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Jun 19
NEW EARTH JOURNAL - Dreams and Elementals

I went to sleep last night asking for a dream that would tell me more about my experience. When I awoke this morning all I could remember was a long dream about my taking care of an ill person. In the end of the dream I let go of that responsibility and sent her off to a hospital where she could be healed. When I awoke, I realized that that person was the representation of whatever unhealed wounding is within my consciousness/aura.
My sending this person off to be healed was the metaphor for my releasing any negativity, fear and/or wounding that remains within my body and aura. This release is am important part of my/our ascension. I then realized that the Greek election did not tailspin our world into total economic disaster, and that that decision was being made on the day that I was on the Ship. What I came to then/now is that those of us who share this version of planetary ascension have chosen the smooth and peaceful transition into the fifth dimension.
Most important is that the way we will achieve that smooth and peaceful transition is by healing our selves and our planet as we go along. That which is wounded creates resistance, and this resistance is what interferes with a smooth transition. Therefore, first we heal ourselves AND our planet. Then we release that which could not be healed. How do we release what cannot be healed? By sending it unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness.
When we send that which refuses to be healed unconditional love, we are sending it into the cosmic “hospital” for our many Galactic and Celestial Ancestors to heal or to relocate into another version of reality. We, the grounded humans, are the first clean up team. It is our job to first clean up our selves by healing our own wounding and by sending it unconditional love. Once the unconditional love is sent, it is important that we follow that love with forgiveness.
If someone has created a wounding in our personal or planetary self, or if we have creating a wounding in our self or our planet, first we send unconditional love to the wounding. Then we send unconditional love to whoever created that wounding and follow that with unconditional forgiveness. It is very important to send the unconditional forgiveness, for any judgment or bitterness towards ourselves or another will lower our consciousness.
Our most important job now is to keep our consciousness above ANY fear. The more control we have over a situation, the less fear we experience. Therefore, we must remember that WE are the creators of our reality. We are in the process of creating a smooth and loving transition into our new reality. We are creating this reality by keeping constant vigilance over our fear, as well as by our constant healing of our self and of the damage that we, humanity, has done to our planet.
We all know that if one does not experience the consequence of their actions that they are more inclined to repeat that action. Thus, this is our Earth. Maybe we did not create the damage that has been to our home and our personal freedom, but we DEFINITLEY set by and swallowed lie, after lie, after lie. We in America are still allowing that bogus version of 9-11 to stay on the books. WHY?
Why do we allow huge lies to live in our reality when we KNOW the truth? The answer is habit. Never underestimate the power of habit. AND, never underestimate the power of fear. We, the humans of Earth, have allowed ourselves to be ruled by 1% of our population. We can be angry. We can be scared, and we can be sad. However, what we need to be is RESPONSIBLE.
It is one thing to ascend into a fifth dimensional frequency of reality, but quite another thing to remain at that resonance. I am not sure of many things, but I am sure that in order to experience any given reality, we must resonate to the frequency of that reality. Once we, person and planet, resonate to the fifth dimension, we need to maintain that resonance in order to remain “logged in” to that reality.
Therefore, NOW is the time that MUST become the Master of our Energy. When we are the Masters of our Energy, this means that we take full responsibility for ALL our thoughts and emotions. Our every thought creates vibrational patterns in our body, our land, our air, our water and the light/fire that enlivens our reality. As the Elementals have said (and will continue to say), we humans greatly affect the form that they hold for our reality.
Elementals are the workers who hold the forms that WE create with our thoughts and emotions. We can become very angry or afraid of the Illuminati, but they are our creation too. We, the 99%, have been asleep at the wheel and allowed the darkness to be the ones who have determined OUR reality. Anger and fear only lowers our consciousness and makes us even more distracted from our immense power of creation.
I think that listening to and channeling the Elementals has greatly shifted my consciousness. And, I have only listed to two of the four. What these two, Earth and Air, have said is that they are bound by cosmic law to create what our thoughts and emotions send to them for manifestation. If we want to translate into the fifth dimension in six months we need to be Masters of our Energy NOW. Then, once we get that cosmic boost into our Higher Expressions we can remain there.
Anger at someone “else” for doing that thing to us places us in a victim role. In reality, we allow everything that happens in our reality. If we do not KNOW that truth, how can remember to take total responsibility for everything that appears in our reality. Total responsibility for our reality is the foundation of higher dimensional worlds. It is only in the polarized world of the third and fourth dimensions that we can say, "It is their fault.”
These third and fourth dimensional realities are our schoolroom lives. We take these incarnations to grow by making mistakes, taking responsibility for these mistakes and becoming wiser, more power and more loving through the process of finding the solutions to the mistakes that WE have made. If we make the mistake of allowing our resonance to fall while we are in a fifth dimensional and beyond world, we simply fall out of that experience.
When we want to ascend into even higher frequencies of reality, we often choose to take a 3D incarnation. In other words, before we jump up, we bend down. The mistakes (allowing our resonance to drop) that we make on a 3D world do not eject us from that version of reality, but it does place us into the fear-filled realms. It is important here to remember that those who dominate others are the most fearful of all.
Even within the tiny 3% of DNA that we have had access to in our earthly incarnations, we innately know that "energy out is energy back". Therefore, how frightened would you be if the energy you sent out were dominating, mean, destructive and greedy? On some unconscious level ALL those involved in power-over others are afraid, as they consciously or unconsciously know that that energy will come back to them.
Therefore, we do not need to punish those who have harmed us, nor do we need to punish ourselves for falling asleep to our SELF. Punishment is a third dimensional concept. In the higher frequencies of reality, if one’s consciousness lowers to the extent that they desire power-over another, they can no longer adhere to that reality. Pulling the Illuminati from their positions of power and detaining them away from our society is indeed necessary to facilitate change. However, punishing them will only lower our own consciousness.
Matthew said that they would be taken to a dark node on the other side of the Moon. The reality is that once they are together as a unit, they will do to each other what they did to us. That is, what we allowed them to do to us. Either way, in order to regain our full Power-Within we must remember that we are NOT victims. We merely lost connection to our Multidimensional SELF and NOW we have regained that connection.
With that re-connection complete, we can send the Elementals unconditional love and multidimensional thoughts to assist them as they create our New Earth.
In fact, the Fire Elementals are ready to speak with us now…
My Entry NOW

Good Nowness Dear Humans,
We the Salamanders, Fire Elementals are very pleased that our communications have influenced the humans. As you can tell by our appearances, we do not look to ourselves in the same manner as we look to humans. Humanity has forgotten that everything is alive.
Therefore, the earth that you step on is alive with Gnomes, the air that you breathe is alive with Sylphs, the fire/light that comes from the cosmos and burns in your fireplaces is alive with Salamanders, and the water that you drink, swim in or travel on is alive with Undines. Just as you perceive yourselves as an alive being, we perceive ourselves as alive beings.
We wish to tell you about the higher light of which our friends the Sylphs have spoken. Just as humans need to expand their awareness of SELF in order to accept the higher frequencies of light, we Fire Elementals need to raise our frequency in order to disseminate this light into Gaia’s Earth.
Furthermore, we are attempting to match our escalation of light frequencies with Gaia’s other life forms. We do not wish to “burn” any members of Gaia. However, we are bound to download this frequency of light into Her body.
Therefore, we, also, ask humanity for assistance. As each human raises their frequency, they have the power to raise the frequency of everything that they touch, think about, love, or even hate. It is this last part that many humans do not understand. By sending hate or even anger to whatever or whomever you perceive as your enemy, you are actually empowering them.
What you humans need to know is that we live by different rules of reality that the third dimensionals do. In the third dimension the good is better than the bad, what you love is better than what you hate, as well as many other polarized thoughts. We resonate to a frequency beyond duality and have no concept of judgments such as good/bad, love/hate, better/worse.
We only know attention and lack of attention. Whenever our humans put their attention on a person, place, situation or thing, their attention is the signal for us to “add more light here.” Hence, if you place your attention on someone you love, we add more light to them. If you place your attention on someone you hate, we add more light. If you put your attention on a good thing, we add more light, or a bad thing, we add more light.
In other words, if you do NOT want to highlight some aspect or person in your reality do NOT give it your attention. If you DO want us to highlight some person, place, or thing, place your attention on it.
We do not perceive reality in terms of persons, places, situation or things, and we definitely do not perceive polarities. We only perceive energy patterns. When any energy pattern has a great deal of human attention, we add more light. We cannot determine if this energy pattern is a celebration or a war. You may say, “Can’t you perceive the love or the fear?”
Our answer is, yes, we can perceive both love and fear. However, they are very intermingled to us. To our perception, there are many who are frightened by a huge celebration and many who love being in a war. To us these are both energy patterns with a huge mix of emotions. Our Earth, Air and Water Elementals are more inclined to discriminate human emotions. However, to us attention means more light and lack of attention means less light.
All Elementals live in all life forms, including your human earth vessel. Your breath carries a great deal of your emotion, and your breathing patterns vary greatly when you are afraid—stop your breath—or loving–expand your breath. Your flesh constricts with fear and expands with love. The fluid in your body has a constricted flow during fear and an easy flow during love.
However, we are your nervous system. We work on an on or off basis. Either our neurons fire or the do not fire. Hence, we are the least aware of human emotions. We do, however, respond to the different frequencies of your aura. When your aura resonates to the higher frequencies of light we love to enter into your aura, as you give us strength and power.
On the other hand, when your aura resonates to the lower frequencies, we try to avoid being in your aura as you deplete our intensity and lower our resonance. We often marvel at the shits in personal frequency that humans will have during the period of just one day. This shift in frequency is very confusing to us.
If you are able to have an aura that resonates to the frequency of violet, why would you ever choose an aura that resonates to the frequency of muggy red? Don’t you know that if you just give all your attention to your violet aura, that we can re-enforce your aura with our added light? No, we guess you do not know that. Just as you don’t totally understand our reality, we don’t totally understand your reality.
Perhaps, we can talk more often so that we can learn to better understand each other. Then we could assist each other, too. You could learn to only place your attention on that which you want us to amplify, and we could learn when you don’t really want a dirty red aura and need a boost of higher light to raise your resonance. If humans and Elementals could work together, we could assist you in creating your New Lightbody, and you could assist us in creating our New Earth.
Do you think that would ever be possible?
Through Suzanne Caroll, PhD - http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com
Posted 19th June 2012 by YHVH@
Labels: consciousness awakeningcreating new earthfire elementalsMultidimensional SELF awakeningnew earth journalsalamanders
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NEW EARTH JOURNAL - Dreams and Elementals

I went to sleep last night asking for a dream that would tell me more about my experience. When I awoke this morning all I could remember was a long dream about my taking care of an ill person. In the end of the dream I let go of that responsibility and sent her off to a hospital where she could be healed. When I awoke, I realized that that person was the representation of whatever unhealed wounding is within my consciousness/aura.
My sending this person off to be healed was the metaphor for my releasing any negativity, fear and/or wounding that remains within my body and aura. This release is am important part of my/our ascension. I then realized that the Greek election did not tailspin our world into total economic disaster, and that that decision was being made on the day that I was on the Ship. What I came to then/now is that those of us who share this version of planetary ascension have chosen the smooth and peaceful transition into the fifth dimension.
Most important is that the way we will achieve that smooth and peaceful transition is by healing our selves and our planet as we go along. That which is wounded creates resistance, and this resistance is what interferes with a smooth transition. Therefore, first we heal ourselves AND our planet. Then we release that which could not be healed. How do we release what cannot be healed? By sending it unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness.
When we send that which refuses to be healed unconditional love, we are sending it into the cosmic “hospital” for our many Galactic and Celestial Ancestors to heal or to relocate into another version of reality. We, the grounded humans, are the first clean up team. It is our job to first clean up our selves by healing our own wounding and by sending it unconditional love. Once the unconditional love is sent, it is important that we follow that love with forgiveness.
If someone has created a wounding in our personal or planetary self, or if we have creating a wounding in our self or our planet, first we send unconditional love to the wounding. Then we send unconditional love to whoever created that wounding and follow that with unconditional forgiveness. It is very important to send the unconditional forgiveness, for any judgment or bitterness towards ourselves or another will lower our consciousness.
Our most important job now is to keep our consciousness above ANY fear. The more control we have over a situation, the less fear we experience. Therefore, we must remember that WE are the creators of our reality. We are in the process of creating a smooth and loving transition into our new reality. We are creating this reality by keeping constant vigilance over our fear, as well as by our constant healing of our self and of the damage that we, humanity, has done to our planet.
We all know that if one does not experience the consequence of their actions that they are more inclined to repeat that action. Thus, this is our Earth. Maybe we did not create the damage that has been to our home and our personal freedom, but we DEFINITLEY set by and swallowed lie, after lie, after lie. We in America are still allowing that bogus version of 9-11 to stay on the books. WHY?
Why do we allow huge lies to live in our reality when we KNOW the truth? The answer is habit. Never underestimate the power of habit. AND, never underestimate the power of fear. We, the humans of Earth, have allowed ourselves to be ruled by 1% of our population. We can be angry. We can be scared, and we can be sad. However, what we need to be is RESPONSIBLE.
It is one thing to ascend into a fifth dimensional frequency of reality, but quite another thing to remain at that resonance. I am not sure of many things, but I am sure that in order to experience any given reality, we must resonate to the frequency of that reality. Once we, person and planet, resonate to the fifth dimension, we need to maintain that resonance in order to remain “logged in” to that reality.
Therefore, NOW is the time that MUST become the Master of our Energy. When we are the Masters of our Energy, this means that we take full responsibility for ALL our thoughts and emotions. Our every thought creates vibrational patterns in our body, our land, our air, our water and the light/fire that enlivens our reality. As the Elementals have said (and will continue to say), we humans greatly affect the form that they hold for our reality.
Elementals are the workers who hold the forms that WE create with our thoughts and emotions. We can become very angry or afraid of the Illuminati, but they are our creation too. We, the 99%, have been asleep at the wheel and allowed the darkness to be the ones who have determined OUR reality. Anger and fear only lowers our consciousness and makes us even more distracted from our immense power of creation.
I think that listening to and channeling the Elementals has greatly shifted my consciousness. And, I have only listed to two of the four. What these two, Earth and Air, have said is that they are bound by cosmic law to create what our thoughts and emotions send to them for manifestation. If we want to translate into the fifth dimension in six months we need to be Masters of our Energy NOW. Then, once we get that cosmic boost into our Higher Expressions we can remain there.
Anger at someone “else” for doing that thing to us places us in a victim role. In reality, we allow everything that happens in our reality. If we do not KNOW that truth, how can remember to take total responsibility for everything that appears in our reality. Total responsibility for our reality is the foundation of higher dimensional worlds. It is only in the polarized world of the third and fourth dimensions that we can say, "It is their fault.”
These third and fourth dimensional realities are our schoolroom lives. We take these incarnations to grow by making mistakes, taking responsibility for these mistakes and becoming wiser, more power and more loving through the process of finding the solutions to the mistakes that WE have made. If we make the mistake of allowing our resonance to fall while we are in a fifth dimensional and beyond world, we simply fall out of that experience.
When we want to ascend into even higher frequencies of reality, we often choose to take a 3D incarnation. In other words, before we jump up, we bend down. The mistakes (allowing our resonance to drop) that we make on a 3D world do not eject us from that version of reality, but it does place us into the fear-filled realms. It is important here to remember that those who dominate others are the most fearful of all.
Even within the tiny 3% of DNA that we have had access to in our earthly incarnations, we innately know that "energy out is energy back". Therefore, how frightened would you be if the energy you sent out were dominating, mean, destructive and greedy? On some unconscious level ALL those involved in power-over others are afraid, as they consciously or unconsciously know that that energy will come back to them.
Therefore, we do not need to punish those who have harmed us, nor do we need to punish ourselves for falling asleep to our SELF. Punishment is a third dimensional concept. In the higher frequencies of reality, if one’s consciousness lowers to the extent that they desire power-over another, they can no longer adhere to that reality. Pulling the Illuminati from their positions of power and detaining them away from our society is indeed necessary to facilitate change. However, punishing them will only lower our own consciousness.
Matthew said that they would be taken to a dark node on the other side of the Moon. The reality is that once they are together as a unit, they will do to each other what they did to us. That is, what we allowed them to do to us. Either way, in order to regain our full Power-Within we must remember that we are NOT victims. We merely lost connection to our Multidimensional SELF and NOW we have regained that connection.
With that re-connection complete, we can send the Elementals unconditional love and multidimensional thoughts to assist them as they create our New Earth.
In fact, the Fire Elementals are ready to speak with us now…
My Entry NOW

Good Nowness Dear Humans,
We the Salamanders, Fire Elementals are very pleased that our communications have influenced the humans. As you can tell by our appearances, we do not look to ourselves in the same manner as we look to humans. Humanity has forgotten that everything is alive.
Therefore, the earth that you step on is alive with Gnomes, the air that you breathe is alive with Sylphs, the fire/light that comes from the cosmos and burns in your fireplaces is alive with Salamanders, and the water that you drink, swim in or travel on is alive with Undines. Just as you perceive yourselves as an alive being, we perceive ourselves as alive beings.
We wish to tell you about the higher light of which our friends the Sylphs have spoken. Just as humans need to expand their awareness of SELF in order to accept the higher frequencies of light, we Fire Elementals need to raise our frequency in order to disseminate this light into Gaia’s Earth.
Furthermore, we are attempting to match our escalation of light frequencies with Gaia’s other life forms. We do not wish to “burn” any members of Gaia. However, we are bound to download this frequency of light into Her body.
Therefore, we, also, ask humanity for assistance. As each human raises their frequency, they have the power to raise the frequency of everything that they touch, think about, love, or even hate. It is this last part that many humans do not understand. By sending hate or even anger to whatever or whomever you perceive as your enemy, you are actually empowering them.
What you humans need to know is that we live by different rules of reality that the third dimensionals do. In the third dimension the good is better than the bad, what you love is better than what you hate, as well as many other polarized thoughts. We resonate to a frequency beyond duality and have no concept of judgments such as good/bad, love/hate, better/worse.
We only know attention and lack of attention. Whenever our humans put their attention on a person, place, situation or thing, their attention is the signal for us to “add more light here.” Hence, if you place your attention on someone you love, we add more light to them. If you place your attention on someone you hate, we add more light. If you put your attention on a good thing, we add more light, or a bad thing, we add more light.
In other words, if you do NOT want to highlight some aspect or person in your reality do NOT give it your attention. If you DO want us to highlight some person, place, or thing, place your attention on it.
We do not perceive reality in terms of persons, places, situation or things, and we definitely do not perceive polarities. We only perceive energy patterns. When any energy pattern has a great deal of human attention, we add more light. We cannot determine if this energy pattern is a celebration or a war. You may say, “Can’t you perceive the love or the fear?”
Our answer is, yes, we can perceive both love and fear. However, they are very intermingled to us. To our perception, there are many who are frightened by a huge celebration and many who love being in a war. To us these are both energy patterns with a huge mix of emotions. Our Earth, Air and Water Elementals are more inclined to discriminate human emotions. However, to us attention means more light and lack of attention means less light.
All Elementals live in all life forms, including your human earth vessel. Your breath carries a great deal of your emotion, and your breathing patterns vary greatly when you are afraid—stop your breath—or loving–expand your breath. Your flesh constricts with fear and expands with love. The fluid in your body has a constricted flow during fear and an easy flow during love.
However, we are your nervous system. We work on an on or off basis. Either our neurons fire or the do not fire. Hence, we are the least aware of human emotions. We do, however, respond to the different frequencies of your aura. When your aura resonates to the higher frequencies of light we love to enter into your aura, as you give us strength and power.
On the other hand, when your aura resonates to the lower frequencies, we try to avoid being in your aura as you deplete our intensity and lower our resonance. We often marvel at the shits in personal frequency that humans will have during the period of just one day. This shift in frequency is very confusing to us.
If you are able to have an aura that resonates to the frequency of violet, why would you ever choose an aura that resonates to the frequency of muggy red? Don’t you know that if you just give all your attention to your violet aura, that we can re-enforce your aura with our added light? No, we guess you do not know that. Just as you don’t totally understand our reality, we don’t totally understand your reality.
Perhaps, we can talk more often so that we can learn to better understand each other. Then we could assist each other, too. You could learn to only place your attention on that which you want us to amplify, and we could learn when you don’t really want a dirty red aura and need a boost of higher light to raise your resonance. If humans and Elementals could work together, we could assist you in creating your New Lightbody, and you could assist us in creating our New Earth.
Do you think that would ever be possible?
Through Suzanne Caroll, PhD - http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com
Posted 19th June 2012 by YHVH@
Labels: consciousness awakeningcreating new earthfire elementalsMultidimensional SELF awakeningnew earth journalsalamanders
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Arcturian Message - Being a Multidimensional Leader
Message from the Arcturians

Being A Multidimensional Leader
We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say "we" for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest.
Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.
As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimensions into the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.
In the same manner, your human baseline frequency will shift form the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension, which was once your higher expression of SELF. In the case of Earth, the third/fourth dimensions will gradually become less and less inhabitable.
You will find that just as it once took effort to consciously experience the fifth dimension, it will become increasingly difficult to consciously experience the third/fourth dimension. Even now, your consciousness may appear to be wandering off into what appears to be a trancelike state. This trancelike state feels so natural that you do not want to leave it.
Also, as this shift continually accelerates your consciousness, you will gain a new perspective on your physical world. This higher viewpoint will enable you to perceive your 3D reality from “up above it” rather than “stuck within it.” In other words, you will be able observe your ego from your Higher SELF.
Once your Multidimensional SELF is in charge, you will be able to make some important decisions that make YOU the creator of your life. You will also become aware of many of your higher dimensional, alternate or parallel realities.
While you are swimming in the illusion of the third dimension, you see only what surrounds you. However, as you regain a higher perspective of your life, many of your priorities will change. Your ego will no longer tell you to let go of your meditations and creative expression so that you can "get back to the business of your real life."
With your Higher SELF at the helm, you will realize that what you have perceived as "just your imagination" is actually your real life. Then slowly, or quickly, you will want to “let go” of many of our your lower frequency chores, responsibilities and jobs.
In this manner, you can more easily remain in the unconditional light and love of the fifth dimension. Of course you will still “take care of 3D business,” but your priorities will greatly alter as your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions.
You may be thinking, "Do I dare believe that what appears to be my imagination is actually my real world? If I make that choice and switch my primary attachment to the feelings of my fifth dimensional imagination, does that mean that I die to the physical world?”
When you meditate or dream about being in a higher frequency reality, are you able to wake up or end your meditation? Of course, your physical reality does not disappear while you sleep or meditate, nor will it go away when your switch your primary identity from being your 3D physical self to being your 5D Lightbody SELF.
Even those who actually “die” to the third dimension often experience both their higher worlds and the third dimension until they are ready to release their lower expression of self. In the same manner, our light workers are being faced with the decision of "which reality is the real world?"
While in your fifth dimensional state of consciousness, this question eventually evolves into, "Which of the many dimensions of reality do I choose as my primary expression of SELF?"
When you volunteered to enter your earth vessel, the physical world became your primary expression of SELF. While you are still draped within your earth vessel, you are inclined to believe that you only have the choice of one primary expression.
As you increasingly experience your multidimensional consciousness while you also perceive the third dimensional world, you may believe that you must choose a “primary reality.” This belief occurs because even though you are having a multidimensional experience, you are thinking in a third dimensional way.
Once you take more and more excursions into your fifth dimensional consciousness, you will begin to also think multidimensionally. Thus, the either/or choices that filled your 3D world are replaced by the realization that you can choose both and/or all.” It is then that you are beginning to understand the concept of multidimensional reality from a higher perspective.
Due to your evolved understanding of your Multidimensional SELF, you are remembering that you no longer need to choose. From the perspective of your fifth dimensional self, you know that you have myriad expressions of your SELF that are simultaneously being experienced on myriad dimensions and realities.
The difficult adaptation is for your fifth dimensional SELF to convince your third dimensional self to "Let GO" of the illusions of time and space. Your third dimensional expression is afraid to release that illusion because you unconsciously remember that that form of “letting go” meant death in many of your third dimensional incarnations.
It is very difficult to break the 3D indoctrinations of "one life per person," and “one life at a time.” These rules further state that if you live a good life you go to Heaven, but if you live a bad life you go to Hell. The problem with good vs. bad is that the definition for good and bad are different according to your third dimensional indoctrination.
Because of the vast programming that many humans have received, as well as the fact that many of Gaia’s humans live on the edge of survival, the bulk of the process of shifting into higher frequencies of consciousness falls on the shoulders of the awakened light workers.
We wish to thank you, dear Lightworkers, for your great courage and endurance. We are coming into your awareness to tell you that, “It is the NOW for those of you who have united with your Multidimensional SELF to unite with each other.“
The members of the Galactic and Celestial realms are working with you, our earth-bound expressions of SELF, to remind you that, "It is the NOW!" to unite with Gaia and all of Her human and non-human inhabitants, who are willing to release the myriad illusions and limitations of their third dimensional vessel.”
Any BELIEF that you are limited to your 3D expression traps you in illusion. Fortunately, once you can conceive that you are multidimensional, you will begin to realize that you do not need to leave one reality in order to experience another reality.
In fact, you all have the ability to experience your third, fourth and fifth dimensional realities within the NOW of your multidimensional consciousness. By tuning into the "NOW of the ONE" you can make an honest assessment of your state of consciousness by observing your thoughts, emotions and actions from your newly discovered higher perspective.
In order for you to choose to return to full awareness of your Multidimensional SELF, you will need to be CONSCIOUS observers of your life. First you must know yourself before you can change yourself.
Once you clearly observe yourself, you will realize any alterations you need to make in your life and in your self. This observation begins by your saying to your self,
“Right NOW I am entering my Higher SELF to observe my state of consciousness. From this higher perspective I can make an honest observation of my thoughts, emotions and actions.”
“Right NOW I am observing how my thoughts and emotions are affecting my state of consciousness. I am also recognizing the activities and/or duties that lower my consciousness.”
“Right NOW I am ready to flow into the fifth dimension, I am consciously choosing to transmute any thoughts, emotions, activities or habits that lower my consciousness.”
In order for you, the volunteers who bi-located into an earth vessel to assist Gaia, to be fully aware of your Multidimensional SELF, you will need to be CONSCIOUS observers of your life.
As you regain an ongoing interaction with your higher expressions of SELF, you remember that this “higher guidance” is a higher expression of your own Multidimensional SELF.
Through a constant communication with your SELF you will remember the “mission” that you decided to accept before entering your earth vessel. Most important, as you allow your higher expressions of Multidimensional SELF to merge with and lead you, you are being prepared to be a Multidimensional Leader of others.
You may begin as one person, but as you merge with the many within you, you will be able to merge with the many who are beginning to remember their mission as well. Then 1 becomes 2 and 2 becomes 4, which becomes 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on into infinity.
You are awaking to your Multidimensional SELF and the reason why you chose to enter a third dimensional earth vessel. We know the great loneliness you have suffered and the deep yearning for… for what, for some thing or some one that is missing.
That some thing that you miss is the mission that you chose to complete, and that some one you are missing is YOU - as your true Multidimensional SELF. Every ONE of you is an important component of Gaia’s planetary ascension. Every ONE of you has volunteered to assist Gaia with Her ascension.
As the reward for your efforts, you will become a Multidimensional Leader who joins with Gaia as she transmutes her physical reality into multidimensional world of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Arcturian Message - Being a Multidimensional Leader
Message from the Arcturians

Being A Multidimensional Leader
We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say "we" for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest.
Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.
As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimensions into the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.
In the same manner, your human baseline frequency will shift form the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension, which was once your higher expression of SELF. In the case of Earth, the third/fourth dimensions will gradually become less and less inhabitable.
You will find that just as it once took effort to consciously experience the fifth dimension, it will become increasingly difficult to consciously experience the third/fourth dimension. Even now, your consciousness may appear to be wandering off into what appears to be a trancelike state. This trancelike state feels so natural that you do not want to leave it.
Also, as this shift continually accelerates your consciousness, you will gain a new perspective on your physical world. This higher viewpoint will enable you to perceive your 3D reality from “up above it” rather than “stuck within it.” In other words, you will be able observe your ego from your Higher SELF.
Once your Multidimensional SELF is in charge, you will be able to make some important decisions that make YOU the creator of your life. You will also become aware of many of your higher dimensional, alternate or parallel realities.
While you are swimming in the illusion of the third dimension, you see only what surrounds you. However, as you regain a higher perspective of your life, many of your priorities will change. Your ego will no longer tell you to let go of your meditations and creative expression so that you can "get back to the business of your real life."
With your Higher SELF at the helm, you will realize that what you have perceived as "just your imagination" is actually your real life. Then slowly, or quickly, you will want to “let go” of many of our your lower frequency chores, responsibilities and jobs.
In this manner, you can more easily remain in the unconditional light and love of the fifth dimension. Of course you will still “take care of 3D business,” but your priorities will greatly alter as your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions.
You may be thinking, "Do I dare believe that what appears to be my imagination is actually my real world? If I make that choice and switch my primary attachment to the feelings of my fifth dimensional imagination, does that mean that I die to the physical world?”
When you meditate or dream about being in a higher frequency reality, are you able to wake up or end your meditation? Of course, your physical reality does not disappear while you sleep or meditate, nor will it go away when your switch your primary identity from being your 3D physical self to being your 5D Lightbody SELF.
Even those who actually “die” to the third dimension often experience both their higher worlds and the third dimension until they are ready to release their lower expression of self. In the same manner, our light workers are being faced with the decision of "which reality is the real world?"
While in your fifth dimensional state of consciousness, this question eventually evolves into, "Which of the many dimensions of reality do I choose as my primary expression of SELF?"
When you volunteered to enter your earth vessel, the physical world became your primary expression of SELF. While you are still draped within your earth vessel, you are inclined to believe that you only have the choice of one primary expression.
As you increasingly experience your multidimensional consciousness while you also perceive the third dimensional world, you may believe that you must choose a “primary reality.” This belief occurs because even though you are having a multidimensional experience, you are thinking in a third dimensional way.
Once you take more and more excursions into your fifth dimensional consciousness, you will begin to also think multidimensionally. Thus, the either/or choices that filled your 3D world are replaced by the realization that you can choose both and/or all.” It is then that you are beginning to understand the concept of multidimensional reality from a higher perspective.
Due to your evolved understanding of your Multidimensional SELF, you are remembering that you no longer need to choose. From the perspective of your fifth dimensional self, you know that you have myriad expressions of your SELF that are simultaneously being experienced on myriad dimensions and realities.
The difficult adaptation is for your fifth dimensional SELF to convince your third dimensional self to "Let GO" of the illusions of time and space. Your third dimensional expression is afraid to release that illusion because you unconsciously remember that that form of “letting go” meant death in many of your third dimensional incarnations.
It is very difficult to break the 3D indoctrinations of "one life per person," and “one life at a time.” These rules further state that if you live a good life you go to Heaven, but if you live a bad life you go to Hell. The problem with good vs. bad is that the definition for good and bad are different according to your third dimensional indoctrination.
Because of the vast programming that many humans have received, as well as the fact that many of Gaia’s humans live on the edge of survival, the bulk of the process of shifting into higher frequencies of consciousness falls on the shoulders of the awakened light workers.
We wish to thank you, dear Lightworkers, for your great courage and endurance. We are coming into your awareness to tell you that, “It is the NOW for those of you who have united with your Multidimensional SELF to unite with each other.“
The members of the Galactic and Celestial realms are working with you, our earth-bound expressions of SELF, to remind you that, "It is the NOW!" to unite with Gaia and all of Her human and non-human inhabitants, who are willing to release the myriad illusions and limitations of their third dimensional vessel.”
Any BELIEF that you are limited to your 3D expression traps you in illusion. Fortunately, once you can conceive that you are multidimensional, you will begin to realize that you do not need to leave one reality in order to experience another reality.
In fact, you all have the ability to experience your third, fourth and fifth dimensional realities within the NOW of your multidimensional consciousness. By tuning into the "NOW of the ONE" you can make an honest assessment of your state of consciousness by observing your thoughts, emotions and actions from your newly discovered higher perspective.
In order for you to choose to return to full awareness of your Multidimensional SELF, you will need to be CONSCIOUS observers of your life. First you must know yourself before you can change yourself.
Once you clearly observe yourself, you will realize any alterations you need to make in your life and in your self. This observation begins by your saying to your self,
“Right NOW I am entering my Higher SELF to observe my state of consciousness. From this higher perspective I can make an honest observation of my thoughts, emotions and actions.”
“Right NOW I am observing how my thoughts and emotions are affecting my state of consciousness. I am also recognizing the activities and/or duties that lower my consciousness.”
“Right NOW I am ready to flow into the fifth dimension, I am consciously choosing to transmute any thoughts, emotions, activities or habits that lower my consciousness.”
In order for you, the volunteers who bi-located into an earth vessel to assist Gaia, to be fully aware of your Multidimensional SELF, you will need to be CONSCIOUS observers of your life.
As you regain an ongoing interaction with your higher expressions of SELF, you remember that this “higher guidance” is a higher expression of your own Multidimensional SELF.
Through a constant communication with your SELF you will remember the “mission” that you decided to accept before entering your earth vessel. Most important, as you allow your higher expressions of Multidimensional SELF to merge with and lead you, you are being prepared to be a Multidimensional Leader of others.
You may begin as one person, but as you merge with the many within you, you will be able to merge with the many who are beginning to remember their mission as well. Then 1 becomes 2 and 2 becomes 4, which becomes 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on into infinity.
You are awaking to your Multidimensional SELF and the reason why you chose to enter a third dimensional earth vessel. We know the great loneliness you have suffered and the deep yearning for… for what, for some thing or some one that is missing.
That some thing that you miss is the mission that you chose to complete, and that some one you are missing is YOU - as your true Multidimensional SELF. Every ONE of you is an important component of Gaia’s planetary ascension. Every ONE of you has volunteered to assist Gaia with Her ascension.
As the reward for your efforts, you will become a Multidimensional Leader who joins with Gaia as she transmutes her physical reality into multidimensional world of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
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