sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

80/81/82 _ _ _ El Ser Uno III / Los Seramitas - El Camino de Regreso BooK _ 3

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El Ser Uno III / Los Seramitas - El Camino de Regreso 

BooK  _  3


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Sin Conocimiento,  no vivo
Sin entendimiento,  no existo
sin amor incondicional,  no Soy 

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2. DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 314.912 | LIVRO: 575 | FOLHA: 72   Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm.  Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal:  Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm.  Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio. 2 

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...Al comenzar a absorber los rayos del Sol, entonces ustedes comenzarán a alimentar su psiquis y materia, de esta forma, se irán transformando en Pilas de Energía, almacenando en sí mismos la energía cósmica que los nutrirá a nivel de sus tres cuerpos.
80 Esta reserva, este cúmulo de energía que ustedes van a depositar en el núcleo de los átomos, extraído del Astro Sol, es el que se va a encargar de ir transformándolos poco a poco; más este proceso al tiempo de ustedes será de más o menos 1,200 años y serán ayudados por el Alineamiento Cósmico de las cuatro dimensiones, las cuales los nutrirá de energía muy especial para ayudarlos en la transformación molecular. Cuando llegue este momento, ustedes ya no se alimentarán como lo hacen en estos momentos, ustedes han despertado y han comenzado el proceso, dejando para atrás todo alimento dañino, tanto psíquico como material que hasta hoy consumían. Este es el despertar, el cambio de Consciencia que tanto están anunciando. A partir del año 2014 ustedes entrarán al Alineamiento Cósmico, significa que tendrán el conocimiento profundo por los infinitos mensajes que están recibiendo de los hermanos mayores, los cuales les están enseñando a conocerse, a saber más de ustedes mismos, con ello los están despertando para tener una Consciencia Cósmica profunda, para que ustedes puedan discernir y a través del Libre Albedrío, poder escoger lo más conveniente en el camino de elevación. El Astro Sol es un reservorio de energía elevada, es la cúpula primaria, es la Glándula Pineal donde se acumulan las millones de energías-pensamientos, de esta forma son procesadas y enviadas a otras realidades de existencia. El Astro Sol es un filtrador de energías, el se encarga de transformarlas y adecuarlas en materia prima para que sirvan a las nuevas Ideas del Principio Único. 
44- ¿Qué pasará con la Ciudad Interna cuando todas las energías- pensamientos hayan trascendido y dejado el planeta Tera? 
La célula-Tera continuará su trabajo universal, fue creada para pertenecer al Sistema Digestivo de EL SER UNO y esta es la labor que eternamente realizará. Hasta el presente la célula-Tera ha ejecutado su trabajo, procesando y digiriendo a las energías-pensamientos a través del pensar y de las varias cualidades que éste posee que todos conocen como: El Conocimiento, El Entendimiento, La Razón, El Raciocinio, La Memoria, La Lógica etc. Para efectuar dicho trabajo, la célula-Tera tuvo que situarse en la zona y grado tres del cerebro universal, podríamos compararlo por las características de sus funciones, al intestino grueso del Sistema Digestivo. Al entrar la célula-Tera al proceso de depuración y al transformar el núcleo de sus átomos con energía fotónica, se estará preparando para realizar un trabajo, siempre dentro del Sistema Digestivo, más sofisticado y de mayor envergadura. Si antes su labor era comparativamente en el intestino grueso, más adelante se convertirá en una célula que trabajará para el estómago de EL SER UNO. 
45- ¿Cuáles serían en comparación las funciones del estómago? 
81 ...La célula-Tera ha trabajado hasta el momento digiriendo con mucha dificultad el alimento-pensamiento que se le ha proporcionado, éste ha sido denso, sólido, pesado, fuerte y de difícil digestión-cerebral. Para poder procesar estos pensamientos, ha tenido que extraer y utilizar elementos químicos que pudieran transformar lo denso en sutil, lo fuerte en débil, lo sólido en líquido, lo pesado en leve etc. 

Cuando se convierta en una célula liviana, sutil, sin peso ni volumen, la célula- Tera trascenderá y evolucionará, significa que pertenecerá al estómago- pensamiento de una realidad más elevada y sutil. En esa realidad, en ese ambiente futuro de la célula-Tera más sutil y menos pesado, se desenvolverá la criatura: Yeti. 

Significa que el tendrá un proceso mucho más rápido que el de ustedes, se desarrollará en un medio ambiente que le proporcionará un avance vertiginoso, debido a los elementos químicos con los cuales alimentará la energía de su cerebro, ésta alimentación especial de alto contenido proteico, beneficiará su progreso energético-cerebral y material. 

Mientras que el Yeti y las otras cuatro razas: Gorila, Chimpancé, Mono Kuturo y Mono de la Malasia se desarrollen en el transcurso de más o menos unos 15,000 millones de años más, la Ciudad Interna continuará existiendo y cumpliendo la misión encomendada: Ayudar a sus hermanos distorsionados que se quedaron atrapados en el exterior. Nosotros los Seramitas no seremos los que nos quedaremos en la Ciudad Interna ayudando a las razas futuras, porque nuestro trabajo y misión la hemos cumplido a cabalidad, ayudándolos a ustedes. 

Serán los seres del exterior, los Voluntarios-Ayaplianos-Humanos los que cuidarán del Yeti; éste ayudará al Gorila; el Gorila al Mono Kuturo y por último el Mono Kuturo al Mono de la Malasia. 

La Ciudad Interna siempre recibirá a aquellos que voluntariamente se ofrezcan para quedarse y ayudar por amor a sus hermanos de la superficie. 

46- ¿Quiénes se ofrecerán por amor a quedarse en la Ciudad Interna para ayudar a sus hermanos de la superficie?

  Nosotros llegamos al planeta hace 600 millones de años y fundamos la Ciudad Interna, estábamos solos, ninguna energía-pensamiento del universo podía penetrar en la terrible densidad que reinaba en Tera; la Ciudad Interna fue fundada para ayudarnos a evitar que nos enfermáramos y nos distorsionáramos, en ella continuamos nuestro linaje y herencia. Hace 300 millones de años atrás llegaron al planeta nuevas energías- pensamientos, con el único propósito de encarnar en el hombre del exterior y también para auxiliarnos en nuestra misión. Al encarnarse en el hombre de la superficie, este dio un salto enorme en la evolución y elevación. 

Estas energías-pensamientos-voluntarias vinieron de otras constelaciones, mandadas por la Confederación Cósmica de Orión a pedido nuestro, para ayudarnos a completar nuestro trabajo y la misión encomendada. 

Hoy en día
82 nuestras energías-pensamientos están mezcladas con aquellos voluntarios que llegaron de Andrómeda, Orión, Las Pléyades y Alfa Centauri. Conforme las energías-pensamientos de la Ciudad-Interna-Antimateria comiencen a encarnar en los seres del exterior, comenzarán a través de sus reencarnaciones a clasificar y determinar su secuencia, frecuencia, ritmo, colores y vibración etc. estas energías-pensamientos serán llevadas al lugar donde pertenecen según sea su Linaje y herencia Cósmica. 

El Magnetismo del planeta se encargará de regresarlos a su origen, ellos serán transportados a sus respectivos planetas de procedencia a través del cordón umbilical que se formará en el Vórtice-Cono-Norte. El noveno grado de la Ciudad Interna es el encargado de filtrar a las energías- pensamientos que se encuentren listas para dejar el planeta. Este grado no podrá dejar la Ciudad Interna hasta que la última energía-pensamiento sobre la superficie haya trascendido. 

Los encargados de hacer este trabajo serán los Seramitas cuyo linaje y origen deriva de los Voluntarios-Ayaplianos. Cuando terminen su trabajo y todas las energías-pensamientos que por merecimiento elevaron, entonces estos Seramitas se reunirán por frecuencia, vibración, ritmo, colores etc. a los Voluntarios-Ayaplianos que se encuentran en las dos naves de los polos y regresarán a sus planetas de origen: Alfa Centauri y Las Pléyades. 

Cuando esto suceda la Ciudad Interna no quedará sola ni abandonada, entre ustedes surgirán aquellos que por amor y por voluntad propia se quedarán como Voluntarios-Humanos para continuar ayudando a su hermano distorsionado de la superficie: el Yeti. 

La Ciudad Interna, el Yeti, el reino animal y vegetal y la célula-Tera, se convertirán en la responsabilidad de aquellos que se ofrecerán como voluntarios-humanos. 

47- ¿Cuál será el trabajo que los Voluntarios-Humanos realizarán con el Yeti? 

Los voluntarios-Humanos que se quedarán en la Ciudad Interna para ayudar a su hermano el Yeti, deberán haber llegado al noveno grado de evolución y elevación. 

Este requisito es indispensable, puesto que son ellos los que tendrán la gran labor de desarrollar a la criatura y al planeta. Hasta hoy en día el Yeti ha sido protegido por nosotros, lo hemos ayudado en su evolución a través de tratamientos que venimos efectuando en nuestros laboratorios hace más o menos 80,000 años. 

Cuando llegue el momento colocaremos varias parejas sobre la superficie del planeta, para que continúen procreándose y avanzando en su desarrollo. 

Durante el tratamiento efectuado, hemos inseminado a la hembra del Yeti con el esperma-hombre del exterior, después de infinitos intentos, pudimos lograr
83 que sus vástagos nacieran con las dos glándulas: Pituitaria y Pineal activadas, esto lo ayudará enormemente en su desenvolvimiento, porque dará pasos agigantados en su evolución....
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Esto continuará mañana...

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3. El Ser Uno es un libro de autoconocimiento. Deberá ser leído en orden: sería inútil que lo leyeran desordenadamente, pues no daría el resultado esperado. Su lectura irá abriendo y conectando los circuitos cerebrales del conocimiento, entendimiento y amor.

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Repasenlo... estudienlo...  meditenlo...
dejen ir las viejas...ideas, y enseñanzas...
estudien las nuevas. 

El ser UNO

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¿Qué es el amor incondicional y por qué es tan elusivo para muchos?  Es un amor que no juzga, defiende o distingue entre ningún ser viviente que entre a su vecindad. Es un amor que abarca toda la creación pues emana del corazón del Dios Padre Madre, de la Fuente de la Creación, de aquello que ha creado la materia y la ha colocado en la materia oscura del Universo expandiente. 

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El amor incondicional está más allá de la comprensión de la pequeña mente que empaqueta y divide, califica y categoriza.  El amor incondicional es el amor que supera cualquier entendimiento y sencillamente es, en sí mismo, puro, íntegro y impecable.  Es la esencia de su Yo Superior.  Es la verdadera esencia de sí mismos, despojada de todo lo que no es el Yo.

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“Te amo, incondicionalmente, y enciendo el Fuego Violeta en la emanación que estás enviando a mí. Bendigo que tú también, encuentres la paz que estoy ganando dentro de la nueva y expandida versión de mi Ser”.

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Muchos están comenzando a despertar y a darse cuenta de que necesitan amarse a sí mismos. Esto es muy difícil para muchos pues han permanecido en las sombras de la duda y el odio de sí mismos durante mucho tiempo, a menudo sin entender los asuntos centrales o razones de dichos sentimientos.

El llegar al amor y el respeto por uno mismo es meramente un paso en la senda a la automaestría. Si ustedes sienten que no se pueden amar a sí mismos todavía, aprendan a aceptarse a sí mismos como son, y liberarán a su yo futuro para amar. El amor fluye desde el corazón de la Creación, pero uno no puede sentir esta conexión o este flujo con la Fuente hasta que se haya conectado con la fuente del amor interior, su propio centro del corazón.

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  • 2 DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 434.039 | LIVRO: 813 | FOLHA: 199 Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal: Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio
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viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

sharing.:::.Merging Personal and Planetary Chakra, ▶ Total Hip Acetabular Screw Placement, ▶ Weekly Workout

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Monday, June 8, 2015
Merging Personal and Planetary Chakra 1--Gaia Speaks


Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon!"
Today, we will present the information about Gaia's First Chakra,




Welcome! I invite you now to visit my first chakra.
I receive you into my planetary body, just as you are allowing me to merge with your personal body.
As you can see in the picture, my first chakra is Mt. Sinai. The first chakra is the root of both personal and planetary masculine energy. It has an outflow orientation, which is symbolized by its location in a mountain peak.

Mt. Sinai is the root of my Kundalini, alpha and omega of my experience of form. Many great cycles of change have begun on this mountain. It is my base camp, the seat of my power. It is where I gather my vitality and initiative.

There is a major vortex/portal/wormhole in this area of my body, which has greatly influenced my evolution as a planet, as well as your evolution as a person. It is this inter-dimensional portal which is the true coveted prize over which the many countries now battle.

I, Gaia, am allowing my Kundalini to rise to meet my Divine Complement in my Crown. As my Kundalini rises to my Crown Chakra, my Divine Complement shall again join me in Mystical Marriage. This time, instead of becoming a planet and birthing humanity, I shall become a Star and birth a planet.

At that point, the cycle will be complete and the 3D Game will end. The portal into the higher worlds at Mt. Sinai shall open completely, and the blending of dimensions will commence.


First you will blend your personal first chakra, at the base of your spine, with my planetary first chakra at Mt. Sinai. I, Gaia, have a physical “body” in the form of a planet that provides a home base for your physical body. Just as your physical body communicates with your consciousness by its state of health, disease, comfort, and discomfort, I communicate with you by the health of my planet.

Your Western society has traveled so far into third dimensional individuality, that many of you have lost sight of the fact that you are members of a greater whole. This forgetfulness closed the first chakra, separated you from your Planetary Consciousness and limited you to a small fragment of your SELF, which is the ego/self of your current earth vessel.

If your first chakra is closed to me, it is difficult for prana to infuse your physical body. Just as a lamp flickers when it’s not sufficiently plugged into the socket, prana cannot efficiently circulate through a body that is not “plugged in.” If you are ungrounded, you also feel disconnected from me, your Mother Earth, as you wander, alone and desperate, through a hostile land in search of a means of survival.

Your first chakra is ruled by your adrenal glands, which activate your Flight or Fight consciousness. Adrenaline is necessary to better survive the harsh environment of third dimensional reality. On the other hand, too much adrenalin, however, can leave you feeling anxious, nervous and angry.

Conversely, too little adrenalin can make you feel as frightened as a small mouse on an open meadow. However, the “hawks” are not flying the sky above you. They are in the office, in the line at the store, in the car next to you and in the many crowded places where you must live and work.

Fortunately, when your first chakra is opened and connected to me, your Earth, you feel a sense of protection through your unity with all life. You can then remember that your Spirit is alive and connected to the planet. With this awareness, the boundaries between personal and planetary reality blur, and you can more easily receive the Flow of Universal Energy into your personal body.


I ask you now to connect your awareness to your first chakra at the base of your spine. Send your “roots” down deep into my Earth body. Visualize yourself sitting at the base of a tree; connect the base of your spine to the base of the tree, and lay your back flat against the trunk. Look up to see the light of the Sun entering the leaves. Track the light with your awareness, as it travels through the leaves, twigs, branches, limbs, and into the trunk.

As the light moves down the trunk it will meet the crown of you head. At this junction, allow some of that light to enter your crown and travel down your spine as it simultaneously travels down the tree trunk. Eventually, the light will reach the base of the tree, and the base of your spine, as well. Feel your roots travel down from your spine to merge with the roots of your “Tree of Life,” which are planted deep in the earth.

With your first chakra fully grounded, allow your consciousness to continue to travel down into my Earth and wrap your Essence around my Essence in the center of my planet. Extend your awareness now to imagine that you are slowly returning to the surface at Mt. Sinai. With your Essence merged with mine, you can feel the ancient and persistent planetary unrest. The first chakra rules the physical element and the sense of smell. Personally experience the physicality of my body, Earth.

Feel the calm stability of the mineral kingdom within you, the detached, yet compassionate, expression of the second dimensional plant kingdom and their partners, the insects. Feel the wavering of my grassy fields and the constancy of my giant forests. Experience the flow of my many bodies of water, from small streams to vast oceans.

Feel my valleys as they dip into your body and the heaviness of my mountain ranges. Feel the many life forms that have grown upon, crawled over, or stepped upon the land, flown in the air, or swum in the waters. Merge with all this physical life in the first through third dimensions.

Smell this mountain world, the bushes, the desert, the wind, and the campfires of visiting humans. Allow your primitive sense of smell to take you into an ancient memory of this area. You are now climbing Mt. Sinai to gain illumination. The journey seems long and difficult. You feel the hard rocks under your feet and the hot sun beating on your head. As you continue your climb, you feel the ancient and persistent, third dimensional, planetary unrest intermingled with your own ancient and persistent human unrest.

Exhausted from your climb, you take a few moments to relax in a darkened cave. You lie against the cave’s cool stones and close your eyes. Instantly, you are traveling through the base of the mountain and, once again, deep into my core. Once there, you see a huge, inter-dimensional portal. You FEEL your root chakra resonating to this portal to awaken your long-latent, personal, inter-dimensional portal. As soon as you recognize your own portal, it begins blending with mine. Your personal portal swiftly becomes merged with my planetary portal.

You awaken from your meditation feeling grounded and illumined. As you return to your climb, you feel the calm stability of the mineral world within you, the detached, compassionate expression of the plants that grow on the slopes, and the insects that buzz around your ankles. You feel connected to each plant, each insect, each rock and all the creatures that have taken refuge on the rocky slopes and/or flown in the sky above them.

You and I, person and planet, are ONE. You are an ancient mountain that has survived, again and again. You are solid and patient, and have seen, and lived through, much. Many people have sought refuge and enlightenment within the cave-homes of your body. You, the mountain, were always connected to the flow of Spirit through your body. You, the mountain, are the portal, the portal, of the first and the last. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You started this cycle, and you, the mountain, will close it.

By the time you reach the peak of the mountain, nothing frightens you, as you have seen it all. You are infinitely patient, as you have outlived it all. You feel the grounding of Spirit at the base of your mountain, while you also experience the world from the peak of your mountain. You stand upon the highest peak of the mountain that you are, and shout to the world below:

“I AM as ancient as a mountain.

I AM solid and patient for I have survived, again and again.

I ground my Spirit in the Matter of the Planet.

I AM a vortex of transmutation!”

Dear people of my planet, I shall return to assist you in merging with my Second Chakra in the Brazilian Amazon.

Until then,

I AM Gaia, your Mother and your SELF.

Would you like to share that message with other in the comments section?

How was your experience of blending your personal chakra with Gaia’s planetary chakra?

Writing your answers to the above questions will enrich your experience of these lessons.
I would love you to share whatever you wish, as it builds unity with our process.

Thank you for joining us,
Sue and Shawnna


Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!

Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras? Check these out:

Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME I PDF)Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME II PDF)

Prefer Paperback? Volume I and Volume II
Additional chakra information is available on my website:
Your Multidimensional Journey Begins

Book 5, "Through The Portal"
Is Available NOW

Paperback and Kindle NOW available on Amazon.com

Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension. The journey of the five books flowed from the Pleiades to Earth and back again over several generations of Pleiadians that were human and humans that were Pleiadian.
In the fifth book, Through the Portal, the many inter-dimensional adventures were pulled into the NOW of a cohesive finale. Concluding with the story of the The Bird Flock of MU in book 4, it was the NOW to begin the adventure of changing reality. This change begins, once again, at the local multidimensional airport, then returns to the core of Earth to confer with the ancient Lemurian civilization.
Big changes are about to occur on planet Earth and leadership training is needed for Sandy and Jason. But when they return to Earth, that which they thought they would change, changed them instead. Follow this amazing "final act" that is actually a new beginning.

If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have a previous version of the book, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Through The Portal," Which begins with "Changing Realities."

Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter Posted by Suzanne Lie at 1:07 AM

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

Monday, June 8, 2015

Becoming ONE - People and Planet - Second Chakra


Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet
Today, we will present the information about our Second Chakra,
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Second Chakra.


LOCATION: The second chakra is located at the navel. The navel was once our umbilical cord that was our attachment to our first physical home, our mother, and the nurturing that she provided. The second chakra also represents our attachment to Mother Earth as well as all the plants and creatures that call Her home.

PETALS: This chakra has six petals or spokes. In numerology, six is the number that represents responsibility and nurturing for family and community as well as finding balance and harmony with our environment.

NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is D and the mantra is “vam” or “o” as in home. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the second chakra.

COLOR: The color of this chakra is orange. Orange is the color of emotion. In the Hindu chakra system, the color orange is associated with death of the old. This “death” refers not only to physical death, but also to death, or total liberation, of painful emotions that have been repressed. This “death” also refers to the discharge of the defense mechanisms that were created in order to survive those emotions, as well as the situations that caused them.

RULES: The second chakra rules our VITAL, SENSUAL body. This chakra governs sexuality, reproduction, emotions, instincts, food, and general communication of the body with the consciousness that lives inside it. The second chakra rules the feminine component of sexuality, whereas the first chakra rules the masculine component of sexuality. The second/navel chakra is more sensual than sexual. It tells us how we feel about sex and having children, whereas the first chakra rules sex that is for enjoyment, power, and/or procreation.

Besides reproduction, the second chakra also governs other kinds of creativity. Swimming, hiking, and gardening make use of the second chakra’s connection to nature. Sculpting and carving use materials and objects of nature as a medium, and nature is often the “subject” of painters and photographers. With dancing and martial arts, the navel area is seen as the base, the Hara Center, the area to be kept in alignment with the earth so that perfect balance can be maintained.

Like the first chakra, the second chakra governs survival, but from the perspective of the feminine polarity. The first chakra governs the fight for survival, whereas the second chakra rules the instincts for survival. The first chakra would urge us to battle for and protect, whereas the second chakra would aid us in using our instincts to find a safe place to hide, to live, and to rear our young.

Like the first chakra, the second chakra also rules money, but again, in a different manner. The first chakra rules money and the power that it holds, whereas the second chakra rules money and the security that it brings.

SENSE: The sense of taste is related to this chakra. The sense of taste is important for identification of edible vs. non-edible food and for the enjoyment of eating, which is also ruled by the second chakra. Taste is a very emotional experience and is the basis for the nurturing and comfort that eating provides.

Eating, more specifically suckling forms the important first bond between mother and child and serves as comfort as well as nutrition. Preparing and serving food is often an act of love and community, and “family meals” bind the family together. Eating and food is very culture specific. For generations after a family immigrates to a new area, they maintain their preference for the food of their culture because of the security and sense of belonging that it provides.

ASTROLOGY SIGN: The astrology sign of Cancer is associated with the second chakra because Cancer rules emotions, receptiveness, and fertility.

ELEMENT: Water is the element associated with the second chakra. Our first physical home in the amniotic sac was one of water. This chakra reflects how we feel about being in or near the water. Psychologically, water is the metaphor and symbol for emotion. The second chakra deals with “gut instincts,” basic emotions such as fear, rage, and joy and basic interpersonal emotions that are often unspoken.

The second chakra also rules the kidneys, which is where we eliminate our water. This chakra rules our second dimensional self, who is represented by the plant kingdom and less evolved creatures such as fish. Both plants and fish must have water to survive.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The second chakra depicts our emotional consciousness, our “animal instincts”, and our tribal consciousness. This chakra represents the mammalian portion of our brain where the limbic system rules our emotions and short-term memory. The limbic system is an important center for creativity and learning because it is where emotion and memory combine.

We all know that it is easier to learn when we are emotionally engaged than when we are bored. Also, a deeply loving experience is usually imprinted in our conscious mind. However, an extremely frightening experience is often banished to our unconscious mind, as the memory of it is too painful.

Higher mammals such as dogs and monkeys remember what they are taught because they have an emotional relationship with the teacher, or because the food that is given as a reward makes them feel happy and nurtured. Humans also use emotions and food as a means of reinforcement and reward.

PERSONAL TIMELINE: The second chakra represents ages 2 to 4 when the child is going beyond basic survival and is beginning to develop his or her position in the family. It is also a time when they are creating their own sense of individuality, but they are still dependent on their “tribe”.

It is at this age that children are beginning to associate their emotions with specific events, but they are dependent on their caregivers for interpretation and guidance. Emotional events that occur during this age are often unconscious to our adult self, but they form the basis of many of our core beliefs about our selves and our abilities.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the second chakra represents the time when civilization advanced beyond living in caves and was able to settle into tribes. At this time, many tribes began agriculture and animal husbandry. Since the people lived off the land, they worshiped the Goddess with ceremony and sacrifice.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: The endocrine glands for the second chakra are the gonads, which consist of both male and female sex organs. These include the ovaries, testes, and prostate gland. The prostate gland is also ruled by our first chakra.

Hormones have a strong influence on mood, as any woman with PMS will confirm. What is not as often noted is the interaction between testosterone and adrenaline. When a man’s fight/flight syndrome is activated, the adrenaline in his system interacts with the testosterone to create an explosive combination. Steroids also create strong emotional reactions.

Healthy male and female sexual organs make our personality radiant and magnetic, our eyes sparkling and luminous, and give us an air of self-reliance. The inner warmth of vibrant sex glands prevents the tendencies for inflexibility, hardening, and stiffening that can come with aging. In fact, a healthy active sex life can bring a vitality and balance to life even in our “old age.”

NERVE PLEXUS: The second chakra is located at the lumbar plexus, which rules the reproductive system, abdomen, and lumbar region of the back.

CLEAR: When the second chakra is clear we feel patient, enduring, nurturing, and secure. We feel intimate with our family, friends, neighborhood, and planet. We feel “at home” in our bodies and are able to communicate with our “self.” Our emotions are balanced, and we are able to trust our instincts and “gut feelings.”

Our sex life is natural and loving, and we are able to balance both the male and female components of sexuality. We eat the healthy food in the correct amount for our bodies’ needs and enjoy the comfort and nurturing free of any addictive behaviors. Our elimination of waste material is regular and our sex organs, bladder, and kidneys are healthy.

UNCLEAR: When the second chakra is unclear, we feel impotent, frigid, or over-sexed. We may not be able to enjoy sex or we may use it as an addiction to cover what we are really feeling. We may feel disassociated from our friends and family and ill at ease within our home. Our eating and drinking can become addictive in that we eat or drink to comfort ourselves and to cover emotions that we don’t want to consciously face.

Fear and anger are just beneath the surface of our awareness, which makes us anxious and/or depressed. Old core beliefs of limitation and fear sabotage our behavior and keep us in “survival mode.” Life feels like a day-to-day struggle, and we feel like we are living hand-to-mouth because we are unable to make enough money to feel comfortable in our home and secure in our family life.

EARTH’S CHAKRA: Although our Western minds have discounted it, the Earth is a living being just as we are. In “evolving” beyond our tribal consciousness, we have lost our association with and respect for the planet that is a Mother to us all. Mother Earth’s second chakra is in the Brazilian Amazon. This is a fitting place for Her second chakra for it is a paradise of fertility and growth. That is, if we humans do not continue to destroy it.

DIMENSIONS: The second chakra rules our second and third dimensional bodies. This chakra, more than any other, represents our humanoid “animal.” Animals have emotions, just as we do, ask any pet lover. It is through conscious, third dimensional awareness of our second dimensional emotions that we are able to become the protectors of Mother Earth, rather than Her destroyers.

If we feel the warmth and protection of a tree, if we can honor the food that we eat and the water that we drink, we will not want to pollute or destroy our planet that provided them for us.

However, if we harbor repressed emotions of terror and rage, we will see the world around us as an enemy, which we must conquer. When we can heal our past pain, we can feel our connection to the Earth and all Her creatures. It is vital that we love our own bodies, for when we can truly love and respect our own bodies; we can love and protect the Earth whose body we call home.

SUMMARY: The second chakra symbolizes our emotions and how they inform our selves and us of our feelings about life. Unfortunately, emotions are often dominated by the pain, guilt, anger, and fear from our past. This backlog of old negative emotions acts like a full wastebasket, and one more piece of paper is enough to cause the contents of the wastebasket to spill out. Our unconscious, specifically the unconscious that is harbored in our second chakra, is that wastebasket. Our repressed emotions are the old pieces of paper that fill it.

Too often we are operating at the edge of “overwhelm” and cannot allow ourselves to “feel” too much for fear that the damn will burst. However, our emotions are important gauges to guide us through both our inner and outer lives. If we can allow ourselves to consciously “have our emotions” without losing our self-control so that “our emotions have us,” they can serve us much like the gauges on the dashboard of our car. These “gauges” tell us when we need repair, when all is working well, when we are in danger, and when we are safe.

The brain centers for emotion and memory are intimately related. Our memory works by association and memories filled with the same emotions are stored in the same “file.” Therefore, repressed emotions from our forgotten past threaten to “tack onto” present situations that activate the same emotion. At this point, the past emotions amplify our present emotions to inappropriate levels.

For example, if we suffered a loss in childhood and never received adequate comfort and support, we will be over sensitized to any losses that we experience as adults. In other words, our “sorrow” file is filled. Since we have repressed our childhood experience, we cannot understand why we feel such sorrow in reaction to what seems to be a relatively insignificant event.

Fortunately, our child is alive and living in our unconscious mind. If we can give our inner child what was needed before and never received, we can begin to heal our old pain. In this manner, we will learn to discriminate between the pain of our childhood and the pain of the present. Then, we can take a moment to reassure our inner child that he or she is safe and that we, the adult, will handle the situation at hand.

One of the foundations for creativity is the sensual sensitivity of our physical body. If we can clear the fear and pain from our past, we can begin to feel our emotions with the same power and clarity that we did as children. When we can do that, we will awaken the wonderful imagination that we “grew out of” as adults. If we can consciously communicate and love inner child, we can be intuitively tuned in, as well as solidly rooted in a mature understanding of how we create our reality.

Next we will hear from Gaia as She speaks about Her Second Chakra.

Dear Readers, In this NOW, how do you experience your first chakra:
Physically... Mentally... Emotionally...Spiritually...





Any comments you contribute assist us to build a strong energy field for Gaia's transmutation.



Merging with GAIA
Summer Solstice Chakra Serenade

Grab your multidimensional passport and join us for a playful trip (starting NOW) as we explore and merge our personal and planetary chakra systems! Let’s celebrate the summer solstice with a two-week exploratory and sensory journey collectively merging with the planet and ultimately flowing along the River of Unity.

Two Fun Weeks of Personal and Planetary Chakra Exploration
Join Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., and Shawnna Donop, M.B.A. for a fun two-week personal and planetary exploration in this three-webinar series to learn about the seven chakra system of ourselves, as well as the planet. We will explore the importance of the chakras as they determine our frequency, resonance, state of physical, mental, and spiritual health, and ultimately, our reality.

Our experience culminates around the summer solstice as we collectively flow in the River of Unity around the world to merge with the seven planetary chakras.

Webinar 1 (Chakra Intro & Chakras Part I)
Saturday, June 13, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)

Webinar 2 (Chakras Part II)
Wednesday, June 17, 2015, at 3 PM Pacific (Local Time)

Webinar 3 (*Summer Solstice Serenade Finale)
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)

Planetary Pledge
Full Webinar Series: $49
*Summer Solstice Finale Webinar Only: $15

Webinar Options

All three webinars are included in the full series, and *additional participants are welcome to join the final solstice celebration webinar on its own. If you are unable to attend live, you are still welcome to register, and the recordings will be shared with registrants.

(Current Multidimensional Leadership Academy Students attend for free!)


Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!

Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras?

Check these out:

Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME I PDF)Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME II PDF)

Prefer Paperback? Volume I and Volume II
Additional chakra information is available on my website:

Your Multidimensional Journey Begins

Book 5, "Through The Portal"
Is Available NOW

Paperback and Kindle NOW available on Amazon.com

Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension. The journey of the five books flowed from the Pleiades to Earth and back again over several generations of Pleiadians that were human and humans that were Pleiadian.
In the fifth book, Through the Portal, the many inter-dimensional adventures were pulled into the NOW of a cohesive finale. Concluding with the story of the The Bird Flock of MU in book 4, it was the NOW to begin the adventure of changing reality. This change begins, once again, at the local multidimensional airport, then returns to the core of Earth to confer with the ancient Lemurian civilization.
Big changes are about to occur on planet Earth and leadership training is needed for Sandy and Jason. But when they return to Earth, that which they thought they would change, changed them instead. Follow this amazing "final act" that is actually a new beginning.

If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have a previous version of the book, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Through The Portal," Which begins with "Changing Realities."

Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Posted by Suzanne Lie at 8:07 PM

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

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▶ Merging With Our Higher Self - YouTube
Thursday, June 11, 2015 


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Arcturian Message and Gaia Speaks for Her Third Chakra




I am Gaia, returned to be your guide as you merge your chakras with mine in the blending of person with planet. I invite you now to my Third Chakra. I welcome you into my planetary body just as you are in the process of welcoming me into your human body. The Third Chakra is a masculine/outflow polarity, which represents the outflow of our personal power.

The challenge of this chakra is to find your own inner light and share it with the world by projecting your Inner Power in an out-flowing manner. Often, when my people are unable to discover their inner power, they become fearful and try to steal another’s power through domination and control.

Mt. Kilimanjaro represents the power of a peak, standing alone in a barren land. This peak does not need to pull from its environment for strength. Instead, it takes command by projecting its mighty beacon of inner strength that it has gained through the long process of becoming a mountain.

Mt. Kilimanjaro is the source of my ancient power. He witnessed the birth of humanity and has survived as the giant conduit that He is. With His peak in the clouds and His base bonded to hard, rocky soil, He stands proud. He is the Power Within my soul, my sentry and guardian. I gain great power from His emanation, and I am ever confident in His ability to protect and guide me.


Mt. Kilimanjaro is one of the largest freestanding mountains in the world. From my Third Chakra, I, Gaia, can show you how to use your great “Power Within” to find the courage to STAND ALONE. Your personal Third Chakra is ruled by your pancreas and governs the many organs of digestion, synthesis, and distribution of the food that empowers your physical body.

This chakra, at your Solar Nerve-Plexus, is also where your spleen receives an abundance of prana to be distributed throughout your system. Prana, intelligent light, is your spiritual food and one of the primary sources of your inner strength. Hence, your Third Chakra deals with the digestion, synthesis, distribution, and emanation of your spiritual food, as well as your physical food.

Your Third Chakra is also the portal to your fourth dimensional “psychic abilities.” Unfortunately, a good deal of the power of your fourth dimensional abilities was stolen by or given to others when you were a child.

Now, as an adult, you can learn to protect yourself from this siphoning of power by consciously guarding your thinking. If you allow any thoughts that you are a victim to anyone or anything, including your own ego/self, you have unconsciously allowed something outside of your SELF to take “Power Over” your life. The Third Chakra is meant to be the outflow of your personal power.

However, because there is so much fear in the third dimensional world, the fourth dimensional aura of this fear can “piggy-back” onto the inflow of prana into your solar plexus. This lower-frequency fear can then enter the unguarded psychic field of your Third Chakra. However, you can protect yourself against these fearful emanations by maintaining a strong outflow of your own inner power.

It is also helpful to visualize my mighty Mt. Kilimanjaro, standing as the Sentry at the entrance to your solar plexus. Allow the power of my mountain to create a frequency net to shield this chakra so that only the frequency of love will be allowed to enter. In that manner, the low vibration of fear will be filtered-out, while the high vibration of prana will be allowed to enter.

To assure that you keep your frequency net activated, use your opened Third Eye to perceive any fearful, low frequency, emanations that are attempting to enter your solar plexus. In this manner, only your Soul/SELF, who is far above the threat of fourth dimensional darkness, will turn its attention onto any negative, psychic fields. In this way, you can be conscious of external negativity, but at the same time, you will deny its entrance into your body by keeping your ‘firewall” firmly in place.

In addition, by merging with the power of my Third Chakra, you have the Power to stand free of the influence of the psychic leakage of others. This Inner Power will give you the ability to face the world with a strong conviction to BE your SELF. You are then strong enough to look fear in the face and KNOW that you are always protected by the Power Within your true, multidimensional SELF.


Once again, travel down into the core of my body to reconnect your Essence with mine, the Essence of Gaia. Down, down, down you travel into my third and fourth dimensional body. As you do so, you remember life after life of your many incarnations on Earth. Allow yourself to feel any darkness that may be attached to any of these “other realities.” Do not fear this darkness, for your shall take it onto Kilimanjaro to be cleansed and released by the mountain’s great Power.

As you slowly rise to the surface, you feel heavy with the psychic attachments that you have gained in your many earthly incarnation. These attachments are like viruses in your computer in that they are invisible yet interfere with your ability to process information and communicate with your reality.

After what seems like many lifetimes, which, of course, it has been, you find yourself at the base of Mighty Kilimanjaro. You experience a rush of excitement as you throw your psychic burden at the feet of Kilimanjaro! Now, free of old, psychic effluvia and open to your clear, fourth dimensional psychic abilities, you FEEL your personal power blending with my planetary power.

Be aware of the heat rising from the base of the Mountain as you begin your hike toward the mountain peak kissing the Heavens. Take a long moment to completely ground yourself by sending your First Chakra’s root deep into the mountain. Once you are “plugged into” the mountain, unite your Third Eye’s Soul vision with the psychic vision of your solar plexus, so that you may KNOW the clearest Path for your journey.

With strength and determination, climb the mountain. Allow each step upon the body of Kilimanjaro to awaken your Power Within. Think only of your victory as you approach the peak and the power that it holds. Know that you can only climb this mountain alone, for it is a symbol of the power that you must find within yourself.

Ingest, digest, assimilate and integrate my Planetary Power with your Personal Power. Be ever confident of your success and guard against any negativity or fearful thinking. YOU are a strong Spiritual Warrior who is fighting for a peaceful and happy life. Your only enemy is fear. Wash that fear away with the immense outflow of your Power Within, as you say:

“I AM the Guardian of my SELF AND my Planet.
I AM in complete control of MY life.
I Stand Alone, yet I AM united with Earth.”

Hold this emanation of your Power Within as you walk through your mundane reality. Project that Power out into your world, and allow it to clear a Path upon which you can tread as majestically as Kilimanjaro.

I merge my Lion’s heart with yours,


Merging with GAIA
Summer Solstice Chakra Serenade

Grab your multidimensional passport and join us for a playful trip (starting NOW) as we explore and merge our personal and planetary chakra systems! Let’s celebrate the summer solstice with a two-week exploratory and sensory journey collectively merging with the planet and ultimately flowing along the River of Unity.

Two Fun Weeks of Personal and Planetary Chakra Exploration
Join Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., and Shawnna Donop, M.B.A. for a fun two-week personal and planetary exploration in this three-webinar series to learn about the seven chakra system of ourselves, as well as the planet. We will explore the importance of the chakras as they determine our frequency, resonance, state of physical, mental, and spiritual health, and ultimately, our reality.

Our experience culminates around the summer solstice as we collectively flow in the River of Unity around the world to merge with the seven planetary chakras.

Webinar 1 (Chakra Intro & Chakras Part I)
Saturday, June 13, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)

Webinar 2 (Chakras Part II)
Wednesday, June 17, 2015, at 3 PM Pacific (Local Time)

Webinar 3 (*Summer Solstice Serenade Finale)
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)

Planetary Pledge
Full Webinar Series: $49
*Summer Solstice Finale Webinar Only: $15

Webinar Options

All three webinars are included in the full series, and *additional participants are welcome to join the final solstice celebration webinar on its own. If you are unable to attend live, you are still welcome to register, and the recordings will be shared with registrants.

(Current Multidimensional Leadership Academy Students attend for free!)


Show off your chakra love. Get yourself one of these from my multidimensional store!

Want to learn more about personal and planetary chakras?

Check these out:

Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME I PDF)Becoming ONE People and Planet (VOLUME II PDF)

Prefer Paperback? Volume I and Volume II
Additional chakra information is available on my website:

Your Multidimensional Journey Begins

Book 5, "Through The Portal"
Is Available NOW

Paperback and Kindle NOW available on Amazon.com

Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension. The journey of the five books flowed from the Pleiades to Earth and back again over several generations of Pleiadians that were human and humans that were Pleiadian.
In the fifth book, Through the Portal, the many inter-dimensional adventures were pulled into the NOW of a cohesive finale. Concluding with the story of the The Bird Flock of MU in book 4, it was the NOW to begin the adventure of changing reality. This change begins, once again, at the local multidimensional airport, then returns to the core of Earth to confer with the ancient Lemurian civilization.
Big changes are about to occur on planet Earth and leadership training is needed for Sandy and Jason. But when they return to Earth, that which they thought they would change, changed them instead. Follow this amazing "final act" that is actually a new beginning.

If your book 4 is 400 pages, you have a previous version of the book, so you have the full ending of the series. However, if your book is about 200 pages, please stay tuned for Book 5, which is "Through The Portal," Which begins with "Changing Realities."

Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter


Posted by Suzanne Lie at 11:32 PM

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sharing.:::.▶ ¿Por qué enferma el hombre? - ▶ Como llegar a ver con el ojo de la mente -PUERTA ESTELAR ARCTURIANA - Reencarnación planetaria y vida entre vidas.

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El poder de esta energía de ascensión en la Tierra es doble. El primer poder viene de la alineación de la Tierra con el Sol Central.
El segundo poder , e igualmente dinámico, viene de la alineación con la Puerta Estelar Arcturiana.

La Puerta Estelar Arcturiana es un portal que le permite a los seres semillas estelares activados participar en su elección planetaria durante el siguiente proceso de encarnación de ellos.
Esto significa, que en la puerta estelar, ustedes pueden examinar y participar en la elección respecto a dónde quieren encarnar próximamente, incluyendo en qué planeta. Siempre significa y también incluye la posibilidad de regresar a la Tierra para otra encarnación. Este es un gran poder y un gran regalo, el ser capaces de participar en el proceso planetario de reencarnación.

En la jerarquía de evolución del alma, del estado de conciencia, la elección y la participación en la elección de una encarnación se consideran de alto valor. Cuando ustedes son capaces de participar en la vida a la que van, y al planeta al que van, entonces puede asegurarse que ustedes han alcanzado un nivel superior de evolución del alma.

Ahora, en la Tierra, en un proceso normal de reencarnación, su próxima vida es, en parte, dirigida por sus guías y maestros. Su próxima vida, de hecho, se establece dentro de parámetros en correspondencia con su karma en la Tierra. Su próxima reencarnación en la Tierra está prefijada de muchas maneras, basada en las necesidades que ustedes tienen en su propio aprendizaje y evolución.

De hecho, cuando nacen a través del proceso de encarnación de la Tierra, parte de la totalidad del proceso depende de que ustedes olviden todo respecto al proceso de reencarnación. Se les hace olvidar la vida intermedia, o los procesos entre vidas, de manera que, en esencia, ustedes vengan a la Tierra en una encarnación con una hoja de vida relativamente limpia. Yo digo "relativamente" porque ustedes saben que hay ciertas huellas impresas en el alma que se llevan de una vida a otra.


El proceso entre vidas es tan importante a menudo en el proceso evolutivo en su conjunto como las experiencias que ustedes tienen en la Tierra en una vida. Yo sé que la vida en la Tierra puede caracterizarse a veces por un estado de conciencia limitado. Sin embargo, cada vida en la Tierra tiene el potencial de vivirse con una conciencia 100%. De hecho, si las vidas se experimentaran con una conciencia 100%, entonces la gente tomaría decisiones diferentes respecto a lo que harían con su vida.

Es verdad que la 3D es una dimensión de dualidad y de restricción. Esta restricción tridimensional es tal que no es fácil encontrar una oportunidad disponible de experimentar la vida interior y los recuerdos entre vidas. Sin embargo, a través de meditaciones especiales y a través de estudios especiales, ustedes pueden re-despertar sus recuerdos de las vidas pasadas y de las experiencias entre vidas. Con esos recuerdos pueden también despertar su estado de conciencia como semilla estelar.

En la Puerta Estelar hay un principio operativo totalmente diferente. El principio operativo de la puerta estelar se enfoca en el estado de conciencia. Cuando ustedes van de la puerta estelar a otro planeta, entonces van en total estado de conciencia y atención. Van en plena memoria de todas sus experiencias entre vidas. Van en plena memoria de sus vidas pasadas.

Para ser capaces de viajar a través de la puerta estelar, tienen que tener un estado superior de conciencia. Tienen que tener un alma más evolucionada. Eso es lo que ahora desarrollan. Hacia eso evolucionan. Esta vida en la Tierra les acerca a una evolución superior del alma.

De hecho, hemos notado que en cualquier vida, pero en particular en esta vida, ustedes pueden alcanzar pleno estado de conciencia de todas sus vidas pasadas. Pueden alcanzar pleno estado de conciencia de las lecciones entre vidas. 

Queremos que ustedes desarrollen esta capacidad. Queremos que ustedes entiendan que el estado normal de conciencia que tienen de sí mismos es un estado de conciencia limitado. Es limitado necesariamente por las restricciones de la 3 D. Ustedes se están expandiendo y desplazándose a un nivel superior del estado de su conciencia y con ese nivel más elevado, están desarrollando más rápidamente la capacidad de entrar a la Puerta Estelar Arcturiana....

JULIANO, Comandante Arcturiano en la Nave Athena

Publicado por Shanti

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