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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Monday, January 12, 2015
The Breathing Mind by Our Higher SELF
The Breathing Mind

By Our Higher SELF
Our mind expands and contracts just like our breath. Our mind contracts when we think in a third dimensional manner, but expands when we think multidimensionally. We can actually feel the difference.
Think about a third dimensional duty or obligation…
Feel how your face, and body, constricts…
Now think about a multidimensional experience…
Feel how you relax.
You may even feel inclined to take a long exhale or sigh.
It is the obligation placed on you by the illusion of “others,” as well as the “time” constraints that must be met that creates the constriction of third dimensional thinking. On the other hand, multidimensional thinking allows your consciousness a higher perspective and an inner place to relax.
For example, think about visiting with a Light Being and feel how your mind expands. Follow your multidimensional thoughts as they carry you on a cosmic journey into the unknown.
However, this “unknown” is the “well known” to the higher expressions of your SELF who flow through multidimensional waves of reality that is beyond all illusions of time. Feel how these waves of travel from the back of your head, to your forehead, and back and forth again as they undulate through and synchronize the myriad synapses of your brain.
Can you experience how these waves of thought open your High Heart and lead you into the feeling of unconditional love?
Soon these thought waves will no be bound by the encasement of your small brain to venture out into the Collective Mind of all humanity…
Then they will expand into Planetary Mind of Gaia…
And into the Galactic Mind of the Milky Way…
They then soar into Universal Mind of your Local Universe…
And settle into the Cosmic Mind of the All That Is…
As you follow these Mind Waves you extract information from the molecules of reality through which you travel and incorporate them into the expanded reality that YOU are creating.
As you revisit these great Minds, your mind expands into pure consciousness, which is unencumbered by any form of encasement. Your personal consciousness is related to your current embodiment.
Conversely, your multidimensional consciousness intermingles with the Flow of the realities you experience and the thoughts of the great beings you visit. You also feeling the “breath” of beings that have lived as pure consciousness and who have not held embodiment for millennia, or have never held a form.
Allow your consciousness to intermingle with these formless beings, you feel their energy flow through you like a warm breeze. As you breathe in their conscious memories of life after life, you gather their gifts of knowing.
Do NOT collect these memories. Instead, exhale the myriad pictures, feelings and thoughts into the collective energy field of all that you have experienced in your many third dimensional incarnations.
Allow these vanishing memories to wash upon the shores of the ONE so that Source can enjoy the myriad experiences of incarnation. With that release, your consciousness expands even further, and you find that you are among the ONES who have overseen your many incarnations.
You feel your great consciousness intermingle with the countless expressions of your Multidimensional SELF having the experience of form. Bless these forms, as you perceive them Flowing through an endless ocean of light.
Within this observance, you receive vivid pictures, thoughts and emotions of your myriad incarnations in your higher or lower dimensional realities. Do not try to contain these sensations, but let them Flow through you like the light of dawn flowing through the trees.
Each “tree” represents your many dimensional incarnations. The light is the energy field that Flows through every experience allowing you to share your myriad realities with the ONE.
The ONE breathes in these experiences and shares them with the consciousness of All That Is. In this manner, all life breaths as ONE great Being that inhales the realities of all creation and inhabits each experience with its cosmic exhale.
Do you realize now how reality is ONE breathing Being with infinite personal experiences? In fact, every physical person, place and thing serves as a Portal through which the ONE can experience the worlds of form.
Meanwhile, back in the third dimension on a small planet called Earth in the Solar System of Sol and the Galaxy known as the Milky Way, a light is expanding beyond the planet, beyond the Solar System and beyond the Galaxy.
A small light that was once limited to a clay form has been freed from its confinement and soars beyond all that once constrained it. This small light joins many other, similar lights to become a glow.
As more and more lights are freed from their confinement, the glow becomes a great beacon of light that guides other small light to be freed from their lower-frequency forms.
Gradually, the frequencies of separation intermingle with the frequencies of unity to create a Flow of Ascension that becomes irresistible.
Even those who have been trapped in the illusions of time and separation for millennia are awakening to the constant Flow of unconditional love. An ocean of light is arising as that which was separate is returning to that which is ONE.
The ONE is calling its volunteers Home into its SELF.
You have served the ONE by creating new realities, which you will contribute to the ONE upon your return. As the Ocean of Light Flows back to its Source, that which cannot be incorporated into the new wave of reality is released.
What will you need to release to join this wave? What will you need to release to breathe the Cosmic Breath and become ONE with the shores of your new reality? This question can only be answered from deep within your Inner Knowing.
You are in the process of choosing to release that which you have held you back, that which has made you suffer. The choice may seem clear, but suffering has become one of your best friends. When you suffered, you were a “good person.” You were NOT those who made “others” suffer. In fact, you fought against those who created suffering.
But now, you are at ONE. You are at ONE with the suffering. You are even at ONE with those who created your suffering. Can you release that suffering and replace it with the feel of the Light as it nurtures, informs, protects and expands your consciousness?
Suffering binds you to that which you fear. To be free of suffering, you must loosen that binding by releasing your fear. Yes, fear and suffering have told you that you are a good person and that you are trying hard to be better.
But now you KNOW that you were always better and always good. In fact, you know that the terms of “good” and “better,” and even the term “suffering” are ALL illusions of a reality that is coming into its completion.
Can you choose to release all fear and FEEL the Light as it flows through you with your every breath? That choice sounds like a simple solution, but fear and suffering have been your “red badge of courage” for most of your earthly incarnations. How do you release that which you believed made you “good person?”
You Release it by Surrendering to the Flow of the ONE!
Posted by Sue at 11:53 PM 2 comments:
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
Maintaining Higher Consciousness-Part 5 of Consciousness and Brainwaves
Maintaining Higher Consciousness

By The Arcturians
Our Dearest Ones,
Because of your need, and intension, to maintain a Higher Frequency of Consciousness, you are being called to change your lives in many ways. But, when you are in the midst of the 3D hustle/bustle, it can become very difficult to maintain that higher consciousness.
Please remember that it is the frequency of your consciousness that sets the frequency of your creation. You are moving into the creation of New Earth, so the frequency of your consciousness needs to as high of level as possible.
However, your “habit” of being third dimensional will pull on you to “get back to the real world and stop playing around.” Except, you are NOT “playing,” you are “creating.” You are creating your life NOW.
It in with the NOW that our transmutation occurs as flash after flash of Gamma Waves sweep across your brain. These Gamma brainwaves are connecting your third dimensional brain with your Multidimensional Mind. This process will as slow or as quick as you choose.
However, to maintain some activation of Gamma Waves, you will need to meditate on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are as many ways to meditate, as there are people. To our higher dimensional perspective, your meditation is, “Away Team reporting in and to get our next assignment.”
As you come to this juncture in your pathway there are many things you may need to let go off. However, when you do so, you will not have to deal with many of the things that pull your consciousness down to 3D-based, beta waves.
Instead, you will increasingly look into your 3D life from higher and higher states of consciousness. From this higher perspective, you will be able to see the parts of your higher dimensional life that you can pull down into your earth-bound consciousness.
You are NOW beginning to see your energy fields, which are often called thoughtforms. They are called thoughtforms because they are thoughts that are impregnated with emotion. With the mating of your thoughts/masculine and emotions/feminine you are able to perceive thoughtforms as they flow through your reality.
These thoughtforms “feel” like a certain emotion and elicit certain thoughts. Just as unseen currents in the water or in the air fell differently, so do thoughtforms. We speak to you now of thoughtforms, for as begin your activate your alpha waves in daily life, you will begin to consciously experience them.
One of the most important changes you will need to make in your life if you chose the higher path is to make sure that you fulfill your creative energies every day. Even if you have to “steal” a few hours from “What you HAVE to DO,” you must “find time” to be within the flow of your own creative energy field.
When you do not choose to do so, then you will become “addicted” to your Beta Wave consciousness. We say, “addicted” because denying your self the wonderful emotional feeling of being creative, it is because you have become “addicted” to the 3D model of taking a long time and having to work hard.
In the fifth dimension and beyond there’s NO time and NO hard work.
Fortunately, many of our away team is remembering to Bless Free any lower frequency energy fields by sending them unconditional love. Once you have blessed them free, you can easily let them go. You will also be able to perceive the parts of your life that make you feel wonderful.
Within the same NOW, you are remembering to remember that your perceptions are dependent on the state of your consciousness. From your higher states of consciousness, you will begin to realize that YOU want to remember:
· What specific components of your 3D life pull you down?
· How you can release those components to create a more peaceful and calm, life.
· How you can activate your higher states of consciousness.
· How you can connect with your Multidimensional Mind.
· How you can understand your inner Kundalini energy.
· How you can consciously accept the higher light entering your Pineal Gland.
We highlight you, because YOU are the creator of your reality. Therefore, whether you realize it or not, you have the immense power to:
Chose to allow your higher, more creative, brainwaves into your brain by
Choosing to dedicate your self to:
· Activating your alpha brainwaves by the awareness of and dedication to your own creative energy field.
· To activate your theta brainwaves by meditation and active communication with your Higher SELF.
· To allow your delta brainwaves to integrate your perceptions.
· And take the responsibility of stimulating your gamma brainwaves by dedicated meditation, compassion and unconditional love.
The first thing your higher perspective self asks is, “How do I create a peaceful, calm and tranquil life?” Deep inside you hear:
1. I identify the components of my life that lower my state of consciousness.
2. I identify the specific persons, places and things that lower my consciousness and why.
3. I activate my higher states of consciousness to free my creative force.
4. I create an open portal between my 3D brain and my Multidimensional Mind.
5. Remember to consciously experience the higher light entering your Pineal Gland.
Join us, your Galactic Family in the NOW, as we work as ONE to create the thoughtform of New Earth. We, the Galactics and Celestials, will answer your call. How could we not, as WE are YOU in a higher dimension/frequency of reality.
The Arcturians
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Event Dates in this 2015 Series 1
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Saturday, February 21
Saturday, March 21
Saturday, April 18
Saturday, May 16
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