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Anna Merkaba ~ Supreme Atom – Creativity – Atomic DNA Upgrade – 2015 – Metatron

Greetings everyone!
Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. First of all I would like to take a moment and wish all of you a very Happy New Year! As many of you have been feeling rather disconnected last few weeks especially the last week of December, you will understand my excitement and anticipation of the changes to come. Whereas December has been all about purging, January will be all about re-aligning ourselves with our higher self with the assistance of the new benevolent energies that are coming onto our planet right now, finally!
Many of you shall begin to experience your CREATIVE juices flowing, you will be prompted to look for new ways of getting things done, and just as in previous uplifting times you will have tremendous connectedness to your higher selves, however this time around what we are being told is we will literally be pulled as if by magnet to each other. Many of you will experience sudden meetings that you have been longing for, for so long. And I am not just referring to the romantic relationships, no this particular channeling is all about your mission here on earth. Everything will begin falling into place, however, when you seek to connect to the divine, you will right away be pointed to go deep within yourself first, listen to your heart and solar plexus and tune into the atom of your soul which resides within your bodies.
What I am being told is that there is a special atom which each person has which is their own, and within that atom is a spark which when ignited completely connects you to your higher self, allowing you to remember everything you need to in order to carry out your mission here on earth. What will be happening to us now is we will be taught by the ascended masters and angels the HOW of connecting to this particular atom and bringing forth its energies and powers.
All of this information should become very evident to us, as it truly has always been there, and once we realize the HOW and have our “AHA” moment, we will then be able to put everything into complete action, balancing out everything within us and truly shining our light onto the world.
Once again this year will be of Collective consciousness, collaboration with others and TEAM WORK.
Now having said this here is the channeling I have received from Metatron & The Alliance of the Cosmic Brotherhood of Light (Arch Angels, Angles and Ascended Masters)

This is a MUST HAVE tool for everyone at this time. Especially those of you who are healers.
Dearly beloved children of light,
The commencement of the year shall bring the aforementioned rewards to those who have diligently walked the path of creation, the path of self realization and the path of self discovery in dignified alliance with their higher selves of their chosen momentum. Of their higher selves of their chosen momentum of being. For the chosen momentum of being, is the momentum of that which you shall discover exists therein and is recognized as the atomic principle of the DNA structure of your vehicles.
The DNA structure of your vehicles has indeed taken a new route, weaved a new direction if you will in your daily activities. For the DNA structure of your vehicles has once again been reconstructed and restructured and realigned to the new frequencies of the coming of times. For indeed the alignment of the planetary ascension principles of BEing have ignited the atomic principles within the very core of your vechile, allowing you to expand your consciousness yet again, and allowing you to connect to a new grid system of which all of you are very much aware of.
Therefore the changes that lay ahead shall find you a bit confused, for as you look up to the ethers for answers, you shall be directed within your very own being. For as you look upon the ethers you shall be asked to go deep within, for the atomic principles of that which you are, has indeed been activated within the core structure of your hearts and your solar plexus. For through these two chakras, and through these two grid systems you shall discover your I AM presence once more.
For the nature of your connectedness to the ethers shall change, for through the cooperation of those that you hold dear, you shall be able to connect to the ethers collectively. For the individualistic approach to your everyday existence shall begin changing rapidly for you now, and you shall all seek out various alliances in order to continue expanding the consciousness of this planet. In order to continue on your journeys here on earth. In order to bring forth the prearranged meetings with those whom are to collaborate with you on various projects which you have come here to uphold.
And so, through the atomic principles of your very own selves, through the connectedness to another you shall be able to transpire, you shall be able to transverse time and space and connect to others and to the groups of those whom you have come to this planet with. You shall be able to connect to your respective star alliances, through the all collective energies of those whom you shall meet on the path.
For no longer the individual approach to the understanding of life on earth shall prevail. For you shall be pulled to groups of those who are here to assist you just as you are here to assist them. And together in unison you shall bring through various energies to collectively shift into a new consciousness for all of humanity. For through your collaborations and through your endeavors you shall collectively merge with the new energies entering GAIA as we speak.
Be mindful of the meetings that lay ahead for all of you in the coming of times. Be mindful of those who appear suddenly on your path, for through these alliances you shall be able to finally put into action that which you have carried in your hearts years into the past. You shall finally be able to realize your highest aspirations and ideals.
Know that you shall be visited yet again by your benevolent selves, by your benevolent faculties and your benevolent guides and masters of the etheric. Know that you shall experience waves upon waves of uplifting energies, but know that the energies you shall sail through, shall be like the ocean and shall come in waves. Understand that your earthly year ahead has many opportunities in store for you, and much turbulence along the way. Know that the turbulence shall be offset by the benevolent creations of that which you shall bring forth through your mind’s eye and through your desire and perseverance. Know that your alignments and alliances shall influence you to the core and shall truly push you into the right direction for you path here on earth.
Understand that you are being supported and guided , know that you have been prepared well for the coming of times. And remember that you are to connect to your very own selves, for within the depths of your atomic structure lays an atom that has indeed been activated for many of you, an atom that shall connect you to those who shall align you with the opportunities that indeed you are looking to uphold. Remember that You are all ONE and ONE you shall remain to be.
Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that you can call upon us whenever you need us. Know that it is so, for it is.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Metatron & The Alliance of the Cosmic Brotherhood of Light (Arch Angels, Angles and Ascended Masters)

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
Posted 5th January by LUZ ZOHAR
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Translate / traducir / Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
překládat / ترجم / לתרגם / 翻訳する / 翻译

Добро пожаловать обратно в преддверии шестой мерной выражение нашей Арктурианский Коридор. Именно с этой частоты / выражение нашей коридора, что вы можете повторно войти в шестое измерение переписать голографическую проекцию для вашего текущего трехмерной реальности. Вы слышали «теорию», что ваша трехмерная мир на самом деле голографическая проекция.
Правда намного больше, чем это, но "голографическая проекция", действительно, хорошая метафора для третьего / вперед трехмерной жизни. С нашей точки зрения в восьмом через десятые размеров, которые протекают и смешиваются, как один, мы воспринимаем четвертое измерение как «ауру» вашей трехмерной реальности. Таким образом, когда мы говорим о третьем измерении, мы включаем четвертом, как эфирных эманации физического мира. Этот четвертый мерное эфирное реальность связывает вас с высшими мирами пятого измерения и за ее пределами.
ОТКРЫТИЕ шишковидной железы STARGATE
Процесс повышения Кундалини и открытия третьего глаза активизирует шишковидную железу, которая является гипер-мерного звездные врата, встроенный в телефон физиологии человека. Кундалини активации результат балансировки все ваши чакры и повышения женскую силу Леди Шакти с вашего корневую чакру в Божественного Единства с мужской силы Шивы в коронной чакры. Это смешение и балансировка ваших женских и мужских энергий, известных как мистический брак, открывает свой третий глаз и полностью активирует ваши "шишковидной звездные врата». С открытием вашей шишковидной звездные врата, вы можете принять многомерные, торсионные волны непосредственно в вашей повседневной сознание и земной сосуд. Кроме того, отличается ДНК включается или выключается различными частотами света.
Третий мерный спектр света включается в 2% до 3% от вашего человеческого генома ДНК, которая проходит свой трехмерной операционной системы. Эта операционная система основана на иллюзиях разделения и ограничения, которые возникают из сильно поляризованным реальности. Эта система может только принять, интегрировать и использовать свет, который ограничивается небольшим спектром физической реальности.
После падения Атлантиды, и особенно в течение последних двух тысяч лет Эры Рыб, тем выше габаритный свет утрачена для большей части человечества.
Тем не менее, сейчас, вы вводите Золотой Век Водолея и Гайя переехал в поток торсионных волн, исходящих из центра Галактики. Эти торсионные волны многомерного света Выключите 3% геномной ДНК человека и включите 97% "мусорная" ДНК, как они вступят через небольшие квантовых вихрей нежелательной ДНК.
После того, как многомерный свет принят и интегрирован в вашего земного сосуда, оказывается на новом Многомерная Операционная Система, которая хранится в вашем нежелательной ДНК.
Затем многомерный свет медленно берет верх над физической спектра света и трехмерного Операционная Система вашей 3% ДНК начинает поворачиваться ВЫКЛ. Вот почему столь многие из вас есть интерес everdecreasing в трехмерной реальности и глубоко долго многомерности пятого измерения и за ее пределами. К счастью, во время вашего перехода, обе операционные системы будет введена в эксплуатацию, что позволяет одновременно жить в двух реальностях.

Мистический брак
Перед мистический брак ваших внутренних женских и мужских энергий и открытия третьего глаза, ваш земной сосуд может только воспринимать, интегрировать и использовать ограниченное спектр света третьего измерения. Ваш Во-первых, корневой чакры принимает и отражает спектр красного света, который соединяет и территорию, вы на Землю. По мере роста вашей Кундалини, это красный свет сливается с оранжевым светом Второго, пупочной чакре, интегрируя частоты красного и оранжевого света. Тогда, как ваша Кундалини поднимается в ваш В-третьих, чакра солнечного сплетения объединить красный и оранжевый с желтым частоты света, вы объединяете и интегрировать свои "нижние чакры".
Комбинированный частота свете ваших нижних чакр затем входит в вашу В-четвертых, сердечную чакру смешиваться с зеленым частоты света. Через вашу сердечную чакру, при подключении нижних чакр со своими "высших чакр." Свет из первых четырех чакр затем движется в ваш Пятой, горловой чакры смешиваться с синим частоты третьего измерения светового спектра. Ваш Кундалини затем движется в ваш шестой, бровей Чакра объединить красный через голубых выражений света с индиго частоты этой чакры. Седьмой, Коронная Чакра резонирует с фиолетовым светом, который является высокая частота в трехмерной светового спектра. Это фиолетовый свет служит мостом для подключения белый свет, единство всех цветов света, в вашего земного сосуда. С Леди Шакти ожидании жениха в шестом, бровей чакры, Господа Шивы в седьмом, Коронная Чакра вызывает открытие шишковидной железы Stargate принять многомерный свет выше через квантовых частот реальности. Многомерный свет входит в вашу Корону сколько жених (мужской, Господь Шива) заходит в часовне ждать свою невесту (женский, леди Шакти).
Невеста затем идет по проходу (через шишковидной железы бровей Чакра), чтобы присоединиться к ее жениха на свадьбе Alter (третьего желудочка головного мозга), чтобы войти в их мистический брак. С помощью этого брака, семь октав физического спектра света (Горничные Шакти невесты) объединиться с многомерной свете ONE присоединиться Дух ONE в Материи вашего земного сосуда, а также земной судна Гайи.
Это Мистический Брак ваших внутренних мужских и женских энергий открывает свой третий глаз и Высшее Сердце, которые были скрытой в вашего земного сосуда с момента вашего рождения. Это открытие затем позволяет начать постепенное открытие иллюзий вашей трехмерной реальности. С открытием третьего глаза и Высшее Сердце, новые мозговые волны приходят в Интернете в вашей компьютерной / мозга, которые могут получить доступ и использовать свой многомерных операционной системы.
Кроме того, из-за вашего мистический брак, теперь вы можете принимать и интегрировать многомерный свет, который начнет включив Отбросим ДНК, в которой ваша новая операционная система тихо сохранена.
Из Путешествие в Арктурианский коридора II
Добавлено 5 декабря 2011 по Juan Pablo
Ярлыки: божественных энергий голограмм духовное пробуждение
Опубликовано Элифасом Леви в Доминго, Абриль 06, 2014
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Freedom Portal Has opened!
By annamerkaba on April 4, 2015
Greetings Everyone! The FREEDOM portal has opened her doors to all of us!
And it is now time to utilize these energies in order to fully purge everything from your system finally once and for all! Use this loving, supportive, uplifting energy to carry you forward to new heights!
If you have not done so already find a quiet moment today and write down everything that YOU WANT to see manifest in your reality in the next 3 months. Be as specific as you can be. Once you are done, make another list of everything that you wish to LET GO of, and be done with. Throw away or burn the paper with all that you no longer wish to see in your life.
And keep the other list with you at all times. Carry it with you. Look at it frequently to remind yourself what it is that you want to see manifest in your reality. And pay attention every single moment of every single day to all the little intricate synchronicities that will begin to surround you. USE the clues that you will receive from your guides and ACT on various opportunities magically presenting themselves to you.
PAY ATTENTION to your feelings, and should you find yourself slipping back into old thinking patterns, pull out the paper and read it again! STAY POSITIVE. THINK POSITIVE. And you shall manifest the reality of your dreams!
REMEMBER NOW is a VERY auspicious time and let no one tell you so otherwise! LISTEN to your intuition, to your heart to your own higher self and your own guides. POSITIVE VIBES WILL CREATE POSITIVE LIVES!
Stay in JOY, LOVE, LIGHT AAAAANNND FREEDOM! :) I love you all very much and am sending you beautiful vibrant energies to uplift you and surround you in peace and harmony, stabilizing your stride as you continue on your beautiful journey here on earth!

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.
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January 2015 Message
From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of January 2015
Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare thebenefits of membership to public access before joining!
What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?
Are there particular activities that would benefit us and help us best use the energy this month?
What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?
The energy this month is like a strong current moving forward. There is a feeling that every intention is amplified. You will find the consequences of your thoughts, your words, and your actions will all come more quickly and more strongly than usual.
This is an important time to take profound accountability for your intentions. Strive to be mindful of your words and actions. No one is perfect, so no one will be able to make perfect intentions all the time. This month, it will be very important for you to be forgiving and flexible, and be very quick to apologize and not easy to offend. When unintended consequences arise, make sure that you are very forgiving of others, and of yourself, so that you can quickly apologize and move on. Change the intention, shift the energy with an apology, and then reset your intention.
If you hold onto embarrassment, guilt, shame or trying to blame others, then you will find yourself holding the mistaken intention for so long that you will have large and long-standing negative repercussions. On the other hand, if you will quickly apologize and move on, or if you will quickly forgive and move on, then you can reset the intention and begin the process of having your positive intentions come to light.
It will be very important for you to be fluid and keep your eyes wide open this month. Move with the flow, keep changing, and do not hold onto old feelings and goals this month.
Are there particular activities that would benefit us and help us best use the energy this month?
It will be useful to be communicative. Be willing to talk, be willing to ask questions, and be willing to listen carefully and readily to what is happening around you. This is not a time to keep your thoughts to yourself, nor to hold still and hope that someone else will fix the problem. This is a time to speak up and say what is on your mind.
This is time to be gracious and yet active. Stay active in your communities and in your relationships. This is a very active time, and it is an exciting time. Words -- what you say and how you say it – will matter greatly. The important actions this month will be in how you interrelate with others.
In order to stay on top of this energy and really benefit from it, you need to be moving with it. Do not delay events or decisions. The Divine Masculine has a strong energy this month. It is time to be outward and engaged. This is not a time for quiet reflection or holding still.
Posted 28th December 2014 by LUZ ZOHAR
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Anna Merkaba ~ Supreme Atom – Creativity – Atomic DNA Upgrade – 2015 – Metatron
Greetings everyone!
Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. First of all I would like to take a moment and wish all of you a very Happy New Year! As many of you have been feeling rather disconnected last few weeks especially the last week of December, you will understand my excitement and anticipation of the changes to come. Whereas December has been all about purging, January will be all about re-aligning ourselves with our higher self with the assistance of the new benevolent energies that are coming onto our planet right now, finally!
Many of you shall begin to experience your CREATIVE juices flowing, you will be prompted to look for new ways of getting things done, and just as in previous uplifting times you will have tremendous connectedness to your higher selves, however this time around what we are being told is we will literally be pulled as if by magnet to each other. Many of you will experience sudden meetings that you have been longing for, for so long. And I am not just referring to the romantic relationships, no this particular channeling is all about your mission here on earth. Everything will begin falling into place, however, when you seek to connect to the divine, you will right away be pointed to go deep within yourself first, listen to your heart and solar plexus and tune into the atom of your soul which resides within your bodies.
What I am being told is that there is a special atom which each person has which is their own, and within that atom is a spark which when ignited completely connects you to your higher self, allowing you to remember everything you need to in order to carry out your mission here on earth. What will be happening to us now is we will be taught by the ascended masters and angels the HOW of connecting to this particular atom and bringing forth its energies and powers.
All of this information should become very evident to us, as it truly has always been there, and once we realize the HOW and have our “AHA” moment, we will then be able to put everything into complete action, balancing out everything within us and truly shining our light onto the world.
Once again this year will be of Collective consciousness, collaboration with others and TEAM WORK.
Now having said this here is the channeling I have received from Metatron & The Alliance of the Cosmic Brotherhood of Light (Arch Angels, Angles and Ascended Masters)
This is a MUST HAVE tool for everyone at this time. Especially those of you who are healers.
Dearly beloved children of light,
The commencement of the year shall bring the aforementioned rewards to those who have diligently walked the path of creation, the path of self realization and the path of self discovery in dignified alliance with their higher selves of their chosen momentum. Of their higher selves of their chosen momentum of being. For the chosen momentum of being, is the momentum of that which you shall discover exists therein and is recognized as the atomic principle of the DNA structure of your vehicles.
The DNA structure of your vehicles has indeed taken a new route, weaved a new direction if you will in your daily activities. For the DNA structure of your vehicles has once again been reconstructed and restructured and realigned to the new frequencies of the coming of times. For indeed the alignment of the planetary ascension principles of BEing have ignited the atomic principles within the very core of your vechile, allowing you to expand your consciousness yet again, and allowing you to connect to a new grid system of which all of you are very much aware of.
Therefore the changes that lay ahead shall find you a bit confused, for as you look up to the ethers for answers, you shall be directed within your very own being. For as you look upon the ethers you shall be asked to go deep within, for the atomic principles of that which you are, has indeed been activated within the core structure of your hearts and your solar plexus. For through these two chakras, and through these two grid systems you shall discover your I AM presence once more.
For the nature of your connectedness to the ethers shall change, for through the cooperation of those that you hold dear, you shall be able to connect to the ethers collectively. For the individualistic approach to your everyday existence shall begin changing rapidly for you now, and you shall all seek out various alliances in order to continue expanding the consciousness of this planet. In order to continue on your journeys here on earth. In order to bring forth the prearranged meetings with those whom are to collaborate with you on various projects which you have come here to uphold.
And so, through the atomic principles of your very own selves, through the connectedness to another you shall be able to transpire, you shall be able to transverse time and space and connect to others and to the groups of those whom you have come to this planet with. You shall be able to connect to your respective star alliances, through the all collective energies of those whom you shall meet on the path.
For no longer the individual approach to the understanding of life on earth shall prevail. For you shall be pulled to groups of those who are here to assist you just as you are here to assist them. And together in unison you shall bring through various energies to collectively shift into a new consciousness for all of humanity. For through your collaborations and through your endeavors you shall collectively merge with the new energies entering GAIA as we speak.
Be mindful of the meetings that lay ahead for all of you in the coming of times. Be mindful of those who appear suddenly on your path, for through these alliances you shall be able to finally put into action that which you have carried in your hearts years into the past. You shall finally be able to realize your highest aspirations and ideals.
Know that you shall be visited yet again by your benevolent selves, by your benevolent faculties and your benevolent guides and masters of the etheric. Know that you shall experience waves upon waves of uplifting energies, but know that the energies you shall sail through, shall be like the ocean and shall come in waves. Understand that your earthly year ahead has many opportunities in store for you, and much turbulence along the way. Know that the turbulence shall be offset by the benevolent creations of that which you shall bring forth through your mind’s eye and through your desire and perseverance. Know that your alignments and alliances shall influence you to the core and shall truly push you into the right direction for you path here on earth.
Understand that you are being supported and guided , know that you have been prepared well for the coming of times. And remember that you are to connect to your very own selves, for within the depths of your atomic structure lays an atom that has indeed been activated for many of you, an atom that shall connect you to those who shall align you with the opportunities that indeed you are looking to uphold. Remember that You are all ONE and ONE you shall remain to be.
Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that you can call upon us whenever you need us. Know that it is so, for it is.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Metatron & The Alliance of the Cosmic Brotherhood of Light (Arch Angels, Angles and Ascended Masters)
P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
Posted 5th January by LUZ ZOHAR
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Добро пожаловать обратно в преддверии шестой мерной выражение нашей Арктурианский Коридор. Именно с этой частоты / выражение нашей коридора, что вы можете повторно войти в шестое измерение переписать голографическую проекцию для вашего текущего трехмерной реальности. Вы слышали «теорию», что ваша трехмерная мир на самом деле голографическая проекция.
Правда намного больше, чем это, но "голографическая проекция", действительно, хорошая метафора для третьего / вперед трехмерной жизни. С нашей точки зрения в восьмом через десятые размеров, которые протекают и смешиваются, как один, мы воспринимаем четвертое измерение как «ауру» вашей трехмерной реальности. Таким образом, когда мы говорим о третьем измерении, мы включаем четвертом, как эфирных эманации физического мира. Этот четвертый мерное эфирное реальность связывает вас с высшими мирами пятого измерения и за ее пределами.
ОТКРЫТИЕ шишковидной железы STARGATE
Процесс повышения Кундалини и открытия третьего глаза активизирует шишковидную железу, которая является гипер-мерного звездные врата, встроенный в телефон физиологии человека. Кундалини активации результат балансировки все ваши чакры и повышения женскую силу Леди Шакти с вашего корневую чакру в Божественного Единства с мужской силы Шивы в коронной чакры. Это смешение и балансировка ваших женских и мужских энергий, известных как мистический брак, открывает свой третий глаз и полностью активирует ваши "шишковидной звездные врата». С открытием вашей шишковидной звездные врата, вы можете принять многомерные, торсионные волны непосредственно в вашей повседневной сознание и земной сосуд. Кроме того, отличается ДНК включается или выключается различными частотами света.
Третий мерный спектр света включается в 2% до 3% от вашего человеческого генома ДНК, которая проходит свой трехмерной операционной системы. Эта операционная система основана на иллюзиях разделения и ограничения, которые возникают из сильно поляризованным реальности. Эта система может только принять, интегрировать и использовать свет, который ограничивается небольшим спектром физической реальности.
После падения Атлантиды, и особенно в течение последних двух тысяч лет Эры Рыб, тем выше габаритный свет утрачена для большей части человечества.
Тем не менее, сейчас, вы вводите Золотой Век Водолея и Гайя переехал в поток торсионных волн, исходящих из центра Галактики. Эти торсионные волны многомерного света Выключите 3% геномной ДНК человека и включите 97% "мусорная" ДНК, как они вступят через небольшие квантовых вихрей нежелательной ДНК.
После того, как многомерный свет принят и интегрирован в вашего земного сосуда, оказывается на новом Многомерная Операционная Система, которая хранится в вашем нежелательной ДНК.
Затем многомерный свет медленно берет верх над физической спектра света и трехмерного Операционная Система вашей 3% ДНК начинает поворачиваться ВЫКЛ. Вот почему столь многие из вас есть интерес everdecreasing в трехмерной реальности и глубоко долго многомерности пятого измерения и за ее пределами. К счастью, во время вашего перехода, обе операционные системы будет введена в эксплуатацию, что позволяет одновременно жить в двух реальностях.
Мистический брак
Перед мистический брак ваших внутренних женских и мужских энергий и открытия третьего глаза, ваш земной сосуд может только воспринимать, интегрировать и использовать ограниченное спектр света третьего измерения. Ваш Во-первых, корневой чакры принимает и отражает спектр красного света, который соединяет и территорию, вы на Землю. По мере роста вашей Кундалини, это красный свет сливается с оранжевым светом Второго, пупочной чакре, интегрируя частоты красного и оранжевого света. Тогда, как ваша Кундалини поднимается в ваш В-третьих, чакра солнечного сплетения объединить красный и оранжевый с желтым частоты света, вы объединяете и интегрировать свои "нижние чакры".
Комбинированный частота свете ваших нижних чакр затем входит в вашу В-четвертых, сердечную чакру смешиваться с зеленым частоты света. Через вашу сердечную чакру, при подключении нижних чакр со своими "высших чакр." Свет из первых четырех чакр затем движется в ваш Пятой, горловой чакры смешиваться с синим частоты третьего измерения светового спектра. Ваш Кундалини затем движется в ваш шестой, бровей Чакра объединить красный через голубых выражений света с индиго частоты этой чакры. Седьмой, Коронная Чакра резонирует с фиолетовым светом, который является высокая частота в трехмерной светового спектра. Это фиолетовый свет служит мостом для подключения белый свет, единство всех цветов света, в вашего земного сосуда. С Леди Шакти ожидании жениха в шестом, бровей чакры, Господа Шивы в седьмом, Коронная Чакра вызывает открытие шишковидной железы Stargate принять многомерный свет выше через квантовых частот реальности. Многомерный свет входит в вашу Корону сколько жених (мужской, Господь Шива) заходит в часовне ждать свою невесту (женский, леди Шакти).
Невеста затем идет по проходу (через шишковидной железы бровей Чакра), чтобы присоединиться к ее жениха на свадьбе Alter (третьего желудочка головного мозга), чтобы войти в их мистический брак. С помощью этого брака, семь октав физического спектра света (Горничные Шакти невесты) объединиться с многомерной свете ONE присоединиться Дух ONE в Материи вашего земного сосуда, а также земной судна Гайи.
Это Мистический Брак ваших внутренних мужских и женских энергий открывает свой третий глаз и Высшее Сердце, которые были скрытой в вашего земного сосуда с момента вашего рождения. Это открытие затем позволяет начать постепенное открытие иллюзий вашей трехмерной реальности. С открытием третьего глаза и Высшее Сердце, новые мозговые волны приходят в Интернете в вашей компьютерной / мозга, которые могут получить доступ и использовать свой многомерных операционной системы.
Кроме того, из-за вашего мистический брак, теперь вы можете принимать и интегрировать многомерный свет, который начнет включив Отбросим ДНК, в которой ваша новая операционная система тихо сохранена.
Из Путешествие в Арктурианский коридора II
Добавлено 5 декабря 2011 по Juan Pablo
Ярлыки: божественных энергий голограмм духовное пробуждение
Опубликовано Элифасом Леви в Доминго, Абриль 06, 2014
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Freedom Portal Has opened!
By annamerkaba on April 4, 2015

Greetings Everyone! The FREEDOM portal has opened her doors to all of us!
And it is now time to utilize these energies in order to fully purge everything from your system finally once and for all! Use this loving, supportive, uplifting energy to carry you forward to new heights!
If you have not done so already find a quiet moment today and write down everything that YOU WANT to see manifest in your reality in the next 3 months. Be as specific as you can be. Once you are done, make another list of everything that you wish to LET GO of, and be done with. Throw away or burn the paper with all that you no longer wish to see in your life.
And keep the other list with you at all times. Carry it with you. Look at it frequently to remind yourself what it is that you want to see manifest in your reality. And pay attention every single moment of every single day to all the little intricate synchronicities that will begin to surround you. USE the clues that you will receive from your guides and ACT on various opportunities magically presenting themselves to you.
PAY ATTENTION to your feelings, and should you find yourself slipping back into old thinking patterns, pull out the paper and read it again! STAY POSITIVE. THINK POSITIVE. And you shall manifest the reality of your dreams!
REMEMBER NOW is a VERY auspicious time and let no one tell you so otherwise! LISTEN to your intuition, to your heart to your own higher self and your own guides. POSITIVE VIBES WILL CREATE POSITIVE LIVES!
Stay in JOY, LOVE, LIGHT AAAAANNND FREEDOM! :) I love you all very much and am sending you beautiful vibrant energies to uplift you and surround you in peace and harmony, stabilizing your stride as you continue on your beautiful journey here on earth!

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.
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January 2015 Message
From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of January 2015
Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare thebenefits of membership to public access before joining!
What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?
Are there particular activities that would benefit us and help us best use the energy this month?
What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?
The energy this month is like a strong current moving forward. There is a feeling that every intention is amplified. You will find the consequences of your thoughts, your words, and your actions will all come more quickly and more strongly than usual.
This is an important time to take profound accountability for your intentions. Strive to be mindful of your words and actions. No one is perfect, so no one will be able to make perfect intentions all the time. This month, it will be very important for you to be forgiving and flexible, and be very quick to apologize and not easy to offend. When unintended consequences arise, make sure that you are very forgiving of others, and of yourself, so that you can quickly apologize and move on. Change the intention, shift the energy with an apology, and then reset your intention.
If you hold onto embarrassment, guilt, shame or trying to blame others, then you will find yourself holding the mistaken intention for so long that you will have large and long-standing negative repercussions. On the other hand, if you will quickly apologize and move on, or if you will quickly forgive and move on, then you can reset the intention and begin the process of having your positive intentions come to light.
It will be very important for you to be fluid and keep your eyes wide open this month. Move with the flow, keep changing, and do not hold onto old feelings and goals this month.
Are there particular activities that would benefit us and help us best use the energy this month?
It will be useful to be communicative. Be willing to talk, be willing to ask questions, and be willing to listen carefully and readily to what is happening around you. This is not a time to keep your thoughts to yourself, nor to hold still and hope that someone else will fix the problem. This is a time to speak up and say what is on your mind.
This is time to be gracious and yet active. Stay active in your communities and in your relationships. This is a very active time, and it is an exciting time. Words -- what you say and how you say it – will matter greatly. The important actions this month will be in how you interrelate with others.
In order to stay on top of this energy and really benefit from it, you need to be moving with it. Do not delay events or decisions. The Divine Masculine has a strong energy this month. It is time to be outward and engaged. This is not a time for quiet reflection or holding still.
Posted 28th December 2014 by LUZ ZOHAR
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