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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Greetings, I AM Tobaara!

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Greetings, I AM Tobaara!
I am a 5th dimensional being from a star system far away from your solar system. My mission is to introduce you into the 5th dimension, to give you some visions and possible intuitions and remembrances about what is awaiting you in your evolutionary journey.
There are already some descriptions given to you how it would be like when you awaken from your lower vibrating reality to a 5th dimensional density. They all come from a different point of view and here is mine. It will be helpful for you if you resonate with it.
At first I will paint a clear picture for you how you will experience you environment. It will appear to you much more translucent, and the colors will be very radiant, from inside out. All objects will shine naturally and the surfaces are not very opaque like objects in your world appear to you now, because of the structure of your senses which operate in a quite stiff rather than in a fluid and transparent manner. What I mean by that is that you perceive your world still as something solid and separate from you, as if it would be an independent appearance, while in reality it is not.
In the 5th dimension you experience your environment as non separate from yourself, you know naturally that you ARE your environment, as the veil between what is inside you and what is outside you, has been removed.
With this transparency you experience the unity of all things and beings, as the transparent heart of all is also your own transparent heart which is in its essence one with all. You all share the core of this transparency with one another and therefore know inherently the unity you all share.
Therefore your own creations appear simultaneously inside your space of heart as they appear outside, and this is how you feel inherently connected to all beings and things. You will experience directly what your evolved scientist already found out: that there is only one interconnected field of consciousness.
While you enter and focus more and more on the core of your transparent heart and therefore on the core of all transparent hearts which is in reality only one heart, you slowly withdraw your interest from objects and focus on this center, and by doing so, the objective world disappears and your reality becomes a reality without objects, appearing as radiance, happiness and love. A state of pure being as you will realize. In this state you enter the higher 5th dimensional realm to transition into the 6th dimension.
It is a world of wonders and beauty. As soon as you leave your 3th dimension your body and your senses will become more subtle and the process of perceiving the unity of all things will commence. The more you leave your sense of separation behind, while living more and more in the feeling of love and oneness, the more will the 4th dimension fade away giving room for your entrance into the 5th dimension.
It is all a matter of growth in consciousness and awareness, a process that will be triggered and supported by the incoming high frequencies, partly through your sun and partly directly through emissions from your galaxy.
There are star systems and planets in your surrounding universe who are so called transmitter stations and who are receiving greater transmissions from the deep of the universe, and sending these further via your galactic center to your entire solar system, including your earth.
You see that the whole universe works together to initiate and bring about your ascension process. The information contained in these solar and galactic transmissions are all about the divinely programmed evolvement of not only your solar system but also the universe in which you exist.
The transmissions from the deep of the universe are from galaxies of greater states of consciousness which are altogether in a more exalted state than your own galaxy. There is still much to learn, there is indeed a hierarchy of galaxies in the total universe, as there is a hierarchy of star systems and planets in your galaxy and in your solar system.
The evolution of Divine Consciousness never ends and it shows you that you have still a very long and glorious way ahead of you, ever more expanding your consciousness and your capacity to learn and to understand the greatness of the Divinity that is the Source of all Universes.
I greet you with much love!
I AM Tobaara
Message conveyed by Ute
http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/message-from-tobaara-fifts-dimension.htmlCopyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Posted 15th February 2012 by Juan Pablo
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Pleiadian Perspectives, BK 4 - Lemurian Celebration, Gaia Speaks
Lemurian Celebration Part 1

Gaia Speaks
Dear Arcturians,
As I come to the close of this amazing project of four books, I find that I cannot receive the ending. I know that a part of me does not want this process to end. Part of me will miss this experience forever, and another part is concerned about how life will change once I have completed it.
I know that this process has been a major initiation for me, as well as a major component of my Divine Plan. Will I have more initiations as the book completes, I ask knowing the answer is “always.”
Mytre and Mytria, Sandy and Jason and Mytrian, how can I leave you out of this conversation? I have grown to know and love you as elements of my higher self, which I know that you are. I miss the Ship more than ever, but know that my away mission is not yet complete. Besides, as much as I miss that life, I love and adore this life.
I guess the solution is to become truly multidimensional so that I can experience both lives within the NOW of my ONE. I realize that I have not been ready for that yet, and in fact, I am not actually ready now. I need to clear of my “work slate” first.
“Are you sure?” I hear the voice of the Arcturian.
No, I am not sure of anything, except I AM sure that I am communicating with the higher dimensions and I AM sure that I DO love this final physical life. Please Arcturians, continue speaking with me.
“We have never stopped communicating with you. We communicated with you before you were born and for your entire life. You have known us via many names, but it has always been our energy field with whom you have been communicating.
“We come to you today as we see you struggling with the end of this series. ‘Do I know enough to finish this project? Should I learn more, read more, meditate more?’ In other words, you are having difficulty letting go of this project. You have finished it in your mind many different ways, but none of them feel right.
“You are correct. It is not YOU that will finish this process. It is every one, and everyone will finish it ‘their way.’ This project is not your project. It is a planetary project, and you are one of the many who have put into words a form of this project of PLANETARY ASCENSION.
“You are not writing THE truth. You are writing YOUR truth, your version of the truth that is NOW flowing into the atmosphere and body of Gaia. Just as Gaia’s beings of nature have myriad different forms and functions, Her people have myriad different perceptions and assignments. Each of the Keepers of the Land, humanity, is in some state of remembering their SELF.
“It may not appear that way as many are still very lost within their physical vessel. However, we, the members of the higher dimensional worlds, can perceive their higher dimensional expressions and are assisting all of them.
“Some of those we are assisting are completely unaware of what is occurring within their superconscious mind. But when they are ready to awaken to that dimension of their SELF, their inner library will be full of all the information and emotions that they will need so that they can further assist Gaia and themselves.
“There are those of you who are the Light Bearers. You are amongst the first to speak of the Truth. On the other hand, there is the Clean Up Crew who will be the last ones to ‘leave the party.’ Time is among the first 3D illusions that you will need to release.
“With the surrender of this illusion there will be no hurry or deadline as there will only be the NOW of Ascension. Living within the NOW will assist you to release your third-dimensional thinking and allow you to gently flow back into your Multidimensional SELF.
“Please remember that this life, which you hold so dear, is only one of the myriad realities in which you are NOW participating. We ask you to put into multidimensional perspective your process of ascension to better realize that ascension occurs within your every breath.
All of you have been experiencing myriad ascensions, and you are NOW living ascended lives in countless ascended realities. Therefore, you do not need to release your third/fourth dimensional consciousness. What you need to release are the illusions of that state of consciousness. Your greatest challenge is not to ascend, or to even ascend with Gaia, for it has already occurred within the NOW.
“Your greatest challenge is to release the third dimensional thinking that calibrates your perceptions to the illusions of the physical plane.
“We will happily replay the calibration of Gaia’s Core Crystals, but please remember there is NO time. While bound to time you will revisit this re-calibration with your every thought and your every emotion.
“We ask you NOT to look into the future when you will finally be free. We ask that you look into the NOW in which you are ALWAYS free.
“We left off with we, the Arcturians, saying…
As we calibrate the Core and Cornerstone Crystals to the fifth-dimension and beyond, the third/fourth dimensional portions of Earth’s planetary matrix will no longer have a place to which they can attach. Then, the third/fourth dimensional timelines, along with those inhabitants, will expand into a higher frequency or move into the matrix of another third/fourth dimensional planet.
“In this manner, those who are not yet complete with the experience of resonating to third/fourth dimensional realities will simply switch into another reality as easily as one can switch into a different dream. With the recalibration of Gaia’s planetary Crystals, the portals into the fifth dimensional matrix of New Earth will gradually open.
“As the portals into multidimensional Earth steadily open, those who choose to remain on a third/fourth dimensional planet will unconsciously be re-routed to other physical planets that are experimenting with the concept of polarity and separation. There is no judgment of ‘success or failure’ in these choices.
“Much can be learned from living in the separation, limitation and the extremes of polarity. Each being will make their decisions based on their own Divine Path. In fact, there are many higher dimensional beings that have chosen to remain in the lower dimensions to assist those who still believe they are only physical.”
When the Arcturian completed It’s speech about Earth’s early history all the members of the gathering, Lemurian, Atlantian, human and Galactic, stood up and toned in the manner which was Inner Earth’s version of applause.
The toning was so powerful that the entire room and all the beings and objects within it began to glimmer with an ever-increasing golden light. Sandy and I were so overwhelmed by this energy field of light that we began to morph in and out of form.
First our form appeared human, then it became a cloud of light like the Arcturian’s formless form, then it took on the tall, thin shape of the Lemurians, the shorter but more humanoid shape of the Atlantians. We also found ourselves wearing the forms of Mytre and Mytria, as well as our composite form of Mytrian. Finally we rested into the shapes of Sandy and Jason.
“These are just a few of the myriad incarnations that you have experienced in your long excursion into form,” said Mytre and Mytria with one voice. Mytrian, who suddenly joined us, smiled in agreement.
We were about to ask for more information when everyone in the room turned toward the side entrance of the room and became totally silent. When Sandy and I witnessed the tall, regal female of golden light, we had to resist the temptation to drop to our knees. We did not know who this woman was, but she felt so very familiar as if we had always known her.
“It is Gaia. She has taken a form!” we heard in hushed whispers from those around us. Sandy and I both thought, as we dared not speak within this holy moment, “Gaia can take a human form?”
To our surprise, Gaia looked directly into our Soul and said, “Dear human warriors for the light, I AM all forms on my planet.”
We could not help ourselves and fell to our knees in front of Her.
“Rise,” spoke Gaia in a heavenly voice that echoed through the large room. “It is I that have come here to honor you. Of course, I honor not just these two humans. I honor all humans who have openly embraced every challenge and energetic transition with love and courage. I have created this form so I could join you all as we celebrate our planetary ascension.”
Sandy and I could feel the warm smiles of all the members of the room. Like them, we watched in awe as the Arcturian flowed to face Gaia with a low, respectful bow. When the Arcturian rose to an upright, glimmering shape It merged with Gaia in a burst of light that expanded far beyond the room.
This light reflected the galactic light of distant worlds as well as the earthly light of dawn and high noon. Galactic and earthly light intermingled into the birthing reality of Gaia’s return to Her higher expression of fifth-dimensional New Earth.
They then stood side-by-side as Gaia said; “Within this room members of Inner Earth, surface dwelling humans and humanity’s Galactic ancestors unite as ONE. I bask in the glory of this NOW. To see my many humanoid beings gather together in peace and love fills me with joy and unconditional love.
“I tire of my polarity now and am ready to return to my true fifth-dimensional expression of Oness with ALL life. The experiment of holding my form in the lower frequencies of third-dimensional form has been arduous and very damaging to my body. My plant and animal kingdoms have been decimated and my earth and air have been polluted beyond conception.
“Humanity, who was meant to be Keeper of the Land, was the cause of this destruction. Fortunately, they are awakening, but far too slowly. It is the NOW for my return to a frequency of life in which ALL the members of my earthly body can prosper and find peace and love. I am complete with the experiment of holding form at such a low frequency that humanity battles each other while the innocent suffer.
“I see that within this room is the joining of my first inhabitants, Draconian, Pleiadian, Sirian and many others, who have moved on to become the Galactic Federation. I feel their Starships that wait within my atmosphere to assist those who are ready to remember their full Multidimensional SELF.
“I see the topsider humans who have remembered their heritage both in their earliest societies of Lemuria and Atlantis as well as their galactic heritage. Through this remembrance you, dear humans, are able to expand your multidimensional consciousness to experience being within my Core.
“And, of course, I thank the members of my dear friends of Inner Earth who have long awaited this time of joining. These Lemurians and Atlantians have, at last, learned to live in peace within my Inner Earth. I also thank my dear sister Venus and brother Mars who have surrounded and protected me through the long dark night of the Kali Yuga.
“All of us are joined NOW within my core to welcome the New Age of Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love.”
As Gaia spoke Her body morphed into visions of glorious forests, clear and brilliant skies, immense oceans filled with life, vast prairies and tall mountain ranges. All of these visions overlapped and included Her humanoid form. When She completed her message, she returned to Her golden form.
Gaia stretched out her left arm and said, “I now introduce Sanat Kumara, who has served for eons as my Planetary Logos. Without the protection and guardianship of this fully evolved and higher dimensional being, my planet would have perished long ago. To our surprise, Gaia knelt as Sanat Kumara entered the room.
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