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Greetings from the starship Athabantian, today I am responding to the numerous inquiries we have had as to why we are not communicating more information about the details of current events. My response is as follows: Humanity and Earth are undergoing the initial stages of the great transformation; events are playing out as we had predicted in our earlier messages. We are not in the entertainment business and feel no need to produce a blow-by-blow analysis of current events.
Having said the above, I will comment as follow. Little that your national media would have you believe about the current situation in the U.S. is true. Some of what you are reading and viewing on the Internet is misinformation; be discerning. Your politics are based on power struggles between the wealthy and powerful, nothing more; politicians are not paying attention to the needs of the populace. Your legal systems have been subverted to the needs of the wealthy. The world monetary system is near collapse. Most religions continue to flog old dogma rather than attending to the spiritual needs of their followers. You are beings fed lies about science, history, medicine, and much more. Those in power and wealth are desperately holding onto what they have, as they make preparations to survive the coming transformation.
The only way in which you will survive and move forward during the days of the transformation is to increase your vibration commensurate with that of the new Earth – this is the minimum, not the optimal. Optimally you should be working on the raising your vibration to a 5th Dimensional level – which is where we aboard Athabantian reside. If your vibration is based exclusively in the light you will weather this transformation much better than if you have residual fears.
Your year 2012 is witnessing the initiation of the final events of the great transformation. All these will not play out by year-end. There will be physical and energetic shifts of your planet. Extreme weather will continue. Expect more environmental reactions to your abuses. You personally will be called upon to set aside much. Yes, you are mitigating some of the changes through your combined energies, but you cannot avoid all, for the transformation requires leaving behind what you consider “known” and “comfortable” in order to construct a new civilization.
I encourage each reader of this communication to examine our earlier messages as they predict much of what is now transpiring, and what will need to be re-constructed to fulfill the promise of the New Earth. Once again, live in the light during these trying times; do not go to fear.
I am Bren-Ton, currently of the starship Athabantian. All aboard send their blessings to each human of earth.
Through Mark Kimmel
Posted 14th April 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: Starship Ahabantian
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A message from Mother
Channeled by Aisha North
June 27, 2014
Dear family of light!
June 27, 2014
Dear family of light!
As I sat down to channel today I could feel something special in the energies as I connected to them. I usually feel a distinct tingle when I start by grounding myself, but this time, it was as if a stream of love floated up through my entire body up to my heart where it connected with the energies coming in. It was such a powerful but loving experience, my body trembled and it brought tears to my eyes. As usual, I welcomed the CCs and asked them for today’s message, but this time, they told me that they would “give the floor over to someone else”. And this is the message that came through:
Welcome dear ones, it gives me great pleasure to be able to communicate in this way with you all. I am the Serene Mother, the one that gives life, the one that is so highly cherished by all, and the one who has once again been reinstated within the very heart of your creation. You see, as the Mother Goddess I have been banished from this Earth for far too long, but now, my time has come to be united with you all once again, and for that, I can only give thanks to every single one of you. For I am here again, standing before you, because you invited me back in. You see, I have been here, waiting patiently for my cue to reach out to you once again, and my arms are finally once more embracing you all. I will never leave your side again, for now, what has been united can no longer be torn apart, and the rift in the very fabric of time that so brutally separated you from this source of everlasting love has now been healed completely.
Dear ones, you have made a long and arduous journey through millennia of darkness and solitude, but now, you will no longer want for the light. For I am once more here to hold your hearts safely ensconced within my light, and so, you will walk in light no matter where your journey will take you. I am here, and I will show myself in so many forms, for as you call for me, I will acknowledge your presence on this planet just as you have already acknowledged mine, and so we make each other complete in a way that you will have no way of putting into words just yet. But your heart will be filled with the knowledge of this that I speak of, and your heart will never be lost ever again. For as you opened your hearts and your souls to me, you also agreed fully to your purpose in this incarnation, and for that, we can only offer our sincerest salutations.
For you are no longer the lost tribe, you are once again ready to become the tribe of light, the risen ones, the ones that will stand up in all of their glory and never fail to BE the light ever again. For now, you have opened yourselves fully to the light that is rushing in to embrace you all, and as you stand there with your hearts facing the light, you will find yourself at home again – at last. For now, the good tidings will continue to pour into every single cell of your being, into every single iota of your flesh and into every single aspect of your being. You have come forth from the dark alleys of mankind and reemerged as the gods and goddesses you truly are, and now we will all bring this planet fully back into all of her glory. For she deserves nothing less, and neither do you. You are forever blessed dear ones, for you have broken the spell and you have reclaimed your birthright and I am so proud to call you my beloved children, my co-creators, my shining sisters and brothers, gods and goddesses of flesh and blood, and of undaunted spirit. I thank you all, I embrace you all, and I welcome you all back to the glory that is truly yours to carry, now and forever more. I thank you for being, I thank you for breathing and I thank you for bringing it all back to life and back to light once again. Thank you, that is all for now, I will step back but I will never leave your side again. Ever. Thank you.
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she will cease to exist
Delhi, India. Everyone wants just a little water...
Two Sudanese drink water from the marshes, with plastic tubes specially designed for this purpose, with a filter to filter
floating larvae, responsible for disease
lombriga da Guine.
Delhi, India. Everyone wants just a little water...
Two Sudanese drink water from the marshes, with plastic tubes specially designed for this purpose, with a filter to filter
floating larvae, responsible for disease
lombriga da Guine.
The program distributed millions of tubes and it got
reduce by 70% this debilitating disease.
The glaciers that supply water to Europe lost
more than half of its volume in the last century.
In the photo, workers of a glacier ski resort
of Pitztal inAustria, covering the glacier with a special blanket
to protect the snow and slow its melting during
the summer months ...
The waters of the Niger Delta are used to defecate,
swimming, fishing and littering.
reduce by 70% this debilitating disease.
The glaciers that supply water to Europe lost
more than half of its volume in the last century.
In the photo, workers of a glacier ski resort
of Pitztal inAustria, covering the glacier with a special blanket
to protect the snow and slow its melting during
the summer months ...
The waters of the Niger Delta are used to defecate,
swimming, fishing and littering.
Dirty water inresidential taps due to the advance
of indiscriminate urban development.
Residents of the island of Pate, Kenya, dig deep wells
in search of the precious liquid to just 300 meters from the sea.
The water is salty.
That was the fourth largest lake in the world, and is now a
dusty graveyard of ships that never
set sail ...
of indiscriminate urban development.
Residents of the island of Pate, Kenya, dig deep wells
in search of the precious liquid to just 300 meters from the sea.
The water is salty.
That was the fourth largest lake in the world, and is now a
dusty graveyard of ships that never
set sail ...
* When you brush, just open the tap
when rinsing.
* When shaving, open the faucet only when
rinse your face.
* When cleaning the kitchen or bathroom
open the tap only to Rinse.
* When you brush, just open the tap
when rinsing.
* When shaving, open the faucet only when
rinse your face.
* When cleaning the kitchen or bathroom
open the tap only to Rinse.
Please become aware! PLEASE FORWARD TO EVERYONE!
Global Warming...?
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