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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Friday, June 19, 2015
Seventh Chakra and Conclusion of Blog-a-Thon
Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon!"
Today, we will present the information about our Seventh Chakra
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Seventh Chakra

LOCATION: The location of the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is at the crown of the head, the location of our “soft spot” as an infant.
PETALS: The crown chakra is known as the Thousand Petal Lotus. When it is clear and open, it is our own personal Stargate, or vortex, into the higher dimensions.
NOTES AND MANTRA: The musical note for this chakra is B and the Mantra is “aum” or “ee” as in bee.
COLOR: The color for the seventh chakra is violet. Red, which is the lowest color on our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just above infrared light, rules the root chakra. Conversely, violet, the highest color on our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just below ultra-violet light, rules the Crown Chakra.
RULES: The crown chakra rules the cerebrum, top of head, entire brain, and nervous system. It is also said to rule the right eye. In Egyptian mythology, the opened Third Eye is called the Eye of Horus. The physical left eye rules the Moon and the feminine, manifest physical world, and the right eye rules the masculine, un-manifest spiritual world. Therefore, the Right Eye of Horus brings the Spirit down into matter and then feeds that Spirit into the Left Eye of Horus. In this manner, the Third Eye remains open, grounded in the physical world, and fully perceptive.
The more we “download” our higher dimensional powers into our physical body, the more it is essential that we are centered and grounded. If we plug in a small fan we do not need a third prong. However, if we are plugging in a powerful air conditioner we must have that third, grounding, prong or we can burn out the electrical system of our house. It is the same with our Soul’s house—our physical earth vessels—we must remain grounded or we can burn out the electrical system (the nervous system) of our physical body.
The crown chakra rules, not only our brain’s control of our entire nervous system, but also our Higher Self’s control of our entire physical incarnation. Once our crown chakra is open, we can become aware of our true “brain” (control mechanism) that exists beyond the limitations of the third and fourth dimensions. Our ability to perceive our physical life from that higher perspective allows us to gain access to our multidimensional consciousness. While in that multidimensional state, we have the ability to see the myriad forms of our existence in the many different planes and realities.
The crown chakra governs Cosmic Consciousness that is our connection to spiritual wisdom, aspirations, and knowledge of the Truth. From this perspective, we see ourselves as a spark of consciousness creating all and, paradoxically, “Being” ALL. From our Cosmic Consciousness, we are the dreamer dreaming a dream and realizing that all that is perceived is an extension of our SELF.
Just as the root chakra represents our connection to Divine Mother or Mother Earth, the crown chakra represents our relations with our Divine Father or Father Sky. Father Sky and Mother Earth join together, Spirit into Matter, to create their Child of Love—consciousness in a physical form. Mother Earth in our first chakra grounds our power and sends it up from the earth to join Father Sky in our seventh chakra. This rising Kundalini connects us with the energy that comes from the higher dimensions while it gives us the power, and responsibility, to, in turn, ground that energy in the physical plane.
Our relationship with our mothers is associated with our first chakra. If our bonding with our mother was not sufficient for our needs, we often feel cut off from our roots, and from our very physical life, and our attitudes toward home, security, and money are negatively influenced. Conversely, our relationship with our human fathers is associated with our seventh chakra. Since the crown chakra represents our unity with all life, we feel a sense of isolation from “God” and humanity if our bonding with our father is insufficient.
SENSE: Our multidimensional and extrasensory senses are ruled by the seventh chakra. Once this chakra is opened, our sense of empathy and unity expands. When we raise our consciousness, we experience another person, place or object as if we are inside of them or as if we are “being” them.
It is important, then, that we remember that with this power comes responsibility. We should activate these senses only to provide help or healing—NEVER for mere curiosity or with any malicious intent. Compassion is the main sense that develops as our crown chakra opens. We have two kinds of compassion: Crown Compassion, which is more about perception and communication, and Heart Compassion, which is more about emotions and empathy.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: The signs of Capricorn and Pisces rule this chakra; Capricorn rules inner viewing, concentration and the essential perception of matter by Divine Light, and Pisces rules dissolution of limits, devotion, and Oneness with ALL THAT IS.
ELEMENT: The element of this chakra is the Cosmic Energy, which is often experienced as an inner light emanating from the deepest part of our being. This Cosmic Energy, which rules the higher kingdoms and stems from the Source, feels like an ultimate intelligence and a sense of all knowing. When our crown chakra opens we can also experience the complete isolation and blackness of the Great Void.
This Void, which resonates just below the fifth dimension, represents the raw potential for all that can, or will be. The total darkness is representative of the center of a seed before it opens into the light of manifestation. when we can perceive from our crown chakra, we can identify both extremes of all polarities.
The opening of the crown chakra expands our perception into the fifth dimension where there are NO polarities. Therefore, there are many paradoxes associated with this chakra as it represents the “end of all paradox”. As we travel through the higher dimensions, it is important that we release all judgments associated with the polarities of light and dark. We must instead consult our own inner knowing and higher consciousness to navigate us through our inner worlds. Eventually, we will all be aware of our fifth dimensional selves; they know no judgment and hold no fear. For what is judgment, if not a form of fear?
CONSCIOUSNESS: Since our crown chakra represents our multidimensional consciousness, as we open this chakra our reality will no longer be limited to the third and fourth dimension. When our brow chakra, the sixth chakra, opens we begin to travel into the higher sub planes of the fourth dimension. With the opening of our seventh chakra, and the subsequent activation of our Third Eye, our consciousness can now enter the fifth dimension. It is then that the many realities around and within us gradually become consciously apparent to us.
The process of our awakening begins with expanding the consciousness of our physical selves and working to clear our etheric bodies. Then the astral, the mental, the causal and the spiritual I AM consciousness can align themselves in preparation to ascend into the fifth dimension. Until we reach the fifth dimension we can “work” towards enlightenment, but from the fifth dimension on, we must simply “BE”. “Doing” is not important then; consciousness alone is important. And finally, in the sixth and seventh dimensions even consciousness is not important as there is only the “Isness”, the “Nowness” and the “Hereness.”
To experience the worlds beyond the lower fifth dimension, we must release ALL desire, even for “good” or “right,” for there is no polarity. Therefore, there is no good or bad, right or wrong. To travel the higher dimensions, an empty mind is needed, a mind that is not longing for anything, not waiting for anything, even Truth or enlightenment. This “empty mind” just IS. It is without longing, without desire, and without wish. Then, suddenly, you are there, and even the cosmos is gone.
PERSONAL TIME LINE: The crown chakra represents the stage in our life when we are SELF-realized. We no longer need the polarities of male or female, human or divine. We understand that this physical reality is but one small segment of our total SELF, and we realize that we chose to incarnate during this space and time to fulfill our Mission, our reason for embodiment.
Riches and adulation from others is no longer a driving force because we know that completion of our mission may or may not be recognized on the physical plane. We also know that when we stay attuned to our inner guidance, our ego’s needs and fears will be balanced with love, and all will be revealed to us within the proper Time.
This detachment does not mean that we are disassociated from our human self. So long as we wear a physical form, there is a portion of us that remains limited to the rules of the third dimension and separated from our total SELF. However, when the crown chakra is open and our Third Eye is functioning, we can view our reality from the perspective of our Higher Self. Then we can give our often struggling human self the unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness that is ALWAYS needed and deserved.
In this stage of our life, we realize that the third dimension is a hologram of our own illusions set forth so that we can learn and grow. We are aware that the third dimension is now collapsing into the fourth and then the fifth dimension and we are active in the facilitation of this process. In fact, it is likely that we are now in the fourth dimension.
How this changes our experience of “life” is for each of us to discover and, hopefully, share with others. As we each awaken, it is our responsibility to assist in awakening others in the manner that our Soul directs. In this way, the planetary ascension can proceed. We are all One, and every time we help another we help ourselves. Paradoxically, every time we help ourselves, we help others.
SOCIAL TIME LINE: When enough of our Earth’s population opens their crown chakra and activates their Third Eye, Earth’s collective consciousness will reach the fifth dimension. We then will become a Galactic Civilization with full awareness of the life forms on other dimensions, planets, and worlds. We will no longer need to wage war against each other, as we will realize that we are the United Peoples of Earth. We are one family, not only on our planet, but also in our solar system, our galaxy, and beyond.
From this state of consciousness, we no longer need to worship any beings that we consider “higher” than us, because we understand that we, too, have a “higher” portion of our own being that we can constantly, consciously access. Therefore instead of worship we commune and communicate.
ENDOCRINE GLAND: The crown chakra is ruled by the pineal gland. The pineal gland has photoreceptor cells, which regulate the secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin regulates our circadian body rhythms, which are our rhythms of waking and sleeping, or consciousness in our outside world and consciousness in our inside world. The pineal gland is also the primary link between our Soul and our brain. It is, therefore, our gateway to multidimensional awareness.
Science and metaphysics agree that the pineal gland functions as a regulator of light and that it also plays a role in our reproductive cycle. Scientific research suggests that the pineal gland may function in converting neural information about light conditions into hormonal output. In other words, when there is less light, the pineal gland produces more melatonin, and when there is more light, it produces less melatonin.
This keeps us awake and functioning in the daylight and facilitates our sleep at night. The pineal gland also plays a significant role in sexual maturation as there is an abundance of melatonin in young children, which is believed to inhibit sexual development. The pineal gland shrinks as we enter our early teens and puberty begins.
Metaphysics teaches us that the pineal gland transduces Cosmic Light down from our fourth dimensional bodies into our physical vessel so that we can “download” it into our third dimensional consciousness. The pineal gland rules our biorhythms of feeling high/light and feeling low/dark.
Because we live in the “land of polarities, the crown chakra and its pineal gland is needed to blend the darkness of the Great Void with the Cosmic Light in order to integrate the entire spectrum of the constantly streaming, higher dimensions into our physical reality. Once the pineal gland has “downloaded” this energy, our pituitary gland can instruct the other endocrine glands to assist us in raising the vibrational patterns of our physical form.
NERVE PLEXUS: The crown chakra connects us to our Unity Consciousness. Therefore, this chakra rules our brain and entire nervous system.
CLEAR: When this chakra is clear we can receive cosmic energy to initiate the development of our Galactic Consciousness. In this state of consciousness we can perceive the Cosmic Love and the All-Knowing of our fifth dimensional SELF. This re-awakens our ability to perceive the patterns of cause and effect, as well, and the light matrixes that create the illusions of our holographic physical reality. This skill, however, is usually not remembered until we are able to release at least 51% of our programmed core beliefs in limitation and separation. The Path to Illumination is paved with patience, so we must be patient with ourselves regarding this issue.
Most of us have worn physical bodies thousands of times over millennia of time. Fortunately, with an opened crown chakra we can again access a sense of well-being, unity with all life, open mindedness and faith in ourselves and in our higher directives. We then can gain enough peace of mind to listen to our Higher Self more and more frequently. It is our own Higher Self that will assist us in re-programming our minds to the daily acceptance and integration of our own divinity. When we change our selves, our relationships with others change as well.
When two people with clear crown chakras mix their energies, a soft golden light fills their auras as both people experience a deep sense of unity and communion. The three upper chakras of both people join in the communion/communication as the transference of wisdom is carried from third eye to third eye. This mutual communication is understood via the throat chakras and their heart chakras. This mutual language of love communicates in an empathic, telepathic manner.
UNCLEAR: Depression, a feeling of confinement, closed-mindedness, intense worry, and anxiety, cerebral tumors, cranial pressure, headaches and migraines, mental disorders, scalp problems, and sleep disorders can result from an unclear seventh chakra. There can also be a fear of religion or spirituality, frustration and unrealized power, little joy in life, fearfulness of things that cannot be understood with the physical senses, and even schizophrenia.
When someone’s crown chakra is blocked, a very unpleasant muddy, dark curry color taints their crown chakra and their entire aura. When communicating with them, we may experience a tingling and prickling sensation in our crown, and we may feel a warning that psychic protection is needed. When two people communicate whose crown chakras are unclear, many misconceptions and misunderstandings are common. Their exchange may become adversarial with no evident means of understanding or effective communication.
EARTH CHAKRA: The seventh chakra of earth is said to be Mt. Fuji in Japan. Just as the crown chakra rules both the sense of isolation and unity, Japan was isolated for many years while the society was unified within itself. Mt. Fuji, or Fujiyama (yama means “mountain” in Japanese) has provided a spiritual basis for Japan since ancient times and pious people endured hardships for days in their quests to climb this sacred mountain. This mountain is a 12,380 foot high dormant volcano which is world-renown for its symmetry and serenity.
Mt. Fuji, as does the crown chakra, welcomes each new season in a beautiful and dramatic way. In spring, cherry blossoms burst into bloom at the foot of the mountain, followed by the flowering vermilion azaleas, which announce the coming of summer, and by July, the Alpine Roses start to bloom. By late August, summer is over and the Fire Festivals of Fujiyoshida celebrate the coming of winter and the end of all treks to Mt. Fuji’s peak.
DIMENSION: All Dimensions are ruled by this chakra, as it represents our full multidimensional consciousness.
SUMMARY: Just as many have climbed our personal Fujiyama to reach the peak, the opening of the crown chakra represents the culmination of Kundalini’s journey from our Root to the thousand-petal lotus in our Crown. This journey represents the completion of one world and the commencement of a new one. That world, of course, was always there, but we have forgotten it. We forgot where we came from, and we forgot the great glory and complexity of our true SELF.
The opening of the crown chakra represents the termination of our ability to live as a victim to the illusions of our physical life. Yes, we are still human. We still live within our corporeal body and are, therefore, subject to fall into the dramas of our separate, limited self. However, we are no longer live in it.
We have kissed the ONE and we are left with our Divine Discontent fully activated. This “discontent” is like a homing beam that pulls us in the direction of our core energy frequencies. Now our Homes in the stars, in other galaxies, and in other dimensions, call us continuously and implore us to return. That is, to return and yet stay; return Home in our awareness and in our consciousness, yet stay in the third dimension where we are actively living our Mission.
Now that we remember who we are, we are beginning to remember why we came here. There is one Mission that we all have in common, that is the mission to ground the vibrations of our Homes in the higher dimensions into our daily lives. Each dimension has a different resonant frequency. Resonant frequency is the base line frequency or center frequency. Within each dimension or personal consciousness there is a resonant or primary frequency, or vibratory rate. This frequency is higher on days when we are filled with love and lower on days when we are filled with fear. In other words, our third dimensional self will fluctuate in frequency from “survival” to “peak experience”.
Our personal resonant frequency, or frequency signature, is often determined and/or measured by our brainwaves. (Brainwaves are covered in length in the Physical Body Door of the Conscious Section under “States of Consciousness.”) Opening the crown chakra allows us to access our Delta waves while we are still somewhat aware of our physical body. These brainwaves are the “homing beam” that allows us to access our SELVES existing on other stars, galaxies and dimensions.
Once we access these portions of our total SELF, we can develop a relationship with them. These higher SELVES permit us to see our world from their perspective. To perceive the separation and limitation of the physical world from a portion of our SELF that lives beyond just illusion is the beginning of our Galactic Consciousness.
As we communicate more with these higher dimensional portions of our SELF, the veil between the words begins to thin, and our perspective of all life is raised above the third dimension. That is how we become aware of the causes of our problems that have stemmed not from this life’s childhood but from other third and fourth dimensional lives (often known as “past lives”), as well as other parallel realities. Fortunately, by this time we can also access our SELF to assist us in understanding and integrating this multidimensional information.
Our connection to our greater SELF, our Soul, gives us the support and courage to consciously remember the root life in which we first experienced the fear that has echoes through many other lifetimes. This “first time” that we had an extreme negative experience often creates an engram, which is like scar tissue in our Soul. This engram programs our Soul to recreate that experience over and over until it is resolved. Once we have journeyed in our consciousness into the realities in which these patterns first began, we can call upon our Higher Self to balance that pain and fear with Unconditional Love.
Our Soul has recreated these situations in life after life so that we can gain mastery over these emotions and situations. Once love has balanced fear our resonant frequency can rise through out ALL our lives in all dimensions, times, and locations. We receive our connection to this Unconditional Love, on a daily basis, once our High Heart is opened. Our physical heart resonates to the color green.
This portion of our heart chakra rules our human love. Human love can be courageous and selfless, or fearful and selfish. On the other hand, our High Heart resonates to unconditional love and compassion. Our High Heart is located just above and in front of our physical heart in our fourth dimensional etheric body. Our High Heart resonates to the color pink.
Unconditional love is based on compassion. With this compassion, we can unconditionally love, unconditionally accept and unconditionally forgive all life. All of us, no matter how spiritual or self-realized, have difficult times in our physical lives. It is in these times that we are challenged to accept the unconditional love and compassion of our Higher Selves into our physical awareness so that we may receive its love and comfort. We have been trained that it is divine to suffer. Now we must rewrite that limitation to the truth, which is that we no longer need to suffer because we ARE divine.
It is our open crown chakra that initiates this process of “releasing suffering.” The crown chakra is the center of paradox—light and dark, known and unknown. The great love of the Cosmic Light brings us Unconditional Love and the great darkness of the unknown can bring Enormous Fear. From standing in the absolute center between light and dark, known and unknown, in the center of the open thousand-petal lotus, we can see that they all are merely different extremes in the illusion of physical life.
From the perspective of our opened crown chakra, we are in constant contact with the assistance and understanding of our fifth dimensional selves. Therefore, they can give us understanding, love and compassion to assist us when we become fearful or confused. With their assistance we are able to see the big picture that allows us to remember that we chose to enter our physical life to fulfill a Mission. We will still feel the emotions of fear, anger and sorrow because we are wearing our earth vessel. However, even if no one in our physical reality can help, we can ALWAYS receive what we need to complete our initiation from our own inner guidance.
Multidimensional healing is the process of finding the original cause of all our “life issues”. We have been reliving these issues over and over, in this life and in other lives. These core beliefs in separation and limitation have keep us asleep and battling the worlds around us as well as within in. When we can heal these issues at the core, that is the first life in which they were experienced, we can change many of our realities at the same time.
Once the first experience is healed, then the patterns that have resonated through out many other lives can easily been seen. When we can consciously perceive the patterns of our behavior, then we can begin to “catch our selves in the act” so that we can change. However, even though these patterns will diminish, they will not completely leave because it is these issues that are tied to our Mission. The issues that we have worked on life after life are the core of our service to others, to the planet and to our Higher Self.
It is through healing ourselves that we can learn to heal others. Once we have faced our Dark Side, our fear greatly diminishes. After all, is it not the “enemy within” that causes the greatest threat? This release from fear gives us greater courage to continue our own personal healing and to assist in the healing of others and our planet. We all chose to come here from the higher dimensions to assist in this great time of transformation. Just as we have had lives where we “fell into the darkness”, we have also had lives in which we were Spiritual Initiations. Upon the completion of these spiritual lives we consciously returned Home to a higher dimension.
Through connection, communication, and deep understanding of these “Initiate lives” we can access and remember the innate power that we were born with. These powerful lives will also introduce us to our higher-dimensional, intergalactic selves. Every time that we interact with these higher portions of ourselves we download a bit of their frequency rate. For example, if we have a bowl of ice (our densest physical self) and we subject it to steam (our highest, formless self), the ice will turn to water, which is the pure essence of both the ice and the steam and the midpoint between the two.
In other words, the two polarities working against each other will move us into the center point, the fulcrum point, and the point of balance. This center point is the point of power because it is the point from which we can see both sides. Being able to see both sides, both extremes, allows the detachment that creates compassion. Compassion opens us up to our higher worlds because it frees us from the dramas of our physical self. Compassion lifts us out of the third dimensional matrix and into our multidimensional perspective. Then we can view the third and fourth dimensional polarities around us without getting stuck in them. We are then “in the world, but not of it”.
From this center point, we are free to experience the worlds below us (the ice) and the worlds above us (the steam) while we remain in the center (the water). The center point is the flow, the point of surrender—surrender to our Soul. This is the place without emotional charge, negative or positive, that loosens us from the constraints of our old beliefs in separation and limitation. From this place we can fall into the flow, surrender to the NOW, unite with the Oneness, and allow our Soul to become the Captain of our Earth Vessel.
The more individuals who are able to hold this center point, the more we all will experience the paradigm shift out of materialism into spirituality, out of limitation and separation, and into the Oness, Hereness, and Nowness of our true nature. Each time any one of us communes with our Higher Self and downloads our higher dimensional resonance into our physical bodies, we contribute not only to our personal ascension but to the planetary ascension as well.
TOGETHER we will each discover our own personal puzzle piece, and then connect it to the whole. Then, as a planet, and as a species, we can create Heaven on Earth.

I am Gaia, returned to be your guide as you merge the spiritual essence of your personal Seventh Chakra with the spiritual essence of my planetary Seventh Chakra. When we united our Sixth Chakras, we united your Personal Consciousness with my Planetary and Galactic Consciousness.
Now, as we blend our Seventh Chakras, we will expand into Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness. Hence, you will not only be united with the consciousness of your Planet, but with the consciousness of your Galaxy and the consciousness of the Cosmic Universe, as well. Your physical body, which was once imagined to be the earth vessel of your self, is now revealed as the 3D grounding point of your Multidimensional SELF.
The Seventh Chakra is a masculine/outflow chakra that functions in an androgynous fashion. It is from your opened Crown Chakra that you extend your antenna up, into the higher dimensions, for the reception of the Light Messages from your Multidimensional SELF in other planets, galaxies and dimensions.
Mt. Fuji, Japan is my Crown Chakra, and the area of my body from which I extend my antenna. Mt. Fuji is my “time keeper,” but instead of the passage of hours, it measures the passing of seasons, cycles and eras. The era of our separation into polarized, third dimensional forms is ending.
Our “return to SELF” is initiated with the Mystical Marriage, which occurs as our Kundalini completes her journey into our Crown. Masculine and feminine are then united into our true, androgynous Lightbody.
I, Gaia, shall then become a Star, and you my people, shall become the Planet. When the polarities are removed, the illusions of separation and limitation, such as male/female, spirit/matter, light/dark, and love/hate, blend into “LIFE expressed as form.” It is then that my form will change greatly, as will the forms of all my inhabitants.
However, some of you may wish to continue with the 3D Game, which is your prerogative, and you will be re-located to another 3D environment. I firmly believed that most of you who receive this message will happily and willingly release the personal strife of the third dimension, and choose to return to the experiences of your multidimensional SELF in the fifth dimension and far, far, beyond. Our Crown Chakra is the area of our body that has always been detached from third dimensional strife. This chakra is the Light Bringer, just as my dear Mt. Fuji has always has been a spiritual center and beacon of Light.
The Seventh Chakra is the “spaceport” for my Planetary Merkaba and your Personal Merkaba, which are soon to be merged into an Interdimensional Chariot. Our “Chariot” is preparing for take-off. However, before we can “take-off,” we must “take-in” the fifth dimension and beyond. For, in actuality, there is no leaving or coming; there is only “rising” in frequency of vibration.
The opening of the Crown Chakra represents the termination of your desire to live as a victim to the illusions of your physical life. Yes, you still look human, but you are no longer limited by it. Your Crown Chakra is ruled by your pineal gland, which allows you to take in higher dimensional Light. Through downloading this Light, you have expanded your consciousness beyond the confines of being human, or even of being a planet.
Your Home is now in the stars, galaxies and higher dimensions. Now that you have remembered who you are, you are beginning to remember the Mission you chose before you came here for this lifetime. There is one Mission that you all have in common, which is the mission to ground the vibrations of your higher dimensional Homes into your daily lives.
You each have many fragments of your total SELF that resonate to the frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond. Each of these fragments has a different base frequency and a corresponding higher dimensional Home. Now that you have integrated your Soul/SELF, more and more of your higher dimensional aspects of SELF will communicate with you, and even “download” their Essence into your “present human experience.”
The veils between the worlds will then become increasingly thin, and your perspective of reality will change greatly. Fortunately, your Detached Compassion will then be more accessible, as you will more deeply understand that each one must find his or her own Path and follow it from inside their SELF. You will no longer need to heal or save “others,” as you realize that there are no “others.” You are all One. Within the Oneness is only Compassion, for you are not only ONE with each other, you are also ONE with Spirit.
Your expansion into SELF also allows you direct access to the holographic control center in the sixth dimension. This sixth dimensional perspective further amplifies your Detached Compassion, as you can see the Big Picture for 3D “problems” and realize that each person’s Soul/SELF has chosen problems that best serve to awaken their Grounded One.
You will then realize that it is not your job to interfere with other people’s choices. If someone desires you to assist or heal them, you do so as naturally as you would say hello, but you give your services without the NEED for appreciation, or gratitude. You DO what you do because you ARE who you are; and you are—your SELF.
The third dimension has always been based on “learning through conflict.” However, with an opened Crown, that premise becomes obsolete, as you no longer need to learn; you need only to remember what your SELF has always “KNOWN.” Learning is then replaced by Being the Unconditional Love and Detached Compassion. This “Beingness” assists you in remaining detached from the dramas of the 3D Game.
As you have learned from your many Earthly incarnations, 3D dramas have a strong addictive quality. As you totally blend your Essence with mine, you will more easily be able to remain detached from these dramas. I, Gaia, have had to remain detached so that I could keep my balance and remain in my orbit. There was a time when I almost lost my planetary balance. In order to “stay the course” for the remainder of our planetary experience, I had to call for more Light from my Solar and Galactic family.
Many of you are the Light Beings who answered that call. I wish to thank you again, and let you know that your “tour of duty” is coming to an end. Soon you will be able to return to your Homeworld, but first I need you to complete your final mission, as I know you will! Join with me now, dear Beings of Light, as we merge our personal and planetary chakras.
One last time, journey into my core, in fact, OUR core. Feel your consciousness expanding beyond the limitations of your physical form, and even beyond the limits of our planet, to embrace the entire Galaxy. You have now expanded your mind to embrace, not only Planetary Consciousness, but Galactic Consciousness as well. Feel yourself in the center of our Galaxy. YOU are our Great Central Sun, Alcyone, of the Pleiades. Feel your “Seven Sisters” in your constellation. Yes, a Sun can also feel feminine!
Off to the edges of your Galaxy is a small Solar System. Take a long moment to extend your mind into this Solar System. You find the third planet from the sun, Earth, and project your Essence into it. You are that planet now. You are Earth. Feel our body pull you HOME, Home to Earth, the planet of your Soul, as you repeat with me:
“I AM the planet EARTH, from the depths of my core to the top of my atmosphere.
My mountains lay heavily on my body, and my wind rushes across my vast planes.
I feel my long grass being trodden upon and eaten by my hoofed ones and sense the disturbance of air as my various winged inhabitants fly through my skies.
My waters pitch and roll as the life within them searches for food, adventure and procreation.
My cities are vast centers of differing polarities, whereas my wilderness lives in the Unity of Nature.
I KNOW each creature walking, swimming, and flying through my countries and cities alike.
All around and within me, my many creatures and life forms are born, live, procreate, and die.
Time has no meaning to me as I AM only NOW.
My many plants decorate and nourish my surface and my crystal world forms the foundation of my land.
From the smallest pebble, to the largest mountain
From the first drop of rain, to the raging ocean
From a tiny sprout, to my largest forest
From a candle’s flame, to an erupting volcano
I AM there, and I AM here, for I AM NOW.
I AM Gaia,
I AM Earth.”

Now, dear Beings of my SELF, FEEL OUR Crown at Mt. Fuji, Japan.
Feel OUR mountain heavy upon the earth as WE unite OUR minds and thoughts with the Father-God and OUR hearts and emotions with the Mother-Goddess.
WE are NOW a conduit, a step-down transformer, of Spirit into Matter.
We are a great mountain with the Power of Father Sky, the Wisdom of Mother Earth, and the Love that united them in Mystical Marriage to create their Divine Child—humanity.
We are opened to receive our Highest Expressions of SELF.
WE Feel OUR Third Eye in the Himalayan Mountain Range, Tibet.
With our opened Third Eye we see ALL life through the Eyes of Soul.
WE Feel OUR Throat at Mt. Shasta, California.
We speak only the TRUTH and create only from our Highest SELF.
WE Feel OUR Heart in the Haleakala Crater, Maui.
We Love ourselves, so that we can Love ALL life.
WE Feel OUR Solar Plexus at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa.
We feel our Power Within and project it into our transforming world.
WE Feel OUR Navel in the Amazon Jungle, Brazil.
We carry our New Earth in our hearts and minds.
so that we can give birth to it TOGETHER.
WE Feel OUR Root at Mt. Sinai, Middle East.
We ground our highest vibration into the core of OUR planet
to create a firm foundation for our expanding reality.
WE are the planet!
Thank you, dear people.
Thank you from the core of OUR body
to the tip of OUR tallest peak.
I AM Gaia. And, thanks to you,
I AM/WE ARE ascending.

As a result of our process, many multidimensional memories and stories may be flooding our consciousness. Are these really stories from beings on different planets, galaxies and dimensions, or are they just our imagination? Most important, is there a difference between memory and imagination?
If we really are creating our own reality, then a reality that is limited to third-dimensional Earth is merely our choice of creation. What if we, the creators of our reality, were able to imagine a reality in which we were NOT limited to the third dimension?
What if WE, the creators of our realty, were able to go into the memory of our fully integrated Multidimensional SELF? Could we then recover long forgotten memories of other realities that are beyond the confines of this particular dimension, time, and space?
Could we trust our "imagination" enough to let go of the restraints of limiting our consciousness to only one reality, one expression of our total SELF?
When our consciousness is restricted to the third dimension, we cannot heal Gaia’s planet, because it is that 3D state of consciousness that created the situation that OUR planet, and ALL her creatures, are now experiencing.
The industrial world is the result of humanity's deepest journey into our left-brain's analytical, sequential abilities. These abilities have taught us absolute separation into the individual consciousness of our "modern" world.
Our expanded perceptions of telepathy, precognition, telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, which result from the whole brain thinking of merging our right and left hemispheres, has been filtered out of our individual, third-dimensional consciousness.
Furthermore, with our accentuation on only half our brain's innate capacity, we have fallen into black and white thinking. The absolutes of black and white thinking are based on the very polarity that created the third-dimensional world.
It is no longer our quest to find the total individuation from other humans, nature, our planet, and even from our true multidimensional SELF. We have experienced an adventure in separation from our innate multidimensional abilities.
However, much like an entertainer who may wish to focus only dancing until that skill feels perfected, then only singing until that skill feels perfected, we have disallowed ourselves the use our full abilities.
Much worse, we have hidden our expanded abilities under our "shame of being different." However, the dress rehearsal for our life's performance is over, and the final act has begun.
In order to face the ensuing challenges that loom directly ahead, we must throw off the illusion of shame to fully embrace our SELF and pull together ALL that our Soul/SELF has ever experienced on any dimension, planet, or galaxy.
We must allow our imagination to embrace and project the illumination of our journey into the ONE.
We have learned to expand our consciousness to cosmic consciousness by opening our Third Eye and moving through its multidimensional portal. Can we trust the adventures we have had on these journeys?
The multidimensional light of the ONE basks our Crown Chakra and radiates out into our physical reality via our opened Third Eye. Simultaneously, Gaia constantly shares Her emanations up from the core of her planetary heart, through the highway created by our rising Kundalini and into our personal heart.
Through allowing the rise of the Kundalini to assist in the integration of our Soul/SELF into each of our chakras, we have also opened our High Heart and merged it with our Heart Chakra to complete the awakening of our planetary consciousness.
With our planetary consciousness, we have initiated our innate ability to be at ONE with all creatures and matter that contribute to our group experience of being ONE with our planet.
As the unconditional love of our expanded Heart Chakra combines with our opened Third Eye, the immense creativity of our Throat Chakra bursts forth into our reality—the reality that we are NOW creating.
Our blossoming creativity chafes at the many rules of limitation that feel like tethers which bind our hands, feet, heart and mind. If we are to BE our SELF, we must break free of our limiting cocoon like the beautiful butterfly that we are.
WE are commencing our process of transformation from small, limited caterpillars that only know the leaf on which they crawl to regal monarch butterflies that can travel great distances on wings as fragile as lace.
It is now time to break through the confines of our self-made cocoon. We made our cocoons in an effort to "fit in" to a reality based on forgetfulness of our true SELF. But, NOW, we have remembered, and none too soon.
The pivotal moment is commencing for the planet that we have turned into a thing with the individuality that we have so cherished. Those of us who have awakened to our full SELF are ready to take our place in this drama of planetary transformation so that we can fulfill our Soul’s Purpose.
Because we have integrated our Soul/SELF into our earth vessel, we can hear the voice of our Multidimensional SELF constantly encouraging and guiding us. All we need do is surrender to our SELF, for it is through living in surrender that we can totally free our self from the illusions of mundane life.
What if we found the courage to "come out" as our Multidimensional SELF?
What if we balanced our intellect with our instincts?
What if we were openly
and clairsentient?
What if we stopped hiding our light and allowed our illuminated essence to proudly and honestly emanate through our fully integrated Multidimensional SELF?
As we continually ground our Multidimensional SELF into Gaia's Earth we become
“The Collective Consciousness of Earth.”
THEN we are ONE with Gaia and Gaia is ONE with us.
When we expand our consciousness to embrace Earth:
Our individual consciousness becomes Planetary Consciousness.
When we expand our consciousness to embrace our Solar System:
Our Planetary Consciousness becomes Solar Consciousness.
When we expand our consciousness to embrace our Galaxy:
Our Solar Consciousness becomes Galactic Consciousness.
Then when we expand our consciousness to embrace our Universe:
Our Galactic Consciousness becomes our Universal Consciousness.
Within our extended consciousness, our whole brain thinking, and our expanded perceptions lies the ability to fulfill our Divine Ideal and to contribute to the transforming planetary reality.
Together as ONE, people and planet, we can create a planet of peace and love!
What is our personal Mission? How will we fulfill it?
To find that answer, we must go inside our SELF…
Blessings to you ALL
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)
How will YOU celebrate the energies of the upcoming summer solstice?
Join us as we fully merge with GAIA and flow along the River of Unity.
Planetary Pledge
Full Webinar Series: $49
*Summer Solstice Finale Webinar Only: $15
Webinar Options
Click the "Buy Now" button to register, and you will receive a follow-up email with webinar details. Bonus material (for full series participants) includes a full study guide containing all recorded webinars and material discussed in the blog posts so you have a handy, comprehensive chakra guide!
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 6:57 PM
* * *
Let us explain.
Now, your civilisation is faced with an unprecedented opportunity to reverse history, moving en-masse from a fear-based society into one of Love and Unity.
When your physical energy is low, compromised by addictions, too much time on the internet, not enough time in nature, exercise and rest, or the wrong foods, your auric shields become weak and you are susceptible to intrusions in your energy fields of negative thought forms and emotions which are not yours.
Now affirm
When enough of you are awake, aware and able to stabilise your emotions, a quantum shift is initiated which shifts all of you past the influence of the 4th dimension into energetic integrity.
And so it is.
Solara An-Ra, Magic Weaver for Gaia

Posted 6th May by Juan Pablo
* * *
Friday, June 19, 2015
Seventh Chakra and Conclusion of Blog-a-Thon
Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon!"
Today, we will present the information about our Seventh Chakra
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Seventh Chakra
LOCATION: The location of the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is at the crown of the head, the location of our “soft spot” as an infant.
PETALS: The crown chakra is known as the Thousand Petal Lotus. When it is clear and open, it is our own personal Stargate, or vortex, into the higher dimensions.
NOTES AND MANTRA: The musical note for this chakra is B and the Mantra is “aum” or “ee” as in bee.
COLOR: The color for the seventh chakra is violet. Red, which is the lowest color on our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just above infrared light, rules the root chakra. Conversely, violet, the highest color on our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just below ultra-violet light, rules the Crown Chakra.
RULES: The crown chakra rules the cerebrum, top of head, entire brain, and nervous system. It is also said to rule the right eye. In Egyptian mythology, the opened Third Eye is called the Eye of Horus. The physical left eye rules the Moon and the feminine, manifest physical world, and the right eye rules the masculine, un-manifest spiritual world. Therefore, the Right Eye of Horus brings the Spirit down into matter and then feeds that Spirit into the Left Eye of Horus. In this manner, the Third Eye remains open, grounded in the physical world, and fully perceptive.
The more we “download” our higher dimensional powers into our physical body, the more it is essential that we are centered and grounded. If we plug in a small fan we do not need a third prong. However, if we are plugging in a powerful air conditioner we must have that third, grounding, prong or we can burn out the electrical system of our house. It is the same with our Soul’s house—our physical earth vessels—we must remain grounded or we can burn out the electrical system (the nervous system) of our physical body.
The crown chakra rules, not only our brain’s control of our entire nervous system, but also our Higher Self’s control of our entire physical incarnation. Once our crown chakra is open, we can become aware of our true “brain” (control mechanism) that exists beyond the limitations of the third and fourth dimensions. Our ability to perceive our physical life from that higher perspective allows us to gain access to our multidimensional consciousness. While in that multidimensional state, we have the ability to see the myriad forms of our existence in the many different planes and realities.
The crown chakra governs Cosmic Consciousness that is our connection to spiritual wisdom, aspirations, and knowledge of the Truth. From this perspective, we see ourselves as a spark of consciousness creating all and, paradoxically, “Being” ALL. From our Cosmic Consciousness, we are the dreamer dreaming a dream and realizing that all that is perceived is an extension of our SELF.
Just as the root chakra represents our connection to Divine Mother or Mother Earth, the crown chakra represents our relations with our Divine Father or Father Sky. Father Sky and Mother Earth join together, Spirit into Matter, to create their Child of Love—consciousness in a physical form. Mother Earth in our first chakra grounds our power and sends it up from the earth to join Father Sky in our seventh chakra. This rising Kundalini connects us with the energy that comes from the higher dimensions while it gives us the power, and responsibility, to, in turn, ground that energy in the physical plane.
Our relationship with our mothers is associated with our first chakra. If our bonding with our mother was not sufficient for our needs, we often feel cut off from our roots, and from our very physical life, and our attitudes toward home, security, and money are negatively influenced. Conversely, our relationship with our human fathers is associated with our seventh chakra. Since the crown chakra represents our unity with all life, we feel a sense of isolation from “God” and humanity if our bonding with our father is insufficient.
SENSE: Our multidimensional and extrasensory senses are ruled by the seventh chakra. Once this chakra is opened, our sense of empathy and unity expands. When we raise our consciousness, we experience another person, place or object as if we are inside of them or as if we are “being” them.
It is important, then, that we remember that with this power comes responsibility. We should activate these senses only to provide help or healing—NEVER for mere curiosity or with any malicious intent. Compassion is the main sense that develops as our crown chakra opens. We have two kinds of compassion: Crown Compassion, which is more about perception and communication, and Heart Compassion, which is more about emotions and empathy.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: The signs of Capricorn and Pisces rule this chakra; Capricorn rules inner viewing, concentration and the essential perception of matter by Divine Light, and Pisces rules dissolution of limits, devotion, and Oneness with ALL THAT IS.
ELEMENT: The element of this chakra is the Cosmic Energy, which is often experienced as an inner light emanating from the deepest part of our being. This Cosmic Energy, which rules the higher kingdoms and stems from the Source, feels like an ultimate intelligence and a sense of all knowing. When our crown chakra opens we can also experience the complete isolation and blackness of the Great Void.
This Void, which resonates just below the fifth dimension, represents the raw potential for all that can, or will be. The total darkness is representative of the center of a seed before it opens into the light of manifestation. when we can perceive from our crown chakra, we can identify both extremes of all polarities.
The opening of the crown chakra expands our perception into the fifth dimension where there are NO polarities. Therefore, there are many paradoxes associated with this chakra as it represents the “end of all paradox”. As we travel through the higher dimensions, it is important that we release all judgments associated with the polarities of light and dark. We must instead consult our own inner knowing and higher consciousness to navigate us through our inner worlds. Eventually, we will all be aware of our fifth dimensional selves; they know no judgment and hold no fear. For what is judgment, if not a form of fear?
CONSCIOUSNESS: Since our crown chakra represents our multidimensional consciousness, as we open this chakra our reality will no longer be limited to the third and fourth dimension. When our brow chakra, the sixth chakra, opens we begin to travel into the higher sub planes of the fourth dimension. With the opening of our seventh chakra, and the subsequent activation of our Third Eye, our consciousness can now enter the fifth dimension. It is then that the many realities around and within us gradually become consciously apparent to us.
The process of our awakening begins with expanding the consciousness of our physical selves and working to clear our etheric bodies. Then the astral, the mental, the causal and the spiritual I AM consciousness can align themselves in preparation to ascend into the fifth dimension. Until we reach the fifth dimension we can “work” towards enlightenment, but from the fifth dimension on, we must simply “BE”. “Doing” is not important then; consciousness alone is important. And finally, in the sixth and seventh dimensions even consciousness is not important as there is only the “Isness”, the “Nowness” and the “Hereness.”
To experience the worlds beyond the lower fifth dimension, we must release ALL desire, even for “good” or “right,” for there is no polarity. Therefore, there is no good or bad, right or wrong. To travel the higher dimensions, an empty mind is needed, a mind that is not longing for anything, not waiting for anything, even Truth or enlightenment. This “empty mind” just IS. It is without longing, without desire, and without wish. Then, suddenly, you are there, and even the cosmos is gone.
PERSONAL TIME LINE: The crown chakra represents the stage in our life when we are SELF-realized. We no longer need the polarities of male or female, human or divine. We understand that this physical reality is but one small segment of our total SELF, and we realize that we chose to incarnate during this space and time to fulfill our Mission, our reason for embodiment.
Riches and adulation from others is no longer a driving force because we know that completion of our mission may or may not be recognized on the physical plane. We also know that when we stay attuned to our inner guidance, our ego’s needs and fears will be balanced with love, and all will be revealed to us within the proper Time.
This detachment does not mean that we are disassociated from our human self. So long as we wear a physical form, there is a portion of us that remains limited to the rules of the third dimension and separated from our total SELF. However, when the crown chakra is open and our Third Eye is functioning, we can view our reality from the perspective of our Higher Self. Then we can give our often struggling human self the unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness that is ALWAYS needed and deserved.
In this stage of our life, we realize that the third dimension is a hologram of our own illusions set forth so that we can learn and grow. We are aware that the third dimension is now collapsing into the fourth and then the fifth dimension and we are active in the facilitation of this process. In fact, it is likely that we are now in the fourth dimension.
How this changes our experience of “life” is for each of us to discover and, hopefully, share with others. As we each awaken, it is our responsibility to assist in awakening others in the manner that our Soul directs. In this way, the planetary ascension can proceed. We are all One, and every time we help another we help ourselves. Paradoxically, every time we help ourselves, we help others.
SOCIAL TIME LINE: When enough of our Earth’s population opens their crown chakra and activates their Third Eye, Earth’s collective consciousness will reach the fifth dimension. We then will become a Galactic Civilization with full awareness of the life forms on other dimensions, planets, and worlds. We will no longer need to wage war against each other, as we will realize that we are the United Peoples of Earth. We are one family, not only on our planet, but also in our solar system, our galaxy, and beyond.
From this state of consciousness, we no longer need to worship any beings that we consider “higher” than us, because we understand that we, too, have a “higher” portion of our own being that we can constantly, consciously access. Therefore instead of worship we commune and communicate.
ENDOCRINE GLAND: The crown chakra is ruled by the pineal gland. The pineal gland has photoreceptor cells, which regulate the secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin regulates our circadian body rhythms, which are our rhythms of waking and sleeping, or consciousness in our outside world and consciousness in our inside world. The pineal gland is also the primary link between our Soul and our brain. It is, therefore, our gateway to multidimensional awareness.
Science and metaphysics agree that the pineal gland functions as a regulator of light and that it also plays a role in our reproductive cycle. Scientific research suggests that the pineal gland may function in converting neural information about light conditions into hormonal output. In other words, when there is less light, the pineal gland produces more melatonin, and when there is more light, it produces less melatonin.
This keeps us awake and functioning in the daylight and facilitates our sleep at night. The pineal gland also plays a significant role in sexual maturation as there is an abundance of melatonin in young children, which is believed to inhibit sexual development. The pineal gland shrinks as we enter our early teens and puberty begins.
Metaphysics teaches us that the pineal gland transduces Cosmic Light down from our fourth dimensional bodies into our physical vessel so that we can “download” it into our third dimensional consciousness. The pineal gland rules our biorhythms of feeling high/light and feeling low/dark.
Because we live in the “land of polarities, the crown chakra and its pineal gland is needed to blend the darkness of the Great Void with the Cosmic Light in order to integrate the entire spectrum of the constantly streaming, higher dimensions into our physical reality. Once the pineal gland has “downloaded” this energy, our pituitary gland can instruct the other endocrine glands to assist us in raising the vibrational patterns of our physical form.
NERVE PLEXUS: The crown chakra connects us to our Unity Consciousness. Therefore, this chakra rules our brain and entire nervous system.
CLEAR: When this chakra is clear we can receive cosmic energy to initiate the development of our Galactic Consciousness. In this state of consciousness we can perceive the Cosmic Love and the All-Knowing of our fifth dimensional SELF. This re-awakens our ability to perceive the patterns of cause and effect, as well, and the light matrixes that create the illusions of our holographic physical reality. This skill, however, is usually not remembered until we are able to release at least 51% of our programmed core beliefs in limitation and separation. The Path to Illumination is paved with patience, so we must be patient with ourselves regarding this issue.
Most of us have worn physical bodies thousands of times over millennia of time. Fortunately, with an opened crown chakra we can again access a sense of well-being, unity with all life, open mindedness and faith in ourselves and in our higher directives. We then can gain enough peace of mind to listen to our Higher Self more and more frequently. It is our own Higher Self that will assist us in re-programming our minds to the daily acceptance and integration of our own divinity. When we change our selves, our relationships with others change as well.
When two people with clear crown chakras mix their energies, a soft golden light fills their auras as both people experience a deep sense of unity and communion. The three upper chakras of both people join in the communion/communication as the transference of wisdom is carried from third eye to third eye. This mutual communication is understood via the throat chakras and their heart chakras. This mutual language of love communicates in an empathic, telepathic manner.
UNCLEAR: Depression, a feeling of confinement, closed-mindedness, intense worry, and anxiety, cerebral tumors, cranial pressure, headaches and migraines, mental disorders, scalp problems, and sleep disorders can result from an unclear seventh chakra. There can also be a fear of religion or spirituality, frustration and unrealized power, little joy in life, fearfulness of things that cannot be understood with the physical senses, and even schizophrenia.
When someone’s crown chakra is blocked, a very unpleasant muddy, dark curry color taints their crown chakra and their entire aura. When communicating with them, we may experience a tingling and prickling sensation in our crown, and we may feel a warning that psychic protection is needed. When two people communicate whose crown chakras are unclear, many misconceptions and misunderstandings are common. Their exchange may become adversarial with no evident means of understanding or effective communication.
EARTH CHAKRA: The seventh chakra of earth is said to be Mt. Fuji in Japan. Just as the crown chakra rules both the sense of isolation and unity, Japan was isolated for many years while the society was unified within itself. Mt. Fuji, or Fujiyama (yama means “mountain” in Japanese) has provided a spiritual basis for Japan since ancient times and pious people endured hardships for days in their quests to climb this sacred mountain. This mountain is a 12,380 foot high dormant volcano which is world-renown for its symmetry and serenity.
Mt. Fuji, as does the crown chakra, welcomes each new season in a beautiful and dramatic way. In spring, cherry blossoms burst into bloom at the foot of the mountain, followed by the flowering vermilion azaleas, which announce the coming of summer, and by July, the Alpine Roses start to bloom. By late August, summer is over and the Fire Festivals of Fujiyoshida celebrate the coming of winter and the end of all treks to Mt. Fuji’s peak.
DIMENSION: All Dimensions are ruled by this chakra, as it represents our full multidimensional consciousness.
SUMMARY: Just as many have climbed our personal Fujiyama to reach the peak, the opening of the crown chakra represents the culmination of Kundalini’s journey from our Root to the thousand-petal lotus in our Crown. This journey represents the completion of one world and the commencement of a new one. That world, of course, was always there, but we have forgotten it. We forgot where we came from, and we forgot the great glory and complexity of our true SELF.
The opening of the crown chakra represents the termination of our ability to live as a victim to the illusions of our physical life. Yes, we are still human. We still live within our corporeal body and are, therefore, subject to fall into the dramas of our separate, limited self. However, we are no longer live in it.
We have kissed the ONE and we are left with our Divine Discontent fully activated. This “discontent” is like a homing beam that pulls us in the direction of our core energy frequencies. Now our Homes in the stars, in other galaxies, and in other dimensions, call us continuously and implore us to return. That is, to return and yet stay; return Home in our awareness and in our consciousness, yet stay in the third dimension where we are actively living our Mission.
Now that we remember who we are, we are beginning to remember why we came here. There is one Mission that we all have in common, that is the mission to ground the vibrations of our Homes in the higher dimensions into our daily lives. Each dimension has a different resonant frequency. Resonant frequency is the base line frequency or center frequency. Within each dimension or personal consciousness there is a resonant or primary frequency, or vibratory rate. This frequency is higher on days when we are filled with love and lower on days when we are filled with fear. In other words, our third dimensional self will fluctuate in frequency from “survival” to “peak experience”.
Our personal resonant frequency, or frequency signature, is often determined and/or measured by our brainwaves. (Brainwaves are covered in length in the Physical Body Door of the Conscious Section under “States of Consciousness.”) Opening the crown chakra allows us to access our Delta waves while we are still somewhat aware of our physical body. These brainwaves are the “homing beam” that allows us to access our SELVES existing on other stars, galaxies and dimensions.
Once we access these portions of our total SELF, we can develop a relationship with them. These higher SELVES permit us to see our world from their perspective. To perceive the separation and limitation of the physical world from a portion of our SELF that lives beyond just illusion is the beginning of our Galactic Consciousness.
As we communicate more with these higher dimensional portions of our SELF, the veil between the words begins to thin, and our perspective of all life is raised above the third dimension. That is how we become aware of the causes of our problems that have stemmed not from this life’s childhood but from other third and fourth dimensional lives (often known as “past lives”), as well as other parallel realities. Fortunately, by this time we can also access our SELF to assist us in understanding and integrating this multidimensional information.
Our connection to our greater SELF, our Soul, gives us the support and courage to consciously remember the root life in which we first experienced the fear that has echoes through many other lifetimes. This “first time” that we had an extreme negative experience often creates an engram, which is like scar tissue in our Soul. This engram programs our Soul to recreate that experience over and over until it is resolved. Once we have journeyed in our consciousness into the realities in which these patterns first began, we can call upon our Higher Self to balance that pain and fear with Unconditional Love.
Our Soul has recreated these situations in life after life so that we can gain mastery over these emotions and situations. Once love has balanced fear our resonant frequency can rise through out ALL our lives in all dimensions, times, and locations. We receive our connection to this Unconditional Love, on a daily basis, once our High Heart is opened. Our physical heart resonates to the color green.
This portion of our heart chakra rules our human love. Human love can be courageous and selfless, or fearful and selfish. On the other hand, our High Heart resonates to unconditional love and compassion. Our High Heart is located just above and in front of our physical heart in our fourth dimensional etheric body. Our High Heart resonates to the color pink.
Unconditional love is based on compassion. With this compassion, we can unconditionally love, unconditionally accept and unconditionally forgive all life. All of us, no matter how spiritual or self-realized, have difficult times in our physical lives. It is in these times that we are challenged to accept the unconditional love and compassion of our Higher Selves into our physical awareness so that we may receive its love and comfort. We have been trained that it is divine to suffer. Now we must rewrite that limitation to the truth, which is that we no longer need to suffer because we ARE divine.
It is our open crown chakra that initiates this process of “releasing suffering.” The crown chakra is the center of paradox—light and dark, known and unknown. The great love of the Cosmic Light brings us Unconditional Love and the great darkness of the unknown can bring Enormous Fear. From standing in the absolute center between light and dark, known and unknown, in the center of the open thousand-petal lotus, we can see that they all are merely different extremes in the illusion of physical life.
From the perspective of our opened crown chakra, we are in constant contact with the assistance and understanding of our fifth dimensional selves. Therefore, they can give us understanding, love and compassion to assist us when we become fearful or confused. With their assistance we are able to see the big picture that allows us to remember that we chose to enter our physical life to fulfill a Mission. We will still feel the emotions of fear, anger and sorrow because we are wearing our earth vessel. However, even if no one in our physical reality can help, we can ALWAYS receive what we need to complete our initiation from our own inner guidance.
Multidimensional healing is the process of finding the original cause of all our “life issues”. We have been reliving these issues over and over, in this life and in other lives. These core beliefs in separation and limitation have keep us asleep and battling the worlds around us as well as within in. When we can heal these issues at the core, that is the first life in which they were experienced, we can change many of our realities at the same time.
Once the first experience is healed, then the patterns that have resonated through out many other lives can easily been seen. When we can consciously perceive the patterns of our behavior, then we can begin to “catch our selves in the act” so that we can change. However, even though these patterns will diminish, they will not completely leave because it is these issues that are tied to our Mission. The issues that we have worked on life after life are the core of our service to others, to the planet and to our Higher Self.
It is through healing ourselves that we can learn to heal others. Once we have faced our Dark Side, our fear greatly diminishes. After all, is it not the “enemy within” that causes the greatest threat? This release from fear gives us greater courage to continue our own personal healing and to assist in the healing of others and our planet. We all chose to come here from the higher dimensions to assist in this great time of transformation. Just as we have had lives where we “fell into the darkness”, we have also had lives in which we were Spiritual Initiations. Upon the completion of these spiritual lives we consciously returned Home to a higher dimension.
Through connection, communication, and deep understanding of these “Initiate lives” we can access and remember the innate power that we were born with. These powerful lives will also introduce us to our higher-dimensional, intergalactic selves. Every time that we interact with these higher portions of ourselves we download a bit of their frequency rate. For example, if we have a bowl of ice (our densest physical self) and we subject it to steam (our highest, formless self), the ice will turn to water, which is the pure essence of both the ice and the steam and the midpoint between the two.
In other words, the two polarities working against each other will move us into the center point, the fulcrum point, and the point of balance. This center point is the point of power because it is the point from which we can see both sides. Being able to see both sides, both extremes, allows the detachment that creates compassion. Compassion opens us up to our higher worlds because it frees us from the dramas of our physical self. Compassion lifts us out of the third dimensional matrix and into our multidimensional perspective. Then we can view the third and fourth dimensional polarities around us without getting stuck in them. We are then “in the world, but not of it”.
From this center point, we are free to experience the worlds below us (the ice) and the worlds above us (the steam) while we remain in the center (the water). The center point is the flow, the point of surrender—surrender to our Soul. This is the place without emotional charge, negative or positive, that loosens us from the constraints of our old beliefs in separation and limitation. From this place we can fall into the flow, surrender to the NOW, unite with the Oneness, and allow our Soul to become the Captain of our Earth Vessel.
The more individuals who are able to hold this center point, the more we all will experience the paradigm shift out of materialism into spirituality, out of limitation and separation, and into the Oness, Hereness, and Nowness of our true nature. Each time any one of us communes with our Higher Self and downloads our higher dimensional resonance into our physical bodies, we contribute not only to our personal ascension but to the planetary ascension as well.
TOGETHER we will each discover our own personal puzzle piece, and then connect it to the whole. Then, as a planet, and as a species, we can create Heaven on Earth.


I am Gaia, returned to be your guide as you merge the spiritual essence of your personal Seventh Chakra with the spiritual essence of my planetary Seventh Chakra. When we united our Sixth Chakras, we united your Personal Consciousness with my Planetary and Galactic Consciousness.
Now, as we blend our Seventh Chakras, we will expand into Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness. Hence, you will not only be united with the consciousness of your Planet, but with the consciousness of your Galaxy and the consciousness of the Cosmic Universe, as well. Your physical body, which was once imagined to be the earth vessel of your self, is now revealed as the 3D grounding point of your Multidimensional SELF.
The Seventh Chakra is a masculine/outflow chakra that functions in an androgynous fashion. It is from your opened Crown Chakra that you extend your antenna up, into the higher dimensions, for the reception of the Light Messages from your Multidimensional SELF in other planets, galaxies and dimensions.
Mt. Fuji, Japan is my Crown Chakra, and the area of my body from which I extend my antenna. Mt. Fuji is my “time keeper,” but instead of the passage of hours, it measures the passing of seasons, cycles and eras. The era of our separation into polarized, third dimensional forms is ending.
Our “return to SELF” is initiated with the Mystical Marriage, which occurs as our Kundalini completes her journey into our Crown. Masculine and feminine are then united into our true, androgynous Lightbody.
I, Gaia, shall then become a Star, and you my people, shall become the Planet. When the polarities are removed, the illusions of separation and limitation, such as male/female, spirit/matter, light/dark, and love/hate, blend into “LIFE expressed as form.” It is then that my form will change greatly, as will the forms of all my inhabitants.
However, some of you may wish to continue with the 3D Game, which is your prerogative, and you will be re-located to another 3D environment. I firmly believed that most of you who receive this message will happily and willingly release the personal strife of the third dimension, and choose to return to the experiences of your multidimensional SELF in the fifth dimension and far, far, beyond. Our Crown Chakra is the area of our body that has always been detached from third dimensional strife. This chakra is the Light Bringer, just as my dear Mt. Fuji has always has been a spiritual center and beacon of Light.
The Seventh Chakra is the “spaceport” for my Planetary Merkaba and your Personal Merkaba, which are soon to be merged into an Interdimensional Chariot. Our “Chariot” is preparing for take-off. However, before we can “take-off,” we must “take-in” the fifth dimension and beyond. For, in actuality, there is no leaving or coming; there is only “rising” in frequency of vibration.
The opening of the Crown Chakra represents the termination of your desire to live as a victim to the illusions of your physical life. Yes, you still look human, but you are no longer limited by it. Your Crown Chakra is ruled by your pineal gland, which allows you to take in higher dimensional Light. Through downloading this Light, you have expanded your consciousness beyond the confines of being human, or even of being a planet.
Your Home is now in the stars, galaxies and higher dimensions. Now that you have remembered who you are, you are beginning to remember the Mission you chose before you came here for this lifetime. There is one Mission that you all have in common, which is the mission to ground the vibrations of your higher dimensional Homes into your daily lives.
You each have many fragments of your total SELF that resonate to the frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond. Each of these fragments has a different base frequency and a corresponding higher dimensional Home. Now that you have integrated your Soul/SELF, more and more of your higher dimensional aspects of SELF will communicate with you, and even “download” their Essence into your “present human experience.”
The veils between the worlds will then become increasingly thin, and your perspective of reality will change greatly. Fortunately, your Detached Compassion will then be more accessible, as you will more deeply understand that each one must find his or her own Path and follow it from inside their SELF. You will no longer need to heal or save “others,” as you realize that there are no “others.” You are all One. Within the Oneness is only Compassion, for you are not only ONE with each other, you are also ONE with Spirit.
Your expansion into SELF also allows you direct access to the holographic control center in the sixth dimension. This sixth dimensional perspective further amplifies your Detached Compassion, as you can see the Big Picture for 3D “problems” and realize that each person’s Soul/SELF has chosen problems that best serve to awaken their Grounded One.
You will then realize that it is not your job to interfere with other people’s choices. If someone desires you to assist or heal them, you do so as naturally as you would say hello, but you give your services without the NEED for appreciation, or gratitude. You DO what you do because you ARE who you are; and you are—your SELF.
The third dimension has always been based on “learning through conflict.” However, with an opened Crown, that premise becomes obsolete, as you no longer need to learn; you need only to remember what your SELF has always “KNOWN.” Learning is then replaced by Being the Unconditional Love and Detached Compassion. This “Beingness” assists you in remaining detached from the dramas of the 3D Game.
As you have learned from your many Earthly incarnations, 3D dramas have a strong addictive quality. As you totally blend your Essence with mine, you will more easily be able to remain detached from these dramas. I, Gaia, have had to remain detached so that I could keep my balance and remain in my orbit. There was a time when I almost lost my planetary balance. In order to “stay the course” for the remainder of our planetary experience, I had to call for more Light from my Solar and Galactic family.
Many of you are the Light Beings who answered that call. I wish to thank you again, and let you know that your “tour of duty” is coming to an end. Soon you will be able to return to your Homeworld, but first I need you to complete your final mission, as I know you will! Join with me now, dear Beings of Light, as we merge our personal and planetary chakras.
One last time, journey into my core, in fact, OUR core. Feel your consciousness expanding beyond the limitations of your physical form, and even beyond the limits of our planet, to embrace the entire Galaxy. You have now expanded your mind to embrace, not only Planetary Consciousness, but Galactic Consciousness as well. Feel yourself in the center of our Galaxy. YOU are our Great Central Sun, Alcyone, of the Pleiades. Feel your “Seven Sisters” in your constellation. Yes, a Sun can also feel feminine!
Off to the edges of your Galaxy is a small Solar System. Take a long moment to extend your mind into this Solar System. You find the third planet from the sun, Earth, and project your Essence into it. You are that planet now. You are Earth. Feel our body pull you HOME, Home to Earth, the planet of your Soul, as you repeat with me:
“I AM the planet EARTH, from the depths of my core to the top of my atmosphere.
My mountains lay heavily on my body, and my wind rushes across my vast planes.
I feel my long grass being trodden upon and eaten by my hoofed ones and sense the disturbance of air as my various winged inhabitants fly through my skies.
My waters pitch and roll as the life within them searches for food, adventure and procreation.
My cities are vast centers of differing polarities, whereas my wilderness lives in the Unity of Nature.
I KNOW each creature walking, swimming, and flying through my countries and cities alike.
All around and within me, my many creatures and life forms are born, live, procreate, and die.
Time has no meaning to me as I AM only NOW.
My many plants decorate and nourish my surface and my crystal world forms the foundation of my land.
From the smallest pebble, to the largest mountain
From the first drop of rain, to the raging ocean
From a tiny sprout, to my largest forest
From a candle’s flame, to an erupting volcano
I AM there, and I AM here, for I AM NOW.
I AM Gaia,
I AM Earth.”

Now, dear Beings of my SELF, FEEL OUR Crown at Mt. Fuji, Japan.
Feel OUR mountain heavy upon the earth as WE unite OUR minds and thoughts with the Father-God and OUR hearts and emotions with the Mother-Goddess.
WE are NOW a conduit, a step-down transformer, of Spirit into Matter.
We are a great mountain with the Power of Father Sky, the Wisdom of Mother Earth, and the Love that united them in Mystical Marriage to create their Divine Child—humanity.
We are opened to receive our Highest Expressions of SELF.
WE Feel OUR Third Eye in the Himalayan Mountain Range, Tibet.
With our opened Third Eye we see ALL life through the Eyes of Soul.
WE Feel OUR Throat at Mt. Shasta, California.
We speak only the TRUTH and create only from our Highest SELF.
WE Feel OUR Heart in the Haleakala Crater, Maui.
We Love ourselves, so that we can Love ALL life.
WE Feel OUR Solar Plexus at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa.
We feel our Power Within and project it into our transforming world.
WE Feel OUR Navel in the Amazon Jungle, Brazil.
We carry our New Earth in our hearts and minds.
so that we can give birth to it TOGETHER.
WE Feel OUR Root at Mt. Sinai, Middle East.
We ground our highest vibration into the core of OUR planet
to create a firm foundation for our expanding reality.
WE are the planet!
Thank you, dear people.
Thank you from the core of OUR body
to the tip of OUR tallest peak.
I AM Gaia. And, thanks to you,
I AM/WE ARE ascending.

As a result of our process, many multidimensional memories and stories may be flooding our consciousness. Are these really stories from beings on different planets, galaxies and dimensions, or are they just our imagination? Most important, is there a difference between memory and imagination?
If we really are creating our own reality, then a reality that is limited to third-dimensional Earth is merely our choice of creation. What if we, the creators of our reality, were able to imagine a reality in which we were NOT limited to the third dimension?
What if WE, the creators of our realty, were able to go into the memory of our fully integrated Multidimensional SELF? Could we then recover long forgotten memories of other realities that are beyond the confines of this particular dimension, time, and space?
Could we trust our "imagination" enough to let go of the restraints of limiting our consciousness to only one reality, one expression of our total SELF?
When our consciousness is restricted to the third dimension, we cannot heal Gaia’s planet, because it is that 3D state of consciousness that created the situation that OUR planet, and ALL her creatures, are now experiencing.
The industrial world is the result of humanity's deepest journey into our left-brain's analytical, sequential abilities. These abilities have taught us absolute separation into the individual consciousness of our "modern" world.
Our expanded perceptions of telepathy, precognition, telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, which result from the whole brain thinking of merging our right and left hemispheres, has been filtered out of our individual, third-dimensional consciousness.
Furthermore, with our accentuation on only half our brain's innate capacity, we have fallen into black and white thinking. The absolutes of black and white thinking are based on the very polarity that created the third-dimensional world.
It is no longer our quest to find the total individuation from other humans, nature, our planet, and even from our true multidimensional SELF. We have experienced an adventure in separation from our innate multidimensional abilities.
However, much like an entertainer who may wish to focus only dancing until that skill feels perfected, then only singing until that skill feels perfected, we have disallowed ourselves the use our full abilities.
Much worse, we have hidden our expanded abilities under our "shame of being different." However, the dress rehearsal for our life's performance is over, and the final act has begun.
In order to face the ensuing challenges that loom directly ahead, we must throw off the illusion of shame to fully embrace our SELF and pull together ALL that our Soul/SELF has ever experienced on any dimension, planet, or galaxy.
We must allow our imagination to embrace and project the illumination of our journey into the ONE.
We have learned to expand our consciousness to cosmic consciousness by opening our Third Eye and moving through its multidimensional portal. Can we trust the adventures we have had on these journeys?
The multidimensional light of the ONE basks our Crown Chakra and radiates out into our physical reality via our opened Third Eye. Simultaneously, Gaia constantly shares Her emanations up from the core of her planetary heart, through the highway created by our rising Kundalini and into our personal heart.
Through allowing the rise of the Kundalini to assist in the integration of our Soul/SELF into each of our chakras, we have also opened our High Heart and merged it with our Heart Chakra to complete the awakening of our planetary consciousness.
With our planetary consciousness, we have initiated our innate ability to be at ONE with all creatures and matter that contribute to our group experience of being ONE with our planet.
As the unconditional love of our expanded Heart Chakra combines with our opened Third Eye, the immense creativity of our Throat Chakra bursts forth into our reality—the reality that we are NOW creating.
Our blossoming creativity chafes at the many rules of limitation that feel like tethers which bind our hands, feet, heart and mind. If we are to BE our SELF, we must break free of our limiting cocoon like the beautiful butterfly that we are.
WE are commencing our process of transformation from small, limited caterpillars that only know the leaf on which they crawl to regal monarch butterflies that can travel great distances on wings as fragile as lace.
It is now time to break through the confines of our self-made cocoon. We made our cocoons in an effort to "fit in" to a reality based on forgetfulness of our true SELF. But, NOW, we have remembered, and none too soon.
The pivotal moment is commencing for the planet that we have turned into a thing with the individuality that we have so cherished. Those of us who have awakened to our full SELF are ready to take our place in this drama of planetary transformation so that we can fulfill our Soul’s Purpose.
Because we have integrated our Soul/SELF into our earth vessel, we can hear the voice of our Multidimensional SELF constantly encouraging and guiding us. All we need do is surrender to our SELF, for it is through living in surrender that we can totally free our self from the illusions of mundane life.
What if we found the courage to "come out" as our Multidimensional SELF?
What if we balanced our intellect with our instincts?
What if we were openly
and clairsentient?
What if we stopped hiding our light and allowed our illuminated essence to proudly and honestly emanate through our fully integrated Multidimensional SELF?
As we continually ground our Multidimensional SELF into Gaia's Earth we become
“The Collective Consciousness of Earth.”
THEN we are ONE with Gaia and Gaia is ONE with us.
When we expand our consciousness to embrace Earth:
Our individual consciousness becomes Planetary Consciousness.
When we expand our consciousness to embrace our Solar System:
Our Planetary Consciousness becomes Solar Consciousness.
When we expand our consciousness to embrace our Galaxy:
Our Solar Consciousness becomes Galactic Consciousness.
Then when we expand our consciousness to embrace our Universe:
Our Galactic Consciousness becomes our Universal Consciousness.
Within our extended consciousness, our whole brain thinking, and our expanded perceptions lies the ability to fulfill our Divine Ideal and to contribute to the transforming planetary reality.
Together as ONE, people and planet, we can create a planet of peace and love!
What is our personal Mission? How will we fulfill it?
To find that answer, we must go inside our SELF…
Blessings to you ALL
Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11 AM Pacific (Local Time)
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Solara An-Ra ~ Energy Fluctuations & Mood Swings on Planet Earth: 2015
Solara An-Ra ~ Energy Fluctuations & Mood Swings on Planet Earth: 2015
Let us explain.
At the time of the collapse of Atlantis intense sound experiments by the dark forces caused energy smog in the lower atmosphere of the planet, which compromised the people’s ability to connect with Source and their Higher Selves.
This was achieved through the seeding of negative thought forms into the ethers; thought forms based on separation consciousness; thought forms based on FEAR. Fear-based thoughts will always result in a form of paranoia; a need to protect oneself against others; a false belief that others will harm you if you do not take measures to protect yourself.
This manifests in competition and ego-based defensive behaviour, which is destructive to both individual beings and the society as a whole. It is not possible for a civilisation based on competition and defensive behaviour to thrive in the long-term.
The destruction of Atlantis was not only because of Earth shifts which drowned the physical cities and civilisation – it began when the larger population lost their connection with Source, with the Light, through a shift into fear which was manipulated.
Now, your civilisation is faced with an unprecedented opportunity to reverse history, moving en-masse from a fear-based society into one of Love and Unity.
A renaissance of Love-based consciousness is being birthed.
But you must understand the energetic obstacles to this renaissance that you are dealing with right now.
On the one hand you have the group we call the ‘manipulators’ on your planet who seek to trigger you into fear or dis-empowerment through the manipulation of the media and social institutions. This is old news, and we need not elaborate – those of you who are reading this communication are aware that all it takes to achieve autonomy in your society is for you to think for yourselves and choose your own reality and truth.
Our message here is that there is a secondary factor at play, which is that your emotional instability is sometimes triggered by the involuntary release of negative thought forms into your collective unconscious, as your planet expels all that is not of the Light from her body. This can be likened to a ‘healing crisis’ where things get worse before they get better.
Our message here is that there is a secondary factor at play, which is that your emotional instability is sometimes triggered by the involuntary release of negative thought forms into your collective unconscious, as your planet expels all that is not of the Light from her body. This can be likened to a ‘healing crisis’ where things get worse before they get better.
The good news is that it is temporary – it is a glitch that will be over soon – but for right now you must learn to deal with the instability and take responsibility for your own well-being. The first step is to look after yourselves on a physical level, for this is an important and often over-looked part of the equation.
When your physical energy is low, compromised by addictions, too much time on the internet, not enough time in nature, exercise and rest, or the wrong foods, your auric shields become weak and you are susceptible to intrusions in your energy fields of negative thought forms and emotions which are not yours.
We repeat: the negative thoughts and emotions which cloud your consciousness are sometimes NOT YOUR OWN.
Just as human consciousness was once compromised by the dark Atlantean-experiments, so are your people once again vulnerable to those fear-based thoughts forms.
The difference is that this time it is not part of an evil plan to contaminate and compromise you; it is a side-effect of the healing process that Gaia is undergoing. And this time, you are aware enough to TUNE IN and assess whether a feeling or thought form belongs to you or not.
Let us assist in this process, dear ones.
Let us assist in this process, dear ones.
When your mood dips and you feel possessed by negative thoughts, stop what you are doing, close your eyes and tune in.
Ask your Higher Self: ‘Are these thoughts mine? Do they serve me and my highest purpose?’
It may be that the answer is ‘Yes’ because you are processing a situation which needs to come to clarity – in which case your Higher Self will assist you in bringing Light and heart into your thought processes so that you may come to peace without your ego-mind poisoning your consciousness.
However, if the answer is ‘NO’, then you are advised to go through the following process.
However, if the answer is ‘NO’, then you are advised to go through the following process.
Say out loud
‘I transmute all fear-based thoughts into LIGHT’.
Visualise these thought forms flying out of your brain, your chakras and your aura and becoming flashes of LIGHT which explode like stars or fireworks in the ethers.
Now affirm
‘I am LIGHT and LOVE embodied.’
‘I serve the Light by embodying loving kindness.’
‘I choose to love myself unconditionally so that I become an instrument of Light.’
It matters not whether you use our words or speak your own words, from your heart. It matters only that your intention is clear and that you catch yourself before a negative spiral is initiated which progressively takes you down the rabbit hole into the darkness of despair.
‘I serve the Light by embodying loving kindness.’
‘I choose to love myself unconditionally so that I become an instrument of Light.’
It matters not whether you use our words or speak your own words, from your heart. It matters only that your intention is clear and that you catch yourself before a negative spiral is initiated which progressively takes you down the rabbit hole into the darkness of despair.
You are not victims - you are able to control your emotional fields through your crystal clear intentions to live joy-ful, heart-ful lives. You can always self-correct! In fact if you do not learn to self-correct and stabilize your emotions, you are missing the most important part of your evolution, which is to become masters of your emotions.
Know that we are with you throughout this time of instability.
Know that we are with you throughout this time of instability.
The many Star Beings, Ascended Masters and Angelic Light Beings who observe and assist through your transition are available to you 24 hours a day. Call to us for assistance when your energies are compromised and you feel despondent. Know that this is a TEMPORARY situation of instability and that your work to keep yourselves emotionally balanced is of the utmost importance.
When enough of you are awake, aware and able to stabilise your emotions, a quantum shift is initiated which shifts all of you past the influence of the 4th dimension into energetic integrity.
Rather than waiting for the shift to HAPPEN TO YOU, practise being in this state of joy and integrity every minute of the day.
Look after yourselves as if you were your own beloved children, and monitor your emotional state meticulously. Learn to readjust your moods before they descend into darkness – to catch a shift away from the Light in your mood quickly, before the damage is done. You are in control of your own thoughts and emotions, dear ones.
When you allow yourselves to be triggered into negativity, over and over again, you become victims and are unable to serve yourselves, your human tribe or Gaia. Each one of you who succeeds in staying positive and embodying this way of being for others to emulate shifts your world into the Light.
And so it is.
Solara An-Ra, Magic Weaver for Gaia
Posted 6th May by Juan Pablo
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– June 26, 2015
Posted on Jun 27, 2015
by cosmicgaia
in Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa
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Unity Consciousness
Channeled by Mike Quinsey
For those of you who keep up to date with the new messages, recent times have shown that there are many activities taking place. You will no doubt also be aware that the dark Ones are being closely monitored so as to ensure that they cannot continue with their plan for world rule. In fact their activities are being restricted in ways that will ensure that they can no longer disrupt the plan for your freedom. We can for our part confirm that the changes are speeding up and great advances are being made. There is no doubt that very soon you shall become aware of major events that are going to take you into the New Age by fulfilling some of the promises that have already been made.
We would urge you to keep firmly on your path of Light and not allow outside activities to take your focus away from it. There are difficult times ahead but these will be short lived, and eventually it will become quite clear as to the direction that you are travelling in. Be assured that we have fully anticipated the problems that will arise, and are taking steps to overcome them or at the very least lessen their impact. We do not wish you to take your eye off events that are taking place, but we will tell you that all is moving along in accordance with our plan for your salvation. So many welcome changes are lined up ready to be introduced, but as we have informed you on many occasions, the time must be right so that matters can go ahead unimpeded.
Looking back to the end of 2012 we know that some of you still cannot throw off your disappointment that it did not make the impact that you expected. Yet, we hope you will agree that the foundations were laid down for changes to take place that have subsequently occurred. Without a doubt the vibrations are lifting up and more souls are awakening to their true selves, and able to see how they have been manipulated and falsely held back. The Light is pouring down upon Earth and it is raising the vibrations, and there is no returning back to the “old days”, that will be gone forever, having no place in the higher vibrations.
The future is Golden and holds many, many surprises that God has prepared for you. God is Love and humans lacking understanding blame God for their misfortunes. It is you alone that map out your destiny and determine through your actions what type of experiences you need to rise up again. Yet God is always with you and never withdraws the Love that is always present. His servants such as the Angelic Kingdom carry out the plan that will release you from the hold of the negative vibrations. They also guide you to ensure you follow your life contract which you have agreed to as one that enables your steady progress.
Dear Ones, you have many things to learn about life beyond Earth. Your Universe of many dimensions is teeming with life, and in many instances very much like your own. However, you have been kept in the dark as to your true selves and purpose for experiencing the third dimension. It is not your natural one which is why you are now moving out of it into the higher vibrations that the dark Ones cannot enter. You will no doubt realise that in so doing you will live as intended, in happiness, freedom and absolute peace. Once you have become a Galactic Being, free and able to travel at will your lives will take on a new meaning. Only you alone can change your future so follow your desires with care and know that every opportunity is open to you.
As you might say “the end of the road is in sight” yet even as you prepare for it, the new path is opening up to reveal the promises of a New Age. In this respect you will be guided and set upon a path that will fulfil all of those promises that have been made to you. We will be able to openly visit Earth and even take you on journeys within your Solar System. Exactly where will depend upon your plan for further enlightenment, and in this respect your Guides will be on hand to give their advice. You will soon forget the traumas and disappointments of some earthly experiences, knowing that they have given you a broad outlook that enables you to cope with all experiences.
We are closer to you than ever and after many years of contact with you know that you will accept and greet us as your Brothers and Sisters. Your background coming from various star systems means that you will have met us eons of time ago. Bear in mind that in the higher vibrations your life span is much greater than it is now. Also, that when you have completed your experience in one body, you can literally simply step into a new one. To say the least, “death” such as you know it does not take place, and it only involves simple changes that do not entail any form of aging such as you are used to experiencing. Birth as it is called is also different, and you do not have to go through the stages that you know as a “baby”.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will confirm that all is in the “Now” and you will be able to move backwards and even forwards to satisfy your quest for experience. You will in fact take quite easily to the changes, because in reality they are not new to you. However, it will be exciting to become aware of familiar things, and not least of all to again meet souls who are well known to you, and may have figured in a number of your earthly lives. Even if you only consider the number of strong relationships you may have made through your many lives, you will realise that quite a number of souls eagerly await the opportunity to meet you again.
However, you still have work to do on Earth and your concentration must be kept focussed upon your tasks. Every soul you can help now to “wake up” will appreciate your help, but many are unable to release their attachment to the lower vibrations. Yet where they come in touch with information that will help lift them up, it can result in an awakening.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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Posted on Jun 27, 2015
by cosmicgaia
in Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa
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Unity Consciousness
Channeled by Mike Quinsey
For those of you who keep up to date with the new messages, recent times have shown that there are many activities taking place. You will no doubt also be aware that the dark Ones are being closely monitored so as to ensure that they cannot continue with their plan for world rule. In fact their activities are being restricted in ways that will ensure that they can no longer disrupt the plan for your freedom. We can for our part confirm that the changes are speeding up and great advances are being made. There is no doubt that very soon you shall become aware of major events that are going to take you into the New Age by fulfilling some of the promises that have already been made.
We would urge you to keep firmly on your path of Light and not allow outside activities to take your focus away from it. There are difficult times ahead but these will be short lived, and eventually it will become quite clear as to the direction that you are travelling in. Be assured that we have fully anticipated the problems that will arise, and are taking steps to overcome them or at the very least lessen their impact. We do not wish you to take your eye off events that are taking place, but we will tell you that all is moving along in accordance with our plan for your salvation. So many welcome changes are lined up ready to be introduced, but as we have informed you on many occasions, the time must be right so that matters can go ahead unimpeded.
Looking back to the end of 2012 we know that some of you still cannot throw off your disappointment that it did not make the impact that you expected. Yet, we hope you will agree that the foundations were laid down for changes to take place that have subsequently occurred. Without a doubt the vibrations are lifting up and more souls are awakening to their true selves, and able to see how they have been manipulated and falsely held back. The Light is pouring down upon Earth and it is raising the vibrations, and there is no returning back to the “old days”, that will be gone forever, having no place in the higher vibrations.
The future is Golden and holds many, many surprises that God has prepared for you. God is Love and humans lacking understanding blame God for their misfortunes. It is you alone that map out your destiny and determine through your actions what type of experiences you need to rise up again. Yet God is always with you and never withdraws the Love that is always present. His servants such as the Angelic Kingdom carry out the plan that will release you from the hold of the negative vibrations. They also guide you to ensure you follow your life contract which you have agreed to as one that enables your steady progress.
Dear Ones, you have many things to learn about life beyond Earth. Your Universe of many dimensions is teeming with life, and in many instances very much like your own. However, you have been kept in the dark as to your true selves and purpose for experiencing the third dimension. It is not your natural one which is why you are now moving out of it into the higher vibrations that the dark Ones cannot enter. You will no doubt realise that in so doing you will live as intended, in happiness, freedom and absolute peace. Once you have become a Galactic Being, free and able to travel at will your lives will take on a new meaning. Only you alone can change your future so follow your desires with care and know that every opportunity is open to you.
As you might say “the end of the road is in sight” yet even as you prepare for it, the new path is opening up to reveal the promises of a New Age. In this respect you will be guided and set upon a path that will fulfil all of those promises that have been made to you. We will be able to openly visit Earth and even take you on journeys within your Solar System. Exactly where will depend upon your plan for further enlightenment, and in this respect your Guides will be on hand to give their advice. You will soon forget the traumas and disappointments of some earthly experiences, knowing that they have given you a broad outlook that enables you to cope with all experiences.
We are closer to you than ever and after many years of contact with you know that you will accept and greet us as your Brothers and Sisters. Your background coming from various star systems means that you will have met us eons of time ago. Bear in mind that in the higher vibrations your life span is much greater than it is now. Also, that when you have completed your experience in one body, you can literally simply step into a new one. To say the least, “death” such as you know it does not take place, and it only involves simple changes that do not entail any form of aging such as you are used to experiencing. Birth as it is called is also different, and you do not have to go through the stages that you know as a “baby”.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will confirm that all is in the “Now” and you will be able to move backwards and even forwards to satisfy your quest for experience. You will in fact take quite easily to the changes, because in reality they are not new to you. However, it will be exciting to become aware of familiar things, and not least of all to again meet souls who are well known to you, and may have figured in a number of your earthly lives. Even if you only consider the number of strong relationships you may have made through your many lives, you will realise that quite a number of souls eagerly await the opportunity to meet you again.
However, you still have work to do on Earth and your concentration must be kept focussed upon your tasks. Every soul you can help now to “wake up” will appreciate your help, but many are unable to release their attachment to the lower vibrations. Yet where they come in touch with information that will help lift them up, it can result in an awakening.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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