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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Questions About Ascension -- The Question and The Blessing
5-6Questions About Ascension

“Hello,” I heard a voice say from somewhere inside of me, or was the voice external? I looked around the small room in which I was sitting. Yes, over there, off to the left there was a hint of a slight movement or a disturbance in the air.
“Hello,” I again heard the voice echo both inside and outside of me. Now I understood. It was a fifth dimensional being flickering in and out of my third dimensional world.
Actually the fifth dimensional being was holding steady in it’s own dimension. It was my perception and my consciousness that was flickering back and forth between worlds.
It was happening more and more now. I would suddenly hear, see or feel some thing, or was it some one, that was not a part of my physical reality. Somehow I knew that these visions were NOT from the fourth dimension.
How did I know the difference? The difference was that these perceptions were completely free of ALL fear.
“You can perceive us now because you are becoming free of fear as well,” spoke the voice off to my left.
I did not respond to the voice or even question its statement. Instead, I began to ponder a reality free of ALL fear.
How would that reality feel?
How would that reality look?
How could that reality be possible?
“You have remembered how to integrate your fear back into our light,” spoke the voice that was now taking a shape.
Actually, it was I that was changing rather than the voice. I realized that when I focused my attention on my wavering fifth-dimensional perceptions, the perceptions became more definitive and clearer; then, my third-dimensional world that began to flicker in and out.
“Yes, you are recalibrating,” spoke the voice responding to my thoughts.
They always did that, the fifth-dimensional ones. They responded to my thoughts even when they were different from my words. I couldn’t fool them or say what they wanted to hear, as I often did in my physical world.
The fifth dimensional ones could look into my Soul. They could hear what I had not yet registered as my own thoughts and my own feelings.
“Your Multidimensional SELF is here with us. Do you see it?” spoke the voice.
Suddenly, the flicker disappeared and the wavering light-filled fifth-dimensional room disappeared. Again I was in a world with harsh boundaries and hard edges. I tried to listen for the voice, but it was gone.
No, it was not the voice that was gone. I was gone, gone from that reality. I left it because I became afraid, and my fear pulled my perceptions out of calibration with the fifth dimension. I knew that because it had happened before.
In fact, it had happened EVERY time that the voice had asked me if I could see my SELF. Why? Why did the prospect of seeing my Multidimensional SELF frighten me?
I closed my eyes and took long, slow breaths, which calmed my mind and eased my heart. Gradually, my consciousness began to expand into the fifth dimension.
With my eyes closed, I could release the physical perceptions and calibrate my attention to the perceptions of the fifth dimension.
Through these higher perceptions I feel the glow of my body and of the room around me. I felt the physical world as well, but it was in the background.
“Why does the prospect of seeing my SELF frighten me so?” I asked the voice. I held the question in my mind and focused my attention on at the spot to my left where I had first seen the flicker.
No answer.
I felt a rush of fear, fear of abandonment and almost lost my focus. However, I was able to catch myself and breathe out the fear.
It took a while to raise my consciousness again. I made an affirmation to be patient and hold my vibration high. There is no time here, I reminded myself. Therefore, there is no hurry.
I will wait for the answer—patiently.
Slowly, the flicker to my left became a light. Quickly, the light became so brilliant that I had to refocus my consciousness in order to perceive it. The light continued to expand until it filled the room and filled me.
I felt my consciousness shoot up into the higher worlds. My physical world disappeared, although I knew that it was still there. Within the core of the light a form began to materialize into a shape, no, into several shapes, into many shapes.
My experience was much like looking into a house of mirrors in which one shape echoed itself again and again. I started to become excited, but I knew to calm myself or I would lower my vibration.
I affirmed my desire to know why I became frightened by the prospect of seeing my SELF. The first of the many beings stepped towards me, then all the others moved forward as well. I gathered my courage and stepped towards them.
“I want to know the answer!” I spoke to the many.
“Do you deserve us?” they responded.
I felt the fear building again. The many before me began to blur and the brilliant light began to dim.
“No,” I called. “I will not lose my focus.”
I reached out towards the beings in front of me.
“I DO DESERVE!!” I cried from my core. “I do deserve you—all of you. I am NOT afraid.”
The beings before me had grown too dim for me to see their faces, but I could feel their smiles. I could feel the closest being take my hand and heard the echo of the many as they smiled and took my hand as well.
“I do deserver. I do deserve. I do deserve,” I chanted all the way back down into my physical world and my physical consciousness.
They were all gone now, at least gone from my third dimensional perception. But, I knew they were inside me. I knew that whenever I could raise my focus, they would be there.
Actually, “I” would be there.
“Actually,” spoke the voice flickering to my left, “You are HERE NOW—in us.”
It was then that I heard the inner Arcturian say, “We, the Arcturians wish to bless our grounded ones who have volunteered to take a body to assist Earth in Her great moment of ascension.
We primarily wish to tell you, each and every ONE, that YOU have a very special purpose that you have volunteered to fulfill in this NOW of Gaia’s ascension. We apologize for our “confusing” referrals to “time.” We find it extremely limiting to speak in the linear and sequential language of the third dimension.
In our true language, Light Language, the flow of ideas move in circles of light, which are revealed to the listener as pictures, emotions, ideas and sensations. To us, language is similar to a soft breeze that gently caresses our Lightbody. When we feel this caress, we experience it as if it were a word, as telephone ring, a call from another.
Since we all resonate within the ONE, we need not look outside of us into a “different” location, as our grounded ones must do. Instead, we focus inside of our being to “take the call,” or “give our answer.” Of course, since we do not resonate to a time/space reality, the “inner” call and our answer happen simultaneously.
Because our Light Language is free of time and space, you must expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond. Then, you can fully relax into the awareness of our presence and allow it to integrate into your Multidimensional SELF.
Then, when you return your attention to your physical reality, you can more easily translate our message into Earth language. We ask you to release your habit of time and space, so that you can imagine that you are in the NOW with us.
Please take a moment to do so…
Can you feel how your earth vessel begins to blur into its environment? This blurring sensation is your Lightbody peeking beyond the limitations of your clay vessel. Imagine now that your earth vessel is like a cave. Your consciousness had to hide in this “cave” in order to find protections from your hostile world.
Imagine yourself in a life in which you lived in a cave to find protection. Do you feel how that body was primitive and dense? Now, we ask you to imagine that you are finding the courage to step out of that cave.
As you step out of the dark cave, you realize that your primitive body begins to evolve. First, you stand up straight, and then you begin to “think” about your reality instead of perceiving everything as mating, food or danger.
When you begin to think about your reality, rather than how to survive your reality, a curiosity and imagination begins to take hold in your thinking. With your imagination, you start to have ideas of what you can do and who you can be.
You are all coming out of your cave of separation NOW.
As you step out of your cave, your body begins to change. As your body changes, you begin to perceive reality in a new way. The hostile planet that once surrounded you, is less hostile, for you are seeing it with new eyes.
You are no longer a victim to the whims of others, because your connection to your SELF reminds you constantly that YOU are the creator of your reality. In the same way, YOU are the creator of your body.
Just as your world changes when your perceptions change, your earth vessel changes when your perceptions of your self change. When you see your self as “just a human,” your body becomes a clay vessel that quickly grows older and is vulnerable to harm and illness.
On the other hand, when you think of your self as the “Light of Spirit,” your concept of your body moves beyond the limits of a clay vessel and encompasses your ever-expanding aura as well. When you perceive your “self” as your aura, YOU are suddenly much bigger.
You may not be aware that your size changes with your state of consciousness. When you are in an expanded state of consciousness, YOU fill the room. Hence, YOU are united with everything and everyone in that room. YOU feel everyone and everything as your SELF. In other words, you are experiencing reality the way it is in the fifth dimension and beyond.
Take a moment now to experience your self as the entire room in which you are now sitting…
How does it feel to be a chair, a desk, a plant, the ceiling, the computer or the paper you are reading?
We suggest that you light some candles, drink some water, feel the breeze and walk barefooted on the earth. In this manner you can experience:
being the element of fire, being the element of water,
being the element of air and being the earth
Once you are bonded with the third dimensional elements, you can ask them to assist you to unite with their fifth-dimensional elementals. With this boost you can more easily calibrate your consciousness with the fifth dimension frequencies of reality.
We suggest that you also do this exercise with others. Then you can share being the elements of earth, air, fire and water while you also experience of being the people in the room, on the phone or on Skype. You do not need to be physically together, as it is the connection of your consciousness that is important.
When you share your Unity Consciousness with the elements with “other” humans, you unite with the elements of the “other” humans. Once you unit with humans via your own elements of earth, air, fir and water, you become united on a cellular level.
This cellular unity creates a deep bond and sense of security. Once all humanity was linked in this manner, but as the world became increasingly hostile, humans began to find their own “separate” safety. Since separation creates fear, you began to perceive Earth as a “hostile planet.”
Just as separation creates fear, fear creates separation and humans increasingly felt separate from their environment and from others. Fear also made them want to hide, and many of our dear grounded ones found it necessary to hide their true expanded SELF for millennia in order to survive their “life on a hostile planet.”
NOW it is safe for you to remember that YOU are planet Earth and planet Earth is YOU. You share earth, air, fire and water with the planet and with all of the planetary inhabitants. As more and more of your awaken to this truth, you will remember that limitation and separation is just an illusion.
Wonderfully, as each of you expands your consciousness into your Multidimensional SELF, you share your experience via your Unity Consciousness. Please remember that Unity Consciousness is innate. It does not need to learned or even remembered.
You are all united on a cellular level via your planetary earth, air, fire and water. As the cellular structure of one person remembers to expand into their innate fifth dimensional expression, they sends a wave of Unity Consciousness to every cell of every inhabitant of Earth, including the planet it self.
At first, just one cell will not make much of an impact. However, this process progresses in an exponential manner. Thus, one cell shares with two cells, then four cells, then eight cells, etc. etc. In this manner, all life will begin to consciously experience their fifth dimensional expression.
Once the threshold into fifth-dimensional Lightbody is crossed, time and space are extinct concepts. At this point, there will only be HERE and NOW.
In the higher worlds of the NOW, you are always HERE.
There is only the NOW of unconditional love,
which infinitely flows via the multidimensional light,
as a constant message from the ONE.
This multidimensional light, which includes the third/fourth dimensions, is constantly caressing you on a cellular level to guide your “Home” to the NOW of the ONE.
When you live within this NOW you remember that there is no specific “time” for ascension, nor is there an assigned “place” to which you will travel.
Ascension is a process of returning Home to your true Multidimensional SELF who is infinitely HERE NOW!
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Questions About Ascension -- The Question and The Blessing
5-6Questions About Ascension

“Hello,” I heard a voice say from somewhere inside of me, or was the voice external? I looked around the small room in which I was sitting. Yes, over there, off to the left there was a hint of a slight movement or a disturbance in the air.
“Hello,” I again heard the voice echo both inside and outside of me. Now I understood. It was a fifth dimensional being flickering in and out of my third dimensional world.
Actually the fifth dimensional being was holding steady in it’s own dimension. It was my perception and my consciousness that was flickering back and forth between worlds.
It was happening more and more now. I would suddenly hear, see or feel some thing, or was it some one, that was not a part of my physical reality. Somehow I knew that these visions were NOT from the fourth dimension.
How did I know the difference? The difference was that these perceptions were completely free of ALL fear.
“You can perceive us now because you are becoming free of fear as well,” spoke the voice off to my left.
I did not respond to the voice or even question its statement. Instead, I began to ponder a reality free of ALL fear.
How would that reality feel?
How would that reality look?
How could that reality be possible?
“You have remembered how to integrate your fear back into our light,” spoke the voice that was now taking a shape.
Actually, it was I that was changing rather than the voice. I realized that when I focused my attention on my wavering fifth-dimensional perceptions, the perceptions became more definitive and clearer; then, my third-dimensional world that began to flicker in and out.
“Yes, you are recalibrating,” spoke the voice responding to my thoughts.
They always did that, the fifth-dimensional ones. They responded to my thoughts even when they were different from my words. I couldn’t fool them or say what they wanted to hear, as I often did in my physical world.
The fifth dimensional ones could look into my Soul. They could hear what I had not yet registered as my own thoughts and my own feelings.
“Your Multidimensional SELF is here with us. Do you see it?” spoke the voice.
Suddenly, the flicker disappeared and the wavering light-filled fifth-dimensional room disappeared. Again I was in a world with harsh boundaries and hard edges. I tried to listen for the voice, but it was gone.
No, it was not the voice that was gone. I was gone, gone from that reality. I left it because I became afraid, and my fear pulled my perceptions out of calibration with the fifth dimension. I knew that because it had happened before.
In fact, it had happened EVERY time that the voice had asked me if I could see my SELF. Why? Why did the prospect of seeing my Multidimensional SELF frighten me?
I closed my eyes and took long, slow breaths, which calmed my mind and eased my heart. Gradually, my consciousness began to expand into the fifth dimension.
With my eyes closed, I could release the physical perceptions and calibrate my attention to the perceptions of the fifth dimension.
Through these higher perceptions I feel the glow of my body and of the room around me. I felt the physical world as well, but it was in the background.
“Why does the prospect of seeing my SELF frighten me so?” I asked the voice. I held the question in my mind and focused my attention on at the spot to my left where I had first seen the flicker.
No answer.
I felt a rush of fear, fear of abandonment and almost lost my focus. However, I was able to catch myself and breathe out the fear.
It took a while to raise my consciousness again. I made an affirmation to be patient and hold my vibration high. There is no time here, I reminded myself. Therefore, there is no hurry.
I will wait for the answer—patiently.
Slowly, the flicker to my left became a light. Quickly, the light became so brilliant that I had to refocus my consciousness in order to perceive it. The light continued to expand until it filled the room and filled me.
I felt my consciousness shoot up into the higher worlds. My physical world disappeared, although I knew that it was still there. Within the core of the light a form began to materialize into a shape, no, into several shapes, into many shapes.
My experience was much like looking into a house of mirrors in which one shape echoed itself again and again. I started to become excited, but I knew to calm myself or I would lower my vibration.
I affirmed my desire to know why I became frightened by the prospect of seeing my SELF. The first of the many beings stepped towards me, then all the others moved forward as well. I gathered my courage and stepped towards them.
“I want to know the answer!” I spoke to the many.
“Do you deserve us?” they responded.
I felt the fear building again. The many before me began to blur and the brilliant light began to dim.
“No,” I called. “I will not lose my focus.”
I reached out towards the beings in front of me.
“I DO DESERVE!!” I cried from my core. “I do deserve you—all of you. I am NOT afraid.”
The beings before me had grown too dim for me to see their faces, but I could feel their smiles. I could feel the closest being take my hand and heard the echo of the many as they smiled and took my hand as well.
“I do deserver. I do deserve. I do deserve,” I chanted all the way back down into my physical world and my physical consciousness.
They were all gone now, at least gone from my third dimensional perception. But, I knew they were inside me. I knew that whenever I could raise my focus, they would be there.
Actually, “I” would be there.
“Actually,” spoke the voice flickering to my left, “You are HERE NOW—in us.”
It was then that I heard the inner Arcturian say, “We, the Arcturians wish to bless our grounded ones who have volunteered to take a body to assist Earth in Her great moment of ascension.
We primarily wish to tell you, each and every ONE, that YOU have a very special purpose that you have volunteered to fulfill in this NOW of Gaia’s ascension. We apologize for our “confusing” referrals to “time.” We find it extremely limiting to speak in the linear and sequential language of the third dimension.
In our true language, Light Language, the flow of ideas move in circles of light, which are revealed to the listener as pictures, emotions, ideas and sensations. To us, language is similar to a soft breeze that gently caresses our Lightbody. When we feel this caress, we experience it as if it were a word, as telephone ring, a call from another.
Since we all resonate within the ONE, we need not look outside of us into a “different” location, as our grounded ones must do. Instead, we focus inside of our being to “take the call,” or “give our answer.” Of course, since we do not resonate to a time/space reality, the “inner” call and our answer happen simultaneously.
Because our Light Language is free of time and space, you must expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond. Then, you can fully relax into the awareness of our presence and allow it to integrate into your Multidimensional SELF.
Then, when you return your attention to your physical reality, you can more easily translate our message into Earth language. We ask you to release your habit of time and space, so that you can imagine that you are in the NOW with us.
Please take a moment to do so…
Can you feel how your earth vessel begins to blur into its environment? This blurring sensation is your Lightbody peeking beyond the limitations of your clay vessel. Imagine now that your earth vessel is like a cave. Your consciousness had to hide in this “cave” in order to find protections from your hostile world.
Imagine yourself in a life in which you lived in a cave to find protection. Do you feel how that body was primitive and dense? Now, we ask you to imagine that you are finding the courage to step out of that cave.
As you step out of the dark cave, you realize that your primitive body begins to evolve. First, you stand up straight, and then you begin to “think” about your reality instead of perceiving everything as mating, food or danger.
When you begin to think about your reality, rather than how to survive your reality, a curiosity and imagination begins to take hold in your thinking. With your imagination, you start to have ideas of what you can do and who you can be.
You are all coming out of your cave of separation NOW.
As you step out of your cave, your body begins to change. As your body changes, you begin to perceive reality in a new way. The hostile planet that once surrounded you, is less hostile, for you are seeing it with new eyes.
You are no longer a victim to the whims of others, because your connection to your SELF reminds you constantly that YOU are the creator of your reality. In the same way, YOU are the creator of your body.
Just as your world changes when your perceptions change, your earth vessel changes when your perceptions of your self change. When you see your self as “just a human,” your body becomes a clay vessel that quickly grows older and is vulnerable to harm and illness.
On the other hand, when you think of your self as the “Light of Spirit,” your concept of your body moves beyond the limits of a clay vessel and encompasses your ever-expanding aura as well. When you perceive your “self” as your aura, YOU are suddenly much bigger.
You may not be aware that your size changes with your state of consciousness. When you are in an expanded state of consciousness, YOU fill the room. Hence, YOU are united with everything and everyone in that room. YOU feel everyone and everything as your SELF. In other words, you are experiencing reality the way it is in the fifth dimension and beyond.
Take a moment now to experience your self as the entire room in which you are now sitting…
How does it feel to be a chair, a desk, a plant, the ceiling, the computer or the paper you are reading?
We suggest that you light some candles, drink some water, feel the breeze and walk barefooted on the earth. In this manner you can experience:
being the element of fire, being the element of water,
being the element of air and being the earth
Once you are bonded with the third dimensional elements, you can ask them to assist you to unite with their fifth-dimensional elementals. With this boost you can more easily calibrate your consciousness with the fifth dimension frequencies of reality.
We suggest that you also do this exercise with others. Then you can share being the elements of earth, air, fire and water while you also experience of being the people in the room, on the phone or on Skype. You do not need to be physically together, as it is the connection of your consciousness that is important.
When you share your Unity Consciousness with the elements with “other” humans, you unite with the elements of the “other” humans. Once you unit with humans via your own elements of earth, air, fir and water, you become united on a cellular level.
This cellular unity creates a deep bond and sense of security. Once all humanity was linked in this manner, but as the world became increasingly hostile, humans began to find their own “separate” safety. Since separation creates fear, you began to perceive Earth as a “hostile planet.”
Just as separation creates fear, fear creates separation and humans increasingly felt separate from their environment and from others. Fear also made them want to hide, and many of our dear grounded ones found it necessary to hide their true expanded SELF for millennia in order to survive their “life on a hostile planet.”
NOW it is safe for you to remember that YOU are planet Earth and planet Earth is YOU. You share earth, air, fire and water with the planet and with all of the planetary inhabitants. As more and more of your awaken to this truth, you will remember that limitation and separation is just an illusion.
Wonderfully, as each of you expands your consciousness into your Multidimensional SELF, you share your experience via your Unity Consciousness. Please remember that Unity Consciousness is innate. It does not need to learned or even remembered.
You are all united on a cellular level via your planetary earth, air, fire and water. As the cellular structure of one person remembers to expand into their innate fifth dimensional expression, they sends a wave of Unity Consciousness to every cell of every inhabitant of Earth, including the planet it self.
At first, just one cell will not make much of an impact. However, this process progresses in an exponential manner. Thus, one cell shares with two cells, then four cells, then eight cells, etc. etc. In this manner, all life will begin to consciously experience their fifth dimensional expression.
Once the threshold into fifth-dimensional Lightbody is crossed, time and space are extinct concepts. At this point, there will only be HERE and NOW.
In the higher worlds of the NOW, you are always HERE.
There is only the NOW of unconditional love,
which infinitely flows via the multidimensional light,
as a constant message from the ONE.
This multidimensional light, which includes the third/fourth dimensions, is constantly caressing you on a cellular level to guide your “Home” to the NOW of the ONE.
When you live within this NOW you remember that there is no specific “time” for ascension, nor is there an assigned “place” to which you will travel.
Ascension is a process of returning Home to your true Multidimensional SELF who is infinitely HERE NOW!
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