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▶ Galactic Federation of Light The Pleiadians January-20-2014 - YouTube

The Pleiadians about new resonance fields of interaction and teleportation ~ By Méline Lafont
January 20, 2014 by melinelafont

For German: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be/search/label/German%2F%20Deutsch%20channelings
The Pleiadians
We greet you our beloved ones, we are the
Pleiadians. It is our wish to communicate with you on a deeper level
about telepathic communication and teleportation, because these are
gifts that are about to be integrated and even executed in your world
reality from the inner planes.
These gifts and abilities are brought
forth from the re-balance and the equilibrium state of being which you
have increasingly amplified thanks to the integration of your Christ
Consciousness and presently also thanks to the ongoing process of the I
AM Presence descending. This all is the result of your Christ
consciousness moving into a deeper level of understanding and of the
execution of this all in your reality.
The I AM Presence re-blending is a
necessary part of your deeper integration of Self that will assist in
your teleportation gifts as the heart and the One have to be in balance,
where the balance comes forth from your integration and re-blending
process of your I AM.
This is, beloved ones, because you are
becoming and expanding more of You, the You in truth and balance which
is expanding and growing at a rather fast pace in your Earthly linear
times. As you have come to notice, the linear time that you have known
for so long is fading as we speak. Many of you find yourselves quite
often in different Dimensions at the same now moment of your time which
can bring much confusion for some. Prepare for this to become even more
frequent on a conscious level as you will find yourselves growing into
the expansion of your True I AM Presence which is at the frequency
vibration of an infinite Now moment that does not stand on its own in
one time frame or time-line but simultaneously in many other spaces of
times and Dimensions.
Because you are becoming more conscious of
this all and are able to cope with this all in a better way than
before, this all brings you the opportunities and possibilities to start
conscious travels all around the world and even in deep space.
Encounters on such levels with other beings on the planet as well as in
other Dimensions, such as ours, become your reality now as we start to
vibrate all along on one vibration where this all is possible.
We call it the infinite now moment where
all and everything reside in one consciousness state and level of
understanding and where this interaction is possible in your reality. Be
the calm and stillness you can BE in your conscious state for it can
become weird and unreal in your minds to be able and grasp this all. We
advise you to not go along with the consciousness of putting efforts to
grasp all and everything what your mind translates as weird or unreal,
for everything IS real in the heart.
More times and possibilities will be
presented to you and by you to interact consciously with us, you have
been in a long preparation for our interactions in a conscious way, that
is now in the offing for you to reach. Please do understand that time
is a weird and unreal concept in your reality that always has put
limitations and boundaries upon your planet and your reality, and now
that you have become the consciousness and awareness that time does have
set your boundaries to become your reality, it dissolves, it fades away
and the unlimited comes forth, the abundance and freedom of your being
in awareness and consciousness.
The transportations of yourself, which
translates itself in the term ‘teleportation’, has become a frequency
level for you to tap into and to become. The only thing that is required
to do is to reach for it in consciousness, through the purity of your
heart. When you become a pure consciousness in embodiment you can take
your embodiment with you at any time and place, but that one lingers
than in a perfect pure conscious state of being IN embodiment.
We address you in this now about this
subject as it will become very important upon this plane as a new
existence will rage up and bring this all forth. Teleportation is the
new consciousness awareness upon you all, you who are in the heart and
can execute total detachment from all that is mind related and of the
“old” which is the consciousness rate of this duality. We do not speak
of detachment being not compassionate about others or about separation,
what we do speak of is the unity consciousness where one becomes and IS
the All within and where the need for duality dramas and such
reflections is being dissolved and no longer needed to be experienced as
you will know that all is within anyway, no matter what reflection is
upon you, the answer and source is found within.
We are becoming more and more you in the
unity consciousness of your human awareness and HUEmanity is at the
stage of conscious interactions with our Galactic signatures and being,
this on a most deep level of your OWN being in the heart, but may as
well be experienced in an outer form in your reality as a reflection of
your own You. We mirror you as we ARE you in a future time-line as you
may call it, and now that those time-lines and Dimensions are actively
re-blending as one, something you can feel and experience very vividly
now, we will no longer represent you in the future but become one with
you in your own reality of NOW which enables you to experience this more
on a conscious and vivid way simultaneously.
Wonderful prospects and experiences to
look forward to, wouldn’t you agree? We are most happy to be here along
with you at this time as we are here to assist you and to bring you
these messages of hope and Love, for you are indeed Loved very much.
We are your Star Family, the Pleiadians.
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered http://awakeningtohigherlove.com and http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com
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▶ The Pleiadians January 20 2014 Spanish - YouTube
Published on Jan 21, 2014
Los Pleyadianos , sobre los nuevos campos de resonancia de la interacción y la teleportación ,
Por Méline Lafont ,
20 de enero 2014
Los Pleyadianos
Te saludamos a nuestros seres queridos , somos los Pleyadianos . Es nuestro deseo de comunicarse con usted en un nivel más profundo acerca de la comunicación telepática y la teleportación , ya que estos son los regalos que están a punto de integrarse e incluso ejecutados en su realidad mundial desde los planos internos .
Estos dones y habilidades son producidos a partir de la re- equilibrio y el estado de equilibrio del ser que usted ha amplificado cada vez más gracias a la integración de la Conciencia de Cristo y en la actualidad también gracias al proceso en curso de la Presencia YO SOY descendente. Todo esto es el resultado de su conciencia de Cristo entrando en un nivel más profundo de comprensión y de la ejecución de todo esto en su realidad.
La re- mezcla Presencia YO SOY es una parte necesaria de su integración más profunda del Ser que le ayudará en sus regalos de teletransporte como el corazón y el Uno tiene que estar en equilibrio, donde el equilibrio sale de su proceso de integración y re- mezcla de yO SOY .
Este es , queridos míos , porque se están convirtiendo y ampliando más de Ti , el ti en verdad y el equilibrio que se está expandiendo y creciendo a un ritmo bastante rápido en sus tiempos lineales terrenales . A medida que han llegado a notar , el tiempo lineal que ha conocido durante tanto tiempo se está desvaneciendo mientras hablamos. Muchos de ustedes se encuentran muy a menudo en diferentes dimensiones en el mismo momento ahora de su tiempo que puede traer mucha confusión para algunos. Prepárense para esto a ser aún más frecuente a nivel consciente como se encontrarán cada vez mayor en la expansión de su verdadera Presencia YO SOY que está en la vibración de la frecuencia de un momento del Ahora infinita que no se sostiene por sí misma en un plazo de tiempo o línea de tiempo pero a la vez en muchos otros espacios de tiempos y Dimensiones .
Méline Lafont 2012 - 2014, se otorga permiso para compartir libremente en su totalidad y sin alteraciones http://awakeningtohigherlove.com y http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com
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Translate /traducir/ Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
▶ Galactic Federation of Light The Pleiadians January-20-2014 - YouTube
The Pleiadians about new resonance fields of interaction and teleportation ~ By Méline Lafont
January 20, 2014 by melinelafont
For German: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be/search/label/German%2F%20Deutsch%20channelings
The Pleiadians
We greet you our beloved ones, we are the
Pleiadians. It is our wish to communicate with you on a deeper level
about telepathic communication and teleportation, because these are
gifts that are about to be integrated and even executed in your world
reality from the inner planes.
These gifts and abilities are brought
forth from the re-balance and the equilibrium state of being which you
have increasingly amplified thanks to the integration of your Christ
Consciousness and presently also thanks to the ongoing process of the I
AM Presence descending. This all is the result of your Christ
consciousness moving into a deeper level of understanding and of the
execution of this all in your reality.
The I AM Presence re-blending is a
necessary part of your deeper integration of Self that will assist in
your teleportation gifts as the heart and the One have to be in balance,
where the balance comes forth from your integration and re-blending
process of your I AM.
This is, beloved ones, because you are
becoming and expanding more of You, the You in truth and balance which
is expanding and growing at a rather fast pace in your Earthly linear
times. As you have come to notice, the linear time that you have known
for so long is fading as we speak. Many of you find yourselves quite
often in different Dimensions at the same now moment of your time which
can bring much confusion for some. Prepare for this to become even more
frequent on a conscious level as you will find yourselves growing into
the expansion of your True I AM Presence which is at the frequency
vibration of an infinite Now moment that does not stand on its own in
one time frame or time-line but simultaneously in many other spaces of
times and Dimensions.
Because you are becoming more conscious of
this all and are able to cope with this all in a better way than
before, this all brings you the opportunities and possibilities to start
conscious travels all around the world and even in deep space.
Encounters on such levels with other beings on the planet as well as in
other Dimensions, such as ours, become your reality now as we start to
vibrate all along on one vibration where this all is possible.
We call it the infinite now moment where
all and everything reside in one consciousness state and level of
understanding and where this interaction is possible in your reality. Be
the calm and stillness you can BE in your conscious state for it can
become weird and unreal in your minds to be able and grasp this all. We
advise you to not go along with the consciousness of putting efforts to
grasp all and everything what your mind translates as weird or unreal,
for everything IS real in the heart.
More times and possibilities will be
presented to you and by you to interact consciously with us, you have
been in a long preparation for our interactions in a conscious way, that
is now in the offing for you to reach. Please do understand that time
is a weird and unreal concept in your reality that always has put
limitations and boundaries upon your planet and your reality, and now
that you have become the consciousness and awareness that time does have
set your boundaries to become your reality, it dissolves, it fades away
and the unlimited comes forth, the abundance and freedom of your being
in awareness and consciousness.
The transportations of yourself, which
translates itself in the term ‘teleportation’, has become a frequency
level for you to tap into and to become. The only thing that is required
to do is to reach for it in consciousness, through the purity of your
heart. When you become a pure consciousness in embodiment you can take
your embodiment with you at any time and place, but that one lingers
than in a perfect pure conscious state of being IN embodiment.
We address you in this now about this
subject as it will become very important upon this plane as a new
existence will rage up and bring this all forth. Teleportation is the
new consciousness awareness upon you all, you who are in the heart and
can execute total detachment from all that is mind related and of the
“old” which is the consciousness rate of this duality. We do not speak
of detachment being not compassionate about others or about separation,
what we do speak of is the unity consciousness where one becomes and IS
the All within and where the need for duality dramas and such
reflections is being dissolved and no longer needed to be experienced as
you will know that all is within anyway, no matter what reflection is
upon you, the answer and source is found within.
We are becoming more and more you in the
unity consciousness of your human awareness and HUEmanity is at the
stage of conscious interactions with our Galactic signatures and being,
this on a most deep level of your OWN being in the heart, but may as
well be experienced in an outer form in your reality as a reflection of
your own You. We mirror you as we ARE you in a future time-line as you
may call it, and now that those time-lines and Dimensions are actively
re-blending as one, something you can feel and experience very vividly
now, we will no longer represent you in the future but become one with
you in your own reality of NOW which enables you to experience this more
on a conscious and vivid way simultaneously.
Wonderful prospects and experiences to
look forward to, wouldn’t you agree? We are most happy to be here along
with you at this time as we are here to assist you and to bring you
these messages of hope and Love, for you are indeed Loved very much.
We are your Star Family, the Pleiadians.
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered http://awakeningtohigherlove.com and http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com
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menerjemahkan ♪ → → → ► → → →
Traducir / translate ♪ → → → ► → → →
traduire / переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
menerjemahkan ♪ → → → ► → → →
Traducir / translate ♪ → → → ► → → →
traduire / переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
▶ The Pleiadians January 20 2014 Spanish - YouTube
Published on Jan 21, 2014
Los Pleyadianos , sobre los nuevos campos de resonancia de la interacción y la teleportación ,
Por Méline Lafont ,
20 de enero 2014
Los Pleyadianos
Te saludamos a nuestros seres queridos , somos los Pleyadianos . Es nuestro deseo de comunicarse con usted en un nivel más profundo acerca de la comunicación telepática y la teleportación , ya que estos son los regalos que están a punto de integrarse e incluso ejecutados en su realidad mundial desde los planos internos .
Estos dones y habilidades son producidos a partir de la re- equilibrio y el estado de equilibrio del ser que usted ha amplificado cada vez más gracias a la integración de la Conciencia de Cristo y en la actualidad también gracias al proceso en curso de la Presencia YO SOY descendente. Todo esto es el resultado de su conciencia de Cristo entrando en un nivel más profundo de comprensión y de la ejecución de todo esto en su realidad.
La re- mezcla Presencia YO SOY es una parte necesaria de su integración más profunda del Ser que le ayudará en sus regalos de teletransporte como el corazón y el Uno tiene que estar en equilibrio, donde el equilibrio sale de su proceso de integración y re- mezcla de yO SOY .
Este es , queridos míos , porque se están convirtiendo y ampliando más de Ti , el ti en verdad y el equilibrio que se está expandiendo y creciendo a un ritmo bastante rápido en sus tiempos lineales terrenales . A medida que han llegado a notar , el tiempo lineal que ha conocido durante tanto tiempo se está desvaneciendo mientras hablamos. Muchos de ustedes se encuentran muy a menudo en diferentes dimensiones en el mismo momento ahora de su tiempo que puede traer mucha confusión para algunos. Prepárense para esto a ser aún más frecuente a nivel consciente como se encontrarán cada vez mayor en la expansión de su verdadera Presencia YO SOY que está en la vibración de la frecuencia de un momento del Ahora infinita que no se sostiene por sí misma en un plazo de tiempo o línea de tiempo pero a la vez en muchos otros espacios de tiempos y Dimensiones .
Méline Lafont 2012 - 2014, se otorga permiso para compartir libremente en su totalidad y sin alteraciones http://awakeningtohigherlove.com y http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com
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