Рыб, тем выше габаритный свет утрачена для большей части человечества.

Тем не менее, сейчас, вы вводите Золотой Век Водолея и Гайя переехал в поток торсионных волн, исходящих из центра Галактики. Эти торсионные волны многомерного света Выключите 3% геномной ДНК человека и включите 97% "мусорная" ДНК, как они вступят через небольшие квантовых вихрей нежелательной ДНК.

После того, как многомерный свет принят и интегрирован в вашего земного сосуда, оказывается на новом Многомерная Операционная Система, которая хранится в вашем нежелательной ДНК.

Затем многомерный свет медленно берет верх над физической спектра света и трехмерного Операционная Система вашей 3% ДНК начинает поворачиваться ВЫКЛ. Вот почему столь многие из вас есть интерес everdecreasing в трехмерной реальности и глубоко долго многомерности пятого измерения и за ее пределами. К счастью, во время вашего перехода, обе операционные системы будет введена в эксплуатацию, что позволяет одновременно жить в двух реальностях.

Мистический брак

Перед мистический брак ваших внутренних женских и мужских энергий и открытия третьего глаза, ваш земной сосуд может только воспринимать, интегрировать и использовать ограниченное спектр света третьего измерения. Ваш Во-первых, корневой чакры принимает и отражает спектр красного света, который соединяет и территорию, вы на Землю. По мере роста вашей Кундалини, это красный свет сливается с оранжевым светом Второго, пупочной чакре, интегрируя частоты красного и оранжевого света. Тогда, как ваша Кундалини поднимается в ваш В-третьих, чакра солнечного сплетения объединить красный и оранжевый с желтым частоты света, вы объединяете и интегрировать свои "нижние чакры".

Комбинированный частота свете ваших нижних чакр затем входит в вашу В-четвертых, сердечную чакру смешиваться с зеленым частоты света. Через вашу сердечную чакру, при подключении нижних чакр со своими "высших чакр." Свет из первых четырех чакр затем движется в ваш Пятой, горловой чакры смешиваться с синим частоты третьего измерения светового спектра. Ваш Кундалини затем движется в ваш шестой, бровей Чакра объединить красный через голубых выражений света с индиго частоты этой чакры. Седьмой, Коронная Чакра резонирует с фиолетовым светом, который является высокая частота в трехмерной светового спектра. Это фиолетовый свет служит мостом для подключения белый свет, единство всех цветов света, в вашего земного сосуда. С Леди Шакти ожидании жениха в шестом, бровей чакры, Господа Шивы в седьмом, Коронная Чакра вызывает открытие шишковидной железы Stargate принять многомерный свет выше через квантовых частот реальности. Многомерный свет входит в вашу Корону сколько жених (мужской, Господь Шива) заходит в часовне ждать свою невесту (женский, леди Шакти).

Невеста затем идет по проходу (через шишковидной железы бровей Чакра), чтобы присоединиться к ее жениха на свадьбе Alter (третьего желудочка головного мозга), чтобы войти в их мистический брак. С помощью этого брака, семь октав физического спектра света (Горничные Шакти невесты) объединиться с многомерной свете ONE присоединиться Дух ONE в Материи вашего земного сосуда, а также земной судна Гайи.

Это Мистический Брак ваших внутренних мужских и женских энергий открывает свой третий глаз и Высшее Сердце, которые были скрытой в вашего земного сосуда с момента вашего рождения. Это открытие затем позволяет начать постепенное открытие иллюзий вашей трехмерной реальности. С открытием третьего глаза и Высшее Сердце, новые мозговые волны приходят в Интернете в вашей компьютерной / мозга, которые могут получить доступ и использовать свой многомерных операционной системы.

Кроме того, из-за вашего мистический брак, теперь вы можете принимать и интегрировать многомерный свет, который начнет включив Отбросим ДНК, в которой ваша новая операционная система тихо сохранена.

Из Путешествие в Арктурианский коридора II

Добавлено 5 декабря 2011 по Juan Pablo

Ярлыки: божественных энергий голограмм духовное пробуждение

Опубликовано Элифасом Леви в Доминго, Абриль 06, 2014

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Freedom Portal Has opened!

By annamerkaba on April 4, 2015

Greetings Everyone! The FREEDOM portal has opened her doors to all of us!

And it is now time to utilize these energies in order to fully purge everything from your system finally once and for all! Use this loving, supportive, uplifting energy to carry you forward to new heights!

If you have not done so already find a quiet moment today and write down everything that YOU WANT to see manifest in your reality in the next 3 months. Be as specific as you can be. Once you are done, make another list of everything that you wish to LET GO of, and be done with. Throw away or burn the paper with all that you no longer wish to see in your life.

And keep the other list with you at all times. Carry it with you. Look at it frequently to remind yourself what it is that you want to see manifest in your reality. And pay attention every single moment of every single day to all the little intricate synchronicities that will begin to surround you. USE the clues that you will receive from your guides and ACT on various opportunities magically presenting themselves to you.

PAY ATTENTION to your feelings, and should you find yourself slipping back into old thinking patterns, pull out the paper and read it again! STAY POSITIVE. THINK POSITIVE. And you shall manifest the reality of your dreams!

REMEMBER NOW is a VERY auspicious time and let no one tell you so otherwise! LISTEN to your intuition, to your heart to your own higher self and your own guides. POSITIVE VIBES WILL CREATE POSITIVE LIVES!

Stay in JOY, LOVE, LIGHT AAAAANNND FREEDOM! :) I love you all very much and am sending you beautiful vibrant energies to uplift you and surround you in peace and harmony, stabilizing your stride as you continue on your beautiful journey here on earth!

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

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January 2015 Message

From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of January 2015

Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare thebenefits of membership to public access before joining!

What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?

Are there particular activities that would benefit us and help us best use the energy this month?

What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?

The energy this month is like a strong current moving forward. There is a feeling that every intention is amplified. You will find the consequences of your thoughts, your words, and your actions will all come more quickly and more strongly than usual.

This is an important time to take profound accountability for your intentions. Strive to be mindful of your words and actions. No one is perfect, so no one will be able to make perfect intentions all the time. This month, it will be very important for you to be forgiving and flexible, and be very quick to apologize and not easy to offend. When unintended consequences arise, make sure that you are very forgiving of others, and of yourself, so that you can quickly apologize and move on. Change the intention, shift the energy with an apology, and then reset your intention.

If you hold onto embarrassment, guilt, shame or trying to blame others, then you will find yourself holding the mistaken intention for so long that you will have large and long-standing negative repercussions. On the other hand, if you will quickly apologize and move on, or if you will quickly forgive and move on, then you can reset the intention and begin the process of having your positive intentions come to light.

It will be very important for you to be fluid and keep your eyes wide open this month. Move with the flow, keep changing, and do not hold onto old feelings and goals this month.

Are there particular activities that would benefit us and help us best use the energy this month?
It will be useful to be communicative. Be willing to talk, be willing to ask questions, and be willing to listen carefully and readily to what is happening around you. This is not a time to keep your thoughts to yourself, nor to hold still and hope that someone else will fix the problem. This is a time to speak up and say what is on your mind.

This is time to be gracious and yet active. Stay active in your communities and in your relationships. This is a very active time, and it is an exciting time. Words -- what you say and how you say it – will matter greatly. The important actions this month will be in how you interrelate with others.

In order to stay on top of this energy and really benefit from it, you need to be moving with it. Do not delay events or decisions. The Divine Masculine has a strong energy this month. It is time to be outward and engaged. This is not a time for quiet reflection or holding still.

Posted 28th December 2014 by LUZ ZOHAR

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sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

sharing.:::.Arcturian Energetic Weather Report LIVING IN THE NOW

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Friday, April 10, 2015
Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #1 and Information on next webinar LIVING IN THE NOW


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Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #1

Transmitted by the Arcturians

Beloved ones we are the Arcturians.

We are here to begin our process of sharing with you the energetic weather reports. As you know the energy fields on Gaia have been extremely intense, and the frequencies seem to be rising every day. However, simultaneously, there are other places, situations and people where the frequencies seem to be getting lower. This is because as the frequency gets higher, there are people who are dropping out.

This doesn’t mean that these people will not be able to continue their Ascension process, but it means instead that sometimes our beloved Galactics and Celestials wearing human forms need some time to rest. Some of you need to just stop and be still, take a vacation, do only do what you want to do, be with friends, travel, be in nature, write, sing, dance – whatever brings joy in your life.

This is so important because, even when you are sitting still, it is working very hard. Your body has to adapt to higher and higher frequencies of Light. As this higher Light is moving into your pineal gland, it is going into your endocrine system and moving through all of your Chakras. As the higher frequency light moves into the endocrine system of all of your chakras, you begin to have a different bio-chemical mix, so to speak.

Another thing that is occurring is that time is becoming increasingly confusing. This confusion is because as you are moving into your fifth-dimensional consciousness you are beginning to remember how it is to live in the NOW. Hence, you get so involved in the NOW of what you are doing, thinking or being, that you lose all track of time.

Then you look back and say, “Oh look, I’ve wasted all of this time.” We want you to know that there is no wasting of time. We want you to know that it is vital that you allow yourself to surrender into your true SELF, surrender into your fifth-dimensional SELF that resonates to the One of the NOW.

Speaking of resonance we see that many of you have begun to feel the kundalini merging its way up your spine and undulating up and down. Within that kundalini your Lightbody is getting ready to flash forward. Now we will not give you a time for this because time is an illusion of the third-dimension.

You already have a Lightbody in your fifth-dimensional self. When you are serving on the Starships, you are primarily serving in your Lightbody. However, the Lightbody that you are wearing while in your fifth-dimensional state of consciousness does not look the same as a Lightbody you may perceive while you are in a third-dimensional state of consciousness.

If you perceive a Lightbody, in other worlds, but you are in third or fourth dimensional consciousness, it will be something that is almost beyond your perceptions. So therefore it will look like a flash of Light. It will be a bit blurry, and you may not see details like fingers, toes, noses or eyes. You might just see a large being of Light.

However, if you are also wearing a fifth-dimensional body of Light, you will perceive that body in much greater detail. In fact, you can see all of the details of that being. You can see their face, their arms, their body, and you can feel that they resonate to this fifth-dimensional Light just like you do.

It is very difficult to accurately perceive a reality that is beyond your state of consciousness. You might be able to perceive it with your imagination, which is really your fifth-dimensional thought, for a bit of your time. But you will quickly become tired as your third-dimensional brain is not programmed for that type of perception.

Now, more and more of you, our beloved ones wearing Earth vessels, are beginning to awaken to your higher perceptions. You are beginning to see with your clairvoyance, hear with your clairaudience, and feel with your clairsentience.

Therefore you are able to see beings of Light that you have not been able to see before. However, until you have become accustomed to perceiving that frequency, you may still have difficulties perceiving, acknowledging and recognizing the details of these perceptions.

It is much like using an old, crystal radio to try to receive a high-speed transmission from outer space. That radio would not be able to receive it and if it did it at all, it would not be very clear. That is what is occurring with you now. Just be patient and allow yourself to perceive the higher realities in whichever manner they come to you.

Remember that belief and perception are best friends. If you can believe, “I am perceiving a Starship,” then you have given yourself permission to imagine that you are actually seeing a Starship. In fact, you can’t see that Starship unless you use your fifth-dimensional imagination, or your clairvoyance, or you might hear it with your clairaudience. You may just know that the Starship there with your clairsentience.

Sometimes you will look up into the sky and see a star and say, “No that is more than just a star. I know inside me that it’s more than a star. I can feel it. I can feel it in my heart. I can see it in my Third Eye. I can even imagine myself on that ship. Oh, NOW I can remember that dream I had not too long ago.

I don’t remember many details of that dream. I just remember talking to someone who was definitely not human. Even if they were Pleiadian, they were clearly not human. They looked like human but they did not feel like human. They did not talk like human. In fact, they didn’t talk at well. We just spoke with our minds.

Then I tried so hard to bring that back to my physical self as I was awakening. I could hold it for just a few minutes, and then it was gone. All I could remember was that, “I think I might have had an experience last night, but I can’t remember any of it.”

Don’t worry, practice makes perfect. More and more, you will be able to acknowledge that you visit us on a regular basis. You will also be able to acknowledge that we visit you. Now we don’t visit you in that we would lower our high frequency bodies down to the density of your world except for short periods of time.

When we do visit your frequency, very often we wear special suits that help us to maintain our own inner frequency. If you were to go to the bottom of the ocean, you would wear a special suit because you would need that assistance to live in such a different environment.

In the same manner, we also often need assistance to be able to spend much of your time in your low frequency of reality. Also we know how to project, what they used to call it in the third and fourth dimensions, of the glimmer of magic.

Actually, we know how to create a thoughtform around us. Therefore, you see that thought form that we have created. We are not trying to fool you at all, but we don’t want to frighten you. We do want you to know that we are among you, and we walk with you much more than you can imagine.

Now again, we are going to touch down and walk with you a while, then go back up to our ships and into our innate higher frequency. But it is good for us to lower ourselves even though we have to make special preparations because then we can really understand what you, our dear grounded ones, have to go through every day. We also want you to know that we are here and we will be more and more visible.

So just relax and believe that we are real. Remember, what you can believe you can perceive and what you can perceive you can believe.

Know that we perceive every one of you, and we send you all Light. We are also sending Light to all of humanity, especially to those who are lost. Fortunately, there are many who are awakening from the members of the lost ones. We are very happy to share that information with you.

Well, see you on our Ship. We will return soon (within your illusion of time) to transmit another Energetic Weather Report. Have a wonderful day, and we send blessings to you all,

The Arcturians

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Prepare for the NOW by reading the books:

The Pleiadian Perceptions of Ascension Books

Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter Posted by Sue at 8:59 AM

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Sunday, April 12, 2015
Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #2 and Check out our upcoming classes.


Join us in the upcoming sessions of our
Multidimensional Leadership Classes

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Sharing.:::. Can't sleep? These 6 simple tips may help - Earth's Multidimensional University

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Earth's Multidimensional University - The Arcturians and Our Galactic Family | VOICES FROM ARCTURUS and ANDROMEDA

May 12

Earth's Multidimensional University - The Arcturians and Our Galactic Family


Earth’s Multidimensional University

The Arcturians and Your Galactic Family

Dear Readers,
I am sorry I left the same blog up for so long, but my computer crashed and it took until today to get it functional. It was quite a challenging time for me, as I had everything I had written since the early 1990’s stored there. Yes, the new things were backed up, but there was the possibility the old files would be lost forever.

At first I wanted to freak out, but I remembered all that the Arcturians have been saying about “letting go.” Therefore, I transmuted my fear of loss into, “Oh WELL. It could be worse,” and was able to stay pretty much above the fear. However, as the process continued for days and days, my conviction wavered.

Finally, after about a week, my endurance and patience were slim, and I was falling out of my center. I would like to say that the clouds parted and the Arcturians saved me, but that was not the case. My human self had dropped the computer, and had to go through the very long third dimensional fear of, “Will I lose everything?”

I look back on it now and have a hard time not judging my self. However, I did remember at the beginning of the free fall that I said to the higher realities, “If there a to be a major initiation, I am happy to go through via my computer rather than my body.” I am grateful for my health, and realize now that I was facing the death of my ego.

Oh, I am sure there is much more ego to “let go” of. I hope that next time I can remain calmer, cooler and more centered. I share this experience in that hope that you will not judge your selves as our old world begins to drastically change, as what we have thought of as “important” appears to leave our life.

This morning I thought I would receive another “Energetic Weather Report,” and could hear the title of “Preparing for the Storm.” However, as I LET GO again I received a very different message:


Our dearly beloved volunteers to assist Gaia,

We, the Arcturians and your Galactic Family, wish to share with you today our perceptions of the energy fields surrounding dearest Gaia as of this day of May 7, 2015. Just as Suzille had to wait in the “shallows” while her computer crashed, all humanity has been “waiting in the shallows” while many secret transitions are occurring.

These changes are beyond the perception of many of our volunteers wearing earth vessels in this NOW. However, your higher dimensional expressions of SELF are fully aware of these transitions and are slowly and safely transmitting that information to you.

From our higher perspective, we can perceive what is helpful for you to know and what would only confuse your already complicated and difficult 3D life. We do remind you that all the information you need is available.

All you need “do” is to expand your awareness to consciously embrace your higher dimensional expressions of SELF. Then you can merely download the information you need into your multidimensional mind. We say your “multidimensional mind” because that mind is the “translating device” for all your “Light Language” messages.

Basically, a light language message is one that arises in the fifth dimension and beyond. When YOU, meaning your higher dimensional expressions, observe that the you who is wearing an earth vessel are ready to receive higher dimensional information, a “Light Language Transmission” is sent into your multidimensional mind.

Once that message is sent into your multidimensional mind, it waits for your 3D consciousness to expand into the higher fourth and/or fifth dimension so that you can receive that transmission. There is a process of translation that occurs with the reception of a light language message, as it is NOT based on sequential time.

Therefore, to receive these messages you will need to meditate in some manner to expand your consciousness into your higher brainwaves, while you remain consciously connected to your 3D consciousness.

You all receive these messages while in your deepest sleep, but they often become forgotten or greatly distorted when you awake. Therefore, a manner in which you can remember how to consciously perceive and translate your light language messages is to write down your dreams as soon as you awake.

Because your symbolic language is based on memories and experiencing of your current physical incarnation, you all have a personal manner of translating your symbolic language into 3D language.

For example, water primarily means some type of emotion. However, if you love swimming, water would have a very different meaning than if you almost drowned and are afraid of swimming.

In other words, the more you are conscious of your emotional reactions to your entire life, including “forgotten” childhood experience, the more easily you can translate your light language messages into third dimensional thinking.

Also, your third dimensional, sequential thinking is inadequate for effective translation of the Light Language messages that we are sending you on a regular basis. Then, because you are unable to consciously receive and translate these myriad messages, you may feel alone or even abandoned.

We do NOT want our brave emissaries to third dimensional Earth to feel abandoned. Hence, we are sending you this message. The changes in your physical reality are occurring faster and faster. That is “faster” to your third dimensional perception.

The truth is that it is not just your third dimensional world is just “changing.” What is actually occurring is that your third dimensional world is returning to its higher dimensional expressions. YOU, our beloved, grounded ones, are coming Home!

We happily remind you again that YOU have never left your higher dimensional realities. From beyond time, your multidimensional self sent down a spark of your multidimensional essence and implanted it into a human earth vessel.

You are NOT that earth vessel. YOU are wearing that earth vessel. Therefore, your return “home” is much like going to your closet, and deciding to replace your 3D “clothing” with that wonderful multidimensional suit that you were born with.

Unfortunately, somewhere along your 3D life, that “multidimensional suit” got lost in the closet. In fact, it likely got lost in your childhood closet. We remember that when Suzille was a child she shoved everything into her closet, as it was the easiest way to “clean up her room.”

YOU, our dear volunteers to assist Gaia, have to take your present, dense, 3D vessel, to assist Gaia to clean up Her closet. You see, even though you could have chosen any form you wanted. But, because it was humans who made the mess, you needed to wear a human form.

Think back to your own childhood. If a sibling or friend made a mess, would YOU want to have to clean it up? NO, you would not. For that reason many of you may not want to clean up the mess that other humans made, but that is exactly what you volunteered to do.

Please realize that the humans who created this mess were NOT connected to their higher expressions of SELF. In fact, some were clones and others were “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Just as you, our dear emissaries to Earth, are members of our galactic and celestial family who are “wearing” a physical earth vessel, there are those who are members of the Draconian and other “power over others” galactic families.

They are wearing earth vessels in the same manner as you are wearing an earth vessel. However, whereas you report to us, the “Power Within” Galactic and Celestials, there are others who report to their “Power Over Others” Galactic Family.

You may or may not be aware that there was a very long Galactic War that waged in the third and lower fourth dimensions. This war has been over for ages of your “years,” but was transferred onto Earth when many of the Draconian troops returned to Earth.

Being of dinosaur ancestry, the Draconians believed that Earth as their home. After all, they thought, dinosaurs were one of the first inhabitants of your current cycle of “reality on Gaia.” Fortunately for Gaia, there were many cycles preceding your currently “known reality” in which peace and love ruled Earth.

As we have said before, Gaia is an exceptionally brave SOUL, for she took on the great challenge of being a planet based on the operating system of polarities, separation and free will. Having the free will to choose to live within the polarity of light/power within OR the polarity ofdark/power over has created a reality in which there are extremely different versions of reality.

These different versions of life forms fought with each other, coexisted with each other, and had eras of great darkness OR eras of great light. Because of the “separation” that occurs in a polarized reality, these eras of darkness and of light appeared to be separate cycles were power over others reigned OR where power within self.

From our perception in the higher dimensions, we rejoiced with you during the eras of light and attempted to assist you during the eras of darkness. You, the humans of Earth, chose to incarnate on Gaia because these extreme polarities of life could greatly facilitate your advancement into the light.

Unfortunately, you could also become lost in the darkness and spend many incarnations on the “wheel of re-incarnation.” As many of you know, this “wheel” is closing because the third and lower fourth dimensional expressions of Gaia are in the process of “curling up” into the higher dimensions.

Just as many of Gaia’s leaves and flowers curl back into themselves before they drop from the tree, Gaia’s lower frequencies will curl up into themselves before they drop off Her planet. The 3D School of Cause and Effect is closing.

Actually, Earth’s “Third-dimensional School of Polarity and Separation” is transmuting into Earth’s “Multidimensional University of Unity with the ONE.” You can ALL graduate into this Multidimensional University—if you choose.

Remember that Gaia is a “free will” planet. Therefore, you have free will to decide to “stay the course” and complete your studies in “power-over OR power-within” third dimensional individuality. However, you will eventually need to find another 3D Matrix on another planet.

Dear Gaia has waited as long as she can to allow her humans the “time” to remember their Multidimensional SELF. Her plants are ready to transmute into their fifth dimensional expression, Her animals are ready, even her elements are ready.

Most important, Gaia’s planetary body can no longer tolerate the damage that humanity has caused against the very planet that has given them as a “school for life.” We applaud those of you have decided to remain on dear Gaia to assist with HER transmutation into HER higher dimensional self.

One of the ways that you are assisting Gaia is by transmuting Her “curriculum” from “mastering individuality and free will” to “mastering unity consciousness to return to the ONE.” All of you, our emissaries to Earth, have faced many upheavals in your life, but you stayed your course to fully remember WHO you are.

We wish to tell you, that WE TOO, remember who you are. Because you are walking the path that you chose before you took this incarnation, you will find that which you have sought. Most of all, YOU will find your SELF.

We your galactic family hold that vision in our hearts.

The Arcturians and your Galactic Family

Through Suzanne Lie, PhD

Posted 12th May by Shanti Zohar

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miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Sharing - ▶ Advanced Wall Stretches -Becoming ONE- Divine Changemakers Navigate the Subtle Path

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Sunday, June 7, 2015
Becoming ONE-First Chakra Information Sue & Shawnna


Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon" 

Today, we will present the information about our First Chakra,
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her First Chakra.

First Chakra


LOCATION: The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.

 This chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest wavelength.
 There are four spokes, or petals.
 Four is the number of the square and foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a “square deal, the four energies of earth–earth, air, fire, and water, and the four directions. Four walls, four legs, or four wheels represent a strong foundation.

 The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is “lam” or “e” as in red.
 Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the first chakra.

 The color for this chakra is red, which is the lowest frequency of human’s visible light spectrum. Red is the color of anger and/or vitality.

 The first chakra rules our PHYSICAL energies. Also known as the root chakra, it governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, job, and home. This chakra aids us in our everyday survival.

 The sense of smell is related to this chakra. Our sense of smell is our most primitive sense, and is the first sense that awakens upon our physical birth. The receptors for smell are located at the base of our brain and feeds directly into our limbic system, which is the area of memory and emotion. Therefore, aromas can immediately access emotional memories stored in our unconscious.

 The astrological sign associated with the root chakra is Taurus. The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Like our root chakra, the bull is a symbol of masculine power and fertility. The bull roots in the earth with his front hooves and lowers his nostrils toward the ground to warn any who would threaten his “herd”. There are many cows in the herd, but only the strongest bull will be able to preserve the genetic integrity of the group.

The first chakra is actually the basis of both our masculine and feminine energy. It represents our masculine will and male sexual organs as well as the feminine energy of the Goddess Kundalini. Therefore, a man can learn to integrate his feminine power and a woman can learn to integrate her masculine power through the clearing and opening of this chakra.

 Earth is the element associated with the first chakra and the mineral kingdom is the top of that hierarchy. Crystals have been prized by humankind for eons and have also been used in esoteric healing. Since it rules our first dimensional self that is unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious. This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of a “hive or species consciousness”.

Even though, the first chakra has many masculine qualities it is also the “seat of the Goddess Kundalini” and is therefore often associated with our relationship with our mothers and with Mother Earth. Our relationships with our mother set up our attitude toward home, security, and money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from the earth as well.

 The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents our deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the reptilian portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life support. The brainstem and the area immediately above it are called the reptilian brain because it is possessed by all creatures from reptiles to humans. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for humans it is the base, or stem, of their brain. In fact, part of this area is known as the brainstem.

 The first chakra represents birth to two years of age. This is the time before we have completed our process of individuation and still perceive ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our struggle to come to terms with our physical life and physical body. Our Multidimensional Spirits are new to the limitations and separation of our new 3D reality, and we struggling to learn how to control our physical earth vessel. Fortunately, we naturally travel into the higher dimensions at this age and can return Home whenever we are desperately in need of comfort and understanding.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the first chakra represents the time when humankind was cave dwellers. At that time in our “civilization”, we lived from day to day. To assist in our struggle for survival, we worshiped animals and other aspects of our physical environment.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: Each chakra feeds prana into a different endocrine gland. Just as there are seven chakras, there are seven endocrine glands. Both the chakras and the endocrine glands are located along the spinal cord. The endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream. These glands are called “ductless” because there is not a duct to any specific part of the body. Instead, hormones are released into the bloodstream where they are carried by the blood to every organ and tissue to exert their influence on all functions of the physical body.

Each gland is internally related to the other glands and also works closely with the nervous and circulatory system. In order for the organs of the body to work efficiently, the blood must contain certain chemicals. Many of these chemicals are secreted by the endocrine glands, and this secretion is vital for the health of the entire system. Our bodies can become diseased if there are too many or too few hormones.

The endocrine gland for the first chakra is the adrenal glands. There are actually two adrenal glands located with one on top of each of the two kidneys. The adrenal glands are the body’s call to battle. When adrenaline is released into the system our perceptions become clearer, we have added vigor and feel more courageous.

The release of adrenaline activates the fight/flight syndrome, which prepares us for “fight or flight.” Release of adrenaline and activation of fight/flight is brought on by real or imagined danger. Therefore, our emotions can activate a release of adrenaline when we feel extreme fear or even chronic anxiety. The first chakra is the “survival chakra,” and the fight/flight syndrome is vital for the survival of every species.

NERVE PLEXUS: The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is the nerve center, which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system, male reproductive organs, and the prostate. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the right, masculine, side of the body it can indicate issues of trust in one’s will. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the left, feminine, side then it can indicate issues with trust of one’s emotional life.

CLEAR: When the first chakra is clear we feel secure, grounded, and stable. We can use good “common sense” to balance our finances as well as our everyday responsibilities and still initiate new activities and interest. Our eliminatory system functions well, neural activity in our legs and feet is healthy, and our ability to initiate sexual encounters is comfortable and natural. Our root chakra is the home of the Sleeping Serpent, our Kundalini. When this chakra is clear and balanced the Goddess Kundalini Shakti can awaken and begin her gradual rise towards reunion with Lord Shiva.

UNCLEAR: When the first chakra is unclear we feel insecure and fearful. We can also become absent-minded because we are ungrounded. We may also have a difficult time with our finances and day to day necessities. Whatever security we derive from material things can become threatened. There can also be problems with our home, which is our base of operations in physical life. We can become self-indulgent and self-centered and suffer from depression and grief. We may suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, or prostate problems.

All of the above emotional, behavioral, and physical health issues have to do with the ability to let go. We cannot let go of our sadness, let go of material sources of comfort when finances require, or even let go of the waste material of our bodies. If we cannot release what is holding us back, we cannot move forward. Difficulties with our sciatic nerve and problems with our legs and feet display this dynamic. Prostate problems can arise from frustrated sexual or creative drives.

EARTH’S CHAKRAS: Just as the first chakra represents our physical body, the Earth’s first chakra represents Her physical body. The planetary first chakra is located at Mt. Sinai in the Middle East. Lady Gaia is allowing Her Kundalini to rise to meet her Divine Mate. It is TIME now that we hear Her call. Hence, this area of the planet is the center of great unrest.

DIMENSIONS: The first chakra rules our first and second dimensional selves. Our first dimensional self represents the genetic coding, cells, and minerals of our bodies. It also represents our most primitive “animal self”, which is represented by the fight/flight response that serves to assure the survival of the species.

The root chakra also rules the male sex glands and the testosterone that they secrete. This testosterone drives the males in our society, and the male polarity of our psyche, to perpetuate and protect humanity.

SUMMARY: The body of Mother Earth and Her consciousness, Lady Gaia, is the third dimensional planet that supports our physical body. Just as our physical body communicates with our consciousness by its state of health, disease, comfort, and discomfort, Lady Gaia communicates with us via the health of Her planet.

Our Western society has traveled so far into our third dimensional individuality that we have lost sight of the fact that we are members of a greater whole. We have forgotten that we are members of a planet that we must all share. This forgetfulness has allowed us to overlook the fact that our individual destinies are intrinsically tied to the destiny of Mother Earth who houses and feeds our physical self.

Our physical bodies and the body of Earth send messages to us via the first and second dimension. If there are disruptions and diseases on a genetic and cellular level, if the elements of earth that are around and within our bodies are disrupted, if plants and animals are becoming extinct on a daily rate, there is a message that is being sent. We can say that we have heard these messages, but if our behavior has not been altered, then we have not LISTENED.

We can deny or ignore our bodies and the body of Earth upon which we live, but it is difficult to deny or ignore our behavior. Our actions interact with our environment and with others to create a mirror that forces us to look at ourselves. We can hold on to a victim mentality, which allows us to stay in denial and lie to ourselves, but our actions do not lie.

In today’s world, a lot of our needs for survival are “getting what we want”. We must learn to recognize that our actions dictate to us what we truly want, for that is what we find time to “do”. Only when we can recognize the messages from our unconscious as they are displayed in our behavior, can we take full responsibility for our actions.

However, how much time do we have to learn to listen to the needs of our planet and Her future generations? Has our individuality, which we so dearly prize in the West, cost us our ability to see the bigger picture?

When our first chakra is closed, it is difficult for prana to infuse our physical body. We are then out of touch with our own power to listen to and respond to the needs of our body and the home of our body, Earth.

Our actions then become reactions, and our ability to take responsibility for our personal power is diluted into a dismal struggle for survival. However, when the first chakra is awakened, spirit lives in matter and all of our behavior is directed by spirit, the spirit within our physical bodies and the spirit within our Earth.

Dear Readers, In this NOW, how do you experience you experience your first chakra:
Physically... Mentally... Emotionally...Spiritually...

I will talk about my experience to give you all an example:
Physically: My first chakra is feeling pretty grounded, which is a challenge for me, I fee connected to Gaia because I am sharing this exercise with al of you.

Mentally: Right NOW, I know where I am going, and it is Sunday, so it is calm. Knees are happy, which is not always the case.

Emotionally: Again, it is a day off, so I do not need to scurry off to any place. Hence, my First Chakra is calm.

Spiritually: My first chakra thinks of being in my backyard, walking on the beach as a Spiritual Experience

If you do not wish to document your experience on the blog, I invite you to write it in your journal.

Dear Readers, Shawnna and I would love to hear from you in the comments section.
Blessings for a happy First Chakra

Tomorrow--Gaia Speaks about Her First Chakra

Posted by Sue at 9:27 AM

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Divine Changemakers Navigate the Subtle Path

by Selacia

With all the powerful energies swirling around recently, it's normal to have experienced some disorientation and time warp. There's a feeling of acceleration in the air right now, too, as you incorporate new insights stirred by the April 4 eclipse. As a divine changemaker, your role now is to master how you respond to these cycles and become increasingly skilled navigating the subtle path.

To progress spiritually over the coming years, it is vital to understand and master these things. Mastery will involve an experiential knowing of the subtle path and its mysteries.

A Unique Lifetime

If you were born to have an ordinary life focused mainly on everyday things, the subtle would have little or no meaning for you. Your interests would be conventional and mundane, prioritizing your time to succeed with things that are material and easy to quantify. Examples: bank account, job, house, and relationship status.

A divine changemaker of course will have material goals to thrive in this physical world. However, there is obviously more to existence than these things. In this unique lifetime, you have been born to discover the larger picture of why you are here and find yourself in the process.

The "yourself" referenced here is not your ego self, the personality you learned to identify with - it is your true nature. That natural and eternal part of you cannot be analyzed or charted in a linear way. There is no rigid timetable for what happens when.

The Subtle Path

You travel a subtle path that has few obvious markers. The road ahead seems mysterious, in part because things are not obvious and meanings can be interpreted in countless ways. More often than not, the magic opens up in the moment when you are still and pay attention in a deeper way.

Did you choose this path? Yes and no. The subtle path is the natural way of living for anyone on the path of awakening. On some level, you chose to awaken in this life and that choice began catalyzing your attention and interest in the subtle realms of existence. On the other hand, if you were raised in a conventional way, you probably didn't even learn about the subtle path until you were older.

However you look at it, since the subtle is part of the totality of being that is you, this means you would eventually gravitate towards the subtle path. That would be your conscious choice. Meanwhile, of course, the subtle would still exist in the background and would be experienced in the dream time. That happens regardless of whether one is conscious of it.

Loved Ones Stuck in the Mundane

Keep this in mind when you worry about loved ones, concerned that they are stuck in mundane concerns. They have dreams at night just like you do. Subtle energies impact them, too, stirring unconscious issues and planting seeds of awakening that will manifest at some time.

Help your loved ones by being as kind as possible, serving as a role model of how to live an awakened life. Be patient with them. Each person has his or her own timetable of awakening and progress on the path. Do not insist that they be where you are or do as you do. Keep your focus eternal and big picture: your loved one has had countless lifetimes just like you have. This means he or she will have their unique shadow issues to process and past life issues to clear.

The Joy of Discovery

The subtle path indeed is one of discovery. By very definition, then, it runs counter to conventional world thinking involved with formulas and methods and timelines. Joy can bubble up within you for no apparent definable reason as you make discoveries on the subtle path.

There really is no beginning and there is no end. In the background, during all of your incarnations, your soul has nudged you along the subtle path - helping you through even everyday life experiences to hone key enlightenment qualities like patience.

You are now awake to being on the subtle path. There is no turning back, pretending it is not there.

Knowing this, strive to master spiritual qualities needed for progress on your path. These include regular letting go, being present to yourself and circumstance, curiosity, regular inner inquiry, openness, and loving kindness. If that list of qualities seems daunting, remember that this is not your first lifetime developing these skills.

You don't do this alone. You have spirit, as well as the support and feedback of other people on a similar path. You know some of them already. Don't be surprised, though, if someone you wouldn't suspect also is awakening and interested in the subtle path. Keeping this in mind will give you courage to move ahead when things get rocky. And when you are having one of your good days - feeling confident and in balance - your positive energy sent out into the world will help countless others.

Copyright 2015 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
Posted 9th April by Shanti Zohar 

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Message from The Water: I Am The Mirror of Humanity

Posted on Jun 4, 2015
by cosmicgaia
in Ute Posegga-Rudel, Water
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Channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Monday, June 1, 2015

Dear Friends, 

I was walking on the shore of the Atlantic, blessing and embracing the waters with the love of my expanded heart. The forceful waves seemed to pause for a moment and suddenly, while some becoming very shallow, small and translucent, they caressed my feet with great softness.

I stood and asked the waters:

Who Are you?
Who ARE you!
What is your true identity!
What is your mission and your function!
What is your work on this planet!

And the water spoke:

I am the messenger of peace, from the Origin that I am, the peace of Being, the peace of Divine Existence Itself.

I am representing the ocean of consciousness. I am giving you an image of your own Divine Nature, because, first of all, I do not only appear to you in this seeming element. But I also appear as moving waves to your awareness. I am representing both, substance and moving form.

So when you look at me, you see exactly yourself and how you function. I am your great mirror and I am what you are: energy. In truth I am energy, and not an element. I am energy, made visible in this form in your 3dimensional realm. This might not be new to you, but you tend to forget. And as much as you neglect my waters of your planet, as much you do not love yourself, neglect yourself.

I am the mirror of humanity. And in fact your whole planet is imprinting me with information. My waters speak with the orchestra of the increasing and decreasing sound of existence. Listen to them. Listen to the waves, that YOU are creating. They are your thoughts, your feelings and emotions. They are also responding to the fabrications of your artificially created, illusionary world.

So in order to recognize me as your own being, you need to look deeper, you need to look at my substance. You need to connect with my deeper substance to find yourself reflected in me.

When there is much turmoil, I reflect humanity´s emotions and also violence. I am nothing, my waves are just humanity, who creates their own mirror in me, when you see me violent, when you see me killing life. And when you see no life anymore in my waters, – how many of you exist without life inside, who consider themselves to be pure, free of reactions to life, without feeling, but who have become in fact lifeless, automated beings. I reflect that at the shores where you see no longer life. That´s me, when life in me is gone.

I store humanity´s consciousness, I absorb it and reflect it to you back.

Still I am Love, as much as you are, and I open for you your space of heart to find yourself in the immensity and the apparent infinity of my Being and Substance.

There is only one Divine Consciousness, and it manifests itself in many layers in your creation. One of the most important layers are the waters. They are found in many domains of your universes, even though the density might be different to what you experience here on your earth. But the principle of water, the reflective nature of its light and energy and infinite Divine Consciousness exists everywhere in the universe.

On this basis of infinity and substance, my universal waters communicate with each other, being able to carry information over long distances.

I am without judgement, I just AM. I am reflecting the vast Divine Consciousness, and what is arising in It, back to you, so that you can learn about yourself, to turn to yourself with my help and example.

Do spend time at my ocean shores, at the shores of my rivers and lakes. Even a little drop of morning dew on a leaf is revealing you the Divine Nature of the Universal Waters.

But even the most polluted water maintains still its Divine Substance. The loveless information it carries, does not touch It. What you can see with your eyes, does not touch It. What you see is just a reflection of your perceptual senses. You notice a form and information, that is destructive, which is your own thought form.

To regain balance, seek my shores of clean, pure water, full of life, to recover, to rediscover knowledge about your own true nature. But even if you are not able to find easily these shores of purity and full of life, with your pure heart, you can find my true nature everywhere, that is also yours.

I Am in love with everything, that´s why I accept everything, that´s why I do not dissociate from anything. Learn from Me to not to be attached, although you might appear to be burdened on your surface with the image of unlove. Cut through all the surface illusion to find the Truth, the Essence of Being altogether.

You are that, I am that. Divinity is without limitation!

Message conveyed by Ute

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