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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Fifth Antarian Message -- Coming to Venus
The Fifth Antarian Message
Coming to Venus
Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Fifth Antarian Message -- Coming to Venus
The Fifth Antarian Message
Coming to Venus
Dear Commander Malteese,
I wish to continue the communication we started the other day and also to ask you some questions.
Please proceed with your questions first.
Are you a member of the Ashtar Command?
Why have I been so nervous the last week or so?
We will answer the second question first.
“Why have I been so nervous the last week or so?”
You have been very nervous lately because you are in the midst of a very profound transformation within your physical being. Because of this transition, your emotional body has become very agitated. You have lost your “Center” because that Center is now different. Also, your soul wants you to fully participate in this transformation.
Therefore, the frequency of you that holds the primary consciousness for the physical form has the responsibility to go down into the depths of your own darkness and to bring it all the surface of your consciousness where it can be healed.
(It looks like some things never change. I just put up a welcome message on my site today saying the exact same thing.)
Because your physicality has been so involved in the process of perceiving and healing your darkness, you have felt separate from your Multidimensional SELF. In fact, your darkness is just that: “Separation from your true Multidimensional SELF.” You have been a brave warrior to go into the depths of your self to live and relive your fears and anxieties.
Let us take a close look at your fears and anxieties so that your efforts will not have been in vain:
1—The first darkness is the illusion of separation. This illusion tells you that you are alone and that no one will be able to understand or accept you. You want to go “Home,” and Home is someplace else that is very, very far away.
2—The second darkness is the illusion of fear. Fear is a natural reaction to separation. If you are alone with no one to understand or accept you than, of course, you will be afraid. Fear feel like a brewing storm that will break in the moment when you least expect it.
3—The third darkness is the illusion of “I will not survive.” This fear is very predominant at this time because, in reality, part of you will not survive. Your darkness will be enveloped within your light. Fear will not cease to exist because nothing becomes extinct; it merely changes form. You have become very attached to your darkness. It is the part of you that tells you that you must live more deeply inside of yourself and turn away from the physical world.
Now let us look at your fears as well as how you can transform them:
1—The illusion of separation. In order to completely experience the third dimension, one must allow the experience of separation from the ONE. This is the last physical embodiment for you and for those who wish to return their consciousness to the higher dimensions. Therefore, all of you who have consciously or unconsciously chosen to ascend want to savor your physical experience to the fullest.
“Why, would I want to experience something that is so painful?” you ask. Because, our ONE, you wish to gather all of your third dimensional lessons around you and integrate them into your full Multidimensional SELF. As a result of your physical incarnations you have gained great independence and determination. Again and again you have remembered to turn inwards to your Source in time of need.
Furthermore, you have connected the illusion of separation with your earthly lives. During your ascension process you need to release that illusion and connect with Earth, Lady Gaia, as She is assisting you and you are assisting her.
2—The illusion of fear. Fear is the opposite of Unconditional Love. Your Higher SELF has chosen for you, its physical expression, to experience fear and anxiety so that you can boomerang those emotions into the feeling of Unconditional Love. What you resist – persists. Therefore, you need to stop resisting your fear.
You need to move into it and give it your full attention. Do you hear what your fear is really saying to you? It is saying, “Do not forget me. I, fear, have been a wonderful teacher for you. I am your warning mechanism that allows you to know when you are falling off your center. I am the portion of you that remind you to re-calibrate yourself. “Go inside,” I tell you, “to hide from the enemy of separation.”
What did you find inside? Did you find separation? NO! You found Unity. I, your fear of separation, reminded you that you are ONE with all life.
3—The illusion of “I will not survive.” The fear of “I will not survive” will remain as a memory. This memory is important so that you can help others. You have had this fear very deeply through this Earth incarnation because you nearly died as an infant. However, the fear you have is actually reversed. The infant was not afraid that its physical body would not survive. Your infant self was afraid that its Soul would not survive.
Now tell that infant that you Soul did indeed survive and, in fact, it greatly expanded itself. In this final physical life you, and many others, have learned and will continue to learn, that you can bring spirit into matter and thereby raise the frequency of the matter that has been imbued with the light of Spirit.
Do you see now why you have been so nervous? Feel now how your nervousness can be released into the expanded Light that you are actively allowing into your body. Remember, whenever, you bring in more Light you invite more darkness to the surface of your consciousness to be appreciated and loved free.
For the second question:
Are you a member of the Ashtar Command?
Yes, We are members of the Ashtar Command, as are many of our earth ones. The Ashtar Command is the name for the group of being who are now assisting your planet during Her transition. There is more and more ‘channeling’ now because many of you are coming to visit us in your night bodies and in your meditations. Each of you will hear, or channel, the being that is closest to your personal vibrational thread.
The Ascended master that you hear are those that you have served under in other lives and/or that are of the same Oversoul as yourself. On earth you choose to call forth teachers that are of your same Oversoul. The “ETs,” as you have called us, that you communicate with are usually alternate realities of your future self, as I am to you. Many of the ETs that are often channeled, have many alternate realities of themselves that have chosen to incarnate at your time frame.
The most important thing to remember is that everyone who has a physical body is capable of receiving information from their inside channels. All you need to do is clear your internal static by acknowledging, healing, and releasing your own darkness. We define darkness as anything that obscures the perception of your Highest SELF and your highest purpose.
There are a few traps that appear to be important in your life that actually turn you further and further from your own ability to receive inner guidance. The traps are judgment of your self that you are not good enough, as well as competition with your past self or with others.
These two traits can be rationalized to make you feel better and more important. But what actually happens is that you begin to cloud your perception of the truth because you start editing what you receive. This editing is based on your judgment that the information is not good enough and/or you feel competition with others who are also receiving information.
We speak to you now from the fifth dimension. We can resonant at higher rates of vibration but have volunteered to lower our vibration so that you on the third dimension can more easily hear our call. In our higher dimensional realities, unity and individuality are the same. Hence, we are able to simultaneously experience complete unity and total individuality. It is through our united expression of our individuality that we best serve the One.
We realize that every one and every thing is a mirror of ourselves. This mirror is a feedback mechanism, which allows each of us to be constantly aware of our personal needs while we also stay united with our group. We are grateful for the feedback of our group as it provides important support and camaraderie.
We have those same feelings of unity with our comrades who have taken on a third dimensional form to assist Gaia. We see you as a feedback mechanism for our own process. We are constantly seeking to raise our vibration, just as we support our physical ones to raise their resonance. We are your future and your past, but we are all ONE in the eternal NOW. When the future and the past come together in the NOW, we can create a vortex of energy to assist the process of ascension of your planet.
Now, as you go about your physical life be conscious of every thought of judgment or competition. Look at everyone and every thing as a mirror and a feedback mechanism that tells you about yourself. The person that you are judging is likely a portion of your past or your future. When you perceive that you are judging and competing:
Go inside yourself to see a great vortex of light
Within this vortex all past, present and future exist within the NOW
See all darkness and light, all beauty and ugliness, blend into ONE
See all polarities come into ONE in the vortex
Feel your personal responsibility within the vortex
Recognize how your personal responsibility is displayed to you in all that you perceive.
Recognize and release all judgmental and competitive thoughts
And now for the most important part, love your self for exactly the way you are NOW. You are in the process of becoming! Enjoy your process!
Dear Commander Malteese,
I have heard you in my meditation. I have been reading about the change in DNA, the shift of vibration to our planet and how releasing old pain and fear can allow a higher resonance to our cellular structure. Please add your great illumination to what my mind is working on integrating.
Your mind is indeed in the process of integration. There is much that you have been learning. Now it is the moment in which you can begin to consciously understand what you have been receiving. Try to completely release the typing of our message to your alternate self, myself, Commander Malteese. You can trust me. Do you remember on Antares when we served upon the same ship?
We fought the Orions, and you were captured. It was me that rescued you. You were also a Commander and we were great comrades. Can you remember Antares now? Do you see how the Sun always stayed low on the horizon of the planet where we lived? The Sun’s glow was pink in color rather than yellow as it is on your Earth. Therefore, there were many shades of violet and blue.
However, in this particular incarnation, the world was not rosy. There was a great Galactic War in which you and I were very much involved. Part of the reason why you have not remembered all of your intergalactic lives is because of that war. You have since read about it in your research. You were so disturbed by the warring consciousness of Earth that you could not allow your self to remember a reality in which there was also much war.
These wars were on the Lower Astral Subplane of the Fourth Dimension. Fortunately, we have expanded our vibration to the upper fifth vibration. In the midst of this degree of unity, there is no call for battle. All of us are ONE with each other, and conflict with another would only result from conflict within the self. However, if we were still at battle with our self, than we could not maintain a vibration of the fifth vibration or above.
So my dear comrade, our long war is over. There are still some fourth dimensional wars (remember that this is 1996) for those that wish to learn about courage and sacrifice. You, however, are ready to transcend the need of war. But, in order to do so you to do so, you must release all the pain and fear within yourself. You can then use that courage and sacrifices that you learned in battle to face the greatest adventure since you first left Arcturus.
(Fortunately, a great deal of my pain and fear has finally been released. Much thanks to my higher dimensional friends.)
Remember now the moment when you first left your Arcturian planet to answer Gaia’s call for help just before the final destruction of Atlantis. You all live in cohesive long-term social units called pods, the same term used for cetaceans. Your pod has decided to bi-locate in order to answer Gaia’s call for help.
The portion of your selves that is to stay on your planet has duplicated from the portion that is to leave/bi-locate. Separation on that dimension, the seventh, is very different from what you know on your world. It would be more accurate to say that your bandwidth is expanded so that the two anchor points could have different vortexes of experience.
See how your pod has created a group merkaba, which is moving into hyperspace for your journey to Venus. See now how Venus is showing on your long-range sensors. You leave hyperspace outside of Earth’s Solar System so that you do not disturb the spin of the already endangered Earth. You are now able to move around the Solar System in a way that you can enter Venus without disturbing Her sister Earth.
See Venus now as it fills up more and more of your viewer. Since you are still vibrating at the seventh vibration you see Venus very differently than you would from the third dimension that you will eventually enter. There is a beautiful civilization on this frequency of Venus that is in constant contact with Earth.
You lower your vibration to the sixth vibration while on Venus. From there you will learn to resonate to the fifth dimension for your final descent into the upper third/fourth vibration to which Earth resonated at the close of the Atlantian cycle. Each of the members of your group will prepare for your mission to walk-into one of the myriad injured or dying humans on Atlantis. There has been great geological upheaval due to the Atlantians selfish and militaristic uses of their power crystals.
First you will study in the Violet Temple on Venus. However, your studies are interrupted, as you Gaia is in grave danger. She has called again to the Universe for beings of higher light to enter the body of Her planet Earth, and you must go to Earth before you are fully prepared. Little did you know that you would need to reincarnate on Gaia’s planet until she could ascend Her great planet into the safety of the fifth dimension and beyond.
Remember now how Lady Venus embraces you and shows you the corridor of protected Light through which you can enter the body of the small, dying child on Atlantis. Feel again how terrified when you realized that your Divine Complement could not join you. The frequency of the humans on declining Atlantes was so low that their forms could only contain a consciousness that was spilt into male or female.
Yes, that fear is more difficult to access now because you know that that loss of your Divine Complement was only an illusion. Your Complement is with you always and everywhere. Feel how that fear is healing. Feel how the pain of the fear is gone!!

Since the illusion of this abandonment is healed, you do not need to create another third dimensional drama in order to heal the separation. Know that you are now FREE of abandonment. With the illusion of separation erased and the fear
of abandonment healed, you are free now to increase your vibration.
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18th July 2014
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Romanian Translation, thank you Monica.
“Greetings Dear Ones.
We are the High Council of Orion.
Are you having moments these days that are ebbing and flowing between feeling enlightened and on your path and feeling very dense, grounded and human?
As the vibrations are changing on the planet, as the manifestation of the fifth dimension is beginning to energetically work its way down to a place of an embodied reality, understand that you might have more moments of feeling the contrast between the old and the new. There are times when many of you might feel a little physically more dense, a little more sluggish, more tired, foggier in your head, and a little lackluster with your energy and your enthusiasm for life.
Understand that for many of you this is just a result still of these transforming energies which will be at work for a long time to come on your planet. So, are you sick? Are you unwell, mentally and emotionally? Perhaps not. (Of course, we don’t advocate not taking yourself to the proper professionals if one feels that one needs to be there.) However, there are times when the energies are just going to feel lower for you physically, mentally, emotionally. Again, life could feel a little lackluster or sluggish or foggy on many levels.
What we encourage you to do during these times is to work as best you can within the energy that you’re feeling. What we mean by this is if you are feeling energetic, alive, excited, passionate, thriving and connected, then live that to the fullest and be in deep gratitude and appreciation for those moments as evidence of you moving closer to the vibrational reality of what you’ve been dreaming about. If there are days when you’re not feeling that way, you’re feeling the opposite, just honor it and not judge, honor it and feel that it’s just this ebb and flow of the change and transformation. It’s not evidence of moving backwards. It’s not evidence of lack of progress. It’s just some time where you’re feeling a little more human, a little more 3rd dimensional. Rest. Take time out. Take things more slowly if you need to. Make sure you’re drinking lots of water, eating good food and being in as uplifting a situation as you possibly can while your body is in more of the ebb, instead of the flow of the recalibration of this time. Understand also that it won’t continue. You may feel that for a day or so or however long is necessary, but you will begin flowing in that positive direction again, so holding it as a place that is temporary and honoring where your energies are telling you to be in that moment is the ideal thing to do.
As you observe yourself and as you’re moving, transitioning and recalibrating at this time, you can observe yourself having more of those days where you feel in synchronicity, alive, excited and in tune with all that’s around you at that greater level. Celebrating those times as not just what you expect, but being thrilled by it, being excited about it, being happy and grateful to feel that level of aliveness, sensitivity, awareness, synchronicity. All these things you’ve been striving for, celebrate it! It’s easy to say, “Well, of course it’s like that! It’s just how it’s going to be. It’s my new reality!” That’s fabulous. Honor that and expect that and allow yourself to have those days of being human every now and then.
Again honor it as part of the recalibration. Honor it as part of the upgrade that many of you are in at the moment. Surrender to whatever it is for it’s a time also where you can be called within and spend more time focusing within through meditation, uplifting music, taking naps, taking walks out in nature, always grounding to the planet, connecting to the star systems, as well, to feel yourself as that center-point between heaven and earth. Before you know it you’ll start to feel in that higher threshold of where you’re striving to be.
Laugh more! Smile more! Enjoy this beautiful place, these beautiful experiences that your Soul has said yes to during this time of great transition. Know always that Love is who you are. It’s the core of everything. It is everything and All that Is.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2014 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the author and a link to www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood www.AkashaHealingStudio.com
Tagged as: Akasha Healing Studio, Ascension, channeled messages for light workers, Channeling, energy, Escondido, feeling dense and human, High Council of Orion, Holly Hawkins Marwood, metaphysics, Paul Marwood, Personal development, planetary changes, San Diego, Soul Genesis
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Elementals Power of Transmutation -- YouTube and Transcription
The Elementals Power of Transmutation
Gnomes - Earth Elementals
We calibrate ourselves to the frequency of ascension by remaining conscious of our inner and outer life. We can only retain this conscious connection when our thoughts and emotions are balanced and centered. Now this is not an easy task.
It’s not so difficult to be conscious when we are having a good time or when we are in meditation, laughing with a friend or something loving and joyful happening. Then we want to be conscious. These happy situations draw to be conscious.
But what happens is when our resonance drops or when we’re hit with a challenge that ignites an emotional trigger? When we’re in third dimensional consciousness, all we can do is action and/or react. However in the fifth-dimension we don’t want to react. Reaction is something that is a very third-dimension action and it puts us into a more unconscious state.
What we want to do is to respond to the resonance of the situation. And we respond by taking a breath, by allowing ourselves to feel it and to feel it with our body. We are accustomed, especially in the west, to lead with our brains, and we often forget to engage our heart.
Our bodies are resonators that interact with the lower and the higher frequencies. However, we are not often conscious of that fact. Our aura is fourth dimensional and it interacts with fourth dimensional life. Our aura can identify and interact with fourth dimensional energy fields that our physical self cannot even perceive.
As we begin our transmutation into our fifth dimensional Lightbody, that “body” can perceive and interact with fifth dimensional energy fields that even our aura cannot perceive. Our body, as well as our entire environment, is expanding into the fourth and fifth dimensions.
We cannot perceive this shift with our 3D perceptions, but it feels unidentifiably different then our third or fourth dimensional realities. When we move into allowing our bodies to feel that resonance, and then go into a third-dimensional situation, it feels like hitting a brick wall.
Now that’s not always bad but it definitely different. Also, there are times when the third-dimension is really good and we want to engage with it. However, that desire to engage often comes from the “feeling” of the higher dimensional worlds.
The other day I was meditating in my yard. When I opened my eyes and looked around everything looked and felt different. The trees had a different resonance, the flowers were brighter and the grass had a soft glow. I was sitting there thinking, “Oh, this is just like New Earth.” I think that this king of expanded perception is going to be happening more and more.
Today we are talking about the elementals. The reason that I wanted to talk about the elementals is that in writing my Pleiadian Perspective books and coming to the end of the whole series, one of the things that happened at the end is that the hero and heroine are beginning their process of transmuting into Lightbody. This process begins by tuning into and communing with the elementals.
I’m going to take a moment and explain elementals. The main four elementals are: earth, air, fire and water. Elementals resonate to the fourth and into the fifth dimension. Elements only resonate to the third dimension. We see the Earth, we see the ground, we see the air, we see the fire in the fireplace, and we see the water.
When we merge our consciousness with our fourth dimensional aura then we can move into our beginnings of our perceiving the elementals because the elementals are more of the fourth/fifth dimension.
The elementals is also the way that we bond with Gaia because elementals are everywhere in our environment. Since they are fifth dimensional they are not bound by time and space. The most immediate way that we interact with these elementals, especially at first, is that we breathe them in when we inhale and breathe them out as we exhale.
Our earth vessel is primarily third/fourth dimensional. As we expand our consciousness which also expands our heart space and raises the resonance of our aura and eventually raises the resonance of our body, we are able to begin a conscious or unconscious communication with the elementals.
Earth Elemental – Meditation
We will start with the Earth because that is very important and we want to get grounded. Imagine your physical self sitting on physical ground. Someplace in nature would be nice. In your mind, imagine a place – in your yard on a beach on in the mountains or someplace that you really feel at one with Mother Planet. Feel yourself sitting right on the grass, or the rocks.
The spine of your body is connected to the physical Earth and the physical Earth matter of the planet Gaia. As you experience that deep connection, feel how the energy comes from the Sun and comes in through your Crown Chakra and all the way down your spine, past your throat, past your heart, past your waist, down to the base of your spine and down all the way into the core of Gaia.
Feel yourself completely plugged in. You are plugged in to the source of Light – the Sun – which rejuvenates and allows Life on this Planet. You are also plugged into the Core of the Planet to deeply ground your experience.
As you feel yourself plugged in, close your physical eyes and blink your Third Eye. Just imagine that there is an eye on your forehead and you are blinking it. As you blink your third eye you look out at the ground. Look at the ground around you and you can see that there is dirt, grass, rocks or whatever you see there. With your Third Eye, you see the Earth Elementals, which are known as gnomes.
We know from fairy tales that Gnomes are the little people with the red suits and the pointed hats. A lot of fairy tales are actually from the world of Faerie, which is a fourth dimensional world. A lot of the people who channeled these fairy tales were experiencing that realm. So when we hear: “Oh that’s just a fairy tale. It actually is real. It’s just not real in this world. It’s real in the fourth-dimension.
Now the elementals are that transition from the fourth to the fifth. As you feel yourself firmly grounded, feel that physical earth underneath you. You might want to imagine reaching out your hands and touching the ground to feel the physical earth you are touching. Attune your attention to that physical ground.
Use your Third Eye, as well as your entire Aura, to look out through your imagination. Remember that imagination is fifth-dimensional thought. Use your imagination to see the gnomes and see these beings.
They don’t have to have red hats, and I actually perceive them as if they are peeking out from behind a branch or rock. They peek out and wonder if it’s safe to reveal them selves because many humans do not appreciate them. So when you see a gnome, tell it that it is safe.
Tell them, “It is so safe for you to come to my house because I live in Light and love and I am in the process of ascension. I would like to breathe you into my body so that you can help transmute all the physical matter of my body. You can hear the gnomes say that they are happy to do that and it is their job.
Now, inhale in thru your nose and feel that Earth elemental as it comes into your body and feel, imagine, experience its presence. Move your shoulders and move your spine and undulate your body as you feel these elementals moving inside of your body.
Feel how their fifth dimensional resonance transmutes which is still stuck in the physical world into its fifth-dimensional expression.
Remember that New Earth is not “out there.” The fifth-dimension is not “out there”. Our portal to the fifth-dimension is not “out there.” Everything is inside. Out there is the holographic projection of the third and fourth dimension. Inside is the reality of our unity with all life.
Take a long slow deep breath and inhale. As you inhale, you feel all of these fifth dimensional Earth elementals moving into your body—transmuting and transmuting your lower frequencies of your form.
As you exhale, you feel all of that waste material, the 3D waste that you don’t need anymore. It is just released. And along with that, everything that you have learned, everything that you have gained, everything that you have remembered goes in to the hearts and minds of these elementals.
As you breathe out these elementals, go back to the Earth and down into the Core of Gaia and say, “We want to share this light with you Gaia.” Then the elementals take a package of love into the Core of Gaia. As you inhale the Earth Elementals share all that you have learned with Gaia.
Then as you exhale you send that gift back out to the greater Earth. We will do this for each of the elementals. This is why the elementals are so important. The elementals are how we begin to deeply and truly experience Unity Consciousness with all Life.
The other part of the elementals is that they are healers. As you breathe in elemental’s energy field, you pull it in to your consciousness. When you breathe out, you are breathing out this fifth-dimensional transmutational power.
You could breathe the energy on to any part of you that has an injury or any one that you know is not well. You can also breathe it onto your animals. Take a moment and feel the transmutation that is in you.
Breathe in and feel the shift in all the matter within your body, all of your Earth, your matter and hold it. Allow whatever healing is necessary. As you breathe out, you release the waste materials first and then out comes the earth elementals that you have shared with Gaia.
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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
18th July 2014
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Romanian Translation, thank you Monica.
“Greetings Dear Ones.
We are the High Council of Orion.
Are you having moments these days that are ebbing and flowing between feeling enlightened and on your path and feeling very dense, grounded and human?
As the vibrations are changing on the planet, as the manifestation of the fifth dimension is beginning to energetically work its way down to a place of an embodied reality, understand that you might have more moments of feeling the contrast between the old and the new. There are times when many of you might feel a little physically more dense, a little more sluggish, more tired, foggier in your head, and a little lackluster with your energy and your enthusiasm for life.
Understand that for many of you this is just a result still of these transforming energies which will be at work for a long time to come on your planet. So, are you sick? Are you unwell, mentally and emotionally? Perhaps not. (Of course, we don’t advocate not taking yourself to the proper professionals if one feels that one needs to be there.) However, there are times when the energies are just going to feel lower for you physically, mentally, emotionally. Again, life could feel a little lackluster or sluggish or foggy on many levels.
What we encourage you to do during these times is to work as best you can within the energy that you’re feeling. What we mean by this is if you are feeling energetic, alive, excited, passionate, thriving and connected, then live that to the fullest and be in deep gratitude and appreciation for those moments as evidence of you moving closer to the vibrational reality of what you’ve been dreaming about. If there are days when you’re not feeling that way, you’re feeling the opposite, just honor it and not judge, honor it and feel that it’s just this ebb and flow of the change and transformation. It’s not evidence of moving backwards. It’s not evidence of lack of progress. It’s just some time where you’re feeling a little more human, a little more 3rd dimensional. Rest. Take time out. Take things more slowly if you need to. Make sure you’re drinking lots of water, eating good food and being in as uplifting a situation as you possibly can while your body is in more of the ebb, instead of the flow of the recalibration of this time. Understand also that it won’t continue. You may feel that for a day or so or however long is necessary, but you will begin flowing in that positive direction again, so holding it as a place that is temporary and honoring where your energies are telling you to be in that moment is the ideal thing to do.
As you observe yourself and as you’re moving, transitioning and recalibrating at this time, you can observe yourself having more of those days where you feel in synchronicity, alive, excited and in tune with all that’s around you at that greater level. Celebrating those times as not just what you expect, but being thrilled by it, being excited about it, being happy and grateful to feel that level of aliveness, sensitivity, awareness, synchronicity. All these things you’ve been striving for, celebrate it! It’s easy to say, “Well, of course it’s like that! It’s just how it’s going to be. It’s my new reality!” That’s fabulous. Honor that and expect that and allow yourself to have those days of being human every now and then.
Again honor it as part of the recalibration. Honor it as part of the upgrade that many of you are in at the moment. Surrender to whatever it is for it’s a time also where you can be called within and spend more time focusing within through meditation, uplifting music, taking naps, taking walks out in nature, always grounding to the planet, connecting to the star systems, as well, to feel yourself as that center-point between heaven and earth. Before you know it you’ll start to feel in that higher threshold of where you’re striving to be.
Laugh more! Smile more! Enjoy this beautiful place, these beautiful experiences that your Soul has said yes to during this time of great transition. Know always that Love is who you are. It’s the core of everything. It is everything and All that Is.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2014 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the author and a link to www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood www.AkashaHealingStudio.com
Tagged as: Akasha Healing Studio, Ascension, channeled messages for light workers, Channeling, energy, Escondido, feeling dense and human, High Council of Orion, Holly Hawkins Marwood, metaphysics, Paul Marwood, Personal development, planetary changes, San Diego, Soul Genesis
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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Elementals Power of Transmutation -- YouTube and Transcription
The Elementals Power of Transmutation
Gnomes - Earth Elementals
We calibrate ourselves to the frequency of ascension by remaining conscious of our inner and outer life. We can only retain this conscious connection when our thoughts and emotions are balanced and centered. Now this is not an easy task.
It’s not so difficult to be conscious when we are having a good time or when we are in meditation, laughing with a friend or something loving and joyful happening. Then we want to be conscious. These happy situations draw to be conscious.
But what happens is when our resonance drops or when we’re hit with a challenge that ignites an emotional trigger? When we’re in third dimensional consciousness, all we can do is action and/or react. However in the fifth-dimension we don’t want to react. Reaction is something that is a very third-dimension action and it puts us into a more unconscious state.
What we want to do is to respond to the resonance of the situation. And we respond by taking a breath, by allowing ourselves to feel it and to feel it with our body. We are accustomed, especially in the west, to lead with our brains, and we often forget to engage our heart.
Our bodies are resonators that interact with the lower and the higher frequencies. However, we are not often conscious of that fact. Our aura is fourth dimensional and it interacts with fourth dimensional life. Our aura can identify and interact with fourth dimensional energy fields that our physical self cannot even perceive.
As we begin our transmutation into our fifth dimensional Lightbody, that “body” can perceive and interact with fifth dimensional energy fields that even our aura cannot perceive. Our body, as well as our entire environment, is expanding into the fourth and fifth dimensions.
We cannot perceive this shift with our 3D perceptions, but it feels unidentifiably different then our third or fourth dimensional realities. When we move into allowing our bodies to feel that resonance, and then go into a third-dimensional situation, it feels like hitting a brick wall.
Now that’s not always bad but it definitely different. Also, there are times when the third-dimension is really good and we want to engage with it. However, that desire to engage often comes from the “feeling” of the higher dimensional worlds.
The other day I was meditating in my yard. When I opened my eyes and looked around everything looked and felt different. The trees had a different resonance, the flowers were brighter and the grass had a soft glow. I was sitting there thinking, “Oh, this is just like New Earth.” I think that this king of expanded perception is going to be happening more and more.
Today we are talking about the elementals. The reason that I wanted to talk about the elementals is that in writing my Pleiadian Perspective books and coming to the end of the whole series, one of the things that happened at the end is that the hero and heroine are beginning their process of transmuting into Lightbody. This process begins by tuning into and communing with the elementals.
I’m going to take a moment and explain elementals. The main four elementals are: earth, air, fire and water. Elementals resonate to the fourth and into the fifth dimension. Elements only resonate to the third dimension. We see the Earth, we see the ground, we see the air, we see the fire in the fireplace, and we see the water.
When we merge our consciousness with our fourth dimensional aura then we can move into our beginnings of our perceiving the elementals because the elementals are more of the fourth/fifth dimension.
The elementals is also the way that we bond with Gaia because elementals are everywhere in our environment. Since they are fifth dimensional they are not bound by time and space. The most immediate way that we interact with these elementals, especially at first, is that we breathe them in when we inhale and breathe them out as we exhale.
Our earth vessel is primarily third/fourth dimensional. As we expand our consciousness which also expands our heart space and raises the resonance of our aura and eventually raises the resonance of our body, we are able to begin a conscious or unconscious communication with the elementals.
Earth Elemental – Meditation
We will start with the Earth because that is very important and we want to get grounded. Imagine your physical self sitting on physical ground. Someplace in nature would be nice. In your mind, imagine a place – in your yard on a beach on in the mountains or someplace that you really feel at one with Mother Planet. Feel yourself sitting right on the grass, or the rocks.
The spine of your body is connected to the physical Earth and the physical Earth matter of the planet Gaia. As you experience that deep connection, feel how the energy comes from the Sun and comes in through your Crown Chakra and all the way down your spine, past your throat, past your heart, past your waist, down to the base of your spine and down all the way into the core of Gaia.
Feel yourself completely plugged in. You are plugged in to the source of Light – the Sun – which rejuvenates and allows Life on this Planet. You are also plugged into the Core of the Planet to deeply ground your experience.
As you feel yourself plugged in, close your physical eyes and blink your Third Eye. Just imagine that there is an eye on your forehead and you are blinking it. As you blink your third eye you look out at the ground. Look at the ground around you and you can see that there is dirt, grass, rocks or whatever you see there. With your Third Eye, you see the Earth Elementals, which are known as gnomes.
We know from fairy tales that Gnomes are the little people with the red suits and the pointed hats. A lot of fairy tales are actually from the world of Faerie, which is a fourth dimensional world. A lot of the people who channeled these fairy tales were experiencing that realm. So when we hear: “Oh that’s just a fairy tale. It actually is real. It’s just not real in this world. It’s real in the fourth-dimension.
Now the elementals are that transition from the fourth to the fifth. As you feel yourself firmly grounded, feel that physical earth underneath you. You might want to imagine reaching out your hands and touching the ground to feel the physical earth you are touching. Attune your attention to that physical ground.
Use your Third Eye, as well as your entire Aura, to look out through your imagination. Remember that imagination is fifth-dimensional thought. Use your imagination to see the gnomes and see these beings.
They don’t have to have red hats, and I actually perceive them as if they are peeking out from behind a branch or rock. They peek out and wonder if it’s safe to reveal them selves because many humans do not appreciate them. So when you see a gnome, tell it that it is safe.
Tell them, “It is so safe for you to come to my house because I live in Light and love and I am in the process of ascension. I would like to breathe you into my body so that you can help transmute all the physical matter of my body. You can hear the gnomes say that they are happy to do that and it is their job.
Now, inhale in thru your nose and feel that Earth elemental as it comes into your body and feel, imagine, experience its presence. Move your shoulders and move your spine and undulate your body as you feel these elementals moving inside of your body.
Feel how their fifth dimensional resonance transmutes which is still stuck in the physical world into its fifth-dimensional expression.
Remember that New Earth is not “out there.” The fifth-dimension is not “out there”. Our portal to the fifth-dimension is not “out there.” Everything is inside. Out there is the holographic projection of the third and fourth dimension. Inside is the reality of our unity with all life.
Take a long slow deep breath and inhale. As you inhale, you feel all of these fifth dimensional Earth elementals moving into your body—transmuting and transmuting your lower frequencies of your form.
As you exhale, you feel all of that waste material, the 3D waste that you don’t need anymore. It is just released. And along with that, everything that you have learned, everything that you have gained, everything that you have remembered goes in to the hearts and minds of these elementals.
As you breathe out these elementals, go back to the Earth and down into the Core of Gaia and say, “We want to share this light with you Gaia.” Then the elementals take a package of love into the Core of Gaia. As you inhale the Earth Elementals share all that you have learned with Gaia.
Then as you exhale you send that gift back out to the greater Earth. We will do this for each of the elementals. This is why the elementals are so important. The elementals are how we begin to deeply and truly experience Unity Consciousness with all Life.
The other part of the elementals is that they are healers. As you breathe in elemental’s energy field, you pull it in to your consciousness. When you breathe out, you are breathing out this fifth-dimensional transmutational power.
You could breathe the energy on to any part of you that has an injury or any one that you know is not well. You can also breathe it onto your animals. Take a moment and feel the transmutation that is in you.
Breathe in and feel the shift in all the matter within your body, all of your Earth, your matter and hold it. Allow whatever healing is necessary. As you breathe out, you release the waste materials first and then out comes the earth elementals that you have shared with Gaia.
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